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Try to Star Wars fans that. Lucasfilm makes The Force Awakens and Solo familiar, they get criticized not taking risks. They do the opposite with Rogue One and The Last Jedi, they are told it’s too different. As for Bond, when AVTAK was made in the 80’s, it was criticized for being a copy of GF, in more ways than one. Amazon will have to strike a familiar, yet risky ground, to prove their worth.
I don't think i've seen any Star Wars fans dunk on Rogue One, if anything it gets a lot of praise from the fanbase. Literally the only time i saw someone who didn’t like RO was once in the Expanded Universe subreddit.
I think so too. If anything those are the lessons they can take from films like GE or TLD (even something more left field like CR struck that balance between familiar and new).
Same, it baffles me that people might consider it too different from the rest of the franchise. My issue with the movie was that it had very little originality.
Me too. I found the entire thing completely bloody pointless. And as @MakeshiftPython points out, 'Awful fan fiction' to boot.
Yes, I really don’t see the appeal either. The last Bond movie was literally about a retired, older Bond coming back for one last mission as well.
Correct. It would be an act of self sabotage. Once you start creating for the past you're lost to time.
I don't think that sentiment is intrinsically true. Almost anything can work if one can "pull it off." It's an intriguing proposition, just not an intuitive one.
Plus we've just had endless debates about how awful it would be if they de-sexed Bond: is this 70-year old 007 supposed to be going around bedding beautiful women in their 20s (or 50s for that matter) or are we de-sexing him?
I'm also not convinced that Pierce Brosnan is quite held on the same pedestal as Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, Keaton's Batman or Ford's Indy. He was that guy who played James Bond at that time, after the guy before and replaced by another guy, I'm not convinced there's a hungry audience for it. I'm an actual James Bond fan and I'm not bothered by it, and I was quite excited by the return of those other three.
I think it is a fun idea for a direct to prime video movie but...
If many fans don't like NSNA I don't know how a pseudo GoldenEye can work.
Willem Dafoe was in a Bond film ? Oh...he was in a game...well...OK, though I cannot help but not see the games as I do the films and books.
Wow. Don't we Bond fans all agree that Greg would have been more ready now than Barbara Broccoli was when she co-procuded GoldenEye?
Poor guy. MGW and BB pretty much robbed him of the opportunity they got.
We don't know the guy. There could be a valid reason.
That just always felt wrong for Star Wars. In the OT they’re imposing because they seem to show little to no exertion
According to MI6-HQ there was valid concern that he was not the right guy to steer the ship. The fact that they rather end the family business than pass the wheel says so much.
He did publicly state that most family businesses die within the 3rd generation, no wonder they ended the family business instead of giving it to him.