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wallpaper...1440x900. Nice in clean--SKYFALL 007 November 2012.
my first sky fall teaser image enjoy
Is it necessary for you to come into this thread without adding any positive feedback or posting a poster of your own? The photo is fine. @Risico007 obviously saw the photo and wanted to make a poster for SF using it. What is wrong with that? Don't criticize someone's work unless you are giving actual feedback or adding to the thread with a poster of your own.
<a href="¤t=SKYFALLfanartthing11.jpg"; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
From the photos linked above.
Since you are disagreeable and most prominently negative across the site, yes, I think it would be good for you to give positive remarks to those in this thread. That isn't being PC, that is saying good job to those who take the time to contribute to this thread. @JWESTBROOK and @Risico007 both did a great job. They envisioned what they wanted to make and made it. You are criticizing @Risico's work? He wasn't in a "rush" to make a poster with the photo he found first, he had a great idea and tried it out. He has mentioned already he was excited to make a poster using the image. It doesn't factor in if the image has been used. We all do this for fun and don't care if posters contain the same images. We'll just reuse them no problem. Therefore I see no reason for this unkempt criticism for @Risico007's artwork here. The photo may be grainy as you put it but he his the graininess well and added cool effects like the small crowd featured in the poster. He kept the wording simple and gave more room for the image. All together the image is very good and is a great addition to the site. We don't judge the talent of others in this thread. It is all for fun and we are here to have fun with making the posters and receiving pats on the back from other members contributing artwork.
Shadow has a knack for that on other boards as well. It's just his personality, I guess.
@jolearon, bloody cool work!
I found him!
A Where's Waldo: Bond Edition. Interesting concept. Don't really think it would work as a theater poster. Everybody would react "What the hell is that? bah..." and grumble off. Plus, I'm not sure if the tag line is the best promotion for a character celebrating 50 years in cinema ;)
Yeah, like I said I wish I could've matched gradients better. I may do another, this time in color to see if that goes better. I also though it'd be cool to hide the Bond actors in a large crowd and see if members could find them. Like a Where's Bond type game.
Yeah I just did it to experiment. I have been wanting to do a Bond poster with a crowd for quite a while now. The tagline is referring to Bond's life as a spy, being another face in the crowd, blending in to take on his mission.
<img src=""></blockquote>;
I like this - but not the actual picture of Craig that you used. It's nothing you've done wrong; it was jsut never a good picture to begin with.
I understand the concept. Just not sure that is the best way to sell the character, is all haha.
I also have one with the colors inverted: Which one do you think looks better?
EDIT: Changed posters due to popular demand
I agree with both @QBranch and @shadowonthesun. It just feels right.
We used the same image I merely wanted to zoom in and bring Daniel Craig to the forefront, Jwest merely darkened out the other figures. i used 3 programs Paint, Gimp and poster forge for my creation. I spent an hour doing it and tried my best. this was far from a rush job. When official photos become available i'll try and workout something more clever.
I figured you'd complain more that Yes is doing the theme and Trevor Rabin is doing the music. That would make MUCH more sense.
And i am using the 3 programs to the best of my ability if you know of a better program to create more intricate posters let me know.
Like I said @Risico007, tune @shadowonthesun out. You did a fine job and this thread isn't made for judging the abilities of those who post in it. I look forward to more from you. Cheers! <:-P
I'll try not take offense :/
I too used paint, but thats it. My personal constructive criticism for you is perhaps adding some contrast/brightness changes, as well as color changes. I feel we both did the same thing with the image: we both focused on Bond. Just how we did it is changed. Similar concepts, and great minds do think alike ;)
See my blog for full sized poster
sorry i didnt mean that to offend you I can see how it would be taken that way i love your work as well just was trying to figure out why he loved yours more then mine I found both of ours to be cool. Great minds think alike and all that.