Where does Bond go after Craig?



  • MaxCasinoMaxCasino United States
    Posts: 4,855
    How would you guys react if EON picked the one and only James Cameron to reboot Bond between doing Avatar 3 and 4? :O

    I'd be sickened. He can direct, but he can't write original stories. Plus, he already is known to be difficult to work with.
  • Posts: 1,394
    MaxCasino wrote: »
    How would you guys react if EON picked the one and only James Cameron to reboot Bond between doing Avatar 3 and 4? :O

    I'd be sickened. He can direct, but he can't write original stories. Plus, he already is known to be difficult to work with.

    He may be difficult,but his movies are awesome.True Lies showed he had a great love of Bond as well.

    What do you mean he can’t write original stories? He wrote or co wrote the likes of Terminator,The Abyss,and Avatar.

  • George_KaplanGeorge_Kaplan Being chauffeured by Tibbett
    Posts: 719
    talos7 wrote: »
    Maybe the PTS of the next film will open with Bond in a coffin. 🤔


    I'd be surprised if Bond 26 doesn't feature some kind of death/resurrection symbolism.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,524
    How would you guys react if EON picked the one and only James Cameron to reboot Bond between doing Avatar 3 and 4? :O

    I’d take a running leap off a building.
  • MaxCasinoMaxCasino United States
    Posts: 4,855
    AstonLotus wrote: »
    MaxCasino wrote: »
    How would you guys react if EON picked the one and only James Cameron to reboot Bond between doing Avatar 3 and 4? :O

    I'd be sickened. He can direct, but he can't write original stories. Plus, he already is known to be difficult to work with.

    He may be difficult,but his movies are awesome.True Lies showed he had a great love of Bond as well.

    What do you mean he can’t write original stories? He wrote or co wrote the likes of Terminator,The Abyss,and Avatar.

    The stories of Terminator and Avatar had been done before. Avatar was famously criticized for an already told story. Dances with Wolves, in particular.

    As for Terminator, from Wikipedia: Writer Harlan Ellison stated that he "loved the movie, was just blown away by it,"but believed that the screenplay was based on a short story and episode of The Outer Limits he had written, titled "Soldier", and threatened to sue for infringement. Orion settled in 1986 and gave Ellison an undisclosed amount of money and added an acknowledgment credit to later prints of the film. Some accounts of the settlement state that "Demon with a Glass Hand", another Outer Limits episode written by Ellison, was also claimed to have been plagiarized by the film, but Ellison explicitly stated that The Terminator "was a ripoff" of "Soldier" rather than of "Demon with a Glass Hand."[90]

    Cameron was against Orion's decision and was told that if he did not agree with the settlement, he would have to pay any damages if Orion lost a suit by Ellison. Cameron replied that he "had no choice but to agree with the settlement. Of course there was a gag order as well, so I couldn't tell this story, but now I frankly don't care. It's the truth." Terminator 2 also copies T1's story more or less.


    As for Bond, here's what he publicly said:


    I think he needs to take a good look in a mirror, before he calls even a fictional character a scumbag. He's had as many affairs as James Bond has! He's more a dictator than a director, honestly. So EON would never hire him, and it would be for the best.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,524
    MaxCasino wrote: »
    AstonLotus wrote: »
    MaxCasino wrote: »
    How would you guys react if EON picked the one and only James Cameron to reboot Bond between doing Avatar 3 and 4? :O

    I'd be sickened. He can direct, but he can't write original stories. Plus, he already is known to be difficult to work with.

    He may be difficult,but his movies are awesome.True Lies showed he had a great love of Bond as well.

    What do you mean he can’t write original stories? He wrote or co wrote the likes of Terminator,The Abyss,and Avatar.

    The stories of Terminator and Avatar had been done before. Avatar was famously criticized for an already told story. Dances with Wolves, in particular.

    As for Terminator, from Wikipedia: Writer Harlan Ellison stated that he "loved the movie, was just blown away by it,"but believed that the screenplay was based on a short story and episode of The Outer Limits he had written, titled "Soldier", and threatened to sue for infringement. Orion settled in 1986 and gave Ellison an undisclosed amount of money and added an acknowledgment credit to later prints of the film. Some accounts of the settlement state that "Demon with a Glass Hand", another Outer Limits episode written by Ellison, was also claimed to have been plagiarized by the film, but Ellison explicitly stated that The Terminator "was a ripoff" of "Soldier" rather than of "Demon with a Glass Hand."[90]

    Cameron was against Orion's decision and was told that if he did not agree with the settlement, he would have to pay any damages if Orion lost a suit by Ellison. Cameron replied that he "had no choice but to agree with the settlement. Of course there was a gag order as well, so I couldn't tell this story, but now I frankly don't care. It's the truth." Terminator 2 also copies T1's story more or less.


    As for Bond, here's what he publicly said:


    I think he needs to take a good look in a mirror, before he calls even a fictional character a scumbag. He's had as many affairs as James Bond has! He's more a dictator than a director, honestly. So EON would never hire him, and it would be for the best.

    If he treated Kate Winslet harshly during Titanic, ask the stunt people how he treated them. Not good.

    And yes, in his career he loved 'em and left 'em.

    Also, if one does a bigger dive on him, his brother is a genius and an inventor and the unsung hero to Cameron's over all career....
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,396
    I love Cameron’s movies.

    But he’s already said he doesn’t like the James Bond character, so that’s not happening. Not that it ever was.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,524
    I love Cameron’s movies.

    But he’s already said he doesn’t like the James Bond character, so that’s not happening. Not that it ever was.

    The last Cameron film I loved was The Abyss. Underrated.

    I didn’t like TL because I felt it was too much of a cheap knock-off Bond, with, admittedly, some incredible set pieces.

    And I very much disliked Titanic and barely got through Pocahontas Part One
  • Posts: 1,913
    I love Cameron’s movies.

    But he’s already said he doesn’t like the James Bond character, so that’s not happening. Not that it ever was.

    Then why would he do "True Lies"? That question is rhetorical because "True Lies" was based on something that Cameron IS a fan of, "The Man from U.N.C.L.E.".
  • George_KaplanGeorge_Kaplan Being chauffeured by Tibbett
    edited January 2024 Posts: 719
    In Cameron's defence, a guy who's worked with members of Cameron's crew told me he's softened up a little since he's been based in NZ. Apparently Kiwi crews aren't as willing to put up with his s**t as American crews. Could just be self-flattery of course, but the guy who told me this is a well respected old timer so I've got little reason to doubt him.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,396
    delfloria wrote: »
    I love Cameron’s movies.

    But he’s already said he doesn’t like the James Bond character, so that’s not happening. Not that it ever was.

    Then why would he do "True Lies"? That question is rhetorical because "True Lies" was based on something that Cameron IS a fan of, "The Man from U.N.C.L.E.".

    He’s definitely of a generation that grew up on 60s spymania. I think the tuxedo under the swimsuit is the only real explicit nod to Bond. Everything else was spy tropes.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,345
    delfloria wrote: »
    I love Cameron’s movies.

    But he’s already said he doesn’t like the James Bond character, so that’s not happening. Not that it ever was.

    Then why would he do "True Lies"? That question is rhetorical because "True Lies" was based on something that Cameron IS a fan of, "The Man from U.N.C.L.E.".

    He’s definitely of a generation that grew up on 60s spymania. I think the tuxedo under the swimsuit is the only real explicit nod to Bond. Everything else was spy tropes.

    Yes that’s true. True Lies is a lot of fun but beyond that and the PTS-style opening, there’s little overtly Bond in it.
  • Posts: 2,152
    I am interested in the next Bond film being entirely focused on Bond, not a big name director who the film becomes more about than Bond. There's plenty of other talent easily capable of writing a Bond film and directing. It's Bond the next generation. I don't need more P&W, Nolan, Cameron, and whoever else is spoken of as if a Bond film could only succeed under them.
  • SecretAgentMan⁰⁰⁷SecretAgentMan⁰⁰⁷ Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria
    Posts: 2,321
    talos7 wrote: »
    Maybe the PTS of the next film will open with Bond in a coffin. 🤔


    I'd be surprised if Bond 26 doesn't feature some kind of death/resurrection symbolism.

    Yeah, me too. Even in a subtle way.
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,396
    It probably won’t, but that won’t stop fans from seeing what they perceive as a reference to that.
  • SecretAgentMan⁰⁰⁷SecretAgentMan⁰⁰⁷ Lekki, Lagos, Nigeria
    Posts: 2,321
    It probably won’t, but that won’t stop fans from seeing what they perceive as a reference to that.

    Well put.
  • edited January 2024 Posts: 584
    @peter First you insinuated that Nolan's sister-in-law Lisa Joy is a better screenwriter than Nolan is (which is, with all due respect, completely preposterous) and now you are saying that Cameron's brother is the unsung hero to Cameron's over all career. Come on!
  • peterpeter Toronto
    edited January 2024 Posts: 9,524
    @peter First you insinuated that Nolan's sister-in-law Lisa Joy is a better screenwriter than Nolan is (which is, with all due respect, completely preposterous) and now you are saying that Cameron's brother is the unsung hero to Cameron's over all career. Come on!

    Wow, @Colonel_Venus ... Number one, have you read a script from Lisa Joy? If you have and can't see she is an expert and knows structure inside and out. Her scripts are tight. Not a word wasted. She's a traditional three act structure kwriter, who executes plot twists with perfect timing; she knows character and has done her homework on each, and the women characters are multi dimensional...Nolan writes idea in script form. Doesn't make him a good screenwriter.

    He's not.

    His brother is also a far superior writer than Christopher (I said this before, but you didn't mention him).

    And when I mean Cameron's brother, John, and Cameron's over all career, I wasn't just talking about films. I was talking about the groundbreaking technology he uses in his films, plus anything to do with his many interests in deep sea exploration. His brother John is the guy at the front lines testing and experimenting with the tools that Cameron uses-- the guy's a genius, and he's the unsung hero of Cameron's career (especially the last thirty'ish years of it. Do some research on him, fascinating guy).

    So relax. You don't have to take anything I say personally. You don't have to take it seriously.

    And no, Cameron couldn't write a good script either. He's known for lifting ideas, and when you actually read one of his scripts, you'll be lost. Try and read his spiderman script for example. There's a reason why it was rejected.

    Saying that, I loved his early work, up to , and including The Abyss. He, at least, knows how to entertain.

    Nolan is trying to be the second coming of Kubrick.

    And speaking of Kubrick, I love him. Early Coppola, love. Scorsese, love. Ben Affleck is a better writer/director than actor, and think most of his films are really interesting, David Fincher is probably my favourite director working today. Paul Thomas Anderson, love. Wes Anderson, Tarantino, Villeneuve, del Toro, Bong Joon-ho, early Spike Lee... Shall I go on?

    Jeez, brother, relax.

    EDIT: and lastly @Colonel_Venus , I do know stunt guys that worked on a couple of his films. They weren't happy. Period.

    EDIT TWO: Excuse typos- fighting a cold and have a short wick, and a fuzzy brain.
  • Posts: 9,916
    First and foremost as a Yesfan i would be remiss to say Avatars world the beautiful world that everyone said you have to see was stolen from Roger Dean.. i saw the trailers and thought of the classic MST3k riff from this island earth

    “Their flying into a roger dean album cover”
    “They are really into Yes on this planet”

    I am sure i posted on this thread before but the simple answer is GO BACK TO FLEMING…

    What i want though since they played the kill Bond card… maybe a sense of danger… a sense that he might not make it out of this one alive…

    Fleming in his books never shied away from horror and the feeling Bond could die at any point. i assume for readers in the 50’s and 60’s that didnt have the meta knowledge of other books that Bond could die in any of the adventures….

    Oh and fleming titles would be nice

    So to sum up

    Avatar should be credited to Roger Dean
    Go back to fleming
    Give us a sense of danger
    More sex would be nice
    And Fleming titles again please
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,562
    peter wrote: »
    @peter First you insinuated that Nolan's sister-in-law Lisa Joy is a better screenwriter than Nolan is (which is, with all due respect, completely preposterous) and now you are saying that Cameron's brother is the unsung hero to Cameron's over all career. Come on!

    Wow, @Colonel_Venus ... Number one, have you read a script from Lisa Joy? If you have and can't see she is an expert and knows structure inside and out. Her scripts are tight. Not a word wasted. She's a traditional three act structure kwriter, who executes plot twists with perfect timing; she knows character and has done her homework on each, and the women characters are multi dimensional...Nolan writes idea in script form. Doesn't make him a good screenwriter.

    He's not.

    His brother is also a far superior writer than Christopher (I said this before, but you didn't mention him).

    And when I mean Cameron's brother, John, and Cameron's over all career, I wasn't just talking about films. I was talking about the groundbreaking technology he uses in his films, plus anything to do with his many interests in deep sea exploration. His brother John is the guy at the front lines testing and experimenting with the tools that Cameron uses-- the guy's a genius, and he's the unsung hero of Cameron's career (especially the last thirty'ish years of it. Do some research on him, fascinating guy).

    So relax. You don't have to take anything I say personally. You don't have to take it seriously.

    And no, Cameron couldn't write a good script either. He's known for lifting ideas, and when you actually read one of his scripts, you'll be lost. Try and read his spiderman script for example. There's a reason why it was rejected.

    Saying that, I loved his early work, up to , and including The Abyss. He, at least, knows how to entertain.

    Nolan is trying to be the second coming of Kubrick.

    And speaking of Kubrick, I love him. Early Coppola, love. Scorsese, love. Ben Affleck is a better writer/director than actor, and think most of his films are really interesting, David Fincher is probably my favourite director working today. Paul Thomas Anderson, love. Wes Anderson, Tarantino, Villeneuve, del Toro, Bong Joon-ho, early Spike Lee... Shall I go on?

    Jeez, brother, relax.

    EDIT: and lastly @Colonel_Venus , I do know stunt guys that worked on a couple of his films. They weren't happy. Period.

    EDIT TWO: Excuse typos- fighting a cold and have a short wick, and a fuzzy brain.


    Lisa Joy is a much better screenwriter than Christopher Nolan. People often confuse commercial success with quality.

    As far as James Cameron: while he is a visionary with technical effects, he is also a terrible screenwriter. His stories are basic and his dialogue sophomoric. The Abyss is probably his best, carried by some great actors.

    Titanic won 11 Oscars but wasn't even nominated for screenplay.

    L.A. Confidential won that one. Now there's a screenplay.
  • edited January 2024 Posts: 4,768
    I wouldn't want a Cameron directed Bond film either. As has been mentioned he doesn't seem to like the character all that much, and I think he'd be a wrong fit anyway.

    And I suppose when it comes to certain directors who write their own scripts (or at least have a hand in them), perhaps just to be completely fair to Nolan it's not necessarily a requirement that they be great scriptwriters. Perhaps this is a controversial opinion, but having read something like Kubrick's unmade Napoleon script alongside others of his, I wouldn't say his talent for creating great films came fundamentally from his scripts. Often scenes in his films would be changed during shooting (especially if he had an actor like Malcolm McDowell or Jack Nicholson who were adept at improvising) and I'd argue when he wrote alone his weaknesses weren't all that dissimilar to Nolan's as a writer - slightly stilted unnatural dialogue being a big one. Like Nolan one can argue it's in the execution of the films - how scenes are filmed, the editing process etc - where they come together, with the script even more like a blueprint than it usually would be.

    That's not to say I believe all of Nolan's films are to my personal taste (I don't personally think Tenet works as a film, and I have reservations about many of his later movies). It's also worth saying many, if not all of these 'great' directors work with other writers or adapt material where the foundations of the story already exist (ie. a novel). While he technically adapted Oppenheimer, I'd personally like to see Nolan work with other writers again as the last time he did was in 2014, and I think he'd benefit from some sort of 'limitation' in terms of story, budget, or having to more strictly adapt something.
  • Posts: 2,205
    James Bond | A few thoughts on decision year for the long-running series


    An interesting op-ed.
  • Posts: 1,694
    echo wrote: »
    peter wrote: »
    @peter First you insinuated that Nolan's sister-in-law Lisa Joy is a better screenwriter than Nolan is (which is, with all due respect, completely preposterous) and now you are saying that Cameron's brother is the unsung hero to Cameron's over all career. Come on!

    Wow, @Colonel_Venus ... Number one, have you read a script from Lisa Joy? If you have and can't see she is an expert and knows structure inside and out. Her scripts are tight. Not a word wasted. She's a traditional three act structure kwriter, who executes plot twists with perfect timing; she knows character and has done her homework on each, and the women characters are multi dimensional...Nolan writes idea in script form. Doesn't make him a good screenwriter.

    He's not.

    His brother is also a far superior writer than Christopher (I said this before, but you didn't mention him).

    And when I mean Cameron's brother, John, and Cameron's over all career, I wasn't just talking about films. I was talking about the groundbreaking technology he uses in his films, plus anything to do with his many interests in deep sea exploration. His brother John is the guy at the front lines testing and experimenting with the tools that Cameron uses-- the guy's a genius, and he's the unsung hero of Cameron's career (especially the last thirty'ish years of it. Do some research on him, fascinating guy).

    So relax. You don't have to take anything I say personally. You don't have to take it seriously.

    And no, Cameron couldn't write a good script either. He's known for lifting ideas, and when you actually read one of his scripts, you'll be lost. Try and read his spiderman script for example. There's a reason why it was rejected.

    Saying that, I loved his early work, up to , and including The Abyss. He, at least, knows how to entertain.

    Nolan is trying to be the second coming of Kubrick.

    And speaking of Kubrick, I love him. Early Coppola, love. Scorsese, love. Ben Affleck is a better writer/director than actor, and think most of his films are really interesting, David Fincher is probably my favourite director working today. Paul Thomas Anderson, love. Wes Anderson, Tarantino, Villeneuve, del Toro, Bong Joon-ho, early Spike Lee... Shall I go on?

    Jeez, brother, relax.

    EDIT: and lastly @Colonel_Venus , I do know stunt guys that worked on a couple of his films. They weren't happy. Period.

    EDIT TWO: Excuse typos- fighting a cold and have a short wick, and a fuzzy brain.


    Lisa Joy is a much better screenwriter than Christopher Nolan. People often confuse commercial success with quality.

    As far as James Cameron: while he is a visionary with technical effects, he is also a terrible screenwriter. His stories are basic and his dialogue sophomoric. The Abyss is probably his best, carried by some great actors.

    Titanic won 11 Oscars but wasn't even nominated for screenplay.

    L.A. Confidential won that one. Now there's a screenplay.

    Cameron is an OK writer. He is better director than writer but I think his scripts are serviceable.

  • edited January 2024 Posts: 2,410
    I wouldn’t want Cameron near a Bond film personally. I find some of his work to be a tad bit overrated (I’m looking at you Avatar), and I’m aware of the remarks he has made about the character/series.

    This does bring up an interesting discussion however; why do some creative forces go out of their way to dismiss Bond as if he’s some real figure in our world? He’s just a fictional character, so there’s nothing much there to get super pressed about. Does it come from a place of spitefulness/jealousy at the successes of EON?
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,524
    echo wrote: »
    peter wrote: »
    @peter First you insinuated that Nolan's sister-in-law Lisa Joy is a better screenwriter than Nolan is (which is, with all due respect, completely preposterous) and now you are saying that Cameron's brother is the unsung hero to Cameron's over all career. Come on!

    Wow, @Colonel_Venus ... Number one, have you read a script from Lisa Joy? If you have and can't see she is an expert and knows structure inside and out. Her scripts are tight. Not a word wasted. She's a traditional three act structure kwriter, who executes plot twists with perfect timing; she knows character and has done her homework on each, and the women characters are multi dimensional...Nolan writes idea in script form. Doesn't make him a good screenwriter.

    He's not.

    His brother is also a far superior writer than Christopher (I said this before, but you didn't mention him).

    And when I mean Cameron's brother, John, and Cameron's over all career, I wasn't just talking about films. I was talking about the groundbreaking technology he uses in his films, plus anything to do with his many interests in deep sea exploration. His brother John is the guy at the front lines testing and experimenting with the tools that Cameron uses-- the guy's a genius, and he's the unsung hero of Cameron's career (especially the last thirty'ish years of it. Do some research on him, fascinating guy).

    So relax. You don't have to take anything I say personally. You don't have to take it seriously.

    And no, Cameron couldn't write a good script either. He's known for lifting ideas, and when you actually read one of his scripts, you'll be lost. Try and read his spiderman script for example. There's a reason why it was rejected.

    Saying that, I loved his early work, up to , and including The Abyss. He, at least, knows how to entertain.

    Nolan is trying to be the second coming of Kubrick.

    And speaking of Kubrick, I love him. Early Coppola, love. Scorsese, love. Ben Affleck is a better writer/director than actor, and think most of his films are really interesting, David Fincher is probably my favourite director working today. Paul Thomas Anderson, love. Wes Anderson, Tarantino, Villeneuve, del Toro, Bong Joon-ho, early Spike Lee... Shall I go on?

    Jeez, brother, relax.

    EDIT: and lastly @Colonel_Venus , I do know stunt guys that worked on a couple of his films. They weren't happy. Period.

    EDIT TWO: Excuse typos- fighting a cold and have a short wick, and a fuzzy brain.


    Lisa Joy is a much better screenwriter than Christopher Nolan. People often confuse commercial success with quality.

    As far as James Cameron: while he is a visionary with technical effects, he is also a terrible screenwriter. His stories are basic and his dialogue sophomoric. The Abyss is probably his best, carried by some great actors.

    Titanic won 11 Oscars but wasn't even nominated for screenplay.

    L.A. Confidential won that one. Now there's a screenplay.

    Cameron is an OK writer. He is better director than writer but I think his scripts are serviceable.

    You’re so right Deke!! How many of Cameron’s serviceable scripts have you read?
  • slide_99slide_99 USA
    Posts: 765
    Cameron wouldn't be right for Bond unless others wrote the screenplay. Peter Jackson, if he'd lay off the CGI, would be a better fit if we're talking about A-list directors.
  • @echo You believe that Lisa Joy’s Reminescence screenplay or the Westwood scripts she worked on are better than the screenplays of Inception, Dunkirk or Oppenheimer? I can’t fathom how someone can possibly believe that.
  • Posts: 7,507
    Of A list directors there are many people I'd mention before Cameron or Jackson...
  • MakeshiftPythonMakeshiftPython “Baja?!”
    Posts: 8,396
    I dunno how or why Cameron factored in this thread. Might as well name drop Ridley Scott while you’re at it.

    Though I think Tony Scott would have made a real cracking Bond film with the right script.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,562
    @echo You believe that Lisa Joy’s Reminescence screenplay or the Westwood scripts she worked on are better than the screenplays of Inception, Dunkirk or Oppenheimer? I can’t fathom how someone can possibly believe that.

    I do.
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