Feedback and Suggestions



  • Posts: 4,622
    I would like to see all new articles on the main site, automatically linked to the forum as a new topic for discussion.
    This would have the effect of drawing attention to new articles and cause more people to read and discuss them.
    People would see the new topic and likely review the article before posting
  • Posts: 110
    @DiscoVolante I'm pretty sure you can turn off e-mail notifications for PMs in the my preferences section of the profile.
  • Can an admin please briefly explain why 'music' does not have its own section?

    I totally get that an attempt has (rightly) been made to broaden the categories, although music, like literature and games, deserves a category in its own right, as opposed to being lumped with films.

    In KTBEU, music would be one of the few categories I would be sure to check everyday, largely as a consequence of the specialist knowledge in the section, discussion of Barry, Arnold, etc; title songs, and soundtrack sequencing.

    I urge the admins to reconsider and give music a section in its own right.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    @TrumanLodge From my understanding the idea is to see what's popular and then split the categories from there. So I think there need to be a lot of music threads first, though I know what you mean, they could easily get lost in the film section hence my "007 FAQ" suggestion.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 573
    Quoting Samuel001: EDIT: Another suggestion for the site would be the make more use of the white space - maybe expand the columns - and add a background colour option, such as light blue, to make it seem more lively.
    Seconded. Black or a darker color would be nice.
  • WillardWhyteWillardWhyte Midnight Society #ProjectMoon
    Posts: 784
    I am with Samuel and JamesStock on this one. The color drastically needs to be changed so its easier on the eyes. A color scheme like the old forums would be nice, so this does not resemble Facebook.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Is there anyway to see how many people and/or who is online ? Otherwise i could be on here on my own one day and not know it !!
    It will also help if you want to PM a mod or someone urgently to know which mod or member is online.
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    Are we able to delete our posts? I posted a gif then saw the end of it... it had swearing. So I tried to delete... but can't. So I had to just change the comment. Looks a bit lame. :-S
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 13,369
    Quoting retrokitty: Are we able to delete our posts?

    No, even if they're not replyed to there is nothing we can do. Hopefully this'll be looked at.

    Quoting barryt007: Is there anyway to see how many people and/or who is online ? Otherwise i could
    be on here on my own one day and not know it !!
    It will also help if you
    want to PM a mod or someone urgently to know which mod or member is online.

    I'm glad someone else wants this back. The "Who is online" was indeed a great thing and in time I hope it returns.
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    edited March 2011 Posts: 380
    Samuel... it looks as if you've really revamped your posting habits. Too bad there is no post count visible yet. Can't wait for that feature.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    Quoting retrokitty:Too bad there is no post count visible yet. Can't wait for that feature.
    Post count is visible. Always has been.

  • Mentioned it before but wondered if there were plans to have a kind of "mark all discussions read" button?
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    Back to the top button?
  • retrokittyretrokitty The Couv
    Posts: 380
    The Inbox.... I have a few conversations going and if I happen to be the last person to respond in several of them, it only shows my name. I can't tell which conversation is which without going into it. Is there some way that the other participant can be listed?
  • LudsLuds MIA
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,986
    Thanks to everyone who replied. I've tallied up all suggestions, technical quirks, and ideas and will post them in bullet point form, in a somewhat organised manner soon, with the issues resolved highlighted as well.

    Based on that the admins will investigate and prioritize (usefulness, possibility to implement easily or not, etc) and hopefully post the technical roadmap of what's being worked on as well as a backlog.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Does anyone think it is time to put a game on here to persuade people to come back each day and vote ?
    It should get things moving IMO.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Quoting Luds:
    Thanks to everyone who replied. I've tallied up all
    suggestions, technical quirks, and ideas and will post them in bullet point
    form, in a somewhat organised manner soon, with the issues resolved highlighted
    as well.

    Based on that the admins will investigate and prioritize
    (usefulness, possibility to implement easily or not, etc) and hopefully post the
    technical roadmap of what's being worked on as well as a backlog.
    Great news Luds, I'm looking forward to seeing what's what as well as the collection of information and suggestions. Good luck with collating it all.
    Quoting barryt007:
    Does anyone think it is time to put a game on here to
    persuade people to come back each day and vote ?
    It should get things moving
    You can make a suggestion for one in the game ideas thread. I think the reason we haven't got one up and running yet is because not of the ideas suggested were that good! Hopefully you can pick something great @barryt007 and it'll be the one we play.
  • Posts: 19,339
    I've put one in there but obviously they don't want to run with that one.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    If nothing is chosen soon, it would be best to just pick something I'd say, so at least a game is running. Though I think another reason for no action on that front is because the forum improvements were a higher priority to begin with.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,347
    Go ahead and create a game, Disco gives permission ;)

    Like @Samuel001 said, priorities have been elsewhere.

    But please note that this will be one test game only. For future games, we will have a queue similar to the one at KTBEU, and Samuel's gunbarrel elimination game should be first in line.
  • LudsLuds MIA
    edited March 2011 Posts: 1,986
    Bond games should be listed posted in here
  • MI6MI6 Administrator
    edited March 2011 Posts: 678
    Quoting Samuel001: Perhaps having the "007 FAQ" section back up would be good, as many of the "least favourite" whatever threads are getting lost amongst the other film discussions.
    We'll get to these as we get a bit more volume and need a bit more organisation.
    Quoting DiscoVolante: Ability to choose default view. Some members prefer to have the category view, some others may want the current default of all recent posts. A setting in your preferences would be good, and the default view will be the one in green at the top of the page ('Discussions' is the green, default one for everyone right now). This default view should also be reachable from the bottom of each page, as of now you can only choose "Back to discussions" and not "Back to categories".
    It would be a big modification and quite a challenge but I agree, a neat feature. In the mean time I suggest you bookmark whichever view you like best as your "default" screen.
    Quoting DiscoVolante: Email notifications. I get an email everytime I get a PM, something I'd like to disable. But I can't find a way to do so.
    Head over to and push "My Preferences".

    More generally, as I notice Luds has said, the moderators and the administrators (myself included) are working on compiling a checklist of bugs that we'd like to have fixed ASAP and cosmetic and additional features we are interested in having added on. Once this is finalised it will be posted up and kept up to date.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Thanks for keeping us informed,looking forward to the next update,looking good so far.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Aaah the 'mark all as viewed 'option has arrived !!
  • MI6MI6 Administrator
    Posts: 678
    What sharp little eyes you have @barryt007 - we didn't even have to announce it.
  • Posts: 19,339
    My mother always said i should have been a policeman because of my observation skills !
  • Posts: 506
    Excellent new feature. I think I'm starting to like this forum more than the other one! Keep up the great work, guys.
  • edited March 2011 Posts: 506
  • Posts: 1,497
    1. Have your comment appear after posting, rather than having to click back onto the conversation--this helps catch any spelling/grammar errors one might have missed
    2. The already-mentioned 100 times: issue of scrolling down pages and having the page number at the bottom rather than the top
    3. Include all the editing features that we had on KTBEU: Insert IMG, URL, Bold, italic, etc. Why are these gone in the new format? It made it so much easier and interactive.
    4. A link to all posts by user on their profile page--again like what KTBEU used to have: made for easy finding of older posts
    5. Bring back the Agent Status and location: this personalized each profile a little more
    6. Use sub-categories for each section: i.e. Film section-->QOS, CR, etc.
    7. Give the forum a better title--part of what made KTBEU great was the title. It was so Bondian! Can you picture Bond saying welcome to mi6 Community! No I didn't think so. Sorry guys. We can do better. Or...why not just keep the old name!

    Otherwise, I'm starting to like the new format. The draft feature is nice in particular.

    Oh and one more thing...please, please take into consideration the opinions of the members. I realize this is a free site and thank you guys for providing this service, but obviously the sudden change that happened turned off a lot of folks. I highly recomend implementing a lot of these suggestions in this thread to make your loyal members happy! That is all. :)>-
  • LudsLuds MIA
    Posts: 1,986
    1- This seems to be a firefox only issue. Try just refreshing the page?
    2- Implemented already, check ;)
    3,5,6,7 Noted, under review
    4- DIscussions button, Mine shows all your threads

    I'm awaiting a final verification to post the suggestion list, and which features are looked at now.
This discussion has been closed.