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O.O great work!
<a href="¤t=SKYFALL002.jpg"; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
** just realized that i am the 666 post on this...... i guess the devil works in mysterious ways lol.
some nice work going on here.
Hats off to you for this one! Superb! :-bd
The second one is literally one of the greatest user made posters I have ever seen. WOW. You know, If I had a hat right now, it'd be off to you. ;)
just a revised version
Brilliant posters guys :D. @Haserot, love the addiction on parliament - you've managed what Fawkes failed.
But I found this, it isn't mine, but it's quite something.
2. Wrong thread.
1. Ah yes, I remember I loved that one and..
2. I could find the other one :/
There you go @JWESTBROOK!
Same poster, but with golden gunbarrel.