Complete and Detailed Bond Movie Ranking



  • Part 2 of 12
    22. The World Is Not Enough
    TWINE has fallen down in my rankings quite a bit recently, it feels quite bloated to me now. I also acknowledge that this, objectively is significantly better than my #21, however this film is very uninteresting at times. The central plot is solid, everything with Elektra is generally well executed, but there's so much nonsense surrounding that central plot that it gets lost. For example, the beginning at Bilbao is a well-executed set piece, and it links in to the story of Robert King well enough, and then the title, we get a scene of exposition at MI6 and we're off on an overly-long, out-of-place boat chase. Each PTS had to be more impressive than the last, but it's sacrificing some of the core elements of a good film to do that.

    Robert King's funeral scene was OK, it introduced us to Elektra in person (after that excellent scene where Bond sees Elektra on the screen and touches her tear, probably the best part of the film) and served it's purpose. The main bulk of the film in Central Asia isn't bad, it's just very unremarkable. Everything fades together in my mind and that doesn't happen with a single other Bond film. The thing I remember most (apart from how annoying Christmas is) is that there's always a bomb hidden somewhere, and it's annoyingly predictable. Renard is a wasted villain, Elektra is also a wasted villain. The film goes off on a very tedious path until the excellent bit at Maiden's tower. However, even that has its flaws, as it should have been the climax of the film, not the finale on the submarine.

    This film in 2 words: Wasted potential.
    It frustrates me that they had such original ideas (the Stockholm syndrome, a villain who can't feel pain etc.) and they completely failed to utilise them, there's a good film in there somewhere, but there is so much irrelevant stuff that makes that good film hard to see.

    21. Die Another Day
    Yes, this isn't my least favourite Brosnan film anymore. Obviously objectively this can only be Brosnan's worst, but I have such a blast watching this, in contrast to TWINE, where the entertainment factor is at an all-time low. The first 30 minutes or so of this film is great in my opinion. Whilst the PTS is still the second-longest in the series, it's a lot more cohesive than TWINE's, it all hangs together in one neat little bundle, rather than an action scene-exposition scene-action scene formula. The surfing is well-done, so is thee hovercraft chase. Despite Young Zao looking like a model, Colonel Moon is good, and General Moon is an interesting character. I dislike the title song, but the integrated torture sequence worked in my opinion. Bond being traded for Zao is a great sequence, and him strolling into the Hong Kong hotel is actually very funny. Then the film starts to fall apart, Jinx, the clinic scene, the swordfight (I think I'm in the minority here, but I think the swordfight is over-done, and OTT just like Graves as a villain) and of course, the invisible car. Miranda Frost is a good character (within the stupidity of the ice palace) and I like the chase on the ice between Bond and Zao. However there's the CGI surfing and then the disappointing climax on the cargo plane, featuring Jinx being Jinx, Graves being Graves, and a RoboCop suit. The Moneypenny VR gag is also very contemporary and annoying. The DNA face transplant is also stupid.

    DAD triumphs over TWINE because it is at least memorable, and has engaging sequences like the ice chase and the hovercraft scene. It's almost so bad that it's good.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,518
    I don't agree with all your thoughts @Quantum_of_Tomorrow but it is interesting to read your opinions. It is indeed a tough call between TWINE (boring) and DAD (stupid).
    Is the DAD PTS really longer than the ones from SF and SP?
  • edited August 2021 Posts: 508
    I don't agree with all your thoughts @Quantum_of_Tomorrow but it is interesting to read your opinions. It is indeed a tough call between TWINE (boring) and DAD (stupid).
    Is the DAD PTS really longer than the ones from SF and SP?

    The SF PTS is 13 minutes 10 seconds long, the SP PTS is 13 minutes 5 seconds long, and the DAD PTS is 13 minutes 26 seconds long, so it's close but DAD's PTS is the second longest (until NTTD) to TWINE.
  • Part 3 of 12
    20. Thunderball
    Thunderball used to be my second least favourite Bond film, but it has gone up in my rankings a bit. I guess I just didn't really connect with it. My favourite part of this film is Domino's character arc, she goes from being "obedient" to killing Largo after all. I think all good films/Bond films should have some sort of emotional character arc, as James Bond or other characters shouldn't be the same at the end of the film as they were at the beginning. This is really why this has nearly accelerated out of my top 5.

    After that weird tangent, I will talk about the actual film itself. Whilst the special effects might not seem so special today (even though they hold up remarkably well!), this must have been revolutionary in 1965. The underwater scenes are beautifully shot, and Bond encountering the sharks in Palmyra is probably my favourite underwater scene in the whole series, except from the incredible keelhauling scene in FYEO. Connery's performance is THE quintessential Bond performance.

    So, why do I have it this low? Well, some of the film is very weirdly edited and seems a bit rushed. As has been mentioned many times before, had this film had another 4-6 months and not had to meet a fast-looming release date, it would have really benefitted. In addition to this, some of the scenes seem interminable. The scene on the Vulcan comes to mind, as does the climax of the film (despite the cinematography being great as ever). Had about a third of the climax been cut out, it could have been one of the most tense and suspenseful scenes in the whole series, however as it is, it just comes off as bloated.

    I'm confident that after future re-watches, TB can rise more in my rankings, but for now, it's remaining at #20.

    19. Live and Let Die
    Live and Let Die has fallen in my rankings a bit, mostly due to me now thinking that the voodoo plot doesn't really suit Roger Moore. I think he delivers a solid performance (particularly as it's his debut) but I think the plot would have suited Connery more (as Moore looks a bit out-of-place here). I think it would suit the original timeline of the books a lot more.

    That being said, that's one of my only major gripes with the film. There are some really memorable moments, like the crocodile stunt and the boat chase, and Mr. Big/Kananga is a great villain. Despite the black stereotyping, the henchmen are solid too. Solitaire is great in this film, George Martin's score suits the film very well, and oddly enough I really don't have much more to say about this film.

    After the excesses of DAD and the mediocrity of TWINE and DAF and the AVTAKness of AVTAK, this is definitely where, for me personally, the films start to become solid. I just prefer 18 other Bond films to these.
  • Part 4 of 12
    18. For Your Eyes Only
    FYEO is solid most of the way through, so that even I was surprised when I put it this low. But there are a few unnecessary comic moments (there are in most of the John Glen films), but here they feel quite forced. Whilst in OP it fits with the overall tone of the film, this is meant to be a more grounded film, and so the killing of Blofeld, and other unfunny funny moments come off as unnecessary. Because of these forced gags, the film is a bit messy tonally (as has been discussed on the Controversial Opinions thread), and it feels a bit off.

    Apart from this, my only other major complaints with the film are the score (a Barry score would probably elevate it quite a bit) and Ari Kristatos, who is a bit of a weak character. Columbo is great, Melina is pretty good, and Roger Moore, although quite aged by now, gives what I consider a very solid performance.

    17. Licence to Kill
    This has jumped up three places in my ranking because although I still regard some of the violence as a bit uncharacteristic of a Bond film, the darker tone definitely suits Dalton. His performance is great, Sanchez is excellent, I don't dislike Pam Bouvier although she comes off as annoying sometimes, and the action sequences are some of the best in the whole series (both the sea escape and the tanker chase). This will probably go up more in the future.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    edited August 2021 Posts: 4,518
    I don't agree with all your thoughts @Quantum_of_Tomorrow but it is interesting to read your opinions. It is indeed a tough call between TWINE (boring) and DAD (stupid).
    Is the DAD PTS really longer than the ones from SF and SP?

    The SF PTS is 13 minutes 10 seconds long, the SP PTS is 13 minutes 5 seconds long, and the DAD PTS is 13 minutes 26 seconds long, so it's close but DAD's PTS is the second longest (until NTTD) to TWINE.

    That's good trivia. I knew they were all part of the longest ones but didn't know they are so close to each other. I watched DAD a week ago and didn't have the feeling it would be that long. (Something positive about DAD, it seems...)

    I rank TB as low as you do while I have LALD and FYEO in my top 10. The comic moments you mention don't bother me that much in FYEO. They are my main issue I have with OP. (The gorilla suit!!)
  • I don't agree with all your thoughts @Quantum_of_Tomorrow but it is interesting to read your opinions. It is indeed a tough call between TWINE (boring) and DAD (stupid).
    Is the DAD PTS really longer than the ones from SF and SP?

    The SF PTS is 13 minutes 10 seconds long, the SP PTS is 13 minutes 5 seconds long, and the DAD PTS is 13 minutes 26 seconds long, so it's close but DAD's PTS is the second longest (until NTTD) to TWINE.

    That's good trivia. I knew they were all part of the longest ones but didn't know they are so close to each other. I watched DAD a week ago and didn't have the feeling it would be that long. (Something positive about DAD, it seems...)

    I rank TB as low as you do while I have LALD and FYEO in my top 10. The comic moments you mention don't bother me that much in FYEO. They are my main issue I have with OP. (The gorilla suit!!)

    yeah, the DAD PTS seems shorter than it is, RE: the comic moments in the Glen films, I thought from the beginning of OP it was going to be OTT and humorous whereas I thought FYEO may be where Moore would finally shine as a more grounded Bond, which didn't happen entirely.
  • goldenswissroyalegoldenswissroyale Switzerland
    Posts: 4,518
    I can definitely understand your point about incoherency of the tone in FYEO. This can bother a fan in every Glen film (apart from TLD?).
  • yes, TLD is an exception
  • Part 5 of 12
    16. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    This is going to be hugely controversial, but so far OHMSS has just not completely clicked with me. For me, the snow chases seem interminable, they just take up too much of the film. I will not complain about Lazenby's performance, because it's a lot better than Connery's performance in YOLT, but there is still something to be desired in his performance. I know the running time had been cut down by 30 minutes by the editor but I wish it could have been shortened by another 10 minutes, I just find the snow scenes tedious.

    Apart from that I really don't have a problem with the film, I just find myself bored by the end. The other elements of this film are very well handled.

    15. Casino Royale
    This is rather similar to OHMSS. It's hugely controversial, and once again, I get bored whilst watching this. The poker scenes just never seem to end. Similarly to OHMSS, I only have one (minor) problem with the film, and that is that the pacing is a bit slow towards the end of the first act. Apart from that, I don't have a problem with CR. The betrayal is handled very well, the parkour chase is great, Mr White is great.

    I find these films similar in a lot of ways. Two love stories, two films with great scores, two nearly flawless films, and two films that bore me in parts.
  • Posts: 16,398
    Part 5 of 12
    16. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    This is going to be hugely controversial, but so far OHMSS has just not completely clicked with me. For me, the snow chases seem interminable, they just take up too much of the film. I will not complain about Lazenby's performance, because it's a lot better than Connery's performance in YOLT, but there is still something to be desired in his performance. I know the running time had been cut down by 30 minutes by the editor but I wish it could have been shortened by another 10 minutes, I just find the snow scenes tedious.

    Apart from that I really don't have a problem with the film, I just find myself bored by the end. The other elements of this film are very well handled.

    15. Casino Royale
    This is rather similar to OHMSS. It's hugely controversial, and once again, I get bored whilst watching this. The poker scenes just never seem to end. Similarly to OHMSS, I only have one (minor) problem with the film, and that is that the pacing is a bit slow towards the end of the first act. Apart from that, I don't have a problem with CR. The betrayal is handled very well, the parkour chase is great, Mr White is great.

    I find these films similar in a lot of ways. Two love stories, two films with great scores, two nearly flawless films, and two films that bore me in parts.

    I've got CR at 12 at the moment. Smack in the middle. I have to be in the mood for it, and the first half drags a bit for me. The airport sequence seems to go on forever. The film picks up for me once Vesper arrives, which is around the point the film actually starts following the novel.
  • ToTheRight wrote: »
    Part 5 of 12
    16. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    This is going to be hugely controversial, but so far OHMSS has just not completely clicked with me. For me, the snow chases seem interminable, they just take up too much of the film. I will not complain about Lazenby's performance, because it's a lot better than Connery's performance in YOLT, but there is still something to be desired in his performance. I know the running time had been cut down by 30 minutes by the editor but I wish it could have been shortened by another 10 minutes, I just find the snow scenes tedious.

    Apart from that I really don't have a problem with the film, I just find myself bored by the end. The other elements of this film are very well handled.

    15. Casino Royale
    This is rather similar to OHMSS. It's hugely controversial, and once again, I get bored whilst watching this. The poker scenes just never seem to end. Similarly to OHMSS, I only have one (minor) problem with the film, and that is that the pacing is a bit slow towards the end of the first act. Apart from that, I don't have a problem with CR. The betrayal is handled very well, the parkour chase is great, Mr White is great.

    I find these films similar in a lot of ways. Two love stories, two films with great scores, two nearly flawless films, and two films that bore me in parts.

    I've got CR at 12 at the moment. Smack in the middle. I have to be in the mood for it, and the first half drags a bit for me. The airport sequence seems to go on forever. The film picks up for me once Vesper arrives, which is around the point the film actually starts following the novel.

    I believe I've had CR as low as #12 myself in the past though it's comfortably in the top 10 at the moment. My biggest issue with the film always has been the pacing as well. It's a very strangely structured and paced film. There are many scenes that work great on their own and there's too much excellence for me to ever rate it very low, but I do find it one of the more strangely paced of the series.
  • Posts: 16,398
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    Part 5 of 12
    16. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    This is going to be hugely controversial, but so far OHMSS has just not completely clicked with me. For me, the snow chases seem interminable, they just take up too much of the film. I will not complain about Lazenby's performance, because it's a lot better than Connery's performance in YOLT, but there is still something to be desired in his performance. I know the running time had been cut down by 30 minutes by the editor but I wish it could have been shortened by another 10 minutes, I just find the snow scenes tedious.

    Apart from that I really don't have a problem with the film, I just find myself bored by the end. The other elements of this film are very well handled.

    15. Casino Royale
    This is rather similar to OHMSS. It's hugely controversial, and once again, I get bored whilst watching this. The poker scenes just never seem to end. Similarly to OHMSS, I only have one (minor) problem with the film, and that is that the pacing is a bit slow towards the end of the first act. Apart from that, I don't have a problem with CR. The betrayal is handled very well, the parkour chase is great, Mr White is great.

    I find these films similar in a lot of ways. Two love stories, two films with great scores, two nearly flawless films, and two films that bore me in parts.

    I've got CR at 12 at the moment. Smack in the middle. I have to be in the mood for it, and the first half drags a bit for me. The airport sequence seems to go on forever. The film picks up for me once Vesper arrives, which is around the point the film actually starts following the novel.

    I believe I've had CR as low as #12 myself in the past though it's comfortably in the top 10 at the moment. My biggest issue with the film always has been the pacing as well. It's a very strangely structured and paced film. There are many scenes that work great on their own and there's too much excellence for me to ever rate it very low, but I do find it one of the more strangely paced of the series.

    Yeah. I imagine the next time I watch it, it'll end up in the top 10 again. Hits the spot when I'm in the mood for it, but lately I find SF more fun.
  • ToTheRight wrote: »
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    Part 5 of 12
    16. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    This is going to be hugely controversial, but so far OHMSS has just not completely clicked with me. For me, the snow chases seem interminable, they just take up too much of the film. I will not complain about Lazenby's performance, because it's a lot better than Connery's performance in YOLT, but there is still something to be desired in his performance. I know the running time had been cut down by 30 minutes by the editor but I wish it could have been shortened by another 10 minutes, I just find the snow scenes tedious.

    Apart from that I really don't have a problem with the film, I just find myself bored by the end. The other elements of this film are very well handled.

    15. Casino Royale
    This is rather similar to OHMSS. It's hugely controversial, and once again, I get bored whilst watching this. The poker scenes just never seem to end. Similarly to OHMSS, I only have one (minor) problem with the film, and that is that the pacing is a bit slow towards the end of the first act. Apart from that, I don't have a problem with CR. The betrayal is handled very well, the parkour chase is great, Mr White is great.

    I find these films similar in a lot of ways. Two love stories, two films with great scores, two nearly flawless films, and two films that bore me in parts.

    I've got CR at 12 at the moment. Smack in the middle. I have to be in the mood for it, and the first half drags a bit for me. The airport sequence seems to go on forever. The film picks up for me once Vesper arrives, which is around the point the film actually starts following the novel.

    I believe I've had CR as low as #12 myself in the past though it's comfortably in the top 10 at the moment. My biggest issue with the film always has been the pacing as well. It's a very strangely structured and paced film. There are many scenes that work great on their own and there's too much excellence for me to ever rate it very low, but I do find it one of the more strangely paced of the series.

    Yeah. I imagine the next time I watch it, it'll end up in the top 10 again. Hits the spot when I'm in the mood for it, but lately I find SF more fun.

    I rate both SF and QOS higher than CR.
  • marcmarc Universal Exports
    Posts: 2,612
    Interesting write up. I'd also rank OHMSS around 16th, but it's because I don't like the first half overall and find it a bit boring. While I like the second half a lot, especially the snow chases (and the air raid).
    I'd also rank CR really low, but because of the bad third act; whereas I really like the airport sequence and the poker scenes (but not the interruptions, the stairway fight, the defibrillator).
  • ProfJoeButcherProfJoeButcher Bless your heart
    Posts: 1,731
    Hey, don't be afraid to like what you like! I have CR ranked much lower than you do!

    Regarding the pacing, I recently realized, and pointed out in another thread, that there's no point in CR where you care about anything you cared about an hour before. You start with Bond vs Terrorists, and it's completely resolved. Then you get Bond vs Le Chiffre and it's completely resolved. Then you get whatever the third act is. You'd expect these three plots to bleed into one another a bit more chronologically, and I'm not sure why they don't.

    Imagine if the Piz Gloria stuff in OHMSS was all resolved before we finally got our love montage and marriage proposal all in one big chunk afterward. It'd be damn strange....
  • Part 6 of 12
    14. Goldfinger
    More controversial opinions! I have GF at #14 because I always remember it as being "good" but nothing more (except from a couple of iconic scenes). Except from the select few iconic moments, it's just "good". The second half in particular is very unmemorable for me, not helped by the mediocrity of the plot. I just don't think there's anything *in particular* that I can pinpoint as being great. It's solid in all departments, but it doesn't really shine in any of them. For example, I could say "Moonraker is incredible in the locations department, or for me personally, "Tomorrow Never Dies is amazing in the action department", whereas this is "just good". I don't have anything bad to say about my top 14 films particularly (only not so good things) and so this is the start of the films I consider to be solid or better.

    13. Moonraker
    Really the only reason I have MR as "low" as this, is because its plausibility factor is so low. Apart from that, granted there are some silly gags, but it's a more than satisfactory film. The sets are stunning, the cinematography is beautiful, the locations are brilliant, Roger Moore is in his prime (I consider it his "trademark" performance). But the plausibility factor is a major factor (and it's mostly due to the fact it doesn't follow the Fleming material).

    Not really much more to say than that, but I hope I'll be able to post more regularly now (been a bit busy). Next time, I'll be posting the first two in what I consider to be the top half of Bond films!
  • Part 7 of 12
    12. The Spy Who Loved Me
    Roger Moore's quintessential Bond film for sure, The Spy Who Loved Me is a very good film. I have two problems with it that push it down to #12 (from here to #8 to #9 it's very close) and keep it out of the top 10. My first problem with it is the climax on the tanker is too long. The cinematography and the special effects are great (especially for its time) but it simply goes on for far too long and it gets quite tedious (for me at least). My second problem with it is that Jaws, after his first couple of scenes, is not very menacing (and it's mainly because he was menacing in his opening couple of scenes that I have TSWLM above MR). He becomes comic relief. That's actually about it, except from the fact that this particular plot is heavily over-used.

    11. You Only Live Twice
    This is very similar to TSWLM in terms of some of the specific elements. Both of them have a bombastic climax (I just slightly prefer this one because it feels more original). Both have a similar WW3 style plot (as does TND) as well. (I won't list all the similarities but they are quite similar). Connery's performance isn't nearly as good as Moore's performance in TSWLM, however the Japanese location just gives this one the edge for me.

    Top 10 coming soon!
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Looking forward to it.
  • marcmarc Universal Exports
    edited August 2021 Posts: 2,612
    A few points where I disagree:
    My first problem with it is the climax on the tanker is too long. (...) but it simply goes on for far too long and it gets quite tedious (for me at least).
    Quite the opposite, for me.

    I'm also glad Jaws isn't as menacing as in the first half (although I'd agree that some OTT silliness in a few scenes is a bigger problem than his equally silly vampire behaviour), and I'm happy the great TSWLM-style plot has been used often. So much better than the plots of later years imo.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,321
    Enjoying your reviews @Quantum_of_Tomorrow
    Looking forward to your top 10, which if I’m not mistaken will include my beloved Octopussy :-bd
  • Benny wrote: »
    Enjoying your reviews @Quantum_of_Tomorrow
    Looking forward to your top 10, which if I’m not mistaken will include my beloved Octopussy :-bd

    Indeed it will @Benny!
  • Part 7 of 12
    10. The Man With The Golden Gun
    There are many many illogical things in this film (why is Sheriff Pepper on vacation in Thailand exactly??) however I enjoy TMWTGG for what it is. In actual fact (apart from J.W), the only reason why this isn't higher is because Moore is evidently made to do things on screen that he feels uncomfortable with doing. I love Bond island, Christopher Lee is, in my opinion, the second-best villain of the series, Nic Nac is iconic, I find there's a lot to enjoy in this film, despite he silliness.

    9. GoldenEye
    Yes, it's a golden duo today. I find the plot one of the best in the series, and Brosnan in his debut is actually rather good (better than his soap-opera-y performance in TWINE at least). All the essential elements are there, but the film messes some of them up. I find Xenia Onatopp way OTT, and what is up with Sean Bean's accent? Oroumov becomes less intimidating as the film goes on as well, so I guess my main problem is with the villains (although I'm not a huge fan of the score either). There's a lot to like in the film, the pre-title sequence is impressive, the title sequence is one of the best of the series, the final fight on the antenna is very solid, and some of the action and dialogue is great. I feel like what's good is really good (see the elements mentioned above) but what's bad is very noticeable and so I can't rank this higher (it has fallen in my rankings recently).

    This was basically eliminating the other golden films :))
  • silva13silva13 Australia
    edited September 2021 Posts: 198
    24. Diamonds Are Forever- This is the only Bond film that I can barely watch all the way through. Most Bond films make up for the flaws in one way or another but this one just feels sleepy and sleezy. The plot feels non existent, Tiffany is reduced to a damsel, even Felix is done bad. Best not to get started on Blofeld. Want and Kidd had potential but they are dramatically underused. The title song and score is fantastic however.

    23.The Man With The Golden Gun- This film is a mess and knowing what went on behind the scenes its easy to tell that the creative direction of the film was the most obvious to suffer. Roger Moore is fantastic, Christopher Lee is the perfect foil and amazing in every scene. The films just seems dull compared to its predecessor. I think Guy Hamilton was suffering burnout and the film is guilty of playing against Moores own strengths. It also has the weakest bond score and in my opinion Bond girl, Goodnight is insufferable in her lust for Bond and incompetence in the field. Best not to get started on Sheriff J.W Pepper, I feel like Thailand would be the last place he would ever visit.

    22. Moonraker- Positives first, I think Roger gives an amazing performance, I adore John Barry's score especially 'Flight to space;, Drax is incredible and the Ken Adam sets are out of this world- no pun intended and the opening skydive sequence is the best of bond. However, The overflow of comedic relief in this film becomes all too much to bear at times. Jaws becomes a parody of himself, the Gondola sequence are perfect examples of action scenes lacking any menace and as Bond is coming up against his greatest adversary I find it difficult to stomach the lack of stakes in the action. Holly Goodhead is perfectly serviceable as Dr Goodhead but I actually prefer Corrine.

    21.The Spy Who Loved Me- This one was difficult to rank. I think it is Moores best performance, I love him in the Naval Uniform and that setting. The plot is high stakes, the sets are incredible, the villains are okay. The most interesting aspect of the film for me was pairing Bond with Anya and the friction caused from that. It does annoy me that she is reduced to a damsel at the end and immediately forgives Bond. Hamlisch score is very 70s but still greatly enjoyable. The opening ski jump still takes my breath away. Im not a huge fan of the opening song and I know I'm in the majority there!

    20. Die Another Day- Please don't crucify me for this. This was the second Bond movie I ever saw so I certainly have a soft spot for this one despite its great many flaws. I enjoy that its designed as an uber modernised moonraker, I think having a mirror image of Bond as the villain and the way that's done is quite good. Graves is basically Drax from the novels and that's fine. Miranda Frost is fantastic and I think she should be the only lady in the movie, Halle berry is no good and even as a seven year old I disliked her. Bond walking into the hotel, the Cuba scenes ooze classic Bond and I think this is Brosnan at his pure best, he definitely deserved a better final film. I even liked Madonna's song, I think it suits the movie very well. The movie definitely falls apart after Bond arrives to Iceland and I can definitely see how it could have been well made into a taut psychologically driven Bond film and it may have ended up being one of the best. Except this is a Tamahori Bond film and it divulges into space rays, glacier surfing and Yo mama.

    19.You Only Live Twice- Its a shame that Sean Connery had lost a lot of passion by the time this one came around, his performance is average at best. The Ken Adam Volcano set is the best part of this film, and the last 40 minutes is the best of Bond. The locations in this film are incredible, you really get quite a feel for the places. I'm not a fan of Helga Brandt especially after Fiona Volpe was in the film before and makes Helga seem rather watered down in comparison.I wish Aki was the main Bond girl and the story didn't lose traction with the whole wedding, turning Japanese incident in the middle of the film (weird stuff). I think this is Lewis Gilberts best film. Barry's score is epic and appropriate in all the right places. AND Donald Pleasance as Blofeld would remain iconic for years to come.

    18. A View To A Kill- Im a staunch defender of this guilty pleasure. Obviously Roger Moore was far too old and Tanya Roberts was far too young. The shower scene at the end makes me cringe and bond cooking Quiche is an interesting choice. Pola Ivanova was an unnecessary character and just an excuse to have another girl in a hot tub. I wish they played up Rogers age More and the story could use some shaping up and trimming of some annoying threads such as the whole pointless Eiffel Tower scenes.
    However to me this film feels epic, it feels like a worthy film to end Moores Tenure on. Moore is still fantastic and charming as ever, his chemistry with Roberts is perfect on his part. Walken and Jones are some of my favourite villains and pose a legitimate threat to 007, walken has some amazing moments. Every scene with Bond and Macnee is played wonderfully and a lot of fun. The golden Gate end finale is one of my favourites, as is John Barry's score and Duran Duran song is one of my favourites! Wow what a view!

    17.For Your Eyes Only-I really love the back to basics feel of this film. There is some awkward comedy moments, the Blofeld chimney stack and Prime Minister ending but apart from that it feels like a fantastic Cold War thriller set in the most exotic and colourful of locations. The villains feel ruthless and a present danger throughout. Moore is perfect as the mature spy here, Bouquet is wonderful as Melina and one of my favourites, Topol is great as Columbo and harkens back to the Kerims and Dracos. Bibi was a great attempt at humanising Bond also. The Citroen chase is one of my favourites, the underwater and Reef dragging sequence is all wonderful, Bond kicking the car off the cliff tops that off as a wonderful package. Bill Conti score is very energetic also and Sheena Eastons song is beautiful and melodic.

    16.Spectre- I want to love this movie so badly. You can tell that the effort was made in every department except the script room. The writing is weak, the characters aren't built upon like was expertly done in the film before. The film lacks any great stake, what is Bond fighting for? They could have improved the film immediately by not even associating Blofeld to be known by Bond, it added nothing to the story except more bloating .A few lines of dialogue would have cleared this up but instead it just becomes quite messy and it upsets me because the production value was there, the ingredients were all ready to be cooked up. Mr Hinx, Blofeld, Spectre itself were all dangerously underused. I think Craig is fantastic still, his really made the role his own now, Seydoux is wonderful with what she is given, I even like Waltz as Blofeld and that it was Bond that scarred him. I think the movie thrives in the quiet moments, Bond with Mr White, The hotel room scenes, Lucia seduction. The only action scene that gets my heart pumping is the train fight. Newman also scores the quiet scenes perfectly but is a disaster at the action scenes, the way the action music starts when Bond escapes the Rome meeting is so strange and destroys all the tension built up. Sam smith Writings on a Wall is an okay song.

    15.Octopussy- I love this film, its a great thrill from beginning to end. The opening sequence is a fun little story with Moore on great form. The title song is my least favourite. The 009 death scene is tension filled and the plot is a great caper of smuggling that escalates all the way to a tension fuelled race for Bond to stop a Nuclear attack. The villains are fantastic, Jordan as Kamal Khan is a wonderful foe and is partnered with a crazy renegade General played deliciously by Steven Berkoff. The action is the best of the Moore era, it has one of my favourite Barry scores, the locations are stunning and Maud Adams as Octopussy is Rogers best Bond girl. The train chase sequence is absolute suspense from beginning to end and Bond swapping the Egg at the auction feels very Fleming.

    14. Quantum Of Solace- Choppy editing, overly artsy direction, and a half hearted story about Bolivian water supply would be an easy way to describe this film of course, but I think at its core it is a fantastic revenge driven story about Bond being an absolute badass and tracking down the people that killed Vesper. Daniel Craig gives it his all and I think his really underrated here, he moves fantastically in the action and he shows the internal suffering and turmoil of Bond very well. The opening car chase is pulse pounding, the Opera scene and the plane chase are all highlights. Greene is a very real villain, I can see what they were going for but I think they missed the mark with him. Medrano isn't interesting except to provide someone to hate and push Camille forward in the story. Camille is a very strong/ likeable character and I wish the movie spent more time with her and Bond together. David Arnold is great here as always! Its a very raw and emotional adventure, I just wish it was longer.

    13.Dr No- Being the very first official James Bond movie Im always shocked at how brilliant this adventure is. Sean Connery encapsulates Bond almost immediately in his first few scenes, Moneypenny, M, Felix are all wonderful as well. The location of Jamaica is beautifully presented .It's very barebones with the score and certain beats but the lacking of everything else makes you appreciate how good Connery is here, an absolute magnetic presence! The little hotel room spy tricks he does, the hair on the door, the second bottle of Vodka, I love seeing those Spy tricks of the trade. Dr No is saved to the very end but Joseph Wiseman is wonderful in the part as is Ursula as Honey Rider! The 'You've had your six' scene is still one of my fav bond moments and it makes for an all time classic adventure.

    12-Goldeneye-This is Bond by the numbers and that's never a bad thing! After being off the screen for so long it was vital that Bond delivered the goods and proved that nobody does it better and that's what this film does. Pre-title sequence is amazing and shocking and a great way to open the film. The DB5 race scene is wonderful and the casino scenes are the best of Bond. I think Brosnan is really good here if not still a little bit unsure of how to play the character. I love the entourage of villains, Xenia is a wonderful threatening presence, best Femme Fatale since Fiona Volpe. Trevelyan is the perfect mirror image of Bond and an admirable threat able to counter his every move makes for some great conflict. Natalya is an okay Bond girl. The tank chase and cradle battle are very memorable and the threat of the Goldeneye feels very real. Judi Dench makes a great entrance as M and Zukovsky is a very memorable character. The only downside is Eric Serra score in some places.

    11-Thunderball- This is the ultimate Bond adventure. Sean Connery is on fine form as the suave and ever capable 007. The stakes are sufficiently high, the villains are great and I think Largo has a very intimidating presence, Domino is a fantastic Bond girl and the underwater action sequence culminates the film perfectly. The only let down for me is the random jetpack sequence and the terribly back projected fight on the disco volante. I also think this is still the best SPECTRE meeting/ Blofeld. Barry is on fire by this point and Tom Jones tong is iconic.

    10-The Living Daylights- Dalton blasts onto the screen here. He has a very magnetic presence and the first twenty minutes is probably the best of James Bond. He feels like the tough blunt instrument that Fleming describes and the dialogue in the car with Saunders reiterates that. The plot is slightly convoluted and the pacing really dies when they hit Afghanistan. I like koskov but Whittaker is a weak villain for Daltons Bond. Kara is the perfect fallen angel for Daltons Bond and I think that they share a great chemistry. The hotel scene with Dalton interrogating Pushkin is incredible. Barry's last score and its magnificent as is Aha's title song.

    9-Live And Let Die- This one is definitely a sign of the times. Roger Moore comes on to the screen quite slowly in this, he doesn't really do much for the first 20 minutes. But when nt he action kicks off Roger is fantastic and so damn cool. He proves immediately that his a charmer more so than his predecessor. The plot is simple enough but the surrounding of the Voodoo nature and subtext creates quite a dark and menacing setting. I always find Moores Bond a great comfort in such a dark film. Yaphet Kotto in the duel role of Kananga and Mister Big is one of my favs, his an absolute maniac and the only thing that upsets a good film is his inflated opinion at the end! Tee Hee is an equally good henchman and hams it up! Sheriff Jw pepper here is suitably placed and is quite enjoyable if not slightly overused. Seymour as Solitaire plays the innocent damsel perfectly and somehow that cliche works here perfectly against the backdrop of the voodoo villains. The crocodile farm and the boat chase is the highlight and George Martins soundtrack and McCartneys title song are epic!

    8-Licence to Kill- Dalton is Flemings Bond here! Brutally efficient and menacing. .The film does suffer from 80's action movie syndrome but apart from that I love the score, the villains feel dangerous Sanchez is, Pam Bouvier is capable and gorgeous, the Q moments add a much needed warmth in a very dark adventure. The Tanker chase ending is incredibly filmed and structured.

    7-The World Is Not Enough- Brosnan is on fire in this movie, I think he gives some of his best acting here! ! I love the plot, making the Bond girl the Bond villain was a good idea. It feels like a very psychologically driven film and I like that. I like that it deals with a personal battle for M, and also the kidnapping of her elevates it to a very high stakes movie! The opening boat chase and attack on Mi6 is great stuff. Renard is a weak character and some of the action can be a little poorly edited and filmed. Chrismas Jones was also slightly underdeveloped.

    6- Goldfinger- This is the gold standard Bond film to which others will always be compared to! Guy Hamilton really did set the style for the films, the gadgets, the infamous Q scene, the opening mission before the title song, the DB5, its all here and done perfectly! The villains are grandiose and the plan is incredible, Goldfinger is iconic! Oddjob is an awesome henchman and every altercation with Bond is fantastic! The laser scene, the fight in Ken Adams incredible Fort Knox set, the infamous Pussy Galore played deliciously by Honour Blackman! Bond is at his most confident here and Connery blends Fleming Bond with cinema Bond and history is made! Shirley Bassey belts out a legendary title song and every time I Listen to that I can't help but be stung with the images of that painted golden girl! Gold standard!

    5-Tomorrow Never Dies- Brozza is excellent here, I think he finds his groove in this movie and refines it more in the next one! The plot is great, its a real race against time throughout the whole thing and it feels very kinetic. The action scenes are some standout stuff here, the car park chase, the bike chase in Saigon, wow! Even the opening titles are the best of the series in my opinion! The title track is good but I prefer Kd lang's surrender! David Arnold does some of his best scoring here, it feels liked A bond adventure! The villain in Elliot carver really hams it up and although some people have called it quite cliche I watched an interview with Pryce and he said he tried to play the guy like he was on one big ego trip and I definitely enjoy that idea, his an absolute mad man! Was Lin is one of my favourite Bond girls and an actual equal for Bond, I think they have great chemistry. Paris Carver is good enough. Dr Kaufman is a standout moment that really shines!

    4-From Russia With Love- Connery's second adventure has grown on me in recent years as I have become older. It's the perfect Cold War spy thriller, a very believable plot and Connery is incredible and on top form, the villain ensemble is ecstatic and the supporting characters like Kerim Bey are some of the best of the series. Red Grant is matched well against Connery and the scenes on the Orient Express are executed very well. Tanya is wonderful as the manipulated cypher clerk and I love her!

    3-On Her Majesties Secret Service- This is one of those Bond films that you watch and by the end of it you're just thinking 'wow'! This movie is nothing short of masterful, the directing is top notch, the editing is on point, the locations and visuals are stunning, and the action is top notch and breathtaking! Lazenby as Bond is actually really good considering his lack of acting history! Telly Savalas plays a great Blofeld. Diana Ring is wonderfull as well! The ending is still the most shocking ends to have ever graced the screens of a Bond film! John Barry's score is nothing short of adrenaline pumping!

    2- Skyfall- The perfect film for the 50th anniversary. This movie manages to capture everything I like about Bond without going too far over the top! Its a gorgeous film, the cast is fantastic as well! The stakes feel both very personal but also very high! Daniel Craig gives the perfect performance as Bond here, HE IS BOND in this one! Javier Bardem as Silva is one of my favourites cutting an intimidating and uncomfortable character! Judi Dench is the Bond girl here and it works so well, her chemistry with Craig is wonderful and its a great Swan song for her! The action moves very well, the pacing is great, the locations feel exotic. The chase through the London underground and the attack on sky fall lodge is awesome! The Tennyson reading feels like the perfect summary of Bond and I enjoy how the movie goes through the paces to prove why the world still needs Bond! It introduces all the familiar characters and throws in a lot of fleminsque moments like the whole word play game, scorpion drink and the silva/ bond interrogation and rat speech!

    1- Casino Royale- I can always watch this movie, it never gets old! Daniel Craig is like a force of nature in it, he captures Flemings blunt instrument perfectly. Martin Campbell expertly handles this film, the perfect blend of Flemings first novel with an updated twist. The poker scenes are incredible and you never forget the stakes with action in every moment away from the game. Lechifre is great, you can feel his cruelty across the table staring down Bond, Mads portrays him with no menace spared. Eva Green brings all the humanity to the film as Vesper, you really feel like this is a relationship that Bond would give it up for, the chemistry is all there! Judi Dench is great as M, Im so glad they kept her in for the reboot! The locations are incredible, the cinematography is lush, the action feels dangerous and exciting! The writing/ direction/ acting is the best of the franchise and the train scene, shower scene, torture scene, 'bitch is dead' scenes all prove to that! David Arnold does my favourite score and the whole film culminates in the Bond theme as he introduces himself both to the villain and the audience. Perfection!
  • edited September 2021 Posts: 508
    Interesting ranking, also interesting to note that TSWLM seems to have fallen out of favour with people recently. I wish I had enough time to upload all 24 in one go!
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    @silva13 , nice work. Fun reading your thoughts.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    Loving reading your all's thoughts as others work through their own Bondathons. I'm going through one now, going to try and hit FYEO and OP today, then will have the rest of the official films to get through, both unofficial CRs and then NSNA. I'll probably post my full, new ranking and some thoughts once it's complete.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    edited September 2021 Posts: 45,489
    Just realized I have never posted a ranking in this thread, so dug out every initial post I made after seeing the various films during my last Bondathon in early 2019, and ordered them properly, editing out some minor Bondathon-related bits. Not going to add anything, even if I can think of a lot. Post is long enough.

    Only GF can rival it, sheer brilliance from start to finish without a single weak moment. This was the second Bond film I saw, in the cinema in December 1981. All these years later, and after several rewatches, it hasn t lost any of its appeal. A shame Lazenby and Hunt didn t come back for more.

    Two hours flew by, I enjoyed every minute of it. This was the third Bond film I ever saw, in the cinema in December 1981.
    Everything came together perfectly in this one. The various talents involved meshed with the excellent source material in a most enchanting way. GF is my favourite Fleming novel, and the film is a serious contender for the top spot as well.
    One of the best Barry scores. The Oddjob theme is the most memorable and ominous of all villain themes. Speaking of which, all the Hamilton films have memorable and iconic villains and henchmen, GOLDFINGER most of all.
    They really had style back then,there is some timeless beauty to both cars and clothing. Connery is peaking here, Bond has never been cooler. When I saw this at the age of 15, I understood why he was seen as the quintessential Bond.
    One thing that struck me: Moneypenny thinks you wear your ring on the third finger of your left hand. Really, on the longfinger? Also never noticed there is a Swedish flag on the wall in Bonita s apartment. This pts is maybe the best in the series, by the way.

    Saw this for the first time in the cinema in 1987, and I managed to fall asleep, exhausted by military life, but was awakened by the fire alarm. Nobody left the theatre however, and it stopped after a minute or so. False alarm. Saw it again all the way through a year later on video.
    Like the first, this also has the perfect cast and crew, plus John Barry on scoring duties which really elevates it. Another cinematic classic.
    The first pre-title sequence, invented by Hunt and Young during the editing process is a moody one. I love it.
    The title sequence isn t all that, and don t care much for the instrumental theme tune, either. I do love the vocal version with Matt Monro.
    Both Istanbul and Venice are great locations, but my favourite is the Orient Express. It really makes me miss the old trains, and it has the best fight scene in the whole series.
    The unseen Blofeld is unbeatable as a villain. All the scenes aboard his ship are a joy.
    What s so special about the first three films is that they are all very true to the source, based on three of the best books, and made while Fleming was still writing Bond.

    Best line:
    "This really isn t your day, is it?"

    4.DR. NO
    First saw this in the cinema in 1987 during the 25th anniversary Bondathon running that year. Thought it was a bit slow compared to newer films, but later I would learn to really appreciate the pace and tone on display in this cinematic classic. This is one film I know almost by heart, so must have seen it quite a few times over the years.
    They really got the right cast and crew together for this one, in every single role and position. They set the bar really high right from the start.
    Love the offbeat gunbarrel and the pop-arty title sequence. Also love that it is set in mainly one location, giving it a distinct flavour. It only ever happened again in YOLT, but I wouldn t mind if they went that route with a future installment as well.
    Monty Norman doesn t seem too loved here, but I think the score is terrific.
    Do I even have to mention Ken Adam? That dome where Dent picks up the tarantula...Love that whole sequence and how it introduces Dr No as just a menacing, mysterious faceless voice that instills fear in his underling. So effective that Young repeated that trick with Blofeld in his next two films. Unlike Blofeld in FRWL and TB, we do get to see Dr No after initially just seeing his lower body. A little similar to how Bond is introduced at first. We just see his arms and hear his voice. Not something the Bond crew invented, but an efficient cinematic trick for building up interest.
    Dr No s lair is the one villain lair where I would love to move in. Just my style. And no wonder Bond dispatches of Sandor so ruthlessly after how he treated Bond in this film.

    Best line:
    "Sorry we didn t bring flowers."

    The only Craig film I did not get to see in the cinema. I bought it as soon as it came out, and thought it was fine, but nowhere near the quality of CR. That has changed now.
    The pts is short and sweet and I love the transition into the main titles, which is one of the very best. I like the song as well.
    Craig gives a great Bond performance, maybe the best in the series. The whole cast is terrific, as it was in the previous film.
    Roberto Schaeffer gives us one of the best looking Bond films of all. The composition is so well thought out in every frame, and I love that they spend so much time on location, more so than in any other Bond film. Great locations they are, too. Love those "title cards", very stylish. There are also some great establishing shots, for instance the one with the lizard in the desert. It paints a picture similar to what Fleming would paint with his typewriter when introducing a location.
    David Arnold gives his best score by far, one of the best in the series.
    I cannot think of anything I don t like about this film. Except maybe naming the organization Quantum. No need to name them at all. The title would work even better if they did not.
    I even love the gunbarrel at the end and the end credits.

    Saw this with my son in the theatre, twice. I found it less engaging on second watch, but it has grown on me again this time.
    The pts is one of the best in the series, the logistics of it truly impressive. I like how it seagues into the opening bars of the theme which are fantastic. Too bad the rest of the song is among the worst. Main titles are fine, but not among Kleinman s best.
    I like the plot in this film, and the script is for the most part excellent. There are two things that drag it down however-the DNA analysis of the ring revealing so much info and the photographs elaborately hung up in the abandoned MI6 building just to torment Bond. Daft and dafter, but it takes up about a minute, so not a big deal. Everything else is pretty great.
    Everything in Rome is among the highlights of the film. There is excitement, there is fun (car chase) and everything is so well shot. The train fight is second only to the one in FRWL.
    I always disliked the Bond/Blofeld connection before, but not anymore. It is an alternative take on it and it works.
    Hoyty Toityman s cinematography is lovely, and Newman s score for this is outstanding, among the best in the series.

    First saw this in the cinema in 1987, when there was a 25th anniversary Bondathon going on, at least in Bergen which was the closest town to my naval base. This was the last I got to see there before we went out on a mission again. I have always liked it, but this was the best viewing I ever had.
    The pts is so-so, but the main titles are good, and the theme song maybe the most beautiful in the whole series.
    The score is outstanding, as is the cinematography. The sets are also superb, and I really enjoy the time colorite of that period.
    The girls are both among the sweetest, but Pleasence is a rather poor Blofeld.
    Connery has a commanding presence more so than any other Bond actors. It falls really natural for him to order people around when required.
    The only boring bits are the ninja stuff, but those scenes don t last long enough to bring the film down as a whole.

    I saw this in Oslo s biggest cinema with my boss back in 2006. It was a great cinematic experience, and even though it doesn t have the same rewatch value as some older films, it remains a triumph for all involved.
    The pts is unique and among the very best. Main titles likewise, Kleinman reinvented himself with this one to great success. Getting an old grunge legend for the theme song was a stroke of genius. I have never heard a Bond song being played that much on the radio. Skyfall comes second, I guess. Kudos to Arnold for bringing about some interesting and off-beat collaborations. His score for this is pretty good, except for the Miami action scene where it gets tedious.
    Performances are great all around. A really good cast.
    The best scenes for me are the opening in Madagascar, the torture sequence and the very end with Mr White. One of the best end scenes in the series, it gets you pumped for the next film and when the Bond theme kicked in I remember feeling real elation back then.

    Maybe my best view ever, enjoyed every minute of it, except the Pepper scenes, corkscrew not included.
    The theme song is terrible, but the rest of the score is magnificent as Barry usually is.
    Moneypenny has a tremendously hideous blouse here, never noticed that before.
    In this film, Moore is as badass and as much of a bastard as Bond has ever been.Moore plays it perfectly.
    Love Mary Goodnight, I wish they had kept her around. Having her in the Moneypenny role in SF would have made more sense. Her breaking out of the trunk in the flying car is such a great scene.
    There are some great new exotic locations in this one as well. Good location scouting.

    I saw all Young films for the first time in the cinema in 87. As with the others, this one also grew on me over time.
    The pts is one of the wakest in the series, and it is very jarring when Rose Alba suddenly turns into Bob Simmons. It is as bad as Leiter s magic pants.
    The title song is fine, but what really stands out is the main title sequence. It is Binder s very best.
    The rest of the film is really elevated by the Barry score, one of his finest. So many great scenes throughout. I have always found the scene where the Vulcan pilot gets his airhose cut unsettling. The killer should have held up a sign that said "It just isn t your day, is it?" to lighten the mood.
    The whole cast and crew is again tops, and I have to mention Fiona Volpe, the best femme fatale in the whole series. I love how Paluzzi delivers the line "I shall kill him."
    The final 20 minutes are unfortunately rather boring, and it brings the whole film down a notch. The speeding boat is like something out of a parody.

    First saw this with my son and an ex-girlfriend who had never seen a Bond film. She loved it. Me and my son went back to see it a second time, which was a first for me when it came to Bond. I liked it even more on second watch. This time it dropped a bit.
    Pts is great as is the main title sequence and song. They got a really good cast and crew in all positions for this one as well, as they have for all Craig films, just as they did for all of the 60s films. Silva has always been one of the weak spots in this before, but I take it back. Bardem s portrayal is one of the strong points.
    I am one of the few who like Newman s score, it felt fresh at the time, but I must admit it is nowhere near as good as Arnold s last effort.
    Deakins is of course a genius, and there are two scenes that really stand out and elevate the film as a whole-Bond s fight with Patrice in the Shanghai skyscraper and Bond on the frozen lake in Scotland.
    I also like the introduction of the new MI6 regulars

    I didn t get to see this during its initial run in 1983, so I settled with the comic book adaptation from Marvel, and NSNA that year. However, the next year the cinema in the neighbouring town had a rerun, so me and a pal went there. I found it underwhelming, and that has been the case until now. This was my best viewing ever.
    The pts shows a Bond with real bravado. I love it. The main titles and theme song are both rather uninspired. The film itself is a really mixed bag, if only some of the silliest gags had been cut out, the film would be excellent. There is enough excellence there just the same, with some similarities to GF, DAF and FYEO. Barry s score is magnificent, especially during the calmer suspense scenes. Maybe his last truly great score. The villains and henchmen are all very strong. The action scenes are many and impressive. Love the Alien reference. I realized that if Q had taken the first watch instead of Vijay, he would have been the sacrificial lamb with" no more problems". Never noticed before that the Meyer twins have a resemblance to Gary Oldman. The Soviet chairman is clearly meant to be Brezhnev, who died during filming.

    As a follow-up to the first Connery/Hamilton team-up, it is vastly inferior in almost every way. Exceptions are the exquisite music, and the henchmen. Wint and Kidd are my favourites in the entire series. Their theme music is also up there with that for Oddjob, maybe even better. It has a beautiful and hauting tinge to it, giving an ominous foreboding at the same time. I enjoy every scene they are in.
    The Franks fight is a good one, and the ascent on the Whyte House is atmospheric and Bondian in spades.
    The finale is just a terrible and boring mess, though.
    This was the last of the older Bond films (pre-80s) that I got to see. The neighbouring town held a cinema screening sometime in the latter half of the 80s, and me and a pal went to see it. I believe it was the only one he hadn t seen as well. It had been several years since I saw OHMSS, so that angle didn t bother me at the time.
    The film also gives geography lessons. I stand corrected. Nairobi is in South Africa obviously, not Kenya.

    14. A VIEW TO A KILL.
    When I saw this in the theatre, it felt so tired and stale. Moore and Maxwell looking way past it felt like it reflected on the franchise in general. It just seemed so bland and generic compared to what came before.
    This view was better. The pre title and main title sequences are both among the weaker in the series, but I do like the song. I remember that both Duran Duran and Christopher Walken were a big deal at the time, much like Adele and Javier Bardem later.
    The first half is actually great, then after the scene in Stacy s house the film takes a dive until the terrific finale on the blimp and the Golden Gate Bridge. Zorin is probably the most insane villain of them all. Him, Glaub and Scarpine make a triumvirate of pure evil. May Day seems to be the prototype for Necros. I noticed that Zorin asks Scarpine to "Go out and get him! GO!" just like Kamal Khan told Gobinda in the previous film, but unlike Khan, Max decides to go out and get Bond himself.
    The score isn t as bad as I remembered. It is mostly brilliant, but there are some bits that I find unbearable.

    This was very anticipated in 1989 and did not disappoint. The first half of the film is excellent, but it takes a dive in the second. Kamen is my favourite non-Barry composer along with Newman.
    As in all Glen films, there is aircraft involved in the pts, which sets up the villain really well. Main titles are better than the last few, but way weaker than a couple decades ago. Title song is fine.
    Good use of material from LALD, THR and TMWTGG. Sanchez and Dario are real psychopaths, they laugh during Leiter s maiming, whereas both Killifer and Krest flinch. Both girls are good on the eye, and Brown is a stellar M replacement again.
    The final fight between Bond and the baddie is reminiscent of AVTAK, but whereas Zorin is consumed by water, Sanchez is consumed by fire.

    I did not plan to see this in the cinema, but my brother bought tickets in January 2003. To me it was just more of the same Brosnan trash that came before. Last I saw this, it felt grey and dour and boring. This was different. Actually mostly a fun comic book Bond, quite colourful, great score, and Brosnan probably has his best performance here. I always loved the title sequence, fresh and unique. I even liked the villains this time around, and always thought Cleese was the perfect replacement as Q.
    Brosnan is better than Dalton at certain things. He has a better grin and not such an overly dramatic stance and stare when drawing his gun. So big surprise here, it has always been dead last for me before.
    I did not even mind Jinx this time.

    Another film I first saw on video in the 80s with a pal. I have always ranked this towards the bottom, but I appreciated it a lot more this time. The stupid gags aren t as many as I remembered, no more than in any other film from that era.
    Pts has some fantastic stuntwork. Outstanding, even if you see it isn t Moore and Kiel and the parachutes are visible.
    Main title sequence-nothing special, but the song is beautiful, maybe only matched by YOLT as far as title songs go.
    Moore is very good here. I only find him somewhat lacking and unsympathetic in LALD and TSWLM. Dr Goodhead, what a name. Great stuff. Drax is a terrific villain, quite similar to Stromberg.

    Best lines:
    "Only my tailor s heart."
    "Even in death my munificence is boundless."

    Most of this film is quite fantastic, but the last half hour is unfortunately horrible enough to bring the whole film down several notches.

    First saw this with a friend in the cinema when it came out. Thought it was all right, but rather forgettable and unimpressive. It has been a bottom three for as long as I remember.
    This viewing went much better. The pts is good, does the job well. The main titles are very fine, but the theme song is not among my favourites. Not bad, but bland and uninteresting. I suddenly find myself on board with those who would have liked Surrender as the main theme instead.
    Brosnan is a good Bond here. Why was he so horrible in TWINE? Must be the direction and the script. Most things are better here, the score, the story, the action, the villains. Dr Kaufman is hilarious and Carver is also deliciously evil.
    Wai Lin is one who actually lives up to the cliched phrase Bond s equal.
    The one thing that pulls this down a few notches is the last fifteen minutes. The so called climax is exceedingly boring, just plain bad.

    When this came out, it was a huge deal that Connery was back as Bond. I had only seen him in GF, and I think this was just the fifth Bond film I saw at all. It looked great in the cinema, less so on dvd.
    The first half hour is terrific, after that it is a bit up and down. The Shrublands fight is fantastic, both exciting and fun. It got some laughs in the theatre. Makes more sense for Bond to be sent there at 53 than at 35, too. The shark scene is very well done.
    When Fatima tells Bond to write, how does she know he has a pen in his pocket? I only knew Barbara Carrera as the meek and sympathetic indian woman Clay Basket in Centennial before, so seeing her as this Cruella de Vil wannabe was quite the turnaround. Gavan O Herlihy I recognized from Superman III. Has he ever played anything other than pathetic characters? Max Von Sydow is great as Blofeld.

    Best line:
    "It certainly does."

    The score always annoyed me, but it is really just some of the slow, jazzy stuff that is bad.
    In 83 I thought it was fun to see Atkinson in a Bond. Now I just found it cringy.
    Sad to see Bond, CIA and SPECTRE blasting away with guns and explosives among those ancient monuments. Cultural vandalism of the worst kind. Reminds me of the IS. And speaking of which: Allah isn t the name of the prophet.
    All in all, a pretty good watch. Not great.

    This was my first Bond. I saw it with a few classmates in September
    1981. The nostalgia factor has always been prominent.
    It has a great pts, marred by Blofeld s blabbering. The main titles are fine, nothing outstanding. There are several great scenes. The killing of Gonzalez and the subsequent car chase. Killing Loque. The sequence aboard the sunken st George. (When the JIM suit henchman appears, you hear echoes of THE TWILIGHT ZONE theme. Never noticed that before.) The ascent on St Cyril, maybe the most tense scene in the series.
    I like the scaled back climax. Nice end credits, best since LALD.
    The score is really a mixed bag. Much brilliance, but the funky score throughout the prolonged action scenes is abysmal.
    The main villain may be bland, but the henchman gallery is terrific. Melina is an iconic Bond girl.

    I first saw this on video in the 80s with a pal. We used to rent videos together, and watch them in his room. He had a colour tv, while I only had a b/w one. I was well aware of this in 1977, as just about everyone went to see it, and I followed a production documentary series on tv. Not until SF have I seen such a Bond craze in my lifetime.
    This viewing is the least impressive so far for me.
    Pts is kind of boring, but the climax is deserevedly iconic. Main titles are ok, nothing great, but I do like the deep colours and contrasts. Theme song doesn t do it for me, but I like the interplay towards the end between violin and trumpet.
    Moore doesn t have his best performance here. He is very good in the more serious scenes, but for most of the film he is very smug and almost unlikable, with some exaggerated expressions and mannerisms.
    Bach is good casting, and Stromberg is a terrific villain. Icy cold and with great taste in decor thanks to Ken Adam. His lair is the most tasteful of all bar Dr No.
    Sandor is a great henchman.(Frank Miller based Kingpin on him.) The rooftop fight is one of the highlights. Jaws is just a buffoon, except for in the Mujaba Club scene, another highlight. That sequence is masterful with its photo, editing and score. The whole score is rather good, or at least very suited to this particular film. I think it could only work as well in a 70s Moore film.

    When the trailer for this showed in the cinema, it was the US version. I was in the navy at the time, and in July I was home on extended summer leave. Listened to a review on Radio Luxembourg that included soundbytes which revealed the Koskov-Whitaker connection. Then I went to see it with a friend and common Bond fan. I remember him commenting during the pts that Dalton was way cooler than Moore. I had wanted Dalton as Bond for years, so I was happy with his casting. The pts is maybe the best since GF (Honourable mentions to MR and OP)
    Main title sequence is sort of generic and uninspired. That A-Ha was doing the theme song was of course a huge thing here in Norway. The only time someone outside the Anglo-American realm got that gig.
    Along with the pts, the Bratislava intro is excellent, straight out of Fleming. That they swapped East Berlin for Bratislava is probably due to Berlin being featured only two films earlier, same as when they avoided Jamaica in TMWTGG.
    Robert Brown is by far my second favourite M after Lee. He is great and down to business in every scene.
    Necros is another good henchman, and I do like both Koskov and Whitaker as villains. They feel like something Fleming could have come up with. Koskov got a few laughs in the cinema. The showdown between Bond and Whitaker is atmosperic and bizarre, somehow reminiscent of the FRWL pts in style.
    Bond aiding the jihadists has bothered me before, but it is probably how it would have played out in real life. That whole middle section is however not very interesting on the whole. Love that John Barry got a cameo in his 12th and final contribution to the series. Kara Milovy is a special Bond girl for sharing a scene with The Master.

    I didn t get to see this in the cinema, but saw it on video on a B/W tv set the year after. It actually looked pretty great in B/W. This has always been a bottom dweller for me, but I did enjoy parts of it much more now than I ever did since first viewing.
    The pts is all right, but gets ruined by the motorcycle stunt, the most absurd scene in the whole series, worse than both vertically hovering helicopters and x-ray specs.
    I have always loved the main title sequence and the catchy theme song, both among the very best. Tina Turner channels her inner Shirley here. The music in the gunbarrel however is the worst ever, and the rest of the score a rally mixed bag, ranging fom horrible to sublime. End credits song isn t as bad as I remembered. Sort of a poor man s Peter Gabriel.
    Most performances are good, including Brosnan. I only dislike him in TWINE (sans the Bilbao opening, where he is great). An extra shout out to the actors I always liked-Gottfried John, Michael Kitchen (the best Tanner) and Tcheky Karyo. The only terrible character is Boris.
    In reversal of many other Bonds, the second half is much stronger than the first here.

    I first saw this in the summer of 83. It was the fourth Bond film I saw and the first on home video, with three younger cousins.
    This watch was a bad one. It feel like a major step down in the series, the only highlight being the crocodile farm sequence, which I remember Norwegian tv show Filmmagasinet showed at the time of release.

    There were some rumours in the press beforehand that Bond would have to attend Qs funeral in this, and needed psychological help thereafter. Glad that didn t happen .Strangely prophetic, though.
    Always loved the opening in Bilbao. Brosnan was great here. The rest of the pts is a bit tedious and too long, only saved by the lovely and alluring Maria Crazya Coconutta.
    Always loved the main titles and theme song, too.
    Too bad the rest of the film is such a bad and boring experience, despite some great locations and good performances from Robert Carlyle and Denise Richards.
    I enjoyed DAD this time, and thought Brosnan was great in it. This one however, reaffirmed my opinion of him as the weakest Bond. Not sure if it was that Tamahori gelled with him more, if the script for DAD was more suited to him or if he had finally grown into the role by then. Probably a combination of it all.
    The score is a mixed bag. The action score is horrible, and seems just randomly inserted, but the slower parts are excellent.
    The only scene that made me laugh was the torture chair, but only because it is so hideously ridiculous and bad.
    I did like the end scene, minus the bad puns. They are all over this film. Cannot think of a single good one.
  • I love how you put a full-stop after TLD, AVTAK and DAD as if to re-enforce the fact you placed them where you did! These rankings have got me back into my own ranking (I have been thinking about it) and I'll post all eight tomorrow.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I love how you put a full-stop after TLD, AVTAK and DAD as if to re-enforce the fact you placed them where you did! These rankings have got me back into my own ranking (I have been thinking about it) and I'll post all eight tomorrow.

    Great, should be fun reading.
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