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This needs sorting ASAP
Is the hype the trailer is trying to create entirely based on "Oh my god it's Superman! In a movie! And he's flying!"? Because that was all I could take from it.
Problem is Superman has already been in a bunch of expensive movies recently, and those were quite bad.
Let's hope.
I have mixed opinions about this version of Superman. One thing that is getting bad in a lot of superhero movies recently is other superheroes getting sidelined in their own movie. Also, it feels like WB and DC can only just have the main characters be Superman, Lois and Lex. Or Zod, of course. I feel that the one Superman character that Zack Snyder should have gotten right is Doomsday. What a waste. Other villains that should be explored are Parasite, Toyman, Silver Banshee and Mongul. I'm actually happy that James Gunn is using Krypto as a character. As I feel it helps explore the true Superman mythological comics.
I agree with that sentiment. The last superhero film I went to see was Avengers Infinity war. It just got too fantastical. Marvel and DC need to find a way to bring things back down to Earth. And I'm not a big Zack Snyder groupie, but 300 and Man of Steel are excellent.
I like MOS, but some of the choices made are baffling. The Batman was great for me, but it isn't very memorable, honestly. Superman's cinematic state is so bad that I have written my own works for them. Knowing WB and DC, they wouldn't take it because of my no Lex rule. It's been so hard to get into the MCU lately. If most of these characters are supposed to lead the next Avengers, I'm not impressed. I hope that Superman can do well, for everyone. However, my standards are low, for now. It feels like Superman and the MCU keep getting cold feet in recent years. Superman honestly can avoid it at this point, it will take the MCU awhile to get itself back. I also think it won't be RDJ who can do it. It seems like a waste of both sides for something creative.
I’d say the problem is that these superhero films have been too down to Earth. They should be treated like a whole separate universe rather than just “what if Superman showed up in our real world??” The thing I like about Gunn’s film is that it appears to very much be comics accurate, it IS a DC universe in every fantastical way. No attempt at grounding things the way even the MCU was guilty of. Just unabashed comics come to life complete with a superhero dog. If that’s too fantastical for some, oh well.
I’m excited for this new Superman movie too for those reasons you’ve listed. I’m done with more “realistic” superhero films; Bryan Singer and Christopher Nolan already miked “realism” in comic book films to death.
If you were saying this in 2012 after TDKR came out I might agree with you, but the last few MCU films have had crazy multi-verse plots and are difficult to follow for the average viewer who dont watch every single piece of Marvel 'content'.
The multi-verse plots are not what make them difficult to follow, it’s that Marvel started doing a slew of TV shows that many audiences opted to skip over. Marvel ran with this conceit of needing to watch every show and film in order to catch up. That was fairly easy in the 2010s when it was only two or three films a year, but now adding TV shows into the mix just made it all more convoluted.
That’s something Gunn himself actually addressed by assuring that for the DCU they’ll largely be standalone stories with each film so to prevent audiences from feeling they missed something.
You feel the need to correct different people on multiple threads for some reason. If you're a comic book junkie I'm sure the multi-verse stuff feels pedestrian, but some people like things to be more grounded, difficult to follow or not.
I’m not a comic book junkie. I’ve skipped over plenty of plenty of MCU shows.
I never said you were.
I've also skipped over pretty much all the MCU shows. There's just too much MCU media out there that there's no point. If you have to watch a certain episode of a TV show to understand a movie, something is horribly wrong. That's asking too much of a general audience.
As for realism and fantasy in superhero movies, I'd like to see future movies to look at Michael Keaton's Batman movies for influence. Just try to be more faithful to the comics than he was, particularly with Batman Returns! As for Superman's future, using some of his unused villains could help get a fantasy feel that most superhero movies are missing.
Agreed on that last statement. There has to be a way to find the middle ground between those two concepts, Sam Raimi's Spider-Man comes to mind.
It's actually kind of amazing that Toyman (Winslow Schott) has not been used in much Superman media. He would have fit perfectly in both the George Reeves' 50's show or Christopher Reeve's 70's movies. He did more or less appear on Wonder Woman, played The Riddler himself, Frank Gorshin. At this point, I could see him being in a Batman movie, before a Superman movie.
He appeared on Smallville, though.