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Server not found error!?
502 error. 502? Why, that's the base serial number allocated to parts of the recent James Bond pinball machine! Don't ask me how I know that.
You must be on to something big here! Keep following the number trail, by all means!
PS: I found the problem here which is rooted in @goldenswissroyale using the "link" box without deleting the "http://"; provided by the board software, although the link contains an (additional) "https:" This results in a mixup of the link that the server can't resolve.
With YouTube videos, the easiest way is to copy the video URL by right-clicking on the video frame in YouTube and inserting it here simply as part of the text, as I do as follows.
As per my preview, it works now. And I hope no one else already posted it while I was still trying to find out.
Thank YOU, @goldenswissroyale. You know I love solving puzzles. ;)
I'm sure that would entice people to play :))
Still disappointed that harpoon shot didn't make it into the final cut
Yeah, a few of the shots I've seen reminded me of the production diary for NTTD.
I wish we could see the deleted scenes for NTTD. The harpoon shots I've seen scream Bond. It's a scene I'd like to see.
Or she really didn't like Cary wearing shoes with no socks on.
It's a wonderful shot, it's so exhilarating. I do wish they'd used more of the Atlantic Road
Casino Royle 1967 and 1983's Never Say Never Again, starring Sean Connery for the final time as James Bond.
I love NSNA though, Connery as Bond is always interesting! Wake me up when the comedy Bond pictures are over please. .
Luckily for you I could only find a small handful of BTS shots for CR'67.
And to be honest, Never Say Never Again doesn't fare much better. Though there are a few I've not seen before.
James Cameron liked the tango scene too.