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While III is always my least favorite in the series by a wide margin, I'll throw in my love for II as well. It's cheesy at times but very entertaining.
Oh man that running back flip kick is painful for me to watch, but yeah, it's like the DAF of IMF. Mindless fun.
What always gets me are those soap opera slo-mo shots when he's pursuing Nyah in the first act. It's like a shampoo commercial, the way their hair is flowing so gorgeously.
Bonus points go to how ridiculous their spin-out and collision is. I rewound and replayed it years ago to make sense of it but there's none to be made.
Now, in later entries, it was wise of them not to wallow in his domestic life, but I love what it added to his character.
Same here. Big fan.
Just finished III, and I must say I enjoyed it more this time than ever before. Possibly because I was more ready for the shakey/vomit cam. The digital colour timing choices bugged me more though. When the worst movie in a series is still very entertaining, that says a lot.
Yeah exactly, they’re all very of their time. I don’t want to say dated because I don’t think there’s anything wrong with films being of the time they were made.
Yeah. That era cared less about story and so did the audience, so that encouraged the filmmakers to keep making more of such films.
Yeah it's mostly not very MI-ish, but that end bit with the mask is a proper Ethan-outsmarts-the-baddie-through-executing-a-plan stuff, which is Mission Impossible and works really well. It's actually what I thought Dead Reckoning was missing: there's no real heist bit and they don't pull off any clever plans, which is part of the satisfaction of MI.
The last two films have been missing that and replaced it with overlong car chases
Huh, never thought about it that way.
Yes, as much as I like DR, it's not a complete movie. If pt. 2 isn't so good it will become a waste of time.
The industry had made a habit of taking the final book of a series and splitting it in two films to maximize revenue.
No, let me clarify that- I hate to admit it, but I haven't seen Rogue Nation or Fallout since I purchased the DVD's of them (that's a while!) So I didn't even remember Ilsa's character at all (that's what I get for watching Bond movies too much & not M:I films less often), so when I saw Dead Reckoning pt.1 I didn't feel a real emotional connection to Ilsa when she got killed (seemingly only being a throw away character for Hunt to react to the death of).... but in RN she was GREAT! I just meant that next time I watch DR pt.1 I may resent that they had her die.... I mean, I WILL resent it... hopefully not enough to dislike the film.
& Fallout. I am so sick of this 'kill the female to motivate the male's revenge' bullshit. I've had enormous fun with my Blu ray Mission: Impossible retrospective marathon, but now I feel like the franchise is losing itself in 'destroy the character' nonsense, like in No Time To Die.
Yes, of course I'll HAVE to see it. I still feel like killing Ilsa was a cheap writing move. They'd already faux killed her off early in the film, and Hunt's original girlfriend's death is enough of a real motivator. Also, Ilsa (as shown in the previous two films) was more than able to handle that stiff jerkweed....
And here are my marathon ratings- how much I enjoyed them, not objective ratings of the films themselves:
M:I- 8
M:I II- 10
M:I III- 8
Ghost Protocol- 10
Rogue Nation- 10
Fallout- 10
Dead Reckoning- (depends on pt. 2- if somehow Ilsa's not REALLY dead, could be another 10, if she really is dead, probably another 8.... we shall see...)