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As if my avatar didn't already give it away, I think that another british Richard (Johnson) would have made a fine Bond. He was Youngs first choice, but didn't want to be locked into another contract. He went on to play characters such as Hugh Drummond and Jonas Wilde, so it's not as if Bond would have been beyond him.
To be fair(y) :D , plenty of those 'pretty boys' mature when they get into their 30's/40's and look a lot more suitable once they lose the puppy face fat and get a bit more seasoned (see Moore & Brosnan for instance).
But I get your point about Hughes and Hoult.
Richard Johnson's Deadlier Than The Male is issued on Blu-ray (The British Film released by Network) next month. Should give a good indication of whether he'd have made a good Bond - looks the part, so can't wait to see that particular film.
Ah, did you…haven't really been keeping up with this thread, but it struck me last night that Tom Hughes would be a good choice, and young enough to bash of five or six films if he proved popular.
Is it? :) I have the Network double pack with the other Drummond film Johnson made, 'Some Girls Do', from a few years ago. Good to know about the BR release, though, if it means more people will discover it. Danger Route is well worth seeking out too (no official DVD as yet, but <a href="">Stojo</a>; sells a decent enough DVDr copy).
If the two Drummond films showed that Johnson could excude the charm and charisma for Bond, then Danger Route proved that Johnson could have played a less showy, more intense Bond, very capable of surviving on his intelligence and strength.
Tom Hughes, Nicholas Hoult or Sam Claflin are all unsuitable and would quite frankly be 'weak' (in more than one sence of the word) and boring choices.
> Right look
> Right acting portfolio
> Right amount of "famous-ness"
> Perfect age
Yeah someone else on here used the descriptor "weaselly" and that about sums it up for me! He looks like he's sort of permanently sneering. To be honest he'd probably be dead last on my list of candidates, maybe tying with Idris Elba(!) Yes I have seen Homeland seasons 2 and 3 (Stopped watching after the S3 finale), and frankly just because a British actor occasionally holds a gun doesn't mean he's some automatic Bond candidate.
You are a British actor and you want to be backed up for Bond by the general public? It's easy: hold a gun in a movie, or better, wear a tuxedo. repeat if necessary.
Thankfully choosing a Bond actor is not like X Factor: the general public does not vote.
You just know that if the general public voted, Pierce Brosnan would be elected to be Bond once Craig leaves the role.
Brosnan would not have left! They'd think he's still good looking for his age, etc. He'd have been Bond from 1987 until now. Or Clive Owens would be Bond. Or Robbie Williams.
I'm actually the opposite on this one. I'm not in favour of a black Bond generally, but I'll take Elba any day over Friend. There's no doubt that he could have been an excellent Bond in his prime (which has long gone). Friend still has to prove himself for me.
You have a point but if all you knew of Craig was Our Friends from the North and his role as Sgt. Botha, I'd probably think the same too. If friend clean shaved and fixed his physique, I think he could be a worthy successor to Craig.
Fair points. I did not think Craig was in any way suited for Bond when he was announced (I didn't even know who he was at the time). However, when I saw Layer Cake (I rented it immediately to see if a fiasco/tragedy was about to transpire) I could see what BB saw and knew he would nail it.
I haven't seen much from his work, but he is an up and commer, one from outside of left field to watch out for.
For those who haven't seen the original Cape Fear do so, it's incredible.
Now that would be an interesting choice indeed. Who needs Elba when we've got Puffy.
Diddy really?
No one is considering Friend either, friend.