SPECTRE Production Timeline



  • chipstickschipsticks NOT on TheDanielCraigForum where they think know Daniel Craig personally and Léa and Monica are ugly
    edited December 2014 Posts: 560
    Miss Bellucci on Italian Vogue but didn't say anything really but seriously htf could they have dropped Monica for Hatcher? #-o

    Monica Bellucci: «Single non vuol dire sola»
    Una donna matura non perde il suo charme, anzi. Parola dell'attrice, che a 50 anni ha ottenuto la parte di Bond Girl nel nuovo 007. E che, dopo la lunga storia con Vincent Cassel, ha fatto una piacevole scoperta



    Entrambe infreddolite, entrambe puntuali, ci incontriamo al Café de Flore di Parigi. È sabato mattina, e il locale è pieno sia di parigini sia di turisti. Molti riconoscono Monica, del resto sarebbe impossibile il contrario. Gli anni (ne ha compiuti 50 a settembre) non l’hanno cambiata. O meglio, l’hanno cambiata in modo gentile, senza appannare lo spudorato splendore della giovinezza ma trasformandolo in un fascino da donna adulta al naturale. Sì, al naturale. Senza interventi e senza smanie di perfezione.
    Il bello è che non se ne accorgono solo i passanti, se n’è accorto anche un grande regista, alle prese con un film di quelli che definiscono i tempi in cui viviamo. Come già saprete, Sam Mendes, regista di Spectre, il 24esimo film della saga di 007, il quarto con Daniel Craig nei panni dell’agente segreto, ha arruolato Monica Bellucci come Bond Girl. O, come preferisce dire lei, Bond Lady. È la più anziana delle partner di Bond, un record finora detenuto da Honor Blackman, Pussy Galore in Goldfinger. Era il 1964, lei aveva 39 anni e Sean Connery 34. Pareva una enorme eresia, tanto che la cosa non venne affatto pubblicizzata.
    Oggi, invece, parlare pubblicamente dell’età di una signora non è più un tabù. I giornali inglesi hanno sottolineato nei titoli gli anni di Monica Bellucci. Un vanto, un primato rivoluzionario. Un piccolo passo per il maschilista Bond, forse un grande passo per l’umanità. Ne abbiamo parlato con la diretta interessata, davanti a un cappuccino e a un croissant diviso in due, per sentirci entrambe meno in colpa.

    Che mi dice di Spectre?
    «Non posso dire molto, anzi, quasi niente! C’è massima segretezza intorno a Bond. Il mio è il personaggio di Lucia, un’italiana nel film, gireremo anche molte scene in Italia. Io inizio a lavorare a gennaio. Il ruolo me lo ha proposto qualche mese fa lo stesso Sam Mendes, invitandomi a pranzo a Londra. Fine delle informazioni ammesse».
    Ci pensava a fare un Bond, prima o poi?
    «Un’attrice ci pensa sempre. Una volta, anni fa, c’ero anche andata vicino. Ma, certo, sono rimasta stupita e piacevolmente sorpresa di avere avuto questa offerta ora, a questa età».
    Come se lo spiega?
    «Mah. Io faccio tutto molto lentamente. Prima figlia a 40, seconda figlia a 45. Si vede che era destino un Bond a 50».
    È cambiato lo spirito dei produttori di Bond o sono cambiate le donne?
    «Certamente questo di Bond è un segnale, non l’unico, di un modo diverso di guardare alle donne, nel mondo del cinema. Catherine Deneuve, Isabelle Huppert, Charlotte Rampling interpretano ancora personaggi sensuali, anche in campagne pubblicitarie. Inoltre, le cinquantenni di oggi geneticamente sono diverse dalle cinquantenni di una o due generazioni fa. Restiamo in forma più a lungo e meglio. Insomma, ormai si è capito che una donna matura non perde il suo charme, non smette di essere femmina solo perché ha raggiunto una certa età. Anzi, è femmina e sensuale proprio in quanto adulta».
    Che effetto le ha fatto il suo compleanno?
    «Ho dato una cena a casa, con pochi amici. Non sono mai stata un tipo da feste piene di gente e, del resto, molti compleanni li ho passati su qualche set, da sola in una camera d’albergo».
    Com’era l’umore?
    «Ho pensato che sono viva e in salute, che ho due figlie meravigliose e che c’è un sacco di energia positiva in circolo. Accettare gli anni che passano non è facile per nessuno, ma se si impara a vivere bene, a godere delle piccole cose giorno per giorno, ce la possiamo fare, e anche con ottimi risultati. Come diceva Kant: “Il cielo stellato sopra di me, la legge morale dentro di me”. Non c’è bisogno d’altro».
    Molto saggia. Ma quando la fotografano accanto a una giovane attrice, per esempio Léa Seydoux che è nel cast di Spectre, lei che cosa pensa?
    «Penso che è bella e brava, e che mi fa piacere lavorarci. Non ci si può mettere in competizione con le ventenni o le trentenni. Chi lo fa vive malissimo. Del resto, io sono madre e ormai quando vedo una ventenne mi viene istintivo provare a immaginare come saranno Deva e Léonie, le mie figlie, a quell’età».
    Da un anno e mezzo lei e il padre delle bambine, Vincent Cassel, siete separati. Come l’hanno presa?
    «Bene. Vincent è un padre molto presente e la nostra idea di famiglia non è mai venuta a mancare».
    E per lei, ci sono novità? Corteggiatori?
    «Ah, quelli ci sono».
    Ma è single.
    «Diciamo di sì. Anche se single non significa sola. Sono uscita da una relazione durata diciotto anni, in questi mesi ho ritrovato me stessa e adesso mi confronto con una nuova libertà di cui disporre ma di cui non intendo parlare in pubblico».

    L'intervista completa e le foto esclusive sul numero 49 di Vanity Fair in edicola da mercoledì 10 dicembre 2014.




    the other picture might be considered kinda hot so I'll post the link :-\"

  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,411
    I can't read a single word of that article but the photo speaks volumes ;)
  • chipstickschipsticks NOT on TheDanielCraigForum where they think know Daniel Craig personally and Léa and Monica are ugly
    Posts: 560
    talos7 wrote: »
    I can't read a single word of that article but the photo speaks volumes ;)

    my pleasure ;)

  • Bellucci undeniably stole the show at last week's press launch. She was the most Googled thing in the world last Thursday.


    Also here are some very villainous photos of Waltz:

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    She was the most Googled thing in the world last Thursday.
    Seriously? Wow.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Waltz photos are clearly inspired by In Bruges. Does anyone notice the familiar settings?
  • Posts: 15,434
    talos7 wrote: »
    I can't read a single word of that article but the photo speaks volumes ;)

    And I am so happy I can understand a few things! My Italian is not completely lost.
  • I'm SO glad Christoph Waltz actually IS in "SPECTRE". I've been rooting for him since....well....since Javier Bardem was cast as Silva. Now this is a fine picture as well:

    Look at his piercing chin, his cheek bones. Kinda scary. A real villain if you ask me. Or what about this picture of Hans Landa:

  • leas_moleleas_mole love is the promise of suffering
    Posts: 574
    Bellucci undeniably stole the show at last week's press launch. She was the most Googled thing in the world last Thursday.
    Probably why she is top of the cast list of Spectre on IMDb as it is currently ordered by their STARmeter she is #6 then Léa #14, Dave Bautista #16, Christoph Waltz #43 and Daniel Craig #53.

    From the Vanity Fair article, Monica says she is playing an Italian character and that she starts filming in January.
  • StrelikStrelik Spectre Island
    edited December 2014 Posts: 109
    chipsticks wrote: »
    Miss Bellucci on Italian Vogue but didn't say anything really but seriously htf could they have dropped Monica for Hatcher?

    Yep. Barbara Broccoli picked Terri Hatcher over Monica Bellucci for Tomorrow Never Dies.

    Also, Barbara favored Jonathan Pryce over Anthony Hopkins as the villainous media mogul.

    If only Albert R. Broccoli still had been alive to make the decisions. :( He was a brilliant producer.

  • leas_moleleas_mole love is the promise of suffering
    Posts: 574
    Strelik wrote: »
    chipsticks wrote: »
    Miss Bellucci on Italian Vogue but didn't say anything really but seriously htf could they have dropped Monica for Hatcher?

    Yep. Barbara Broccoli picked Terri Hatcher over Monica Bellucci for Tomorrow Never Dies.

    Also, Broccoli favored Jonathan Pryce over Anthony Hopkins as the villainous media mogul.

    If only Albert R. Broccoli still had been alive to make the decisions. :( He was a brilliant producer.
    That's probably why Sam is involved in the casting. Monica said she was surprised that Sam called her about being in Bond. In the Vanity Fair article she said Sam invited her for dinner in London a few months ago to talk about the role.

    Yahoo! interview of Spectre cast - I originally posted this in the spoilers thread but should be safe to post here as interview of the cast with some new information.
  • edited December 2014 Posts: 4,619
    leas_mole wrote: »
    In the Vanity Fair article she said Sam invited her for dinner in London a few months ago to talk about the role.

    You mean the Italian Vogue article, right? Or is there a Vanity Fair article too? Can you give us a link if so? EDIT: my mistake, it's a Vanity Fair article. :)
  • leas_moleleas_mole love is the promise of suffering
    edited December 2014 Posts: 574
    leas_mole wrote: »
    In the Vanity Fair article she said Sam invited her for dinner in London a few months ago to talk about the role.

    You mean the Italian Vogue article, right? Or is there a Vanity Fair article too? Can you give us a link if so?
    My apologies, Italian Vogue - I am very sleep deprived. They both start with a "V"... :\">
    Edit - Vanity Fair Italy it is
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    Strelik wrote: »
    Yep. Barbara Broccoli picked Terri Hatcher over Monica Bellucci for Tomorrow Never Dies.

    Also, Barbara favored Jonathan Pryce over Anthony Hopkins as the villainous media mogul.

    Tragic errors of judgement. Having said that, she picked Craig, so she seems to have acquired better taste with age.

    I can just imagine Hopkins as Carver. He played a rich dangerous fart in Fracture & was chilling.

  • edited December 2014 Posts: 4,619
    The funny thing is that had Bellucci been cast in TND, then she would not have the opportunity to work with Sam Mendes now, 17 years after Roger Spottiswoode and/or the producers had rejected her.

    By the way, did Barbara Broccoli give any interview at all last Thursday?
  • The funny thing is that had Bellucci been cast in TND, then she would not have the opportunity to work with Sam Mendes now, 17 years after Roger Spottiswoode and/or the producers had rejected her.

    By the way, did Barbara Broccoli give any interview at all last Thursday?

  • Posts: 2,101
    Strelik wrote: »
    chipsticks wrote: »
    Miss Bellucci on Italian Vogue but didn't say anything really but seriously htf could they have dropped Monica for Hatcher?

    Yep. Barbara Broccoli picked Terri Hatcher over Monica Bellucci for Tomorrow Never Dies.

    Also, Barbara favored Jonathan Pryce over Anthony Hopkins as the villainous media mogul.

    If only Albert R. Broccoli still had been alive to make the decisions. :( He was a brilliant producer.

    I find it hard to believe Hopkins would except it a bond villain role.
  • Posts: 1,407
    In defense, Teri Hatcher was very popular in that time because of Superman. Yes, Monica would have been the far better choice, but it makes sense.

    And I have read in numerous places that Hopkins turned down the role of Carver. I find it very hard to believe that if he would have been willing, he would have done the role. No offense to Pryce, but Hopkins is a legend.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2014 Posts: 12,501
    I think Teri was hot at the time and definitely hired for her then current popularity, what other members here call "stunt casting" that was a plague for the Brosnan years.

    I do think I also read that Hopkins turned down the role, not that Barbara chose Pryce instead of Anthony Hopkins.
  • edited December 2014 Posts: 4,622
    I am very pleased with the casting of Bellucci. She is in the Raquel Welch traditon.
    Both are voluptuous stunning beauties, cast almost from perfect mold.
    Only so many of such creatures grace the earth at any one time, and only so many are also actresses.
    Bond missed out on la Welch, although she was considered for TB, but grabbing Monica is a coup. Better late than never.

    As an aside, I must say Babs is looking good these days ( in video above). Some women really can pull it together as they get older! Maybe Monica has been an inspiration.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @timmer, very well stated. I can't wait to see the incredibly beautiful Bellucci on the screen. She's going to make one stunning, mysterious, and incredibly great Bond girl. There's not a doubt in my mind.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,411
    Monica had long been a favorite of mine. I just did an image search and can only say, Wow!
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Monica is more than lovely. I think she may age every bit as well as the legendary Sophia Loren.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    Monica is more than lovely. I think she may age every bit as well as the legendary Sophia Loren.

    Agreed. In the past ten years, she has aged roughly four or five days.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    talos7 wrote: »
    Monica had long been a favorite of mine. I just did an image search and can only say, Wow!
  • edited December 2014 Posts: 4,619
    It's hard to believe that Mendes is younger than her.
  • talos7talos7 New Orleans
    Posts: 8,411
    chrisisall wrote: »
    talos7 wrote: »
    Monica had long been a favorite of mine. I just did an image search and can only say, Wow!

    Oh, so you've done the same and know the shots that most impress. ;)
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    It's hard to believe that Mendes is younger than her.

    Goddesses tend to age well.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2014 Posts: 12,501
    She looks older, but it is a nice way of maturing. Still very beautiful. She has a kind of allure that I think a Bond girl should have. I am unsure about her being a completely evil character; we shall see. I hope she has plenty of screen time.

    I wonder if PIerce has sent her some private congrats? It seems like the kind of gentlemanly thing he would do. :)
  • edited December 2014 Posts: 1,221
    So there is an alleged leak of SPECTRE information stemming from the Sony leak. I have some SERIOUS doubts about their legitimacy, so take it with a colossal grain of salt. If in the highly unlikely event that this info is legitimate, I'm not sure if I'm thrilled.
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