Analyzing the Transition of Power After The U.S. Election and Beyond Into Future Global Politics



    edited November 2016 Posts: 1,003
    I have been a professional stage actor for over twelve years, trust me I am extremely familiar with race changing and sex changing for parts...All I am saying is, if it were an all white cast playing MLK and huge black political figures we would see some insane riots. That has been the theme of America this year. Riots and protesting. I don't have a problem with different races playing parts. I am a strong believer in letting the actor become the role reguardless of race..
    You can't deny though that people would lose it if the roles were reversed in a HUGE broadway play.

    So you don't believe Jesus was white?
    HA. Not even going to get into that.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501

    George Takei was taken at gunpoint, age 5, to live with his family in an internment camp for Japanese Americans (eventually, that is; first it was just a horse stall ... a very compelling read; I do recommend reading this). Maybe most of you know this already. But it is so relevant today and he recently wrote this article. We must be vigilant to protect our people - that means all of our people - in the U.S.A.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    You can't deny though that people would lose it if the roles were reversed.
    A white guy playing MLK Jr.? I see no real protests, just box office loss.
    Now a black guy playing Peter Parker is time for riots & s**t!!!!
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    So here we go. And this is just one thing happening these days. Part of the plan, as presented by a strong contender to be Trump's choice as head of Homeland Security, early on has been revealed in part (intentionally? or is he that stupid)? Links to a couple of articles are in this, too.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    Also, 'losing it' means different thing to different people.
    Pissed at casting? Post angry s**t online.
    Pissed at ownership & free speech? Pay cops to hose the land owners with water in -20 degree weather (AND fire rubber bullets AND concussion grenades).
    It's all very relative. I mean seeing as on this tiny planet we are basically all relatives....
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Yes he's so rogue. Playing the outsider, shaking things up, acting like he always has (mostly rude and only out for himself). But the changes he is leading us towards are very real. How much will be pushed through into law? Hard to say when he is aiming for extremes. I get that people wanted somebody different, not a politician. But this? What a nightmare and embarrassment.

    There is nothing normal about this transition; and, no, that is not a good thing.
    We must stay aware and continue to contact our govt representatives, local and federal. Do not be silent.
    In part says this, but there is more:

    Meanwhile, just 13 days since Trump's election, things are happening across America that are simply horrific and heartbreaking on an unthinkable scale -- from all the hate crimes, to the white supremists celebrating a stone's throw from the White House, to a remarkable segment on CNN this afternoon devoted to a claim from that same meeting that Jews "are not people." Tonight, Trump's transition team issued a mealy-mouth statement which said nothing except that the president-elect "has continued to denounce racism of any kind." Behind closed doors in Trump Tower, the brutal business of transitioning America into someplace that nobody recognizes continued apace.

    Anyway, it is business as usual for Trump, literally.

    And he is now getting into other countries' pockets more than ever, offering his wares (hotel? Use mine!), cramming this all in as quickly as he can ... you know, just in case he is forced by law to go undercover with all this. He won't stop. His children in on meetings and on phone calls with foreign dignitaries, prime ministers? It would be laughable, a joke; but it isn't. He will keep his family in everything, no matter the level of secrecy officially stated - no matter they will or will not have security clearances. Oh and talking to foreign heads of countries on unsecure lines, with no briefing from the current govenment first. If Bernie or Hillary did that as POTUS elect, the howls of outrage would be overwhelming.

    So this old white guy, this rogue POTUS elect, who has put controversial old white guys in his admin., now looks not so different from a thoroughly corrupt politician after all. Money grabbing, settling lawsuits, making deals, blatantly out for vengeance against those who opposed him, rewarding loyalty to him no matter what. What a surprise. And it's just the beginning. The news each day is, at least, not boring.
  • Posts: 6,601
    Thanks Dimi for your post, but I am out for good - at least for the time being. I have said all there is to say.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    That is exactly how I felt about the original thread. It was done, high time. We all had our say, in full. Respectful communication is fine. News is happening fast these days so maybe this thread will last a bit; I am not bothered either way. I don't plan being on this one long, either.
  • Trump is no POTUS. Get TU out of there. He's just a POS.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    So are any of you going to Washington to disrupt the inauguration?
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    I might after I get some Chipotle for lunch. =))
  • So are any of you going to Washington to disrupt the inauguration?

    From "The Revolution Starts Now" by Steve Earle:

    "Yeah, the revolution starts now
    In your own back yard, in your own home town
    Whatcha doin' standin' around?
    Just follow your heart, the revolution starts ............ NOW!"

    Song link available upon request.

  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,629
    I am wondering how long it will take before the majority of those who voted for Trump to realize they'd been duped. I mean, they thought they were "draining the swamp." :))
  • edited November 2016 Posts: 11,119
    TripAces wrote: »
    I am wondering how long it will take before the majority of those who voted for Trump to realize they'd been duped. I mean, they thought they were "draining the swamp." :))

    I think it's not funny. The Chinese and Russians have way more to laugh than 'we' do. And especially the long-term future will show that.

    One example. TTP was an initiative by the USA actually to cut down the influence of China. Hence why China was not part of TTP. What will happen now? Smaller Asian export nations like Malaysia, Vietnam and Phillippines are now driven into the arms of China. As a 'revenge' China will copy-paste the entire TTP-treaty and take the matters in their own hands.

    Then, suddenly, a much larger Asian-Pacific region feels less of a necessity to trade with the USA and instead will focus even more on China. Add Russia to that region, and I think Trump is completely underestimating every bit of global economics. And by doing so he could actually hurt the already poor white working-class people in states like Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Iowa even more.

    The very essence of 'trading' will now move from the West (North-America and Europe) to the entire Asia-Pacific region. By doing so trade figures in the USA eventually will sink....and in the long-term so does economic growth and prosperity.

    So lastly @TripAces, I wouldn't say 'they' are duped yet. But the upcoming four years we'll see some consequences of that. Anyway, there's nothing you can do about it anyway :-).
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited November 2016 Posts: 24,533
    Folks, some want the president's thread to remain closed, some demand it to be re-opened. How do we resolve this matter?

    While @chrisisall will continue to host this transition thread, another one will soon be opened by @bondjames. This may seem unnecessary and useless, but here's the thinking. With every new Bond film, we have our HATE the new movie thread and LOVE the new movie thread. Well, with chrisisall being more or less on one side of the political spectrum and bondjames, I'm sure you don't mind me saying, on the other, we have two hosts with opposing views each host a thread that members can choose from. Those who seek conflict will know where to find it and those who seek to avoid conflict, will also know where to go.

    Of course we'll have some 'duplicate' stuff going on and I usually fight against that, but in this case it might be the best way to deal with such sensitive a topic as this. Also, I'm confident that after a while the popularity of these threads will somewhat decrease, so if they're a nuisance to you, I guess they'll only be so temporarily.

    Hopefully this is a solution all can live with and I'm sure that both chrisisall and bondjames will do an excellent job hosting each individual thread.

    Thank you.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    That's a perfect solution IMO. People can use the thread they want to, and even cross over if they wish.
    It's all good.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    That makes sense, as we have been rather encouraging the second thread to open, yes. As long as the original American president thread stays closed/archived, that is fine with me. Keep the original for historic purposes and easy to access. Two threads currently are not too many. Let's hope for thoughtful, polite discussions in both. Cheers!
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    TripAces wrote: »
    I am wondering how long it will take before the majority of those who voted for Trump to realize they'd been duped. I mean, they thought they were "draining the swamp." :))
    Indeed, he is going back on some things already. Example, his statement Tuesday that he will not go after Hillary Clinton. How bitter a pill that must be to some of his followers. I expected that, though. And I hope he will continue to be moderated, change, go closer to the center. As people know, my biggest concerns in all of Trump being president are our civil rights and the rise in racism/hate crimes/intolerance.

    His picks for his administration are controversial on purpose, yet all we can do is keep speaking up, keep pressure on him.

    He is not draining the swamp, though. ;) You are so right, @TripAces. It is just filled now with his own crocodiles and alligators. Piling them in. His personal business dealings, to be continued while president, are highly unethical to put it mildly. But for those who supported his strongest lines ... well. His tax cuts will help the most wealthy, not the working class. He won't build a wall. He won't prosecute Clinton. It goes on ...

  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    edited November 2016 Posts: 4,629
    TripAces wrote: »
    I am wondering how long it will take before the majority of those who voted for Trump to realize they'd been duped. I mean, they thought they were "draining the swamp." :))
    Indeed, he is going back on some things already. Example, his statement Tuesday that he will not go after Hillary Clinton. How bitter a pill that must be to some of his followers. I expected that, though. And I hope he will continue to be moderated, change, go closer to the center. As people know, my biggest concerns in all of Trump being president are our civil rights and the rise in racism/hate crimes/intolerance.

    His picks for his administration are controversial on purpose, yet all we can do is keep speaking up, keep pressure on him.

    He is not draining the swamp, though. ;) You are so right, @TripAces. It is just filled now with his own crocodiles and alligators. Piling them in. His personal business dealings, to be continued while president, are highly unethical to put it mildly. But for those who supported his strongest lines ... well. His tax cuts will help the most wealthy, not the working class. He won't build a wall. He won't prosecute Clinton. It goes on ...

    Reports have now come out that Trump's businesses are billions in debt to China and Russia. The plot thickens.

    EDIT: turns out these are not necessarily "new" reports.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Yes there are many ties. Lots of manipulation and deals being made. Trump wants to be a huge presence in Asia (for his own profit, mind you). I think he has no clue about foreign policy for real. Can you imagine what was going through President Obama's mind as he had to brief Trump on so many basics?

    And Argentina refusing a permit for Trump to build a new hotel there ... lo and behold, one phone call (with daughter Ivanka on the line, too) and now sure, come on Trump, build your hotel.

    We won't get jobs back because we have lost people to overseas - we have lost jobs mainly due to automation and that will not bring people back into those jobs. Miners will not get their jobs back. Trump has lied to so many of his supporters all along. This will be interesting as he has his own ideas, the GOP has their agenda, and the people closest to Trump are dangerous (to put it politely) regarding civil rights and foreign policy.

    That is still minor compared to what is happening beneath the surface, I feel.

    So everybody, please keep reading a variety of news and keep speaking up, reporting the facts, what is happening now. I don't need memes or funny pictures (just my opinion, though @chrisisall and @BeatlesSansEarmuffs do give light relief as well as very salient, thoughtful points), but I do want people sharing what they learn, sharing good articles and reports on what is going on, as well as Trump's own words (kind of important we don't "normalize" any of this).
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    Local College Professor in Altercation with Alt-Right Serviceman
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    Hmmm, seems shady, but nothing that isn't kind of SOP for his kind. Like the 25 mill to buy his way out of a trial over the fake university.
    He's basically a dope, but he hires the best to fix his messes. I don't think this will bring him down....
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    It is typical but just coming to light a bit more, so I thought I'd post it. A reminder of how he has operated for years, and I don't think he wants to change. He really wants his own purse strings continually fed, as well as his brand out there more and more (ego is so important to him). And no, this alone won't be his undoing. But I don't want things swept under the rug. Just part of his basket of things he brings to the office of President.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    The Trump University fraud is hideous and should be remembered. He lies about nearly everything. so often, so many times throughout his career. It is rather predictable. So when people say he has changed his mind, on anything, take that with a big grain of salt.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
    I didn't cotton to the whole TPP thing (sorry @Gustav_Graves) so that's not something I'll get on Trump for at all, but he seems to be all over the place with his ideas... like he's makin' it all up as he goes. Not in & of itself a bad thing, but his people considerations are (by & large) pretty alarming. Gulianni & Palin need to be in homes for the mentally ill, not in government. Or at least, confined to quarters....
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    The national healthcare should be improved upon (but not thrown out!), TPP I don't hinge my opinion on - but the alarming things, as you have mentioned, @chrisisall, are tremendously important and more than alarming. Beyond the pale, so to say, and all of it so overwhelming that much is continuing to get "normalized."
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited November 2016 Posts: 17,995
    @4EverBonded, what we have to remember is that we, you and I (in world $ terms) are well off. A LOT of Trump voters were & are not. Many live in actual poverty. That engenders anger, a rage at the machine. While their families fall apart and the future looks dimmer by the day, they need a scapegoat. Just like in past times.
    Our collective jobs, as civilized citizens who don't need to figure out where their next meal is coming from, is to stop calling Trump voters names & work towards supporting independents (like Bernie) in the 2018 & 2020 elections. Trump's deeds will clarify his intent to all in short time. Either he will personally grow as a POTUS, or he will become hated by the people of this nation like none before him... we will see.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2016 Posts: 12,501
    I'm well aware people voted out of anger and frustration, with economic hardship and job prospects being a driving factor. That is not new. And yes, it is an old unfortunate pattern. It is easily exploited by politicians, especially authoritarians. The people want change, they are lied to, and things keep snowballing. As it stands now, there is still a lot of hate. A very sad situation indeed.
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