Your Ultimate Bond Timeline



  • If the films followed the Fleming books chronologically (with different novels/films in the Craig era):

    Sean Connery
    • Casino Royale (1962)
    • Live and Let Die (1963)
    • Moonraker (1964)
    • Diamonds are Forever (1965)
    • From Russia With Love (1967)
    • Goldfinger (1971)

    George Lazenby
    • Dr. No (1969)

    Roger Moore
    • From A View To A Kill (1973)
    • For Your Eyes Only (1974)
    • Quantum of Solace (1977)
    • Risico (1979)
    • The Hildebrand Rarity (1981)
    • Thunderball (1983)
    • The Spy Who Loved Me (1985)

    Timothy Dalton
    • On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1987)
    • You Only Live Twice (1989)

    Pierce Brosnan
    • The Man With The Golden Gun (1995)
    • Octopussy (1997)
    • The Livings Daylights (1999)
    • The Property of a Lady (2002)

    Daniel Craig
    • 007 in New York (2006) - This wouldn’t be the title but I had to fill this spot
    • Colonel Sun (2008)
    • Skyfall (2012)
    • Spectre (2015)
    • Licence Renewed (2018)

  • Nice @Birdleson. Obviously I would give Lazenby a grand total of 0 films were I in charge but I like your timeline.
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,606
    @Birdleson nice; then they could show Bond's beretta getting stuck in the battle between he and Grant, like the novel, giving context to him switching to the PPK in Dr. No :)
  • I also tried to do a list... Kind of chronological order. I looked at the characters which were appearing and the film references...










  • Posts: 9,916
    Ok I am going to do things well very different discussing eon as well as the unofficial films

    CBS era
    1954 Casino Royale same as the tv special we got
    1955 the Hildebrand Rarity Barry returns and it follows the short story but this time Barry reads the short story and tries his best (apart from the accent) to be fleming's bond and to an exten he success even delivering the classic "bond James Bond" line

    The second episode does very poorly so cbs abandons it however

    Saltzman and Brocoli see the episodes and the potential in the character they buy the rights to everything except for casino Royale the Hildebrand rarity and thunderball

    Connery era
    Very similar to what we got but a few differences

    1962 similar to what we got except the strangway murders are the pts the theme is the bond theme and just that
    1963 From Russia with love everything is the same
    1964 Goldfinger mostly the same except its bond who defuses the bomb he also escapes in Kentucky and is working with leiter and allows himself to be recaptured after leiter bond and pussy ( who is more seduced and less forced into bed) discuss how to stop Goldfinger best.
    1965 Thunderball same film as what we got
    1967 Moonraker very close to the book Charles Grey as Drax and (since Spectre is working in fandom with drax) Telly Savalace as Blofield ( directed by Hitchcock)
    Connery leaves on a high note best film in the franchise herald as a new the man who knew too much

    Lazenby era

    1969 On her majesties secret service same film as what we got
    1971 A whisper of hate a proper revenge film bond kills Irma blunt blofield gets away
    1973 You only live twice similar to the film (bond fakes his death in the pts etc) but the finale is exactly like the novel

    The pressure of filming in Japan and living in connery's shadow get to him Lazenby leaves however fans enjoy his trilogy of films

    Roger Moore era
    1974 Live and let die (nothing changes and this include Mcartney writing and recroding the song jsut a year later)
    1977 The man with the golden gun very similar except bond escapes the school by himself and jw pepper is not in the film (Bond 77 is played during the car chase of this film and there is NO SLIDE WHISTLE)
    1979 The pipeline opens: the spangled mob is introduced as a new reoccurring group in dialogue it is revealed they came out of an organization from bond past though never named it is assumed to be Spectre by fans the plot is about a smuggling group that got ahold of documents relating to the PM's trip to the Americas bond just race against the clock to stop the assanation attempt.
    1981 For Your Eyes Only this stays the same except it plays as a modern From Russia with love with Kristatos playing all 3 sides even toward the end we aren't sure where his loyalties lie.
    1983 Diamonds Are Forever the Grand finale of the Spangled Mob with a plot similar to 1983's octopussy it does better then Casino Royale

    1983 unofficial trilogy begins Mclory gets backing from WB
    Kevin McLory hires Sam Neil as 007 and Steven Spielberg as director to try and best eon

    1983 Casino Royale Le Chiffe is working for Spectre and is trying to use the money to buy nuclear bombs bond whipes him out and the film ends with vesper dieing at the hands of emilo largo

    Dalton Era begins
    1985 From A view to a Kill (similar to the film we got inlcuding duran duran's song except no beach boys music)

    Sam Neil Part 2

    1986 Warhead It's Never Say Never again without the retirment angle. Neil fits the part better then he did in Casino Royale and fans hope Eon eill give a dark film Dalton does too leading to

    1987 The Living Daylights Everything is the same in this one and is a box offix smash

    1988 The Hildebrand rarity bond takes on Blofield in a plot similar to the version of Moonraker we actually got the whole thing comes off as a little silly and Mclory and WB part ways.

    1989 Licence to Kill the same plot as the 1989 film except it does well

    1991 Octopussy Same film as before but Khan is trying to use the funds of the near bankrupted fromer USSR to fund a war against the british believing they are the reason comunisom is collapsong Khan is working for the crime syndicate Janus

    1993 The Property of a Lady Dalton's piece de restance he tackles a Colonel Von Hammerstien who is trying to cause a war Between Enlgand and China over Hong Kong. 006 is bond's main ally played brilliantly by Sean Bean he is "killed" half way through the film. Also this film marks the begining of Dench's Tenure as M

    1995 Goldeneye Dalton's Final Film It's Bond versus Trevelian and it;s dark and gritty fans lament over Dalton stepping down (and enjoy seeing his likeness in Goldeneye for n64)

    Liam Neeson Era

    1997 The Spy who Loved me (Similar to Tomorrow Never Dies utlizing the names of the book The Spy who loved me so Paris is now Vivine and Ellito is now I believe news paper boy's name was Carl I could be wrong) Neeson is energetic but still keeping in tone with Dalton Moore Lazenby and Connery portraying bond as tough resoruceful and grounded.

    1999 The World is Not Enough (the same film we got in our world just the mystery is amped up the over the top drama is brought down.

    2001 Midnight Among the Worms Similar to Benson's Novel The Facts of Death again Neeson is on fire

    2002 All the Time in the World for the first time since the 60's the Bond producers do back to back films (peter Jackson Directs both this and the last film) Essentialy the plot and locations from Agent Under fire are seen here the cloing aspect feels a bit to Sci Fi even for Neeson and fans feel that perhaps Eon lost their touch.

    2004 Risico Basically the plot similar to Taken but well in the bond Verse M's Son is kidnaped while vacationing in the Bahamas and M asks 007 personally (in a scene that many feel is the best of Dench and Neeson's career and is based off the shrot story For Your Eyes Only) to look into it off the book. Bond does and what follows is 2 hour tens action thriller. Neeson Ends his tenure on a High note the fans are delighted

    2005 Eon now buys back the rights to Royale the Hildebrand Rarity Spectre the whole 9 yards to which case a dieing Mclory says to Eon "Make me as proud as you did for Ian."

    Craig Era

    2006 Casino Royale (exactly the same film)

    2008 Quantum of Solace (again exactly the same film excetp Mathis lives and the short story is included a bit more)

    2010 The Hildebrand Rarity (we begin to see Quantum transform into Spectre here abnd Blofield is back)

    2012 Skyfall (same Film except more on location shooting and the planned carchase in ShangHai happens)

    2014 Spectre (same Film)
  • edited February 2015 Posts: 832
    Connery Era-

    1962- Dr. No
    1963- From Russia with Love
    1964- Goldfinger
    1965- Casino Royale
    1967- Thunderball
    1969- You Only Live Twice

    Lazenby Era-

    1971- On her Majesty's Secret Service
    1973- Diamonds are Forever

    Moore Era-

    1975- Live and Let Die
    1977- The Spy who Loved Me
    1979- For Your Eyes Only
    1981- Octopussy
    1983- The Living Daylights

    Dalton Era-

    1985- The Property of a Lady
    1987- The Man with the Goldwn Gun
    1989- License to Kill

    Brosnan Era-

    1992- Goldeneye
    1995- Moonraker
    1997- Tomorrow never Dies
    1999- The World is not Enough
    2002- Colonial Sun

    Craig Era- (Darn I already used Casino Royale)

    Quantum of Solace- 2006
    The Hildebrand Rarity- 2008
    Skyfall- 2012
    Spectre- 2015
    Shatterhand- 2017

    ???? Era-

    ????- 2020

    Not that this would necessarily be better than the awesome series that we have, there's just some things that would have been interesting. I like moore's TMWTGG, but I feel like that particular film should have been darker, thus its placement in the dalton era. QOS would obviously be much different than the actual film bc it is Craig's first. CR with Connery would have been interesting, as would DAF with Lazenby. Finally, much less under water in TB, maybe like 1 scene, and certainly not for the finale
  • Posts: 9,916
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Good list.

    Which mine or his or everyone's lol

    Personally I reread my list and wow had that happened the amount of bond films we would have to discuss and people would love Dalton more lol
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    Sean Connery

    Dr No
    From Russia with Love
    On her Majesty's secret service
    Diamonds are forever
    You only live twice

    I loved Goldfinger but to make Sean make all the films with Spectre Goldfinger would be out.

    Roger Moore

    Live and let die
    The man with the golden gun
    The spy who loved me

    Timothy Dalton

    The man with the golden gun
    A view to kill
    For Your eyes Only
    The living daylights
    Licence to kill

    Pierce Brosnan

    Casino Royale
    Tomorrow never dies
    The world is not enough
    Die Another day.

    Id change some stuff from Casino Royale and Die Another Day:

    First Vesper never betrays Bond so the first half till Bond wins the pocker game stays almost the same way with the samll exception that when Bond meets Mathis his introduction is with him is the Famous Bond, James Bond

    in the second half after the pocker game is where things change more Instead of Bond being kidnapped and tortured he surprises Le Chiffre in his hotel room have a fight and Bond shoots him.

    We latter see Bond and vesper being happy relaxing together but get interrupted by a guy from the bank he puts the password the guy leaves. they( Bond and Vesper) start making out and the ending credits roll.

    now my changes to Die Another day

    1st no Coronel Moon. Bond just meets Zao who's partner is Gustave Graves which will appear latter happens everything we saw on the pre tittles sequence and well basically everything till the Bond is welcomed again in Mi6 stays the same with the only difference that Gustave Graves has no other identity.

    We go the ice Palace and well again very little things change except Jinx is not Being drowned she is just trapped in her room but no way out and we skip the whole real icaurous desmostration so we can aviod the CGi surfing
    Bond only breaks the doors of the room where is Jinx she goes in to the car and again we go back to the meeting with M and the guy from the CIA and the whole climax with Graves but without his super hero outfit lol and the fights go the same. The only difference Bond throws Graves without a parachute and they make the airplane stable and turn off the icaurous in a different way.

    And the ending stays the same as the one we saw.

    Daniel Craig

    Quantum of Solace

    QUANTUM wont be a revenge film, he would just get the mission from M that he needs to end with an Evil organization named Quantum and his leader is Dominic Green

    He goes after them meets his woman slips with Fields and Fter he finished the mission he ends up with Camille.

    Spectre well stays almost the same way since Madeline will be his first love in this ideal timeline the only difference Spectre is no part of Quantum and the other guys never worked for Blofeld

  • Posts: 9,916
    You make interesting choices (Unsure why the most dramatic moment in all of flemingdom bond being betrayed you would leave out of casino Royale but meh)

    While I did a huge one a few months back I decided to stick closer to what we actually got but with a few minor tweaks

    Connery Era
    Dr. No 1962 (film would remain the same except bond's near death in the novel from Russia with love would be the pts in Dr. no)
    From Russia with love 1963 (would stay the same)
    Goldfinger 1964 (while I don't love it I respect that many do so I will leave it alone lol)
    Thunderball 1965 (would remain the same) this would be Connery's last film ending on a high note

    Lazenby era
    You Only Live Twice1967 Osato would be the main villain here with Blofeld largely in shadow. Bond and the audience would see Blofeld but not be seen by Bond (hence the errors with ohmss would magically be corrected)
    On her Majesties secret service 1969 (nothing would change except Lazenby wouldn't be dubbed
    The Garden of Death 1971 (seeing as the film series might be around for a while the producers decide to save some of the book titles for later they use the unused elements of you only live twice and give us a dark gritty revenge story)

    Moore era
    Live and let die 1973 (only change is no sherif JW Pepper but other then that film remains the same)
    Diamonds are forever 1974 (closer to the book then the film and Farrah Fawcet as Tiffany Case instead of the wooden Jill St John)
    The spy who loved me 1977 (EON wins the first of a few lawsuits so Blofeld is back and is the main villain of the film)
    The Man with the golden gun 1979 (rather then being influence by Star Wars they instead are influenced by films like the French connection the cast from the 74 film show up here and are largely better utilized hen what we got)

    For your eyes only 1981 (the film would have he amazing Blondie title song instead of that bland ballad by sheena Easton also Bill Conti would of given a better score, other then that it would of remained the same and after another issue with Mclory the pts would remain intact showing Mclory where he can stick Blofeld)

    Dalton era
    Octopussy 1983: the film would largely be the same except less jokes / animal gags

    From a view to a kill 1985: (similar to what we got except a different actress for Stacy Sutton, Leiter would of made an appearance or two in the film and less humor and more story)

    (In this time line in 1986 there would be a rival bond film called Casino Royale with Sam Neil as 007 with the film being a mixture of the plot of both books it would sell just ok and the unofficial series would ground to a hault)

    The living Daylights : (same film as we got just bloody brilliant)

    Licence to kill: same as we got in 1989 except Eric Clapton doing the theme as was rumored at the time.

    Moonraker 1992: the book would be updated and involve a soviet agent (Drax) who infiltarted England in the 70's and now is going to use Moonraker (a new space based defense program) to take revenge on the west for basically causing he fall of the Soviet Union. (Also of note ID create a video game for PC based on this film and while they still will create doom in 1994 many people will fondly remeber this as their favorite bond game)

    1994 the property of a lady (the third Dalton film we almost got but no robots)

    The Liam Neeson era
    In this time line Liam's wife is turned on by the idea of being married to James Bond 007 rather then turned off so Neeson accepts the role

    Goldeneye: essentially what we got with Tomorrow never dies with goldeneye still being a space based weapon but it's News Baron Elliot Carver who steals it in order to start a war and build his news empire. (Also the bond files from goldeneye would be in this film with Famke playing his publicist whom bond does sleep with a few times and Natalya still exists here as well)

    The world is not enough (same film we got including the gorgous Denise Richards)

    Risico 2002 Wilson finally gives into peer pressure and uses this title in honor of the 40th anniversary (bond deals with a smuggling ring connected to terrorists)

    Daniel Craig era
    Casino Royale 2006 (quantum is named in the film and other then that nothing is changed I like the bond begins stuff)

    Quantum of Solace 2008 (once again same film we got maybe a bit more dialogue regarding certain characters back story and a bit better editing)

    Valley of shadows 2010: we learn more about the orgnization of quantum and get whispers of the head of the orgnization with the initials FO... The basic plot would be that of Bloodstone (The film is directed by Pierre Morrel on the suggestion of former Bond Liam Neeson who is still friends with the producers)

    The Death Collector 2012: basically what we got from skyfall but it is clearly made that the character is working for his own ideals but that both he and 007 are being manipulated by an unseen force

    A Whisper of Hate 2015: we here meet the head of Quantum Franz Oberhauser. The film plays largely similar to Spectre with less jokes and a better death of Mr. white (who was by in large the main villain of Valley of Shadows and gets redemption here)

    Craig after going back and forth finally decides to come back for a 6th and final film

    Oberhauser: 2018 basically it's bond versus the head of Quantum the man who killed Vesper Lynn, orchestrated M's death and killed Madeline Swann has a brutual demise. (Pierre Morrell returns to direct)

    Michael Fassbender Era
    Shatterhand: 2020 bond is dealing with a criminal who deals in biological weapons Dr. gutham Von Shatterhand

    Spectre 2022: out of the reminints of quantum Spectre arrive and start causing havoc

    And that is all I have for now.
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,386
    Ready to be devoured by some fans for leaving out Roger Moore and Daniel Craig. Although I don't dislike them, I find the others much more fitting for Bond's tux. My ideal timeline would be like this (obviously excluding all childish humour from the Moore years, with MR being more in line with the novel and CR with the original Cold War setting):

    Sean Connery:

    Casino Royale
    Quantum of Solace
    Dr. No
    From Russia with Love

    George Lazenby:

    On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    You Only Live Twice
    The Man with the Golden Gun
    The Spy Who Loved Me

    Timothy Dalton

    Live and Let Die
    For Your Eyes Only
    A View to a Kill
    The Living Daylights
    Licence to Kill

    Pierce Brosnan

    Tomorrow Never Dies
    The World Is Not Enough
  • Posts: 12,837
    Sean Connery- DN, FRWL, GF, and then a more faithful MR.

    George Lazenby- The Blofeld trilogy done right. TB, OHMSS, YOLT. Finishes his era with TMWTGG (direct adaptations, OHMSS is the same as the real film)

    Roger Moore- A new M is introduced in his briefing as it's explained that Sir Miles retired following Bond's assassination attempt in TMWTGG. LALD remains more or less the same with some minor changes. Solitaire is now played by a black actress. The airport chase scene is taken out, Solitaire is instead recaptured during their escape from San Monique. The boat chase is a lot shorter and there's no Sherriff Pepper.

    Straight after LALD we get TSWLM which remains the same film. Moore follows this up with OP and finally AVTAK (too many changes to count here, it'd be a vastly different film but Zorin, May Day and the score are all the same) before bowing out of the role. His last film would be in the late 70s/early 80s

    Timothy Dalton- TLD, LTK, and FYEO with a more memorable villain and the camp bits removed. He'd continue in the role well into the 90s, with a few original storied films before bowing out with an adaptation of Colonel Sun in the late 90s. This storyline acts as a send off for Robert Brown or whoever M no 2 is in this timeline

    Pierce Brosnan- I was working on my plan for the Brosnan era in another thread but essentially there'd be GE but Trevelayn survives. Janus remain an overarching threat in the background for alternate versions of TND and (fewer changes here) TWINE. Finally Janus would come back into play in. a radically different DAD. After finally dealing with Trevelayn Bond is forced to confront his age, and his past in Skyfall. Q won't have featured in DAD out of respect for Desmond and Wishaw is cast in SF. This film is also where he has to face the fact that the world really changed while he was in North Korea. This closes out the Brosnan era

    Daniel Craig- An alternate CR. It's not a reboot or origin story. Picks off where SF left off with the new M. Apart from that it's exactly the same. Then QoS. With a longer runtime to do the various subplots justice, better editing, a theme song that actually has a melody (something to note is that a lot of the theme songs will be different in this timeline) and a more memorable villain. Both CR and QoS have a gunbarrel at the start and MP is featured, played by a new actress. Q is in CR in place of the MI6 doctor, telling Bond about the defib in his car, and appears in QoS to deliver the tech explanation about tracking Slate. Maybe some minor gadgets but these films keep their stripped back nature. Another important thing to note is that in these films, Quantum don't exist. It's SPECTRE from the off, back with a new mysterious leader at the helm (it's kept vague to avoid people pointing out Bond's lack of aging, but Craig's Bond has already dealt with Blofeld and SPECTRE before). After two more films, both original stand alone stories to firmly esablish him as Bond, Craig finally confronts the new Spectre in, well, Spectre. The new leader is Franz Oberhauser, but he's not Blofeld. Blofeld is dead. Oberhauser was involved in organised crime and decided to rebuild the organisation after learning through his sources of Bond's history with them and imagining the potential power and wealth he could amass as the head of a new Spectre. Apart from that SP remains the same and this finishes the Craig era.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    Sean Connery:
    Dr. No
    From Russia With Love
    Moonraker (Based on the novel, so no space sections, or perhaps very little).

    In my timeline, Connery would've stayed the same as he was in his first two films.

    George Lazenby:
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    You Only Live Twice
    The Man With The Golden Gun
    Live And Let Die

    Roger Moore:
    The Spy Who Loved Me
    For Your Eyes Only (same premise as the final film)
    Colonel Sun
    The Property Of A Lady (many elements included from the short stories)

    Timothy Dalton:
    Casino Royale
    Quantum of Solace
    The Living Daylights
    Licence To Kill
    Risico (first post-Cold War movie)

    Pierce Brosnan:
    Tomorrow Never Dies
    The World Is Not Enough
    Everything Or Nothing (lessen the sci-fi elements)
  • MI60071987892016MI60071987892016 Australia
    Posts: 40
    Sean Connery:
    Dr.No 1962
    From Russia With Love 1963
    Goldfinger 1964
    Thunderball 1965
    You Only Live Twice 1968

    Timothy Dalton:
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service (as a prequel) 1967

    Roger Moore:
    Live And Let Die 1969
    The Man With The Golden Gun 1971
    The Spy Who Loved Me 1973
    Moonraker 1975
    For Your Eyes Only 1977
    From A View To A Kill 1979

    John Gavin:
    Diamonds Are Forever 1980
    The Hildebrandt Rarity 1982
    Risico 1984

    Timothy Dalton:
    The Living Daylights 1986
    Octopussy 1987
    Property Of A Lady 1989
    License To Kill 1991
    Scorpius 1993

    Pierce Brosnan:
    GoldenEye 1994
    Colonel Sun 1995
    Tomorrow Never Dies 1996
    SeaFire 1998
    Win, Lose Or Die 2000
    Cold 2002

    Daniel Craig:
    Casino Royale 2005
    Quantum Of Solace 2007
    Skyfall 2010
    SPECTRE 2014
  • edited July 2016 Posts: 4,325
    Sean Connery:
    Dr.No 1962
    From Russia With Love 1963
    Goldfinger 1964
    Thunderball 1965
    Moonraker 1967 (close adaptation of Fleming novel, low key after the bigger, better approach of TB)

    Roger Moore:
    The Man with the Golden Gun 1969
    Live and Let Die 1971
    From A View to a Kill 1973
    The Spy Who Loved Me 1977
    For Your Eyes Only 1981
    Octopussy 1983

    Timothy Dalton:
    The Living Daylights 1985
    Diamonds Are Forever 1987 (close adapatation of the novel)
    Licence to Kill 1989
    The Property of a Lady1991
    Risico 1993

    Pierce Brosnan:
    GoldenEye 1995
    Tomorrow Never Lies 1997
    The World is Not Enough 1999
    Everything or Nothing 2001

    Daniel Craig:
    Casino Royale 2005
    Quantum Of Solace 2007
    Colonel Sun 2009
    Skyfall 2011
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2013
    You Only Live Twice 2015 (close adaptation of the novel)
    Nobody Lives Forever 2017
  • KaijuDirectorOO7KaijuDirectorOO7 Once Upon a Time Somewhere...
    edited July 2016 Posts: 189
    This one of my timeline theories and of my way of seeing the whole saga.

    Connery-Lazenby Universe
    It's the same Bond all the way through. 007 is trying to avenge Tracy at the start of DAF. (The differences of Sean and George be damned, in the films' universe, they are the same person. In other words, from our POV, they're different, but to the characters of this fictional universe, they're the same. Meanwhile, to explain why OHMSS Blofeld simply doesn't recognize 007 at first is simple - he is just playing with him. Also, reason why Leiter is strikingly different most of the time? Same as with George and Sean.

    Moore Universe
    The earlier Bond adventures never happened. However, Moore's 007 did go through an OHMSS-like mission, that involved Blofeld, Tracy and tragic wedding. (Thus explaining Tracy's grave and Blofeld in FYEO and Anya's remarks in the bar scene in TSWLM.)

    Dalton Universe
    Again, this is another reboot era. Again, this universe's Bond had to go through his own version of OHMSS, or a tragic married life. Felix knows this happened, as per LTK. Felix's apperance explaination is the same as in the one in the Connery-Lazenby verse.

    Brosnan Universe
    Yet another reboot. Bond here is a veteran of the later era of the Cold War (GE opening) and had at least 20 watches courtesy of the old Q ("This your 20th, I believe."). And of course, he had at least more than one M, (Valentin in GE) one of whom could be Bernard Lee (explaining his painting in Castle Thane in TWINE.)

    There's no need to explain how the Craig Universe connects with the older ones, as we know it is independent of the old ones, continuity-wise. Same goes with NSNA and CR '67.

    Shorthand: All the Bonds ARE NOT the same person (except for Sean and George), nor is Bond's name and number an "inheritance". They mainly take place in separate universes.
  • Posts: 4,325
    Birdleson wrote: »
    tanaka123 wrote: »
    Sean Connery:
    Dr.No 1962
    From Russia With Love 1963
    Goldfinger 1964
    Thunderball 1965
    Moonraker 1967 (close adaptation of Fleming novel, low key after the bigger, better approach of TB)

    Roger Moore:
    The Man with the Golden Gun 1969
    Live and Let Die 1971
    From A View to a Kill 1973
    The Spy Who Loved Me 1977
    For Your Eyes Only 1981
    Octopussy 1983

    Timothy Dalton:
    The Living Daylights 1985
    Diamonds Are Forever 1987 (close adapatation of the novel)
    Licence to Kill 1989
    The Property of a Lady1991
    Risico 1993

    Pierce Brosnan:
    GoldenEye 1995
    Tomorrow Never Lies 1997
    The World is Not Enough 1999
    Everything or Nothing 2001

    Daniel Craig:
    Casino Royale 2005
    Quantum Of Solace 2007
    Colonel Sun 2009
    Skyfall 2011
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2013
    You Only Live Twice 2015 (close adaptation of the novel)
    Nobody Lives Forever 2017

    That's not bad (except I don't care for that last title, is it form a continuation novel?).

    @Birdleson it was an early title for Spectre, from the pen of P&W I think. I admit it's not great and feels very generic.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    edited July 2016 Posts: 15,423
    tanaka123 wrote: »
    Birdleson wrote: »
    tanaka123 wrote: »
    Sean Connery:
    Dr.No 1962
    From Russia With Love 1963
    Goldfinger 1964
    Thunderball 1965
    Moonraker 1967 (close adaptation of Fleming novel, low key after the bigger, better approach of TB)

    Roger Moore:
    The Man with the Golden Gun 1969
    Live and Let Die 1971
    From A View to a Kill 1973
    The Spy Who Loved Me 1977
    For Your Eyes Only 1981
    Octopussy 1983

    Timothy Dalton:
    The Living Daylights 1985
    Diamonds Are Forever 1987 (close adapatation of the novel)
    Licence to Kill 1989
    The Property of a Lady1991
    Risico 1993

    Pierce Brosnan:
    GoldenEye 1995
    Tomorrow Never Lies 1997
    The World is Not Enough 1999
    Everything or Nothing 2001

    Daniel Craig:
    Casino Royale 2005
    Quantum Of Solace 2007
    Colonel Sun 2009
    Skyfall 2011
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2013
    You Only Live Twice 2015 (close adaptation of the novel)
    Nobody Lives Forever 2017

    That's not bad (except I don't care for that last title, is it form a continuation novel?).

    @Birdleson it was an early title for Spectre, from the pen of P&W I think. I admit it's not great and feels very generic.

    Nobody Lives Forever is a continuation novel by John Gardner that featured SPECTRE. The early title that P&W used that was similar to it was Nothing Is Forever which was for 'Bond 23' (that later became Skyfall).
  • Posts: 4,325
    tanaka123 wrote: »
    Birdleson wrote: »
    tanaka123 wrote: »
    Sean Connery:
    Dr.No 1962
    From Russia With Love 1963
    Goldfinger 1964
    Thunderball 1965
    Moonraker 1967 (close adaptation of Fleming novel, low key after the bigger, better approach of TB)

    Roger Moore:
    The Man with the Golden Gun 1969
    Live and Let Die 1971
    From A View to a Kill 1973
    The Spy Who Loved Me 1977
    For Your Eyes Only 1981
    Octopussy 1983

    Timothy Dalton:
    The Living Daylights 1985
    Diamonds Are Forever 1987 (close adapatation of the novel)
    Licence to Kill 1989
    The Property of a Lady1991
    Risico 1993

    Pierce Brosnan:
    GoldenEye 1995
    Tomorrow Never Lies 1997
    The World is Not Enough 1999
    Everything or Nothing 2001

    Daniel Craig:
    Casino Royale 2005
    Quantum Of Solace 2007
    Colonel Sun 2009
    Skyfall 2011
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2013
    You Only Live Twice 2015 (close adaptation of the novel)
    Nobody Lives Forever 2017

    That's not bad (except I don't care for that last title, is it form a continuation novel?).

    @Birdleson it was an early title for Spectre, from the pen of P&W I think. I admit it's not great and feels very generic.

    Nobody Lives Forever is a continuation novel by John Gardner that featured SPECTRE. The early title that P&W used that was similar to it was Nothing Is Forever which was for 'Bond 23' (that later became Skyfall).

    You are quite right, sir. My mistake.
  • Posts: 4,325
    Birdleson wrote: »
    tanaka123 wrote: »
    Sean Connery:
    Dr.No 1962
    From Russia With Love 1963
    Goldfinger 1964
    Thunderball 1965
    Moonraker 1967 (close adaptation of Fleming novel, low key after the bigger, better approach of TB)

    Roger Moore:
    The Man with the Golden Gun 1969
    Live and Let Die 1971
    From A View to a Kill 1973
    The Spy Who Loved Me 1977
    For Your Eyes Only 1981
    Octopussy 1983

    Timothy Dalton:
    The Living Daylights 1985
    Diamonds Are Forever 1987 (close adapatation of the novel)
    Licence to Kill 1989
    The Property of a Lady1991
    Risico 1993

    Pierce Brosnan:
    GoldenEye 1995
    Tomorrow Never Lies 1997
    The World is Not Enough 1999
    Everything or Nothing 2001

    Daniel Craig:
    Casino Royale 2005
    Quantum Of Solace 2007
    Colonel Sun 2009
    Skyfall 2011
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service 2013
    You Only Live Twice 2015 (close adaptation of the novel)
    Nothing is Forever 2017

    That's not bad (except I don't care for that last title, is it form a continuation novel?).

  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    edited July 2016 Posts: 7,386
    You could look at it this way:

    - Connery, Lazenby and Moore are in the same storyline with the Tracy reference of FYEO and also because of Lois Maxwell. You can see Bond age untill AVTAK.

    - Dalton, Brosnan could be a storyline, with the events of GE's PTS before TLD. Also M's remark "Don't make it personal" fits well in here. "The new M is a lady" refers to the former M, being Brown's version. Small problem might be his loyalty to Felix in LTK, although he met him briefly in TLD.

    - Craig obviously another storyline.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    You make interesting choices (Unsure why the most dramatic moment in all of flemingdom bond being betrayed you would leave out of casino Royale but meh)

    Here the reasons on why id leave out Vesper's betrayal

    1 i Think Pierce Brosnan Bond flicks work better with a happy ending, the classic Bond way. Its just a very personal preference on how i like the Bond films to end.

    2 to avoid at any cost the direct sequels.
  • MI60071987892016MI60071987892016 Australia
    edited July 2016 Posts: 40
    My Own Bond Films TimeLine:

    Sean Connery: 1961-1966
    Dr.No 1961 (Terence Young)
    From Russia With Love 1962 (Terence Young)
    Goldfinger 1963 (Terence Young)
    SPECTRE 1964 (Terence Young)
    Thunderball 1965 (Guy Hamilton)
    You Only Live Twice 1966 (Guy Hamilton)

    Timothy Dalton: 1968
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service (Peter Hunt)

    Roger Moore: 1970-1978
    Live And Let Die 1970 (Peter Hunt)
    The Man With The Golden Gun 1972 (Peter Hunt)
    The Spy Who Loved Me 1974 (Lewis Gilbert)
    For Your Eyes Only 1976 (John Glen)
    From A View To A Kill 1978 (John Glen)

    John Gavin: 1980-1984
    Diamonds Are Forever 1980 (John Glen)
    Moonraker 1982 (John Glen)
    Risico 1984 (John Glen)

    Timothy Dalton 1987-1993
    The Living Daylights 1987 (George Miller)
    Octopussy 1989 (Ridley Scott)
    License To Kill 1991 (George Miller)
    Property Of A Lady 1993 (Martin Campbell)

    Pierce Brosnan 1995-2001
    GoldenEye 1995 (Martin Campbell)
    Tomorrow Never Dies 1997 (Ridley Scott)
    License Renewed 1999 (Steven Spielberg)
    Scorpius 2001(Quentin Tarantino)

    Daniel Craig 2006-2014
    Casino Royale 2006 (Martin Campbell)
    Quantum Of Solace 2008 (Christopher Nolan)
    SkyFall 2011 (Sam Mendes)
    Once Upon A Spy 2014 (Sam Mendes)

    Chanes To The Films:
    Thunderball and You Only Live Twice: Less Ridiculousness and More of Thriller and Action
    - You Only Live Twice is the Last to ever see SPECTRE
    On Her Majesty's Secret Service: It Serves as a Prequel instead of a Confusing Sequel,
    - This is how James Bond Discovers SPECTRE before Dr.No
    - Timothy Dalton Accepts the role as james bond but leaves and will return for the right age and right time

    Moore Era: Retains its Fun and Suspense but no and less gadgets more for realism less on ridiculous ness,

    Diamonds Are Forever: It wouldn't be the same as the film was, it must be very accurate to the novel, with more violence and action, same as less gadgets and more realism.
    - Timothy Dalton was Offered again but his busy at the time.
    Moonraker: Also it wouldn't be the same as the movies but also must be accurate to the novel.
    Risico: Last film for John Gavin,
    - an argument happend, that have to delay the 4th gavin film till 1987
    Dalton Era: Timothy Dalton said to be return, and now his at the right age and the right time to take the role again, less on ridiculousness no gadgets and more on action and thriller, a typical 90's thriller movies, with more realism and violence,

    Brosnan Era: No Gadgets, No Ridiculousness, More Thriller and Action,

    Craig Era: Still The Same but Quantum of Solace
  • 00Beast wrote: »
    I've always wondered what it would look like if the movies went in order of the novels and each Bond actor we've had kept the same number of movies they did and in the same years. Here's what it might have been like:

    Sean Connery
    1. Casino Royale (1962)
    2. Live and Let Die (1963)
    3. Moonraker (1964)
    4. Diamonds Are Forever (1965)
    5. From Russia with Love (1967)
    6. Dr. No (1969)

    George Lazenby
    7. Goldfinger (1971)

    Roger Moore
    8. For Your Eyes Only (1973)
    9. Thunderball (1974)
    10. The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
    11. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1979)
    12. You Only Live Twice (1981)
    13. The Man with the Golden Gun (1983)
    14. Octopussy (1985)

    Timothy Dalton
    15. The Living Daylights (1987)

    After this of course, they'd just continue in the order we already have them.

    But would the story line up? Casino royale is the first book, quantum of solace continues that story so they should be first 2 right? Then where do you go next?
  • 00Beast wrote: »
    Here's an idea: what if the producers filmed the movies in the order of the novels, but they were filmed in the same years and with the same Bond actors as the actual movies were? Here's what it would look like:

    1. Casino Royale (1962)- Sean Connery
    2. Live and Let Die (1963)- Sean Connery
    3. Moonraker (1964)- Sean Connery
    4. Diamonds Are Forever (1965)- Sean Connery
    5. From Russia with Love (1967)- Sean Connery
    6. Dr. No (1969)- George Lazenby
    7. Goldfinger (1971)- Sean Connery
    8. A View to a Kill (1973)- Roger Moore
    9. For Your Eyes Only (1974)- Roger Moore
    10. Quantum of Solace (1977)- Roger Moore
    11. Risico (1979)- Roger Moore
    12. The Hildebrand Rarity (1981)- Roger Moore
    13. Thunderball (1983)- Roger Moore
    14. The Spy Who Loved Me (1985)- Roger Moore
    15. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1987)- Timothy Dalton- gotta love how this would have turned out!!
    16. You Only Live Twice (1989)- Timothy Dalton- And this!!
    17. The Man with the Golden Gun (1995)- Pierce Brosnan
    18. Octopussy (1997)- Pierce Brosnan
    19. The Living Daylights (1999)- Pierce Brosnan
    20. The Property of a Lady (2002)- Pierce Brosnan
    21. 007 in New York (2006)- Daniel Craig

    What if u just want to follow the storyline, books and movies included, you would have to start with casino royale and jump to quantum right but then where, back to the boos order? Where do u fit in the movies that are not books?
  • So I am trying to put together a Bond storyline as accurate as possible across both the books and the movies regardless of the year they were released or the actors. I have seen some say that bond is a code name and there are different bonds others think it's all over one lifetime. As closely as we can let's build an order for the stories books and movies included. It has to start with

    casino royale:
    being the first book and then the movie with Daniel Craig. (The parody you could throw in there but idk know if it matters). The quantum of solace is a short story and much later in the order of books but can it come second without messing up the storyline in the books? The movie version of quantum follows directly after casino or is there another story/book/movie that would squeeze in between?

    Quantum of solace:
    The continuation of Craig's casino royale, but what comes next, is it back to the next book after casino royale, or do one of the other movies (one that is not taken from a book) come next?

    What's next???
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    FRIENDS OF 007 by @IGUANNA can be next.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,522
    FRIENDS OF 007 by @IGUANNA can be next.

    Oh heaven forbid!
  • Posts: 1,296
    Absolutely friends. :)
  • Posts: 2,101
    My new up to date timeline.

    Sean Connery 1962-1971 7 Films
    Dr. No (1962) - Director: Terrence Young
    From Russia With Love (1963) - Director: Terrence Young
    Goldfinger (1964) - Director: Guy Hamilton
    Thunderball (1965) - Director: Terrence Young
    On Her Majestys Secret Service (1967) - Director: Peter Hunt
    You Only Live Twice (1969) - Director: Peter Hunt -Note: Movie is a true adaptation of the novel.
    Diamonds Are Forever (1971) - Director: Guy Hamilton - Note: The plot of the movie is exactly the same with the exception of the pre credits scene were its a recap of the ending events of YOLT with Bond killing Blofeld in the castle. It is later revealed in the movie that Bond killed Blofelds double in Japan than the real Blofeld.

    Roger Moore 1973-1985 7 Films
    Live and Let Die (1973) - Director: Guy Hamilton
    The Man With The Golden Gun (1974) - Director: Guy Hamilton
    The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) - Director: Lewis Gilbert
    Moonraker (1979) - Director: Lewis Gilbert
    For Your Eyes Only (1981) - Director: John Glen
    Octopussy (1983) - Director: John Glen
    A View To A Kill (1985) - Director: John Glen

    Timothy Dalton 1987-1992 3 Films
    The Living Daylight (1987) - Director: John Glen
    Licence To Kill (1989) - Director: John Glen
    Icebreaker (1992) - Director: Stephen Spielberg

    Pierce Brosnan 1995-2004 5 Films
    Goldeneye (1995) - Director: Martin Campbell
    Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) - Director: Roger Spottiswoode
    The World Is Not Enough (1999) - Director: Michael Apted
    Agent Under Fire (2002) - Director: Lee Tamahori
    Everything Or Nothing (2004) Director: Lee Tamahori

    Daniel Craig 2007-2019 6 Films
    Casino Royale (2007) - Director: Martin Campbell
    Quantum Of Solace (2009) Director: Marc Forster
    Skyfall (2012) Director: Sam Mendes
    Spectre (2015) Director: Sam Mendes
    Shatterhand Part 1 (2018) Director: Christopher Nolan
    Shatterhand Part 2 (2019) Director: Christopher Nolan

    New Actor 2022-???
    Bond 29 (2022) Director: Martin Campbell (his last time directing a major motion picture)

    So what do you all think?
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I see you think the Moore era is perfect.
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