Last Video Game You Played?



  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Unchartered.....revisiting the game and I'm realising just how frustrating it is the number if bullets you need to pump into the enemy AI to put them down if it's not a face shot.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    007 Agent Under Fire

    I don't know what it is that keeps bringing it back to it. I know Nightfire is far superior but something about Agent Under Fire is so charming. I can honestly say, with a few more months of development and fixed gameplay mechanics and longer levels, it may have been a really good Bond title. Also, I drag out the driving levels because there so fun and I love watching my car take damage. :p
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    doubleoego wrote:
    Unchartered.....revisiting the game and I'm realising just how frustrating it is the number if bullets you need to pump into the enemy AI to put them down if it's not a face shot.

    I know. I can't image what it is like to play it on Crushing. It's annoying enough on Normal.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @MajorDSmythe, regarding 'Far Cry 3,'
    what ending did you select?
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837
    What does everybody think the best (and worst) games of 2012 are? This is my list from best to worst.

    1) Dishonoured
    2) Need For Speed Most Wanted
    3) Assassins Creed 3
    4) Sleeping Dogs
    5) FIFA 13
    6) Far Cry 3
    7) Max Payne 3

    @Murdock Agent Underfire had the best driving imo. I love how it gave you big open levels to drive round with different routes. Also it let me drive me 3 of my favourite Bond cars, the Lotus Esprit S1, the DB5 and the BMW Z8 (add in the TLD Volante and it would've been perfect).
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    edited December 2012 Posts: 14,086
    Creasy47 wrote:
    @MajorDSmythe, regarding 'Far Cry 3,'
    what ending did you select?
    I choose Jason's friends rather than Citra. Jason saves his friends, Denis accidently fatally stabs Citra, Jason + friends leave on the boat.
  • Posts: 469
    just gone live on xbox - fifa 2013 at the mo
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    @Murdock Agent Underfire had the best driving imo. I love how it gave you big open levels to drive round with different routes. Also it let me drive me 3 of my favourite Bond cars, the Lotus Esprit S1, the DB5 and the BMW Z8 (add in the TLD Volante and it would've been perfect).

    I wish it had at least two more driving levels, It truly is a fun game but it's too short and the enemy voice acting is horrible. "CHARGE HIM" But I still love it. It had one of the Best Bond Game Soundtracks ever. :)

  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    A few days ago I bought Dishonoured and Far Cry 3. They should arrive by the end of the week. I'm not sure which one I'll play first yet.
  • Samuel001 wrote:
    A few days ago I bought Dishonoured and Far Cry 3. They should arrive by the end of the week. I'm not sure which one I'll play first yet.

    I prefer Dishonoured myself.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Maybe that'll be first then. Everything I've read about it is good, so it's come as a real surprise. I can't wait to see what all the fuss is about.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837

    I've ripped off a mob boss, ruined a guys day by killing him when he was about to get laid, took out a big rocket firing robot using just my sword, posessed a fish to infiltrate a building, shot and stabbed countless guards, tortured an art dealer who was expecting some kinky sex deal, hacked into electric barriers so it blows my enemies to pieces and not me, I've battled plague victims, legged it when a swarm of rats attacked me, and best of all, I froze time and used the posession power to kill a guy with his own bullet.

    This game is so much fun it's unreal. You can actually do it Batman style without killing anybody (I got rid of one target by kidnapping her and giving her to a creepy stalker guy), but most of the time it's funner just to murder your way through missions. You are playing as an assassin after all.

    I think I'm near the end because right now I'm doing the mission where I have to take out the big lord guy.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694

    I've ripped off a mob boss, ruined a guys day by killing him when he was about to get laid, took out a big rocket firing robot using just my sword, posessed a fish to infiltrate a building, shot and stabbed countless guards, tortured an art dealer who was expecting some kinky sex deal, hacked into electric barriers so it blows my enemies to pieces and not me, I've battled plague victims, legged it when a swarm of rats attacked me, and best of all, I froze time and used the posession power to kill a guy with his own bullet.

    This game is so much fun it's unreal. You can actually do it Batman style without killing anybody (I got rid of one target by kidnapping her and giving her to a creepy stalker guy), but most of the time it's funner just to murder your way through missions. You are playing as an assassin after all.

    I think I'm near the end because right now I'm doing the mission where I have to take out the big lord guy.

    But the whole point of being a skilled assassin is to kill only those that need killing and slipping out unnoticed.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Well that's not what Kill Bill and Assassins Creed have taught me ;)

    Anyway I'm still stealthy, I just kill the guards too. It's much easier and it's funner getting to experiment new ways to kill people using different combinations of powers and weapons.

    If you don't kill, you only have two options, you can choke out the guards or you can use tranquiliser darts. Some of the ways of getting rid of your targets while keeping them alive are cool though.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I still haven't played 'Dishonored,' so you may want to watch the spoilers. A general review of the game is fine, just don't spoil anything for those of us who have yet to play it.

    I'm about to pre-order and pay off the 'Hitman HD Trilogy' online for the 360. Going to have it shipped to the Gamestop by my campus so I can pick it up on release day. I traded in 'Far Cry 3' tonight and received $32 credit for it - ripoff, I know - but it leaves me only spending $8 on the trilogy.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837
    I haven't played Far Cry 3 for a while now. I got to a terrible forced stealth section that wouldn't let me kill anybody or be detected and I just gave up out of frustration.

    Far Cry 3 has to be the biggest let down of the year for me. It's fun outside the story missions, but I hate Jason and his mates (except maybe the stoner), the story is the typical Avatar esque "white guy must come and save natives", and worst of all
    The game has one of the best villians I've ever seen, and he's not the main villian. No he's just working for this other guy. And then halfway through, you attack his base, go into some wierd dream sequence and stab him, and that's it. He's dead. The brilliant villian, the one in the box art and who has been the focus of the marketing, is killed off in a dream sequence. You then go to fight his unintresting boss.

    I found myself agreeing with this to be honest. Except the bit where he calls it the best game this year.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @thelivingroyale, Brockway is one of my favorite writers on Cracked. I'm the total opposite: out of all of the junk that was delivered to consoles this year, 'Far Cry 3' is one of the only ones I enjoyed, albeit short. I got 1000GS on the game is less than five days. I do agree with you that:
    Vaas is terribly underused, and is like Severine: big part of the marketing, receives little 'screen' time, and has a mediocre death. That dream sequence bit isn't the end of it, though, trust me: more of those are to come, and that was the biggest let down for me. You're chasing this guy, get to him halfway through the game, and he dies in some incredibly lame QTE.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Soren Bowie is my favourite writer on Cracked but Brockway is pretty funny.

    I actually think we had a really good year for games this year. Assassins Creed 3, Sleeping Dogs, Dishonoured, Need For Speed, etc. And I haven't played them but the new Halo, Forza and Call Of Duty games are meant to be really good.

    I thought Far Cry 3 was too linear with the story missions and too frustratingly difficult at times. I'm going to play a bit more of it then if I still don't enjoy it enough to really get into it I might sell it.

    The only game I've ever got all the achievements on is Assassins Creed 2. I normally don't look for achievements, I just get them as I go along.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    Soren Bowie is my favourite writer on Cracked but Brockway is pretty funny.

    I actually think we had a really good year for games this year. Assassins Creed 3, Sleeping Dogs, Dishonoured, Need For Speed, etc. And I haven't played them but the new Halo, Forza and Call Of Duty games are meant to be really good.

    I thought Far Cry 3 was too linear with the story missions and too frustratingly difficult at times. I'm going to play a bit more of it then if I still don't enjoy it enough to really get into it I might sell it.

    The only game I've ever got all the achievements on is Assassins Creed 2. I normally don't look for achievements, I just get them as I go along.

    I'm an achievement whore, and get as many as I can on a game. I can't help it.

    I thought 'Assassin's Creed III' was a big let down, but it's getting gradually better as I go along. I was too focused on collecting everything, and alongside glitches, it made it really hard for me to pick up the game. But I'm now getting into more story missions (on Chapter 9 now) and it isn't as bad now.

    'Halo 4' is great, 'Forza Horizon' looks fun - I'm sure you would enjoy it, as I hear it's got the realism of 'Forza' combined with the high octane driving of 'Need for Speed', and 'Black Ops II' is the greatest game ever in comparison to last year's 'Modern Warfare 3,' so I find a lot of enjoyment when I look back and compare it to that trash IW released.

    I'm looking to get my hands on 'Aliens: Colonial Marines,' 'Hitman HD Trilogy,' and possibly 'Grand Theft Auto V' throughout the former half of 2013. I still have my doubts on GTA, though, mainly the multiple characters. What I always loved about the past Grand Theft Auto games was the connection I had to one character.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837
    I thought AC 3 started off strong with the first mission, got boring but then really picked up once you finally got to Connor being a proper Assassin and the last few missions were brilliant.

    Yeah I thought Forza 3 (only one I've played) was a bit boring but the new one looks more up my street. I'll buy it at some point.

    Next year I'm looking forward to Aliens, the new South Park game, Splinter Cell Blacklist and GTA V. I'll probably get FIFA too and I might get whatever new Need For Speed is out, it depends on the reviews really as that series has been a bit hit and miss lately (The Run was meant to be terrible but Most Wanted was great).
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Well that's not what Kill Bill and Assassins Creed have taught me ;)

    Anyway I'm still stealthy, I just kill the guards too. It's much easier and it's funner getting to experiment new ways to kill people using different combinations of powers and weapons.

    If you don't kill, you only have two options, you can choke out the guards or you can use tranquiliser darts. Some of the ways of getting rid of your targets while keeping them alive are cool though.
    That explains it. :))
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837
    Played a bit more of Far Cry 3. I wish I'd spent my time doing something else instead. I could've gone to the cinema, I could've gone to the pub, I could've played a better game, I'd have even rather have been at work (I've been saving my days off and working extra shifts so I could take 3 weeks over christmas).

    I take back my earlier list, Max Payne 3 was much better than this.

    I decided to just stop playing the terrible story missions and to just do the open world stuff. But after coming up against 3 guys in giant bulletproof robo suits, being set on fire by my own flamethrower and falling off one of the stupid radio towers (same as the Assassins Creed synch points, but instead of scaling epic buildings you climb rusty towers in frustrating platforming sections), I gave up.

    I decided the game was fun alot of the time and had some cool stuff to do, but there were too many moments where I ended up thinking it was an unfair, boring, frustrating game that crosses the line from challenging to unfair pile of crap way too often.

    Even if I don't end up selling it, I'm never doing the story missions ever again.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @thelivingroyale, I will admit, the AI can be completely frustrating at times. While the stealth sections are much more competent than those of 'Far Cry 2,' some of the enemies are just lock-on deadly. Take the snipers: if they lock on, those lasers will not stay off your body, no matter where you go or how fast you run. But, if you use one, you're very sluggish with it and can not aim that fast.

    The flamers/heavy gunners in the big armor suits - which, no matter how much armor you wear, should not be allowed to take over one magazine of any gun to the face - weren't too terrible when C4 came in to play: I would just whip one at their feet, detonate it, and move on.

    Mind if I ask what story mission you were stuck on?
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837
    I was stuck on one where I had to steal the military outfit. I just got sick of it.

    Something else that annoyed me was the Uplay thing. The loading screens at the start were much longer thanks to the online stuff. And if I'm playing single player I don't want to wait 5 minutes at the pause menu while it connects to a server.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I was stuck on one where I had to steal the military outfit. I just got sick of it.

    Something else that annoyed me was the Uplay thing. The loading screens at the start were much longer thanks to the online stuff. And if I'm playing single player I don't want to wait 5 minutes at the pause menu while it connects to a server.

    Everything you just complained about irritated me, too. The whole retrieving the outfit mission made no sense because all of the outfits were similar, so I could steal any, but I think they just wanted you to steal an unknown recruit's outfit who was conveniently sheltered past many, many enemies. Throwing the rocks didn't help, either, because they stop following the noises after a while.

    While uPlay is cool - I got a free theme and single player weapon out of it - I don't like that it affects my single player. I also thought the co-op was a laggy, abysmal piece of trash, and I don't want to even go into how terrible the multiplayer was. Just another company who thinks they need to tack multiplayer onto something that doesn't need it in the slightest.
  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837

    I thought the game was coming to an end but there was an intresting twist.
    The loyalists betray you. But Samuel the old boat driver guy (who is probably my favourite character), saves you. You do end up captured by the assassin that killed the queeny type at the start though.

    I'm guessing after I get my gear back and take out the evil Assassin, the next few levels will be me getting revenge on the loyalists and saving the little girl again.

    Also, I just found out that Chloe whatserface (Hit Girl from Kick Ass, starring in the Carrie remake, etc) plays the little girl you're rescuing.
  • Metal Gear HD Collection- with all the 'Phantom Pain' talk from recent I went ahead and played through MGS2 and MGS3. I love 3 SO much and I think I may try to throw a Big Boss costume together next time there's a ComicCon near me!


    Maybe I can convince my girlfriend to be Eva...... :P
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I just completed the campaign for Sleeping Dogs. Let me just say, 10/10, hands down. And it truly deserves it.

    Everything from the combat to the atmosphere of Hong Kong and the high intensity drama and great characters, this game is a brilliant model of everything open world games can and should be. The tale of Wei Shen and his journey going undercover in the dangerous Triad underworld is compelling, as is the fight he battles with his own misgivings about whether he can survive this mission with soul intact. How he interacts with the other characters both in the Triad and Police force are some of the games greatest assets. The mechanics are very polished, and ensure a damn fantastic gameplay experience. The combat is responsive and fun, making you feel like the biggest badass on this earth. The parkour in chases are intense and pulse pounding. The driving is intense and holds up against other sandbox games where the driving isn't as polished or imaginative. In this game you can even stunt carjack, and drift effectively to get out of dodge. There is a great balance of main story missions and side missions, where I played most of the secondary content before I got to most of the main content. The balance they attain makes it feel like a meatier experience, and you never get bored.

    Each mission has fun injected into it, and the side missions are interesting, from races and chases to shootouts in packed rooms full of cover to bound over in a shooting stance. You can go on dates, dance in nightclubs, train and hone your fighting skills in a dojo, plant surveillance equipment and more. There are even fight clubs where you can go to grow your reputation as a skilled fighter, and the blood and cuts that form on you in fights and shootouts in the game make you feel like you are really fighting for your life. Throughout the game you hack into various cameras where you know deals are going down, and you use them to crack down on the crime. You truly feel like a cop risking it all, and the fight seems worth all that is against you.

    The game has a great system of leveling up XP where you get points for your Triad actions and Cop activity as well as gaining "Face" (reputation basically). Each mission can factor into what system (Triad or Police) you get points for, how many based on performance, and the XP gained all tally up to give you upgrades every time you level up in each of the main point systems and improve your many skill sets. You level up your face by gaining popularity and renown in Hong Kong, and the higher your face level is the more stylish clothes, apartments ,cars perks and discounts you receive. Because of this, your journey from a rookie in the Triad to a seasoned member feels all the more gratifying.

    The main character of Wei is a great protagonist to follow and you care about him and his mission through it all. There are also an array of great cars and bikes to choose from, and each hold up as brilliant barrels of fun once you get them out on the tar. I usually choose to ride the motorcycles, as they are my favorite. There are magnificent to ride, and you don't wreck them after you bump into a bin or railing as you do in some of the more popular open world games. The clothes, from casual shirts and jeans to immaculate suits are wonderfully included, and a blast to wear (and feel like Bond). And what of Hong Kong? It is a character too, and is beautifully constructed. It is fun to simply travel around and sightsee. When the rain comes down in droves amid the streets lit up by neon signs of Chinese scripture, the game looks flawless and endlessly immersive. You truly care for the characters in this game, and begin to want to protect those in your Triad, even though you know they aren't seen as good in the eyes of the law you give your life to serve. It is a compelling story where you wonder who is really worse: The Triads themselves or the police doing anything necessary to stop them. This game has a great commentary on that, along with many other themes of trust and distrust, guilt and reflection.

    Overall, I couldn't be more pleased with the final product. I have followed this game's development since I saw its original demo in a E3 interview a few years back, and held tight to the hopes of seeing it hit shelves even through a time where it was believed to be fatally cancelled. Hats are off to Square Enix, who nobly picked up the torch and soldiered on with the impressive developers at United Front Games to give us one hell of an end product. Activision dropped this title because they didn't think it could stack up to other open world games, and they really couldn't have been more wrong. Just in sheer ambition, content, and impressive story full of biting drama, smart writing, jaw dropping action, characterization and twists, this game is a marvel, beating any open world game in recent memory. The game wanted to be true to the Chinese cinema it pays tribute too, and that is a mission accomplished. To be honest, Activision is unworthy of publishing a game so fantastic, and I am glad they passed on it since this is the quality game we got at the end of it all. It simply feels gratifying to play a game that my hype was so insuperably high for and come out of it absolutely satisfied and impressed. I can't recall the last time I have felt this great about a game after waiting years and years for it to finally come out, searching the internet for any inkling of information on its developmental progression. Even as I finished it I wanted it to go on, and that is a big complement to how fun and investing it is time after time. If you pass this game up, you are officially clinically insane. It is a wonderful addition to any gaming collection, and deserves to be near the top of the stack.

  • edited December 2012 Posts: 12,837
    The only thing I thought Sleeping Dogs could've done better are the main story missions.

    I was expecting some really big Jackie Chan style set pieces but most of it was just the usual open world stuff. I thought it'd feel more like a Kung Fu film than it did really. If you take out the combat it doesn't really feel like a Hong Kong action film at all, it feels like a Hollywood blockbuster set in China.
  • Finished Dishonoured. Ending was a bit dark because I'd murdered my way through the game.
    Right at the start of the level Samuel the boat guy betrayed me. He was going to alert the guards, so I killed him, which was a bit depressing because he was one of my favourite characters.

    I did manage to kill the loyalists and save the little girl but the ending showed that things in the city just got worse.

    Saying that though, I watched the happy ending on Youtube after and I think I prefer the one I got. Much more dramatic and feels more like a finale.

    This is the best game I've played in years. Probably one of my favourite games ever and definetly the best one of 2012. I'd give it 10/10.
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