SPECTRE Trailer/TV Spot Thread - NEW TV Spots Page 117 - Final Trailer Page 106



  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    If Waltz isn t Blofeld I will eat my hat. And I gave away my hat years ago. Would be really awkward to ask for it back.
  • Posts: 15,433
    It is still possible that Waltz is not Blofeld, however at this point he is by far the most likely candidate and also I may add the best. And I am the only one who thinks he looks a lot like the OHMSS Blofeld?
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited March 2015 Posts: 23,883
    That Christmasy sounding 'bell' part at the end of the trailer when Waltz is partially revealed is similar to a part in "Blofeld's Plot" from the OHMSS soundtrack (0.56 onwards in the clip below - I was reminded of it instantly).

  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,714
    I am really worried that they will use a different take of Waltz's line. I just really love that delivery, I hope they don't use a shorter take. I realize that most if not all of this trailer won't make it into the finished product.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    I am really worried that they will use a different take of Waltz's line. I just really love that delivery, I hope they don't use a shorter take. I realize that most if not all of this trailer won't make it into the finished product.
    Where on earth have you heard this? Most of it will make it into the finished product.
  • Posts: 802
    bondjames wrote: »
    Naomie does not need to be a great actress, she is sexy and that will do.

    At least I have Lea & Monica to look forward to - Naomi doesn't quite do it for me - just find her a bit annoying.

    Am I the only member of the Naomie Harris fan club?
    I absolutely adore this woman and think she is perfectly cast as Moneypenny.
    She is just so naturally elegant and has such great charm.

  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    edited March 2015 Posts: 4,629
    bondjames wrote: »
    That Christmasy sounding 'bell' part at the end of the trailer when Waltz is partially revealed is similar to a part in "Blofeld's Plot" from the OHMSS soundtrack (0.56 onwards in the clip below - I was reminded of it instantly).

    Well done. That's a hell of a catch. Impressive.

    On a different note (no pun intended), I think the Franz-Bond connection could play out another way. Remember, as Silva suggested, nothing is simply random or chance. There are multiple layers and plot lines that could explain how/why the head of a huge international crime/terrorist organization manages to have a former foster brother in MI6. Pure coincidence isn't one of them.
    Villiers53 wrote: »
    Am I the only member of the Naomie Harris fan club?
    I absolutely adore this woman and think she is perfectly cast as Moneypenny.
    She is just so naturally elegant and has such great charm.

    No. But I liked her hair better in SF.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,714
    A plot twist is supposed to be a surprise. If they are comfortable making so many references to a 'dark secret' and drawing connections between Bond and Waltz in a teaser trailer, it makes me less likely to accept it on face value. This is a red herring if I ever saw one. I think Oberhauser is dead or missing and the alias is being used to lure bond into a trap. Only one man could come up with a plan that dastardly. :)
  • mcdonbbmcdonbb deep in the Heart of Texas
    Posts: 4,116
    But Craig's hair looks better so its a wash out ;)

    Poor poor Tanner...
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    edited March 2015 Posts: 4,629
    A plot twist is supposed to be a surprise. If they are comfortable making so many references to a 'dark secret' and drawing connections between Bond and Waltz in a teaser trailer, it makes me less likely to accept it on face value. This is a red herring if I ever saw one. I think Oberhauser is dead or missing and the alias is being used to lure bond into a trap. Only one man could come up with a plan that dastardly. :)

    That's conceivable, too. But then this opens another can of worms: Why would Moneypenny make a point of him having a secret and keeping it that way because he doesn't trust anyone? Oh, the possibilities, right?

    Speaking of the Oberhauser photo, I noticed they found a way to digitize Craig's childhood face into the photo:

  • Posts: 199
    Villiers53 wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Naomie does not need to be a great actress, she is sexy and that will do.

    At least I have Lea & Monica to look forward to - Naomi doesn't quite do it for me - just find her a bit annoying.

    Am I the only member of the Naomie Harris fan club?
    I absolutely adore this woman and think she is perfectly cast as Moneypenny.
    She is just so naturally elegant and has such great charm.

    I am with you! Love her!
  • Posts: 229
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Now that the teaser is behind us, I'm letting this thread go. But I do want to once again add my voice to the corner that is tired of digging into Bond's past. I'm tying that in with missions that arise out of M's, Bond's and MI6's previous mistakes. I wish we never went in that direction with SF. But, I knew it was coming, I had accepted that aspect as inevitable going into the trailer, so, under those existing parameters, I thought it was excellent and exciting.
    50 years of stand alone missions and nonsense (especially the Roger Moore era).
    I don't think having 3 films(CR is a normal mission) dealing with a bit of Bond's personal life is too much.

  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    I am a fan of the Moore but I can understand for many it went too far. But the curreny style of Bond's personal life can go too far too. If one day they put flashbacks of Bond's childhood with his parents, I would seriously cringe. All in all, I don't mind Bond being more fleshed out, but I'd like him to remain like the 1962-2002 era - Bond being on top of the situation. So far the Craig era has done a great job of mixing the 2.
  • Posts: 229
    I am a fan of the Moore but I can understand for many it went too far. But the curreny style of Bond's personal life can go too far too. If one day they put flashbacks of Bond's childhood with his parents, I would seriously cringe.
    I wouldn't mind... In the novel OHMSS, Bond has some flashbacks with him playing at a beach.

  • edited March 2015 Posts: 3,164
    For those wanting an insane full HD quality (on par if not better than Blu-ray, with HD surround sound) download of the teaser to keep and to show off on your home cinema systems, I'm hoping to get it up later today. working on it now.
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 7,653
    have finally seen it, remain somewhat underwhelmed by this trailer, but then it is only a trailer.
  • Posts: 2,495
    Indeed, exactly what a teaser should be.

    I'm curious how the causal viewer will react to it. This seems more aimed at Bond fans who have some understanding of Bond's past. Fitting considering Mendes said during the SPECTRE announcement, “Those of you who have some knowledge of the Bond franchise and the legend of Bond will probably have some idea of what that refers to, but I couldn’t possibly comment."

    I'm a Bond fan who knows about Bond's past, having read all the Fleming novels countless times, and at no point does it mention that Bond has a brother, or that there is a link with SPECTRE and his past.

    Mendes and co. are rewriting history here. This has nothing to do with Fleming, other than a character name Oberhauser which was used briefly in the short story OP.

    This is more of a adding to Fleming's part.

    Oberhauser was sort of a father figure to Bond, so that's part of the OP story..so..... I ain't mad with Waltz and Bond being sort of foster brothers or something like that..I like personal stories.. and besides can people stop with the Blofeld being Waltz theory ? We haven't seen the movie yet, and they can easily change many things until the movie premiere..
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    @antovolk Looking forward to it!!
  • Posts: 2,495
    fanbond123 wrote: »
    I don't know if this happens in the film but it would be cool if Blofeld has Bond for dinner and Blofeld acticates a tv display and on the screen we see images of

    Le Chiffre

    Dominic Greene

    Raoul Silva

    Blofeld says

    "Three of my former associates. No longer in active service."

    Bond replies:

    "I persuaded them to retire."

    Bond gives the hint of a smile.

    Something like that would be a nice way to link SPECTRE (the film) with the previous Craig Bond films. The idea is Craig era Bond has been fighting SPECTRE all along. He just didn't know that.
    Yes I kinda thought of this too, images or something like that of the past villains can be a nice little touch, and it seems like this movie will go for some sort of continuity..so it works
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I've seen Christoph Waltz trending online, suppose that's from people seeing the SP teaser and wondering if that was him in the meeting.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,714
    The teaser basically tells us (or implies) that someone bond knew as a child grew up to become the head of SPECTRE. I'm assuming that Waltz is Blofeld based purely on the fact that he is sitting at the head of the table.

    So the first 90 seconds of promotional footage focuses almost solely on the main plot twist of the film. That just doesn't make sense to me. Either they are so desperate to keep up with the competition that they felt the need to give away such a pivotal revelation, or something in this teaser is misdirection for the actual reveal i.e Oberhauser is a codename that Blofeld is using for some reason and there is no connection between him and bond.
    Again we don't even know Waltz is Blofeld, but he fits the part in the teaser.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I feel like it's just a case of 'Star Trek Into Darkness,' where this big plot twist they were planning was immediately known right from the beginning.
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    I really enjoyed the trailer.

    I was imagining something close to this teaser in my mind:
    No action, just some dialogue but very dark and sombre.

    - I was looking forward to seeing how Mr White will be looking in the film. I love him. He is a great actor. He really looks the part. Nobody does it better than Jesper.

    - I love the opening scene of the teaser - the MI6 building in the sorry state from SF.

    - I like Moneypenny's and Bond's dialogue, it is very dark and in someway intriguing. I liked Moneypenny's hair much more in SF.

    - Bond in the apartment - the guardianship papers, that photo, everything is very dark and dangerous. It looks like Bond is starting to cry, brilliant acting.

    - I think this movie will be driven entirely by Bond - just as Sam mentioned in his videoblog. He is completely right. SF was driven by M. This is truly going to be a movie about Bond.

    - The cinematography of the lake in Austria is amazing, just amazing.

    - When he crosses the porch towards the Austrian lodge it looks very threating from the outside and even more in the inside, the two black crows that come at Bond. Also in the chalet a great line from White: "You're a kite dancing in a hurricane, Mr. Bond".

    - The funeral scene looked great. It look's much better now edited than when we watched it been filmed. The cinematography is excellent once again. Monica is so beautiful and wonderful actress, I love her outfit she looks very dark from the outside = SPECTRE . I'm 99% that is Waltz's character having his back turned to Bond when Bond approaches the gathering at the funeral.

    - They had to show the DB10 in the teaser of course, once again it looks amazing, that sound of the car!

    -Bond's and White's dialogue is great, I think I will love that scene in the movie.

    - Some of you will disagree but I love the new look of the SPECTRE ring

    - I hope Newman was the composer of the music for the teaser. If he was the composer I will be very happy if we get something like that in the movie.

    - I love Bond sneaking around on the upper floor at the SPECTRE meeting

    - Waltz is great!!!! I love how they put Waltz's character into the shadow.

    - The room in where it looks like the SPECTRE meeting is taking place, the set is fantastic. Dennis Gassner is a superstar for production design.

    - I think that Waltz is sitting underneath Bond, we don't see Waltz at 01:14 when the camera crane's up. My thought on this. When we see the shot at 01:14 we don't see two men beside him as we see at 01:18. I think the man at the far end of the table at 01:14 is some another member of SPECTRE, maybe some kind of 2nd in Charge person or SPECTRE Number 2?
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,629
    I am not seeing there being "too much" of a glimpse into Bond's personal/family life, not at all. We got some of it in the climactic scene of SF, and that's really all there is. QoS was a "personal vendetta" mission, but so was LTK. In terms of personal life, OHMSS showed Bond getting married. SP will mark only the third time in which we see Bond's apartment. Heck, in the DC era, we saw Mitchell's and M's apartments before seeing Bond's.

    I think what people are reacting to is the "tortured soul" aspect of each of the DC films. I like that, but I can see how it may rub some fans the wrong way.
  • Posts: 1,092
    Amazing trailer. I got serious chills.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,714
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    I feel like it's just a case of 'Star Trek Into Darkness,' where this big plot twist they were planning was immediately known right from the beginning.

    But EON and Sony decides what to put in the teaser and they choose it allude heavily that Waltz is playing Blofeld by showing him at the head seat of the table with a shadow covering his face. That is obviously a Blofeld tradition in the films. And in the same teaser they also allude to bond being in the tempory care of one oberhauser as a child, in a picture featuring a third unknown person.

    Waltz was revealed to play Franz oberhauser at the title announcement, so he is most likely oberhausers son, the third person in the picture. Plus he says 'welcome James, it's been a long time' implying they know each other.

    So Waltz is Blofeld and oberhauser. He either changes his name to Blofeld or he is using the oberhauser name as a cover for some reason.

    I just want to add that this is only based on the teaser and official statements from EON, no leaks.
  • DaltonCraig007DaltonCraig007 They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."
    Posts: 15,732
    @TripAces If your post is directed at what I said, I just meant that just like the Moore era went too far in one direction, it's possible to go too far in this direction of Bond's personal life. I have no problem with the 3 Craig films so far or what I've seen in the SP trailer. They've done a great job so far.
  • Posts: 84
    ^^^Aaron, I share and so do many people on here and youtube the hope that it would of been Newman doing the music in this trailer but its not, its the people who do the trailer. Its the single biggest disappointment of mine that Mendes insists on Newman to do his film scores, the guy is a "minimalist' style, he won't just go with the bond themes and a full orchestra (John barry used to break the rules and have more sections in an orchestra than you're supposed to, to get that "bond sound"). Alas, we'll be lucky to get the bond theme at the end of the film with him.
  • Posts: 270
    antovolk wrote: »
    For those wanting an insane full HD quality (on par if not better than Blu-ray, with HD surround sound) download of the teaser to keep and to show off on your home cinema systems, I'm hoping to get it up later today. working on it now.

    Awesome thanks!
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    I feel like it's just a case of 'Star Trek Into Darkness,' where this big plot twist they were planning was immediately known right from the beginning.

    But EON and Sony decides what to put in the teaser and they choose it allude heavily that Waltz is playing Blofeld by showing him at the head seat of the table with a shadow covering his face. That is obviously a Blofeld tradition in the films. And in the same teaser they also allude to bond being in the tempory care of one oberhauser as a child, in a picture featuring a third unknown person.

    Waltz was revealed to play Franz oberhauser at the title announcement, so he is most likely oberhausers son, the third person in the picture. Plus he says 'welcome James, it's been a long time' implying they know each other.

    So Waltz is Blofeld and oberhauser. He either changes his name to Blofeld or he is using the oberhauser name as a cover for some reason.

    I just want to add that this is only based on the teaser and official statements from EON, no leaks.

    It could very well be that "Oberhauser" is his real name, and "Blofeld" is the name he uses to run his vast empire, to maintain both a public (non-villainous) life, and his secret (highly villainous) life. It would be a nice change from Dominic Greene, who was damn near as public a villain as Drax or Stromburg, and somehow nobody noticed. After all, red flags would likely go off if he was at a charity event and somebody asked him, "What's your next endeavor?" and he answered with "Taking control of the world by way of counter-intelligence, terrorism, revenge and extortion."
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