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I think I have weathered a large majority of the crap until the end 😳
Madeline randomly excepects a new client who trespassed.
Terrible writing on a fundamental basis
NTTD is light years from OHMSS.
God this is bad, PB and Carver is more tolerable than this.
DC wardrobe in this film is decent.
Madeline is boring.
The audience knows Matilda is Bonds daughter, Madeline keeping that from Bond is stupid.
DC acting his worst in the five films.
'She's not yours', ok Madeline.
Logan gets his due.
At this point OK I will go with it though I know what is going to happen at the end.
Madeline heels look more dangerous than Safin.
This final act is totally unfocused.
I like the score.
Tonal issues raise there head too much.
The writing now gets totally nonsensical with Bond, Saffin and Matilda
Bond should survive this to make his near final words mean something in the context of the film.
NTTD is the worst Bond film IMO.
Interestingly, I was thinking of popping NTTD is soon, but I never seem to have enough time to plan a full watch. My feelings toward the movie are inconsistent. I do feel a bit melancholy that NTTD was the one that ened up being Eon's last.
My hunch is that Amazon will do their own thing with Bond, so traditional elements ( gunbarrel, PTS, titles, etc) could be cinematic history. I just wished Eon could've gone out with a more even film.
I haven't watched NTTD enough to make an absolute clear opinion of it! The last time I watched it , I really liked the first hour or so, very much! Bit indifferent the rest, but overall still watchable! Craigs performance is uneven though, and it's such a pity he didn't finish as strongly as he started in CR!
With even more hindsight Bond driving off with Madeline at the end of SP would have been an OK ending to that era.
It has to be one of the most divisive Bond films among fans. Some of the hate this film gets from fans on social media borders on the deranged!
Personally i really like it a lot. Even though there are a lot of problems in it.
The film IMO carries too many issues from previous films and somehow make those issues worse.
I am in probably a small camp that despite loving GE, CR and QoS the Bond films kind of ended for me with LTK. I am not as committed to the Bond films post LTK as many are which admittedly makes me less forgiving with the recent Bond movies.
Fair enough mate. It's a shame that the series kind of ended for you with LTK. Any reason, or was it the six year gap..?
Probably the Cubby factor, though I was just thinking to myself that I may be preparing myself for the worst outcome of Amazon taking full control and distancing myself from the modern films even more.
I have been considering leaving the site and just enjoying the films I love without distraction. I am reading through all Fleming novels again as a kind of reset.
That would be a shame if you left the site. You contribute lots of good posts to other discussions, like 'last album you listened to' and 'non-Bond soundtracks' to name two.
Thank you though I just don't think my heart is in it any more, I am over 50 I am re evaluating a lot of things.
Though I wouldn't like to be without CR and QoS, the Brossa era, I could happily do without!
You're just getting started, old man 😉
I disagree on ltk being the last proper Bond. Brosnan's era wasn't below Moore's in any way imo. And indeed cr and qos are both excellent. For me, qos is the truest to the novel character. Dedicated to the end, but often lacking to inform m to the full.
After that, the writing got ambiguous at best.
Strangway's secretary gets her's. My wife and I have been watching a lot of MAD MEN episodes recently and that show reminds me a bit of classic Connery Bond, particularly this one.
Here we go, the iconic Bond introduction, which has never been bettered, IMO. I love the look of this film.