Bond movie ranking (Simple list, no details)



  • 1. Thunderball (5)
    2. From Russia With Love (5)
    3. Casino Royale (5)
    4. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (5)
    5. Skyfall (5)
    6. The Living Daylights (5)
    7. Goldfinger (5)

    8. Octopussy (4½)

    9. Dr. No (4)
    10. GoldenEye (4)
    11. Moonraker (4)

    12. Quantum Of Solace (3½)
    13. You Only Live Twice (3½)
    14. Diamonds Are Forever (3½)
    15. Licence To Kill (3½)

    16. Die Another Day (3)
    17. The Spy Who Loved Me (3)

    18. Tomorrow Never Dies (2½)
    19. The World Is Not Enough (2½)
    20. Live And Let Die (2½)

    21. The Man With The Golden Gun (2)
    22. For Your Eyes Only (2)

    23. A View To A Kill (1½)
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    Posts: 3,497
    JamesCraig wrote:
    1. From Russia With Love
    2. Skyfall
    3. Casino Royale
    4. Dr No
    5. The Living Daylights
    6. For your Eyes Only
    7. Licence To Kill
    8. On her Majesty's Secret Service
    9. Thunderball
    10. The Spy Who Loved Me
    11. Quantum Of Solace
    12. Goldfinger
    13. The World Is Not Enough
    14. Goldeneye
    15. You Only Live Twice
    16. The Man With The Golden Gun
    17. Octopussy
    18. Tomorrow Never dies
    19. Live & Let Die
    20. Moonraker
    21. A View To A Kill
    22. Diamonds Are Forever
    23. Die Another Day

    Hm, two things: I thought QOS was still in my top ten and I think TSWLM & FYEO will swap places after new viewings.

  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    edited November 2012 Posts: 4,423
    royale65 wrote:
    Time for an update me thinks -

    1. From Russia With Love
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3. The World Is Not Enough
    4. Licence To Kill
    5. Casino Royale
    6. The Living Daylights
    8. Dr. No
    9. The Spy Who Loved Me
    10. Goldfinger
    11. Tomorrow Never Dies
    12. Octopussy
    13. For Your Eyes Only
    14. GoldenEye
    15. Quantum of Solace
    16. Live and Let Die
    17. You Only Live Twice
    18. A View To A Kill
    19. Moonraker
    20. Die Another Day
    21. The Man With The Golden Gun
    22. Diamonds Are Forever

    I think I may change The World Is Not Enough and Casino Royale around. Skyfall is 6 or 7 on that list, although I have only seen it once, so this is provisional. Poor Sir Rog. Only one of his films got into my top ten. Shame on me.
  • Posts: 4,762
    JamesCraig wrote:
    Okay. I AM MAD. Who dislikes LTK? Who put GF lower than 5?

    Actually, one of our moderators here ranks LTK as the worst.

    By the way, any misuse of the flagging system will result in a warning.

    I let you in on a few things:

    - I think that GF is the most overrated Bondmovie ever, without it being horrible though.

    - Opinions are a beautiful thing.

    - I also like LTK, but I don't expect everyone to rate it as high as I do.

    I hope you don't destroy our beautiful website now.

    Oh I heavily agree with you, Goldfinger is BY FAR the most over-rated Bond movie of all time. Bond Geeks like us can actually see its dull and lame parts, while many of the casual fans regard it as the best because they don't bother to actually think it through, it's all what pop culture tells them. "Goldfinger's a classic, it's Bond's best of all", well that's all good and well, but please further analyze it and then tell me if you still enjoy it. I for one find it to be one of the worst, if not the worst, Bond movie of all time. Go figure!
  • 1. Dr No
    2. Thunderball
    3. Goldfinger
    4. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service
    5. From Russia With Love
    6. Licence To Kill
    7. Casino Royale
    8. The Living Daylights
    9. Live And Let Die
    10. Goldeneye
    11. The Man With The Golden Gun
    12. You Only Live Twice
    13. The Spy Who Loved Me
    14. For Your Eyes Only
    15. Diamonds Are Forever
    16. Die Another Day
    17. Moonraker
    18. Tomorrow Never Dies
    19. The World Is Not Enough
    20. Quantum Of Solace
    21. Octopussy
    22. A View To A Kill

    First time ive ever put it down on paper. Not seen Skyfall yet but after all the small bits ive read i have high hopes.

  • November 2012 Rankings (Including Skyfall)

    1) The Spy Who Loved Me
    2) From Russia With Love
    3) Octopussy
    4) Live and Let Die
    5) On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    6) Thunderball
    7) Diamonds are Forever
    8) Licence To Kill
    9) The Living Daylights
    10) Moonraker
    11) For Your Eyes Only

    12) You Only Live Twice
    13) A View To A Kill
    14) Casino Royale
    15) Goldfinger
    16) GoldenEye
    17) Skyfall

    18) The Man With The Golden Gun
    19) The World Is Not Enough
    20) Dr No
    21) Die Another Day
    22) Tomorrow Never Dies
    23) Quantum of Solace
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    Top shelf: The serious Bonds
    Second shelf: The Fun Bonds
    No Shelf: all the rest

  • Posts: 8
    1. CR
    2. SKYFALL
    3. QOS
    DR. NO

  • Posts: 3,334
    1. FRWL
    2. OHMSS

    DR. NO
  • Posts: 1,310
    After my 24 day long Bond-a-thon:

    1. Skyfall (2012) - 10/10
    2. Casino Royale (2006) - 10/10
    3. From Russia With Love (1963) - 9.5/10
    4. Goldfinger (1964) - 9/10
    5. Dr. No (1962) - 8.5/10
    6. On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969) - 8.5/10
    7. The Living Daylights (1987) - 8.5/10
    8. GoldenEye (1995) - 8/10
    9. Thunderball (1965) - 8/10
    10. License to Kill (1989) - 7.5/10
    11. Octopussy (1983) - 7/10
    12. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) - 7/10
    13. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) - 7/10
    14. Diamonds Are Forever (1971) - 6.5/10
    15. For Your Eyes Only (1981) - 6.5/10
    16. Live And Let Die (1973) - 6.5/10
    17. You Only Live Twice (1967) - 6/10
    18. Quantum of Solace (2008) - 6/10
    19. The World Is Not Enough (1999) - 6/10
    20. A View to a Kill (1985) - 5.5/10
    21. Die Another Day (2002) - 5.5/10
    22. Moonraker (1979) - 5.5/10
    23. The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) - 5/10

    Never Say Never Again (1983) - 6/10
  • 1. From Russia with Love
    2. Goldeneye
    3. Casino Royale
    4. Goldfinger
    5. Skyfall
    6. Thunderball
    7. License to Kill
    8. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    9. Tomorrow Never Dies
    10. Moonraker
    11. The Spy who Loved Me
    12. The Living Daylights
    13. Dr. No
    14. Octopussy
    15. The World is Not Enough
    16. You Only Live Twice
    17. Quantum of Solace
    18. Live and Let Die
    19. For Your Eyes Only
    20. The Man with the Golden Gun
    21. Die Another Day
    22. A View to a Kill
    23. Diamonds are Forever

  • 1) LTK
    2) TLD
    3) GE
    4) TSWLM
    5) TB
    6) SF
    7) TWINE
    8) OHMSS
    9) FRWL
    10) OP
    11) YOLT
    12) LALD
    13) TND
    14) CR
    15) GF
    16) NSNA
    17) FYEO
    18) TMWTGG
    19) DN
    20) MR
    21) DAF
    22) AVTAK
    23) DAD
    24) QOS

    Might have to swap GF and CR round.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    So, I was going my stuff, and found a Bond Ranking List, circa 2003!

    1. The World Is Not Enough - 5
    2. From Russia With Love - 5
    3. Tomorrow Never Dies - 5
    4. Goldfinger - 5
    5. GoldenEye – 4.5
    6. Dr No – 4.5
    7. Die Another Day – 4.5
    8. Thunderball – 4.5
    9. The Spy Who Loved Me – 4.5
    10. The Living Daylights – 4
    11. On Her Majesty's Secret Service – 4
    12. Licence To Kill – 4
    13. Octopussy – 4
    14. For Your Eyes Only – 4
    15. You Only Live Twice – 4
    16. Live and Let Die – 3.5
    17. Diamonds Are Forever – 3.5
    18. A View To A Kill – 3.5
    19. The Man With The Golden Gun – 3
    20. Moonraker - 2

    How times have changed...
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    edited November 2012 Posts: 3,497
    I used to have GE in my top 5, now it's at place 15. And I remember walking out after seeing DAD and thinking, "this was such a great way to celebrate the 40th anniversary, I hope Pierce stays. I could've done without the invisible Aston, but it was a great ride".

  • Posts: 506
    Hard to rank Skyfall so soon, but:

    1. From Russia With Love
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3. Thunderball
    4. The Spy Who Loved Me
    5. Dr. No
    6. Casino Royale
    7. Goldfinger
    8. GoldenEye
    9. License to Kill
    10. Skyfall
    11. For Your Eyes Only
    12. The Living Daylights
    13. Octopussy
    14. Moonraker
    15. The World Is Not Enough
    16. You Only Live Twice
    17. Live and Let Die
    18. Quantum of Solace
    19. The Man with the Golden Gun
    20. Die Another Day
    21. Tomorrow Never Dies
    22. Diamonds Are Forever
    23. A View to a Kill
  • 002002
    Posts: 581

    1. Goldeneye
    2. Casino Royale
    3. For Your Eyes Only
    4. Octopussy
    5. The Living Daylights
    6. From Russia with Love
    7. Tommorow Never Dies
    8. The World is Not Enough
    9. Goldfinger
    10.The Spy Who Loved Me
    11 Moonraker
    12 On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    13. Licence to Kill
    14. A View to a Kill
    15. Everything or Nothing
    16. Live and Let Die
    17. Thunderball
    18. You Only Live Twice
    19. Diamonds are Forever
    20. Die Another Day
    21. The Man with The Golden Gun
    22. Never Say Never Agian
    23. Qantum of Solace

    Unrated: Skyfall
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    This is a gut reaction ranking, but:

    1. CR
    2. FRWL
    3. OHMSS
    4. LTK
    5. TB
    6. SF
    7. GE
    8. TLD
    9. OP
    10. DN
    11. FYEO
    12. LALD
    13. TMWTGG
    14. GF
    15. YOLT
    16. QOS
    17. TWINE
    18. TSWLM
    19. TND
    20. AVTAK
    21. MR
    22. DAF
    23. DAD
  • New ranking after having seen Skyfall twice and Thunderball last week:

    1-OHMSS (barely over CR)
    2-Casino Royale
    3-The Living Daylights (tremendous performance by Dalton)
    4-From Russia with Love
    6-For your eyes Only
    8-Octopussy (most underrated Bond movie)
    9-License to Kill
    10-A View to a Kill (John Barry's fantastic score lift this one)
    13-Diamonds Are Forever
    14-Live and Let Die
    15-Dr No
    16-QoS (Marc Foster pulls this one WAY down)
    17-The Spy who loved me
    18-Tomorrow Never Dies
    20-You Only Live Twice (YOLT didn't aged very well)
    21-The world is Not Enough
    22-The Man with the Golden Gun
    23-Die Another Day (last half horrible, simply horrible)
  • Posts: 562
    1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    2. Licence to Kill
    3. Dr. No
    4. Casino Royale
    5. Skyfall
    6. The Living Daylights
    7. From Russia With Love
    8. Quantum of Solace
    9. Thunderball
    10. GoldenEye
    11. Goldfinger
    12. Live and Let Die
    13. You Only Live Twice
    14. Diamonds Are Forever
    15. Tomorrow Never Dies
    16. Octopussy
    17. For Your Eyes Only
    18. The Man With the Golden Gun
    19. The Spy Who Loved Me
    20. The World Is Not Enough
    21. A View To a Kill
    22. Moonraker
    23. Die Another Day
  • Having seen Skyfall:

    Casino Royale
    Licence To Kill
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    From Russia With Love
    The Spy Who Loved Me
    For Your Eyes Only
    The Living Daylights
    Tomorrow Never Dies
    Live And Let Die
    A View To A Kill
    Dr. No
    Quantum Of Solace
    Diamonds Are Forever
    You Only Live Twice
    Die Another Day
    The World Is Not Enough
    The Man With The Golden Gun
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 176
    I"ve been thinking and, having seen Skyfall, I'm pretty close to calling it my favorite Bond film. That would change my ranking to this:

    From Russia w/Love
    Dr, No
    Live and Let Die
    The World is Not Enough
    Casino Royale
    Diamonds are Forever

    The Man w/The Golden Gun
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    For Your Eyes Only
    License to Kill
    The Living Daylights
    Quantum of Solace
    You Only Live Twice
    The Spy who Loved Me

    Tomorrow Never Dies
    A View to a Kill
    Die Another Day

    That's seeing all movies but SF twice. I do know that I liked SF better than DN, however GF and FRWL were excellent as well. It's hard to know if I truly believe SF is the best film or whether I like it because it feels more modern.
  • Posts: 1,497
    1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    2. Diamonds Are Forever
    3. Goldfinger
    4. From Russia With Love
    5. Thunderball
    6. Dr. No
    7. Skyfall
    8. The Living Daylights
    9. You Only Live Twice
    10. Octopussy
    11. The Spy Who Loved Me
    12. For Your Eyes Only
    13. A View to a Kill
    14. License to Kill
    15. Casino Royale
    16. The World is Not Enough
    17. The Man With the Golden Gun
    18. Live and Let Die
    19. Moonraker
    20. Goldeneye
    21. Quantum of Solace
    22. Tomorrow Never Dies
    23. DIe Another Day
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    Casino Royale
    Licence to Kill
    The World is Not Enough
    Tomorrow Never Dies
    The Spy Who Loved Me
    From Russia With Love
    Quantum of Solace
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    The Living Daylights
    You Only Live Twice
    For Your Eyes Only
    Dr. No
    Live and Let Die
    Die Another Day
    A View To A Kill
    Diamonds are Forever
    The Man With The Golden Gun
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited November 2012 Posts: 4,577
    This be the last list. Last update: May 2009 Include the second view Of CR. Later on i make a litle change, not Yolt but DAD to the 18th place.

    01.01 Goldeneye
    02.02 The World Is Not Enough
    03.03 Tomorrow Never Dies
    04.04 For Your Eyes Only
    05.05 A View To A Kill
    06.06 On Her Majesty's secret Service
    07.07 Live And Let Die
    08.08 From Russia With Love
    09.09 The Living Daylights
    10.11 Octopussy
    11.10 The Man With The Golden Gun
    12.13 Diamonds Are Forever
    13.14 The Spy Who Loved Me
    14.-- Quantum Of Solace
    15.15 Licence To Kill
    16.16 You Only Live Twice
    17.17 Dr No
    18.12 Die Another Day
    19.19 Goldfinger
    20.18 Moonraker
    21.21 Casino Royale
    22.20 Thunderball

    Think this is the time to re-post with comingsoon the view of the new Bond movie Skyfall. After each new Bond since DAD i try to make a new list. With both CR and QOS another 3 times on tv i have seen each of those 2 movies now 4 times.
    Posts: 14
    1. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    2. From Russia With Love
    3. Thunderball
    4. Casino Royale
    5. Skyfall
    6. The Spy Who Loved Me
    7. Dr No
    8. Goldfinger
    9. Goldeneye
    10. Diamonds are Forever
    11. Live and Let Die
    12. Tomorrow Never Dies
    13. The Living Daylights
    14. The Man With the Golden Gun
    15. Licence to Kill
    16. A View To A Kill
    17. Quantum of Solace
    18. For Your Eyes Only
    19. The World is Not Enough
    20. Moonraker
    21. You Only Live Twice
    22. Octopussy
    23. Die Another Day
  • 1. From Russia With Love
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    3. The Spy Who Loved Me
    4. You Only Live Twice
    5. Dr No
    6. Moonraker
    7. The Living Daylights
    8. For Your Eyes Only
    9. Diamonds are Forever
    10. Thunderball
    11. Octopussy
    12. Live and Let Die
    13. Goldeneye
    14. The Man With the Golden Gun
    15. A View to a Kill
    16. Goldfinger
    17. Tomorrow Never Dies
    18. The World is Not Enough
    19. Casino Royale
    20. Licence to Kill
    21. Die Another Day
    22. Quantum of Solace

    Only seen Skyfall once so won't rate it just yet
  • Posts: 122
    Goldfinger,skyfall,casino royale
    you only live twice
    from Russia with love
    World is not enough
    The rest!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Die another day
    Qauntum of solace
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 11,119
    02 --- 'FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE' (1963)
    03 --- 'SKYFALL' (2012)
    04 --- 'CASINO ROYALE' (2006)
    - with pain in my heart.....I did enjoy the ending of SF more than CR. Also, whereas CR is the better Bond film, I do think overall SF is the better 'film' :-S
    05 --- 'THUNDERBALL' (1965)
    06 --- 'FOR YOUR EYES ONLY' (1981)
    07 --- 'THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS' (1987)
    08 --- 'DOCTOR NO' (1962)
    09 --- 'OCTOPUSSY' (1983)
    10 --- 'GOLDFINGER' (1964)
    11 --- 'The Man With The Golden Gun' (1974)
    12 --- 'The World Is Not Enough' (1999)
    13 --- 'The Spy Who Loved Me' (1977)
    14 --- 'Tomorrow Never Dies' (1997)
    15 --- 'You Only Live Twice' (1967)
    16 --- 'Quantum Of Solace' (2008)
    17 --- 'GoldenEye' (1995)
    18 --- 'Live And Let Die' (1973)
    19 --- 'Moonraker' (1979)
    20 --- 'Licence To Kill' (1989)
    21 --- 'Never Say Never Again' (1983)
    22 --- 'Diamonds Are Forever' (1971)
    23 --- 'A View To A Kill' (1985)
    24 --- 'Die Another Day' (2002)
  • edited November 2012 Posts: 2
    After seeing Skyfall this weekend and re-evaluating all of the movies, here is my personal list from favorite to least favorite:

    1. Casino Royale (2006)
    2. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
    3. Dr. No (1962)
    4. Goldeneye (1995)
    5. Skyfall (2012)
    6. The Living Daylights (1987)
    7. The Man With The Golden Gun (1974)
    8. The World Is Not Enough (1999)
    9. Thunderball (1965)
    10. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
    11. For Your Eyes Only (1981)
    12. Quantum Of Solace (2008)
    13. Licence To Kill (1989)
    14. A View To A Kill (1985)
    15. Goldfinger (1964)
    16. Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
    17. You Only Live Twice (1967)
    18. Die Another Day (2002)
    19. Octopussy (1983)
    20. Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
    21. From Russia With Love (1963)
    22. Moonraker (1979)
    23. Live And Let Die (1973)
    24. Never Say Never Again (1983)
  • My new top 5:
    no particular order

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