Confirmed: 'Skyfall' World Premiere on October 23rd at Royal Albert Hall



  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Bounine wrote:
    For those who saw the flick at the premiere, how would you rank it? In your top five best Bond films? Top 10? Top 15?

    Also, were any of the former Bond actors at the premiere? I checked out part of it last night on the live streaming video but I never saw any of the other Bond actors? Were they there?

    I didn't see any of the other 5 Bond actors bit there were a few Bond alumni there.

    As for where i'd rank it, it's definitely a top 5. An argument could be made that it's the best but there's no point trying to convince Bond fans it's the best because we're a selection if people with varying degrees of tastes. I personally need to watch it again to really feel comfortable abd certain where I'd rank it but for now it's definitely a top 5 for me and all I wanted was for this film to be as good as CR....SF is better as it turns out.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 2,598
    None of the past Bond actors were there? You would have thought they would have been seeing it was the 50th Anniversary and all. Bit of a shame. Suppose they must have been busy and Connery wouldn't have come anyway.

    What about the one liners? Please tell me there weren't too many? This cheesiness will diminish my enjoyment of the film a little but I'm really looking forward to the character movement and Bond's background history being showcased (albeit I'm sure just briefly) which I've always wanted to see in a Bond film.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 11,189
    Bounine wrote:
    None of the past Bond actors were there? You would have thought they would have been seeing it was the 50th Anniversary and all. Bit of a shame. Suppose they must have been busy and Connery wouldn't have come anyway.

    What about the one liners? Please tell me there weren't too many? This cheesiness will diminish my enjoyment of the film a little but I'm really looking forward to the character movement and Bond's background history being showcased (albeit I'm sure just briefly)which I've always wanted to see in a Bond film.

    Nope. None :(
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 2,598
    Is it just me or does anyone else feel that that was a bit of a shame? Dalton was at the DAD premiere wasn't he?
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 11,189
    Bounine wrote:
    Is it just me or does anyone else feel that that was a bit of a shame? Dalton was at the DAD premiere wasn't he?

    You'd have thought at least Dalton or Lazenby would show up. No offense but I wouldn't have thought their schedules were particularly busy. Moore and Brosnan I could understand (Moore had his tour in Basingstoke and Brosnan was filming in Spain I later found out). It would have been a miricle if Connery had turned up.
  • Bounine wrote:
    None of the past Bond actors were there? You would have thought they would have been seeing it was the 50th Anniversary and all. Bit of a shame. Suppose they must have been busy and Connery wouldn't have come anyway.

    What about the one liners? Please tell me there weren't too many? This cheesiness will diminish my enjoyment of the film a little but I'm really looking forward to the character movement and Bond's background history being showcased (albeit I'm sure just briefly) which I've always wanted to see in a Bond film.

    There aren't many one liners, the thing about Craig in the film is that his performance is very good his deliveries are never 'off'. He makes it all seem so effortless like he's unbeleivably cool about it all. He's so relaxed, it’s a great art-form when it comes to acting, i think its easy for an actor to overplay. however it is even easier for an actor to give a complete non-performance in the guise of 'underplaying' the part. But here Craig is effortlessly the character, his performance is natural and never forced. So when one liners do come about they fit nicely. theres the inevitable scene when his signature gun gets turned on him and Bond says 'good luck with that' and it could have been forced and cheesy had Moore said it back in the day but here it works very well.
  • Posts: 2,598
    Good to hear. I've always had faith in Craig's acting. Relaxed? Does he seem a bit worried and stressed though when his life is in danger?
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Bounine wrote:
    What about the one liners? Please tell me there weren't too many? This cheesiness will diminish my enjoyment of the film a little but I'm really looking forward to the character movement and Bond's background history being showcased (albeit I'm sure just briefly) which I've always wanted to see in a Bond film.

    Personally, I wouldn't worry too much. My advice would be, go see the film. Judge it for yourself. Don't have too many expectations.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    There are so many ways one can perceive as to why the other Bonds weren't there but given that we're celebrating 50 years I think it was good that none of them showed up instead of maybe 1 or 2 of them. Craig is Bond, he is being honoured as well as the legacy of the series. I think the EoN documentary supplements the absence of past Bond actors at the premiere.

    Regarding the humour, there's nothing to worry about. There's enough of it there without overstaying it's welcome and it's all executed superbly. Craig is on fire! SF is a movie with so many celebratory, air-punching moments you're going to wish Craig could be Bond forever.

    Also on another note, regarding Fassbender as being a potential Bond... I found it interesting that
    Silva's last henchman who Bond kills under water looked suspiciously like Fassbender as if the producers were trying to say, Fassy will never be Bond and that Craig is here to stay
  • Great movies and several shock surprises. Best for me since OHMSS....
  • I can honestly say i loved the film, embarrassed to also say I have never watched a Bond film from start to finish previously!!
    DC was looking rather hot my new fav actor
    My son loved the whole red carpet experience got up close to DC and Judi

    Very annoyed with the drunk man sitting next to me shouting foul language luckily when the film came on he fell asleep and woke up at the end!

    great night ;;)
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    edited October 2012 Posts: 9,117
    =bg= wrote:

    Possibly the most depressing article I have ever seen.

    For the true fans it was practically impossible to get a ticket but scroll down and just look at how many non-entities had no trouble getting on the red carpet. This is an A-list premiere not the sodding TV Quick Awards. Its frankly scandalous how these tickets are allocated.

    In terms of the film, apart from the crushing disappointment of the opening second which had me seething for the first 2 minutes of the film (although it kind of made sense in the end I suppose), bloody good.

    Better than QOS? Indubitably.
    Better than CR? Hmm. Certainly holds together better whereas CR is split into two distinct halves.

    Its easily better than any of the Brosnan and Moore films - although its horses for courses; if you just want an easy sunday afternoons entertainment you will still always plump for MR, OP or GE over SF.

    Its better than LTK certainly and probably just shades TLD.

    Its difficult to gauge the Connerys as with a span of 50 years they hardly seem from the same series but probably the only serious competition is FRWL and maybe GF.

    Better than OHMSS though? I need another few watches but I doubt it.

    Its certainly got a very strong claim for top 5 though and they need to get working on Bond 24 ASAP as we need as many as we can before he gets too old because he nails it in this one.
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    =bg= wrote:

    Possibly the most depressing article I have ever seen.

    For the true fans it was practically impossible to get a ticket but scroll down and just look at how many non-entities had no trouble getting on the red carpet. This is an A-list premiere not the sodding TV Quick Awards. Its frankly scandalous how these tickets are allocated.


    U have a great evening thou wizard?
    What are your thoughts on the film spoiler free?
  • Posts: 2,598
    RC7 wrote:
    Bounine wrote:
    What about the one liners? Please tell me there weren't too many? This cheesiness will diminish my enjoyment of the film a little but I'm really looking forward to the character movement and Bond's background history being showcased (albeit I'm sure just briefly) which I've always wanted to see in a Bond film.

    Personally, I wouldn't worry too much. My advice would be, go see the film. Judge it for yourself. Don't have too many expectations.

    Yeah, I'm going to check it out this Saturday.

    "Very annoyed with the drunk man sitting next to me shouting foul language luckily when the film came on he fell asleep and woke up at the end!"

  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Its certainly got a very strong claim for top 5 though and they need to get working on Bond 24 ASAP as we need as many as we can before he gets too old because he nails it in this one.

    My thoughts exactly. I came out feeling if Dan can pull off another two at this level and push the character arc that seems to be developing then he'll have a shout for best tenure imo.

  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
  • Posts: 12,526
    Would have loved to have been there! But seen alot of clips online so i am happy with that!
  • GoldenballGoldenball United States
    Posts: 74
    I watched it streaming "live" here in the States while having my English muffins and black coffee, at around nine yesterday morning. Good show all around. Now we have to wait two more weeks for it to open here.
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    RC7 wrote:

    nice pics mate
  • I
    =bg= wrote:
    Its certainly got a very strong claim for top 5 though and they need to get working on Bond 24 ASAP as we need as many as we can before he gets too old because he nails it in this one.

    There is no problem with Daniel Craig getting too old for the role as he looks about 70 now! He looks dreadful. but I don't think it matters as critics seem to think it adds character to the role. I don't really agree with that as I think Daniel Craig is rather wooden and has one facial expression: he is the most wooden spy since Joe 90.

    No ex-Bond's reunion for this one as Brosnan and Connery have issues with Eon.
  • Posts: 503

    No ex-Bond's reunion for this one as Brosnan and Connery have issues with Eon.
    Brosnan was part of the "Everything or Nothing" documentary so I think he's gotten over his issues with the company.

  • For the true fans it was practically impossible to get a ticket but scroll down and just look at how many non-entities had no trouble getting on the red carpet. This is an A-list premiere not the sodding TV Quick Awards. Its frankly scandalous how these tickets are allocated.

    Exactly. I've been a fan for 25 years and I couldn't get tickets but Tamara sodding Eccleston gets to go!
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,582
    =bg= wrote:
    Its certainly got a very strong claim for top 5 though and they need to get working on Bond 24 ASAP as we need as many as we can before he gets too old because he nails it in this one.

    There is no problem with Daniel Craig getting too old for the role as he looks about 70 now! He looks dreadful. but I don't think it matters as critics seem to think it adds character to the role. I don't really agree with that as I think Daniel Craig is rather wooden and has one facial expression: he is the most wooden spy since Joe 90.

    No ex-Bond's reunion for this one as Brosnan and Connery have issues with Eon.

    Looks 70? I think he looks what he is - mid 40s. Funny how we all see the world differently.

    As for his acting he offers plenty of 'facial expressions' , but if you like your Bonds to twinkle and wink at the camera, then I can understand why you don't like him.

    In a film full of great actors Craig carries the film admirably.
  • I have a feeling Craig might move up a bit on my list when I see SF. Might get ahead of Moore, Connery, or maybe he'll overtake Brosnan and become my 2nd favourite.

    Won't top Dalton though ;)
  • lewisblake wrote:
    Can any kind soul who recorded the youtube live streaming of the premiere put it up in it's entirety on here?

    Here you go.

  • At first the pictures start out really good, but the further down you get, it turns into a train wreck.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    I have a feeling Craig might move up a bit on my list when I see SF. Might get ahead of Moore, Connery, or maybe he'll overtake Brosnan and become my 2nd favourite.

    Won't top Dalton though ;)


    This is why I had mentioned earlier somewhere that Bond fans are the hardest to convince in terms of favorite Bond actor, movie or era because we're so profoundly attached to our choices in a way that critics or the GA aren't.
    Connery has always been my favorite and I'd like to think that I've always had a good enough reason to blindly dismiss any other actor as topping him but after last night, I got really worried because I think Craig may have just moved from my number 2 to being my number 1 and I now feel like an infidel.
  • doubleoego wrote:
    I have a feeling Craig might move up a bit on my list when I see SF. Might get ahead of Moore, Connery, or maybe he'll overtake Brosnan and become my 2nd favourite.

    Won't top Dalton though ;)


    This is why I had mentioned earlier somewhere that Bond fans are the hardest to convince in terms of favorite Bond actor, movie or era because we're so profoundly attached to our choices in a way that critics or the GA aren't.
    Connery has always been my favorite and I'd like to think that I've always had a good enough reason to blindly dismiss any other actor as topping him but after last night, I got really worried because I think Craig may have just moved from my number 2 to being my number 1 and I now feel like an infidel.

    He's been my favourite since I was 5 so if Craig manages to overtake him I'll be really suprised. But I suppose stranger things have happened.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    doubleoego wrote:
    I have a feeling Craig might move up a bit on my list when I see SF. Might get ahead of Moore, Connery, or maybe he'll overtake Brosnan and become my 2nd favourite.

    Won't top Dalton though ;)


    This is why I had mentioned earlier somewhere that Bond fans are the hardest to convince in terms of favorite Bond actor, movie or era because we're so profoundly attached to our choices in a way that critics or the GA aren't.
    Connery has always been my favorite and I'd like to think that I've always had a good enough reason to blindly dismiss any other actor as topping him but after last night, I got really worried because I think Craig may have just moved from my number 2 to being my number 1 and I now feel like an infidel.

    He's been my favourite since I was 5 so if Craig manages to overtake him I'll be really suprised. But I suppose stranger things have happened.

    If I had to be really honest with myself and this isn't hyperbole btw, I'd probably say that Craig in SF delivered the best Bond performance ever and should be my number 1 Bond but another side of me doesn't want to accept what I consider to be such a drastic change and can't comprehend how last night, Craig, in the space of 2hrs and 20 odd minutes is now going to change an opinion I've had and never wavered on for the past 22 years.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    DCisared wrote:
    RC7 wrote:

    nice pics mate

    Cheers. Shame there couldn't be more actual Bond fans there. I overheard a few people in the queue for drinks getting their facts wrong about CR and QoS and had mild palpitations.
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