Favourite Bond Moments - Round 26: NTTD- Part 2: Ranking



  • R1s1ngs0nR1s1ngs0n France
    Posts: 2,194
    Chris Cornell's "You Know My Name" and the brilliant title sequence - that't about all I enjoy in this movie.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited March 2021 Posts: 4,577
    Trailer with singing Quantum of Solace, hint to Bond 22 title. I am not big James Bond book reader, i first did not know that it was Fleming title. Quantum of Solace always feel as inspyred movie to me and the movie and that hint in CR trailer inspyred me enough to some re-search about title (Using Bond Dossier, it is one of two Dutch information books that i have that have information about the books and the movies,) and using it for sharing some idea's by text or in some of my fanart posters.

    I must admit later after i have seen QOS, that there mabey going to do this again with Bond 23 be named Mr Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Alicia Keys at the end of QOS maintitle: Bang Bang). But as we know it turn out out that not be more then a nice reference for fans, like we get Run , Shoot and Jump in trailer of Skyfall.

    Maintitle. New for Daniel Craig era the maintitle predict the future and also we see a litle bit of the past with a reference to Goldeneye (Guy falling on the way Alec died) and Tomorrow Never Dies (Bond fight with guy and another guy as in silence room in TMND). I see as symbol of Bond will losing a friend (Dench M) and must fight him self trow the years. After the real background story of DC era i was one first who predict Dench M death already after my second view of CR in 2008 before QOS released. Also i am big fan of lyric ''The coldest blood runs through my veins'' of You Know My Name be made visible in Skyfall maintitle as reference to that background story.

    The coldest blood runs through my veins. You know my name.

    Atleast this be moments in Spectre that there hinting again to You Know My Name with ''Iam the author of your pain''. I believe two ''ghostwriters'' are setting basic for DC era.

    Skyfall mirror with the statue's. The statue's in Miami museum comes to life in Skyfall (The Death are a life) when Bond orders a drink after the swimming. Daniel Craig era is era full of symbol and puzzle game. First time i see it it was first only symbol of there is more then only looks: Inside or background. Greene and Mr White there words are almoost vergotten. It be more then only reference to Dr No.

    CR With a mirror twist from the original http://screenmusings.org/movie/dvd/Casino-Royale/pages/Casino-Royale-0532.htm


    Mads Mikkelsen as Le Chiffre. Back in 2004 after he playing in King Arthur (and before Brosnan actualy not comingback) i wish Mikkelsen get part in Bond movie as villian and henchman. I also like it that give him a bit of Blofeld look and give him ilness and also be nerves villian. Trow the years i was fasinated by his line about ''Time'', no i won't say it is hint to No Time To Die, but i think it was hint that hidden story line of DC era going to take a whyle (and real story of QOS about how Bond deal with Vesper death not about revenge and take a whyle Bond Bond going to found peace.).

    Madagascar part 1 (Running kid introduce us to Mr White and other guys, showing the money and the guns. The part before we meet Bond. Stil missing a part of contuned that story.)
    Madagascar Part 2 (We meet Bond, ear thing and the chase till Bond jumps from the car in the grass.). Some very nice ''Skyfall'' moments and like a lot that in QOS when Bond jumps with the motor on another boat we see at the ''Skyfall'' simalar

    Hate Madagascar part 3 (Embassy atack). The movie have some highlights (the movie looks good, some part of music, cinematography, typical Bond things.), but Vesper plot i never liked it (Another traiter), also PTS is one of my last favorites (in row with FRWL and Moonraker) and first i also don't like end of the movie. I hate solange (and Aston Martin joke), Airport scene, Stairs fight and stil not big fan of falling house. Now after al those years, i am only sjure that the movie grow on me (inspecialy thanks to QOS) and that i like the movie more then Skyfall.
  • Posts: 7,909
    Another Bond movie with lots of highs!
    Well Bond meeting Vesper on the train is one of my all time favourite sequences in the series
    The pts scrap is brilliant, with a genius link to Danny Kleinmans stunning titles, and one of the best theme songs, great opener intro for Mr. White and LeChiffre, the parkour chase, Bond breaks into M apartment, winning the Aston at cards, the Airport chase, the brutal stairwell fight, comforting Vesper in the shower, Mathis (as you can tell my favourite supporting character!)
    Thd epic card game, car roll, torture set piece, Venice finale and that marvellous epilogue, one of the best set ups of the "Bond, James Bond" line! Phew, and I could probably list more!!
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,514
    That's a solid summary of the movie @Mathis1 ;)

    You obviously give the titles and songs much more thought than I ever did @M_Balje. YKMN is one of my favourite Bond songs and the title sequence is indeed a great one. I remember that I was a bit underwhelmed about the titles the first time in the cinema. Maybe because it's so different and I expected something similar to GE. Anyway, I love the titles today and I hoped for a similar powerful song with guitars for NTTD...

    Three outstanding moments for me are:
    When Mollaka jumps from crane to crane and Bond tries the same. One of the best action moments of the series (maybe even my favourite?!).
    The shower scene: sinply the most touching moment of the whoke series for me. The acting, the setting, the music. It takes me everytime!
    The torture scene. The screams combined with Bond's comment about scratching his balls...it s my favourite acting moment of Craig.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,514
    Favourite Bond Moments - Round 24: CR - Part 2: Ranking
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    1 Crane action
    2 PTS
    3 Torture scene
    4 MTS
    5 Stairwell fight
  • Posts: 7,909
    1) Bond and Vesper meet on train!
    2) Parkour chase
    3) Bond comforts Vesper in shower.
    4) Stairwell fight
    5) "The names Bond...James Bond!"
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited March 2021 Posts: 4,577
    1. The statue's in Miami museum
    2. Madagascar Part 2 (We meet Bond, ear thing and the chase till Bond jumps from the car in the grass.)

    3. Madagascar part 1 (Running kid introduce us to Mr White and other guys, showing the money and the guns. The part before we meet Bond.). For me this feels as real pts, i have at maintitle after Madagascar part 3 in explosion (Like TMND did with the back of airplane) so have again 12-13 minutes pts close same screentime as Twine. This also have made the movie 3-4 minutes shorter.

    4. The Car turn around scene. Splendid end with lechiefe comment that Mathis is a traiter and it take till QOS to understand Mathis get Burn Notice from Bond. One of my favorites scenes of QOS (with Mathis girlfriend)

    5. Parking the car of stranger. Part after Bahamas introduction and before talking with ''Moneypenny''. 1.09 -2.12:
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,906
    'Considerably' difficult to pick a mere 5 from this classic, but here we go.

    1. PTS - particularly the exchange between Bond and Dryden
    2. airport chase, and Bond rolling away from the tanker to avoid the pushback tug
    3. stairwell fight - particularly the shots of Obanno's face and legs when Bond strangles him
    4. Bond staggers to the DBS and operates the defib
    5. looming over White with the UMP-9 and uttering that line
  • Posts: 7,909
    Am surprised some like the poisoning/ defib scenes. Its the only section I am not particularly enamoured with from the whole movie!
    Though it does end with a neat one liner from Bond!
  • 1. White sniped and "The name's Bond...James Bond"
    2. Dinner jackets and dinner jackets
    3. Bond orders his classic drink (and the rest of the table joins in)
    4. The torture scene
    5. Death of Vesper

    Other highlights: the PTS, meeting Vesper on train, stairwell fight and consoling Vesper, that silhouetted shot of Bond in the morning before he joins Mathis at the window, "Do I look like I give a damn?" and going after Le Chiffre with a dinner knife, and the car chase

    Casino Royale struck a pretty perfect tone between the classic and the modern and between comedy and drama. I think my top 5 moments reflect that balance pretty well. They did a terrific job for the most part of translating a novel from the 1950s into an action-packed 21st century blockbuster, retaining most of the book's essential parts while still playing into the film formula that had been established over the past four decades. I wish the film had a better structural balance—just as Quantum of Solace zips by too fast for some, Casino Royale has stretches, like the Miami sequence, that bloat the story and hold up momentum—but at the end of the day it's darned impressive just how well they were able to adapt Fleming's first Bond.
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 4,238
    Way too many great moments to reduce to five... But here goes...
    1. PTS. Really sets the tone for this new Bond.
    2. Parkour chase. Bond action at it's best
    3. All the scenes in the Ocean club
    4. Bond and Vesper on the train. Cemented Craig as a Bond I'd been waiting for.
    5. Bond getting poisoned right through to the scenes in Venice. Cheating I know, but there's just so much amazing stuff in this masterpiece 😁
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,514
    Mathis1 wrote: »
    Am surprised some like the poisoning/ defib scenes. Its the only section I am not particularly enamoured with from the whole movie!
    Though it does end with a neat one liner from Bond!

    I like it. The poisoning is shown in a way that increases the feel of urgency and drama. It works surorisingly well. Better than I would expect from only reading it as a screenplay.

    @LeonardPine That's definitely a veeery long moment but it's great to see your enthusiasm.
    @Some_Kind_Of_Hero The dinner jackets scene is wonderful brief moment. Stylish, amusing and the two main characters are very likeable in this scene.
  • Max_The_ParrotMax_The_Parrot ATAC to St Cyril’s
    Posts: 2,427
    Have we reached the end already? Didn’t that go quickly ... and perfect timing to bring us up to the release of NTTD .... well, the plan WOULD have worked if it hadn’t been delayed YET again! 😂

    1 Crane and parkour chase
    2 The first half of the poker game, and ordering a fancy drink
    3 PTS esp the 'considerably' line
    4 Catching up with Mr White in the final moments
    5 Bond meets Vesper on the train

    Thanks for such a great thread @goldenswissroyale ... my contributions have been a little sporadic but that doesn’t mean I haven’t enjoyed every round! 👍👏
  • 1. PTS. A perfect tone setter. Icy, brutal, and with a wry wit that let you know you were in for something special.
    2. Torture scene. Perfect blend of Fleming sadism and the charm and humor that makes the cinematic Bond stand out. I never would have imagined a scene like this making it into a Bond movie before.
    3. Parkour chase. One of the most exciting action sequences of the 21st century, full-stop. Don’t think I saw anything top it until Fury Road.
    4. Bond and Vesper in the shower. Another first for a Bond film is a shower scene that is about healing trauma rather than pure sexiness (though it is kinda sexy too huh). A level of compassion and vulnerability that’s unheard of in most blockbusters.
    5. Bond gives his famous name drop to Mr. White and the Bond theme plays. What a way to end the “Bond Begins” movie. I still get chills. As much as I like QoS I do think it sort of squandered the hype this moment created.

    This was a really tough one to narrow down. I could change it around all day honestly.
  • Posts: 7,909
    1. PTS. A perfect tone setter. Icy, brutal, and with a wry wit that let you know you were in for something special.
    2. Torture scene. Perfect blend of Fleming sadism and the charm and humor that makes the cinematic Bond stand out. I never would have imagined a scene like this making it into a Bond movie before.
    3. Parkour chase. One of the most exciting action sequences of the 21st century, full-stop. Don’t think I saw anything top it until Fury Road.
    4. Bond and Vesper in the shower. Another first for a Bond film is a shower scene that is about healing trauma rather than pure sexiness (though it is kinda sexy too huh). A level of compassion and vulnerability that’s unheard of in most blockbusters.
    5. Bond gives his famous name drop to Mr. White and the Bond theme plays. What a way to end the “Bond Begins” movie. I still get chills. As much as I like QoS I do think it sort of squandered the hype this moment created.

    This was a really tough one to narrow down. I could change it around all day honestly.

    I agree totally! You could have loads of top 5 moments in CR!
    And I will never forget leaving the cinema on that first viewing after seeing that wonderful final sequence from a fabulous Bond movie and just being elated on the way home, after being in the doldrums for so long... never thought I would ever see a Bond movie this good again!
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    edited March 2021 Posts: 7,382
    Already the last one? That went faster than I realised. Another one with many highlights.

    1. Train ride to Montenegro
    2. Dinner jackets and dinner jackets (I miss Brioni)
    3. Bond, James Bond (another great Brioni outfit!)
    4. Parkour chase
    5. CCTV
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,514
    @GoldenGun and @Max_The_Parrot: We're not done, yet...

    1. Parkour chase (especially the crane action...just wow!)
    2. Torture scene
    3. Shower scene ( @SomethingThatAteHim described it perfectly, same goes for the
    torture scene)
    4. Bond meets Vesper on the train (probably my favourite Bond/Bondgirl talk of the series; great chemistry, witty lines, very good acting)
    5. Stairwell fight (I'm not sure which moment to pick here; my top four scenes are set in stone but my fifth spot will probably change again with my next watch)

    Honourable mentions: Vesper: "Smart?" Bond: "Single".
    The rest. A perfect movie!

    Picking only five moments is ridicilous! Who came up with this thread, anyway?! ;)

  • Posts: 7,507
    Can I give every scene in the film a vote? :x ;)
  • Junglist_1985Junglist_1985 Los Angeles
    Posts: 1,038
    Ah yes. Not just my favorite Bond film, but one of my favorite films of any kind.

    1. Bond, James Bond (best since Dr. No)
    2. Train to Montenegro with Vesper
    3. Parkour chase
    4. Bond comforting Vesper in shower
    5. PTS, “considerably”
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,514
    Ah yes. Not just my favorite Bond film, but one of my favorite films of any kind.
    You have a very good taste. I feel exactly the same.

    jobo wrote: »
    Can I give every scene in the film a vote? :x ;)

    You can. Unfortunately, I can't include it in the final ratings without a more specific list.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,514
    Results for CR:
    1. Crane action/parkour chase
    2. PTS
    3. Bond meets Vesper on the train
    4. End scene witch "Bond, James Bond"
    5. Torture scene

  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    edited April 2021 Posts: 4,514
    Favourite Bond Moments - Round 25: The finale

    Create your top 5 list (or top 10 or top 20...) by only picking moments from the list below. This list only contains the two favourite moments for each movie (as calculated earlier in this thread).
    Feel free to comment which moment you miss the most in this "top 2 summaries".

    1. Bond introduction in the Casino
    2. Dinner with Dr. No
    1. (Confrontation with Grant) and fight on the train
    2. Blofeld's first scene
    1. PTS
    2. Golf match
    1. SPECTRE meeting
    2. Palmyra infiltration
    1. Kobe docks (with the rooftop shot)
    2. Captured US space capsule
    1. Ski chase at night
    2. Build-up to Piz Gloria attack
    1. Elevator fight
    2. Two Blofelds with two cats
    1. Crocodile farm
    2. Boat chase
    1. PTS
    2. Plane flight to Scaramanga's island
    1. PTS ski jump
    2. Lotus action
    1. The centrifuge
    2. Giant clown in the alley
    1. Rock climbing
    2. Locque's demise
    1. 009-clown hunted and killed
    2. Sotheby's auction
    1. The banter between Bond and Tibbett
    2. Golden Gate fight
    1. PTS
    2. Defection/sniper scene
    1. Night at the casino (problem eliminator, abseiling...)
    2. Bond infiltrates the Warehouse and ultimately kills Killifer.
    1. PTS
    2. Tank chase
    1. Dr. Kaufman
    2. PTS
    1. Bank scene (PTS, part 1)
    2. Boat chase (PTS, part 2)
    1. Sword fight at Blades
    2. Hong Kong hotel
    1. Crane action/parkour chase
    2. PTS
    1. Night at the opera
    2. On plane with Mathis and "Vespers"
    1. PTS (especially the train action/"bloody shot")
    2. Bond in Shanghai
    1. PTS (especially the tracking shot)
    2. Train fight

  • R1s1ngs0nR1s1ngs0n France
    edited April 2021 Posts: 2,194
    Top 10
    1. DN - dinner with Dr. No
    2. FRWL - confrontation with Grant
    3. OHMSS - ski chase at night
    4. GF - golf match
    5. TSWLM - ski jump
    6. TMWTGG - PTS
    7. LALD - crocodile farm
    8. OP - clown hunted and killed
    9. MR - giant clown in the alley
    10. TB - SPECTRE meeting

    Bond’s introduction in DN and GF PTS would normally be included in my top 10 but I decided to limit myself to one entry per movie.
  • marcmarc Universal Exports
    Posts: 2,612
    1. LALD - Boat chase
    2. AVTAK - Golden Gate fight
    3. TSWLM - Lotus action
    4. DAF - Two Blofelds scene
    5. GE - PTS

    Honourable mentions:
    - OHMSS: Ski chase
    - CR: Parkour chase
    - LALD: Crocodile farm
    - DN: Dinner with Dr. No
    - TMWTGG: Plane flight to Bond Island
  • Cool idea for a finale! That's an awfully good final line-up of scenes. I'll have to give this some thought.
  • Max_The_ParrotMax_The_Parrot ATAC to St Cyril’s
    Posts: 2,427
    Aha the twist!! I shall give this a little thought and, riding the sugar high of too much chocolate over Easter, shall get back to you with my answer soon. Easter weekend is always prime time for sticking a Bond film on!
  • Tough choice...

    1. OHMSS - Ski chase at night
    2. TLD - Defection/sniper scene
    3. GE - PTS
    4. TB - SPECTRE meeting
    5. TMWTGG - PTS
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Of the ones listed:

    01. GF-PTS
    02. OHMSS-Ski chase at night
    03. DN-Dinner with Dr. No
    04. FRWL-Blofeld s first scene
    05. CR-Crane action/parkour chase

    06. OHMSS-Build-up to Piz Gloria attack
    07. FRWL- (Confrontation with Grant) and fight on the train
    08. CR-PTS
    09. SF-Bond in Shanghai
    10. SP- PTS (especially the tracking shot)
    11. QOS-Night at the opera
    12. LTK- Bond infiltrates the Warehouse and ultimately kills Killifer.
    13. DAF-Two Blofelds with two cats
    14. SP-Train fight
    15. LALD-Crocodile farm
    16. TB-Palmyra infiltration
    17. TB-SPECTRE meeting
    18. TLD-Defection/sniper scene
    19. TLD-PTS
    20. SF- PTS (especially the train action/"bloody shot")

  • Max_The_ParrotMax_The_Parrot ATAC to St Cyril’s
    Posts: 2,427
    1 Lotus action TSWLM
    2 PTS ski jump TSWLM
    3 Tank chase GE
    4 Rock climbing FYEO
    5 Crocodile farm LALD

    Alas I cannot stop my top 5 moments being Roger dominated. Perhaps surprisingly I haven’t picked MR as I love that as a spectacle in its own right rather than individual scenes, it’s more than the sum of its parts, although I might have included afternoon tea with Drax if that had made the cut.

    Certainly itching to include OHMSS ski chase at night and the sniper scenes from TLD, as well as a little more Brozza, the Blades battle would be high in the list.
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