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Stock footage of Seattle as the Pan Am lands.
Bond just kicked Mr. Jones' ass.
True still young, I ran a half marathon early in the week so physically OK, I am just dissalluisioned by modern cinema and likely being too cynical. I genuinely hope Amazon take care of Bond like I said earlier I am preparing myself for the worst.
I am seeing more people appreciating QoS alongside CR, I suspect the convoluted arc in DC's last three films ruined all three films in different respects. SF starts well enough but loses me later on, tying SF to SP did SF no favours.
I've always been a defender of QoS, got better and better with each viewing, it's top 10 for me now! SF not so much, though I've just ordered a magazine special from MI6 Confidential, and plan to do another watch of it, and see if anything changes for me ( but I doubt it!)
I do hear you regarding modern cinema, there's very little gets me excited to go to a cinema these days, and I think that's very sad! I plan to go and see something, and I just end up losing the enthusiasm! Bond was the only film I was always stoked to see, and now I'm even fearful of that enticing me, with all that's happening!
I love the set when Dent receives the Tarantula, Adam knew how to do ceilings well.
I love how vibrant the early films look upscaled, the colour pops right out of the screen.
I watched QoS at the cinema with around a dozen friends they were all disappointed I was the only one who loved it. Despite some editing I can ignore I loved the overall aesthetic and feel of QoS, the overall design is great with a fantastic score and DC is at peak level IMO.
Ha Ha, love that! "When do you sleep 007..?"
Absolutely! Craig's best performance as Bond IMO. He's a force of nature in that film and one of the reasons the film is so good!
Bond in SF was a bit jarring for me as I recall thinking many times QoS Bond would not do that. Admittedly being objective you could possibly apply that to other Bond actors from film to film.
This is true. I suppose it depends on the writing and tone of the film.
The most jarring moment from the Craig era for me was the ejector seat in SP. I remember thinking that would not have happened in the world of CR...