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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
Yes, what a mess, but there are small pleasures to be had, David Niven, a bevy of delectable women, and Burt Bacharachs music! It be a long time though before I watch it again!
Bank Holiday weekend still ongoing so I will endeavour to pick a proper Bond to watch ASAP!
As I've always said, any film that opens with "Les Beatles" can't be all bad. While the film is a mess, it's best to view it (IMO, anyway) in the context of the mod-style of the mid 1960s and not over think it. As you stated, the women are beautiful (I really love Joanna Pettet BTW) and Bacharach's score is one of my all-time favorites, official series or not.
And while the jokes are a bit hit or miss, there are some really good ones.
You can't shoot me! I have a very low threshold of death. My doctor says I can't have bullets enter my body at any time.
... of course, this means an angry letter to the Times!
Hey, what an enormous bed! /
The German army was very large in those days.
My battery needs recharging. /
Maybe your head needs examining. /
No, I had that examined last week.
Yes, it has its moments, but I watched 'The Making of' Doc on the tape, and it seems if they stuck with the original idea of just having Joe McGrath direct, we may not have got the bloated mess we got!
Casino Royale.
'shme, we barely got to know eachother'
and he knows he's toast.
DO you beleive in God, mr Le Chiffre?
No, I believe in a reasonable rate of return.
Sensible man.
MI6 definately has a professionalism problem in this film.
A sentiment I start to share these days.
Bond breaking into M's appartment. She tells him not to do it again, but that hasn't helped much, has it.
yes, yes,
iconic scene, Bond in water.