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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
I like that he still holds love for not only Bond, but Hot Fuzz and his small part in Toy Story 3 as well. What a guy
Thanks for sharing that.
Having watched THE LION IN WINTER and THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS in recent weeks, I must say that EON Amazon may want to look for someone with Dalton's breath of acting experience for Bond #7. It was a pity that audiences at the time - specifically in the US - didn't really appreciate him (IMO).
Couldn't agree more. Dalton's the way.
Amen! Audiences overlooked the man, simple as that. Arguably the best Bond since early Connery, and a very talented actor overall, Dalton could have eased Bond into the nineties with 4 or 5 great entries in the series. Fate, it seems, is not always on Bond's side.
Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes!
Yes, the US tabloids definitely spun the story as Brosnan getting screwed.
This whole narrative of "Craig got a fair share but Brosnan didn't" and "by the way, it's all Barbara's fault" conveniently forgets: (1) Brosnan signed the Remington Steele contract and (2) Cubby, not Barbara, passed on Brosnan in 1986 because of (1).
Oh!! I love this. Yes, he is.