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We shall see. ;)
If you go to the mobile version of twitter (put a ‘m.’ in front of the address) you can right click twitter images and open them in their own windows at full res.
Just be glad that you're not busy when it drops. I'm going to have to sneak out of an arrangement. :D
Yep. This reminds me of when the Spectre photo call happened in 2014.
Look on the bright side: if you do manage to fall asleep, the goods will be online by the time you wake up! :)
If you really zoom in on the hidden side of his face it does look pretty warped but it's hard to tell with the shadow. Is that what you're referring to?
I see that the preview post hit the 007 twitter account at 1:20 am U.K time
I'll take Amsterdam time.
1-1:30pm UK
In different timezones -
Cheers for that!
Which would mean one hour later in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Germany... and a few more
I knew we were close. That is unreal!
Right?!? These last few months have been excruciating. I was getting so anxious about it I decided I needed a month-long break from reading this site . As I was closing the page was when I saw they had revealed the title and I got sucked right back into the madness.
I remember waking up extremely early and watching the entire Spectre press conference from my bed. So freaking crazy that was 5 years ago.
Thanks heaps for that link ☺
Looks like I will be up late!
Well I'm sure not quite legal streams are available one way or another. It would be on the ABC TV stream.
Based on what's been kept under wraps, storywise I'd gauge the odds of showing too much at about less than zero.
I feel like it will be same as SPECTRE
It will show enough for you to pierce the gist of the story and get a thing or two...but it won't show everything.
Like I remember from SPECTRE I got "Ok, so Bond goes to a SPECTRE meeting, goes to ask Mr. White how to get to the meeting, and that's part of the plot"
I can't remember if Swann being his daughter was revealed in the trailer? Maybe it was
So yeah, I expect they'll announce the basic plot of the movie at least
I believe in the trailer being fine, the last few Bond trailers were just amazing and showed the right amount
Then that'll be bad. Why worry about things we can't control?
A part of me wants this. But I know that'd be a huge waste of Remi Malak. I do hope Safin is the primary villain for the entire film, which I believe he will be. I still want Blofeld in the background pulling the strings.
I'm just a huge fan of the archvillain dynamic. Like it'd be great if the next Bond actor gets a series of films where he's always up against Blofeld's latest criminal scheme. Different primary villains each time, different plans, but always Blofeld in the background.
I don't know how anyone can wish for "Blofeld" to do anything. In typical Purvis and Wade fashion, this version of Blofeld was butchered. If that pitiful crawling on the bridge wasn't enough, then, I mean, really... And that guy would be pulling strings?!