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I'm very sorry to hear that, @Ludovico. I faced the same problem some years ago but thankfully found a much nicer place to work in the end. I hope the same happens for you. You're an intelligent man and you deserve better than a job that sucks.
Thanks. I'm feeling better because a recruiter contacted me since. I'm not so sure about this new opportunity, but it has a bigger salary and it feels nice to be considered a suitable candidate.
Well, that's some encouraging news. Take heart from it. I wish you all the best with this new job opportunity.
I know that no one said life was fair, but it does get under my skin thinking about things like this sometimes. It’s so much easier to be born wealthy and without a conscience, they don’t have to worry about anything. Bad guys are always the winners in this life. I think it’s why other people make up sayings like “money doesn’t buy you happiness” or invented fiction so that heroes can actually win, to make ourselves feel better even though it’s not real. Being a good person takes way more effort and is depressingly meaningless and gets one nowhere - qualities like being hard-working, generous, selfless, honest, etc.… those aren’t ever what people with power or success have. Just a hard reality I’ve been struggling with lately.
I have friends who are boycotting them but I just don't think I can boycott Bond.
(edited for content)
While everyone is free to do what they think is best, I've been on the Amazon boycott train since November.
As for boycotting Bond when a new film is released, I'll play it by ear depending on the specifics of mgt involvement. I'm just thankful that I don't have to make that decision for the next two years or so.