The Next American President Thread (2016)



  • Posts: 613
    I wouldn't either and if everything goes right you have to be president and deal with all our problems no thank you.
  • Posts: 1,631
    Colin Powell forfeited his claim to the "superior guy" status when he went to the UN to lobby for Cheney's Iraq war.
  • Posts: 613
    after tonight do you guys agree that it is now between Hillary and Trump?
  • edited March 2016 Posts: 725
    dalton wrote: »
    Colin Powell forfeited his claim to the "superior guy" status when he went to the UN to lobby for Cheney's Iraq war.

    Not fair. It has been widely reported that he was lied to by Cheney about WMDs. He spoke in good faith.

  • Posts: 613
    cheney and powell are now a part of the past just like Lincoln and Washington.
  • Posts: 1,631
    Saying he was lied to by Cheney is a cop out. The man was the Secretary of State. He should have vetted the evidence himself before going to the UN to make the case for war.
  • edited March 2016 Posts: 725
    And exactly how could he vet the info, when all the the intel sources were from the CIA and NSA, that Cheney and his staff controlled.
  • edited March 2016 Posts: 1,631
    It's his job to know what he says to an international organization like the UN is the truth. When you're the Secretary of State, you don't get to pass the buck like that.

    I'm not saying he's a bad man. I think both he and George W. Bush are good men. Bush surrounded himself with a bad team and is paying the price for that in terms of having to live with the fact that he sent the US into Iraq and destabilized the region, and he's paying for it by being remembered as one of the worst presidents in the history of the nation. That said, neither of them get to pass the buck and say that they're not culpable because Cheney lied to them.

    EDIT: And apparently Powell did have doubts about the intelligence, setting up his own personal review.
  • Posts: 613
    im not disagreeing but why would he lie?
  • Posts: 1,631
    Because Cheney was eyeing a war with Iraq before Bush was even sworn in. If you watch documentaries about 9/11, he was trying to steer Bush towards going after Hussein in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.
  • Posts: 110
    smitty wrote: »
    Trump is a huge anomaly. A lot of establishment conservatives greatly fear him because they think he is a closet social liberal and will revert to those positions if elected. Mean while the left hates him because of his immigration stand. I think it will be a Trump/Clinton contest, but lots of crazy stuff can still happen. Their debates will be epic.

    I agree about the establishment conservatives reaction with him. But as a conservative myself, he does not need to be 100% conservative on everything. He appeals to me because he is tackling issues that the establishment republicans have been avoiding, and that's good enough for me and others.
  • Posts: 110
    TripAces wrote: »
    I agree with you 100% Bondjames. I think a lot of people mistake Trump's aggressiveness as a threat, when it's just a matter of a person finally having some backbone to say what he wants to say instead of just pulling up to special interests. And again, aside from his fiscal policies, and his views on illegal immigration and terrorism, he's actually pretty liberal and most other issues. I think people need to start really digging into what he's about instead of listening to the hysteria that the media is putting out there.

    The media isn't putting things into his mouth. He's saying these things (Mexicans are rapists) all on his own. He's a sexist, racist pig. Pure and simple.

    No he is not. He is saying some Mexicans are rapists, not all. He never said all, and he even went out of his way to say many Mexicans are good people and that he would allow the good hard working Mexicans into this country. I will call out anyone who says otherwise because he never said all Mexicans which is a complete lie and very easy to confirm what he really said.
  • edited March 2016 Posts: 573
    dalton wrote: »
    your probably right about the rest of the world thinking were crazy if trump wins, but they already think were fat and stupid and crazy and all that good stuff so what can we do?

    Prove them wrong by being responsible with our electoral process.
    You've had Obama butt-kissing other leaders and shaming the US for being a selfish bully for 7 years and where has it gotten us? Nowhere. History tells us that whomever is the world's strongest power will always be despised. It comes with the title. I rather it be the US than China or Russia... (Europe has neutered itself ages ago.)

    Trump has become the face for the building resentment towards politicians over the last decade and a half. I don't knock Trump supporters, because to be honest, I share that resentment. TBH, voting Trump is respecting the electoral process. Voters are sick of the games, slick talk, and political correctness and Trump offers two fold: a glimmer of hope and a message to politicians. I fail to see how that is all that bad. Trump isn't crazy and I'm fairly certain his moves are calculated. While his presidency will with no doubt be, uh, an...interesting one, I don't think we'll be any worse off than we are today. He's certainly better than some of the other snakes...I mean candidates.*cough* Hillary, Cruz *cough*
  • edited March 2016 Posts: 110
    dalton wrote: »
    Couldn't agree more. And that's entirely where my attempts to talk myself into supporting Trump were coming from earlier in the thread. His unwillingness to disavow the KKK and David Duke were the last straw on that front. I've heard a lot of people tell me that he doesn't believe half of the things that he says to fire up the more racist aspects of the Republican base, but I think his interview with Jake Tapper regarding the KKK endorsement speaks volumes.

    Again, not true. He could not hear the audio in the interview (or so he claims. Maybe or maybe not true there). However, I tend to believe him in that not more than five minutes after the interview he disavowed Duke and the KKK on his Twitter and Facebook pages. He has also disavowed the KKK at least 37 other times since then, including about eight times at a press conference tonight. As I always like to say, don't believe a single thing the media says.

    Speaking of that press conference, I thought that was very well done. Trump's demeanor was calmer and he does come across as a genuinely nice guy who was more than happy to get into more detail about his policies. Yeah, he still took shots at Rubio, Hilary, and to a lesser extent Cruz, but I think the guy is a good person, and one who is very passionate about what he believes in. But a lot better to hear it come from his own mouth rather than the media who is out to completely destroy him.

  • Posts: 110
    smitty wrote: »
    I think the jury is still out on this KKK issue with Trump because he has been all over the map with different answers. I just don't think he is at all in the tank with the KKK, and I think he will disavow their support, which he has done at least once just recently. He ain't dumb. He's not going to go there. If he did something as unpopular tonight with the right as once again back Planned Parenthood, he's just not going to let himself get tainted with the KKK.

    He did. See my post above.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    Posts: 9,020
    If I see that only Cruz has a chance still winning the candidacy, I sure hope Trump will crush him soon.
    No-one with some sanity left would want Cruz to have a go in Autumn.
    Unimaginable that man would win.
    I rather have George W. for another 12 years.
  • Posts: 110
    dalton wrote: »
    Because Cheney was eyeing a war with Iraq before Bush was even sworn in. If you watch documentaries about 9/11, he was trying to steer Bush towards going after Hussein in the immediate aftermath of the attacks.

    That I agree with 100%. I am no fan of Cheney, especially after the fact unfortunately. Another reason why I like Trump. While he definitely wants to strengthen our military to serve as a deterrent to anyone who even thinks of starting a conflict with the U.S., he is no fan of the neo-conservatives. He will not go into some nation and attempt to rebuild it into a democracy. He will use our military to go after anyone who harbors terrorism if needed, but more from a tactical standpoint as Obama has done. For example, if we know where Isis is training recruits and stockpiling weapons, he will go after that specific area, but not stick around trying to rebuild things and destabilizing the region.

    Again, GW Bush was a good man, but completely duped by Cheney and others. He meant well, and did more good than bad, but this was a big time blunder on him, whether he got persuaded to do this or not. And this is one of the reasons why there is a big time split in the Republican party. But I for one think this is a good thing because hopefully this will weed some of these neocons and establishment types out of the Republican party for good.

  • Posts: 110
    If I see that only Cruz has a chance still winning the candidacy, I sure hope Trump will crush him soon.
    No-one with some sanity left would want Cruz to have a go in Autumn.
    Unimaginable that man would win.
    I rather have George W. for another 12 years.

    I totally agree. But even though he would be the most traditional conservative left, I like Trump more for the reasons listed above. Even as a Christian, I get put off by Cruz trying to tie everything to God. No way he will win with off putting comments like that. Plus he has demonstrated he is as big a liar as your typical politician as well.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    Posts: 4,399
    Ted Cruz creeps me out.... plus i don't agree with where either he (or Rubio) stand with abortion.... I am, and have always been a Pro-Choice guy - a women shouldn't be told what she can and can't do with her own body - and bringing religion into it (and creating laws based off of said religion) makes things worse.
  • edited March 2016 Posts: 573
    HASEROT wrote: »
    Ted Cruz creeps me out.... plus i don't agree with where either he (or Rubio) stand with abortion.... I am, and have always been a Pro-Choice guy - a women shouldn't be told what she can and can't do with her own body - and bringing religion into it (and creating laws based off of said religion) makes things worse.
    I think Ted Cruz represents the old GOP with his all-or-nothing rhetoric. Whether the GOP likes it or not, it needs to adjust and step to the left a little (on social issues). If the primary process would just get a moderate through to a nomination, I think republicans would find a re-awakening and a ton of support in purple states.

    They don't have to be gung-ho, but at least make recognition that there are cases where abortions make sense. I wouldn't have an issue going one step further and stating, while it is wrong and unfair for the baby, at the same time, forced parenting (because, face it, most people who would have a baby probably won't give it up for adoption) just leads to problems for the child down the road. Chances are they wouldn't turn out to be republican-leaning either. Same with gay rights...who freaking cares...let them be. I don't know why the government doesn't just get out the business of determining marriage. Let it be spiritual and call legal marriage something different on the tax form.
  • Posts: 1,631

    Again, not true. He could not hear the audio in the interview (or so he claims. Maybe or maybe not true there). However, I tend to believe him in that not more than five minutes after the interview he disavowed Duke and the KKK on his Twitter and Facebook pages. He has also disavowed the KKK at least 37 other times since then, including about eight times at a press conference tonight. As I always like to say, don't believe a single thing the media says.

    Speaking of that press conference, I thought that was very well done. Trump's demeanor was calmer and he does come across as a genuinely nice guy who was more than happy to get into more detail about his policies. Yeah, he still took shots at Rubio, Hilary, and to a lesser extent Cruz, but I think the guy is a good person, and one who is very passionate about what he believes in. But a lot better to hear it come from his own mouth rather than the media who is out to completely destroy him.

    The earpiece excuse is one of the flimsiest excuses he's come up with to date. The man lies so much that it's really quite extraordinary. The fact that he can accuse Ted Cruz of being "the single biggest liar" is astounding, as he can make a legitimate claim to that title himself. He could hear the questions that Tapper was asking him. He heard enough to know that they were discussing David Duke and the KKK. He claimed to not know who David Duke was, even though he had years earlier denounced him as a racist. He claimed to not know anything about white supremacists, even though you know everything you need to know about them by what they are.

    But, even giving him the benefit of the doubt, there's still a lack of judgment. If you can hear enough to hear that you're discussing David Duke and the KKK over the earpiece, you simply say that you can't hear anything over the earpiece and state that you want nothing to do with Duke, racists, and anything like that, and end the interview. You don't say that you'd have to look into what those groups are to make a decision. You lay down a blanket statement condemning racism and move on, something Trump was unwilling to do because part of the constituency that he's appealing to is the racist element within the Republican base.
  • CatchingBulletsCatchingBullets
    edited March 2016 Posts: 292
    Politics and the White House are NOT a reality series aftershow spat of barbed insults and phone vote winning attacks. This is about real people, real kids, women and the elderly being manhandled out of sight (something Trump himself notorisouly demands of all his non-white staff when he patrols his fake carat empire).

    Trump doesn't give a sh** about America or justice or the working man or the role and image of the States on the global stage. He cares only about himself, his fame as a big man, his multi-bankrupted fortunes built on the back of people he wants out of his myopic sight and narcissistic self vision. He doesn't care about processes and dilligence. He cares about the now, the ratings, the click bait and the podium applause. He is the ultimate depiction of gross sound-bite consumerism masquerading as democracy.

    America... you were never NOT great. Other opposing candidates are merely trying to KEEP America great. Do you think the Clintons and the Sanders of this world want to bring down a country they have dedicated decades of their personal energies to upholding? What has Trump done for America? Lied. That's what. He lies to himself, his colleagues, his followers and his now his country. What has he ever done for American politics? Nothing. It is only now he is vaguely interested because he sees the White House as a reality show that is his for the presenting.

    Please register. Please turn up. Please vote. Please share....all the things Donald Trump doesn't do.

  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    John Oliver Destroys Donald Trump
    I thought this was very funny.
  • Posts: 1,631
    Politics and the White House are NOT a reality series aftershow spat of barbed insults and phone vote winning attacks. This is about real people, real kids, women and the elderly being manhandled out of sight (something Trump himself notorisouly demands of all his non-white staff when he patrols his fake carat empire).

    Trump doesn't give a sh** about America or justice or the working man or the role and image of the States on the global stage. He cares only about himself, his fame as a big man, his multi-bankrupted fortunes built on the back of people he wants out of his myopic sight and narcissistic self vision. He doesn't care about processes and dilligence. He cares about the now, the ratings, the click bait and the podium applause. He is the ultimate depiction of gross sound-bite consumerism masquerading as democracy.

    America... you were never NOT great. Other opposing candidates are merely trying to KEEP America great. Do you think the Clintons and the Sanders of this world want to bring down a country they have dedicated decades of their personal energies to upholding? What has Trump done for America? Lied. That's what. He lies to himself, his colleagues, his followers and his now his country. What has he ever done for American politics? Nothing. It is only now he is vaguely interested because he sees the White House as a reality show that is his for the presenting.

    Please register. Please turn up. Please vote. Please share....all the things Donald Trump doesn't do.

    I agree with everything you said, but on the bold selection, that's not something unique to Trump, as much as I've grown to despise him during this campaign. I don't know enough about Sanders to know whether he's a liar or not, but the other remaining major candidates (Rubio, Clinton, and especially Cruz) are all liars. Rubio took the oath of office to represent the people of Florida in the Senate, yet only shows up to work 40% of the time. Hopefully he's returning 60% of his salary to the taxpayers of Florida.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited March 2016 Posts: 23,883
    Trump did quite well yesterday despite Rubio's concerted assaults over the past week.

    His speech was good, and confirmed my assumption that he will in fact pivot nicely to the centre if he's the nominee. As I said on this thread a few weeks back, the man has the ego the size of a mountain. The bad side of that ego is what everyone is worried about. However, there is a flip side - and that is he will want, more than anything, to be seen as an effective and liked president if he is one. I believe that will be more important to him than pandering to special interests (because he doesn't need them).

    Regarding the KKK, he has made numerous statements about them in the past including when he considered a run as a reform party candidate many years ago, so his credentials on that front do not bother me. However, he handled the Tapper interview very poorly and should clarify his position unequivocally. He looked like he was trying to determine what Tapper was trying to 'get him' with, which I thought was understandable given how the media has been going after him for the past week, and especially since that disgraceful CNN debate which Blitzer moderated like an imbecile. Nevertheless, it was poorly handled on Trump's part.

    The knifes will be out for his back for two weeks. If he can swat them off nicely he may actually benefit from the barrage. I think people have caught on that he is the anti-establishment candidate from the right, and his continued toughness is an asset. Having Christie in your corner doesn't hurt either.
  • Posts: 1,631
    He did well yesterday, but not as well as expected. Many were forecasting a clean sweep, or an all-but-one sweep with Cruz taking Texas. Cruz ended up winning three states, I believe (Texas, Oklahoma, and Alaska) and Rubio even managed to pull out one in Minnesota, and Kasich gave him a run for his money in one of the New England states.

    The attacks are starting to stick. If only they'd started doing this sooner, we could have been done with this Trump nonsense already.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited March 2016 Posts: 23,883
    Of course the attacks were going to stick. They have been brutal. I'm surprised at how well he has held up given the assault.

    He's still the only pick for me on the Repub side. When it gets to the general I will take a look at the VP picks and how they position themselves, and do in the debates.

    I will be more amenable to the least establishment candidate of the two, who has the balls (yes, I'm including Hills in that) to speak out more clearly against 'stupid' wars and against lobby groups/industries who have run the government for years.
  • Posts: 1,631
    bondjames wrote: »
    Of course the attacks were going to stick. They have been brutal. I'm surprised at how well he has held up given the assault.

    He's still the only pick for me on the Repub side. When it gets to the general I will take a look at the VP picks and how they position themselves, and do in the debates.

    I will be more amenable to the least establishment candidate of the two, who has the balls (yes, I'm including Hills in that) to speak out more clearly against 'stupid' wars and against lobby groups/industries who have run the government for years.

    He was the only one of the last three viable candidates on the Republican side I was willing to vote for, until I started researching him a bit more.

    As I already stated, I won't be voting in this election, so I might as well just give up on discussing it as well. The three loons running on the Republican side absolutely will not be getting my vote, nor will Hillary. Sanders is the only one left that will get me to my voting precinct in November.
  • Posts: 315
    You have to wonder what non-USA citizens must think now. You have one party that wants to: build a wall to keep out non-whites, encourage buying as many guns as your bunker will hold, tell women when they can have children, tell people who they can love, believe that climate change isn't proven and restrict voting rights of minorities.

    You have candidates who promise to bomb and slaughter people all over the world. But when they had the opportunity to actually join the military and stand a post, they had better things to do. Trump, Rubio, Cruz, Kasich and Carson have as much military experience as your basic house plant. We call them chicken-hawks.

    And then there's the other side.
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,629
    Trump sounds like a typical Republican to me:

    1. Build a fence
    2. Pump money into defense
    3. Cut taxes. Which means: how do we pay for #1 and #2?

    There's a reason deficits soar under Republican leadership.
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