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Good point actually... very interesting. I'm holding out hope for DC still, or if not him, my unpopular choice Mr. Luke Evans :D
EDIT: Variety comments on lack of Craig announcement but says insiders think there's a good chance it's him. Also, B25 will share the date with an untitled Disney fairy tale film. (Edited, not sure if Aladdin or Lion King count as fairy tale films).
I'm with you on that one!
If he steps down I think he will do it before he reaches Rog's milestone, out of courtesy. He seems like that kind of chap.
Otherwise he comes back at 51 to give us a send off film.
I think Soderbergh would be extremely logical, since Daniel and Steven worked very closely this year on "Logan Lucky".
If it trully was a new guy, then this would be by far the longest gap between announcement of a new actor and his first movie release. Brosnan had one year, Craig had one year.
If a new guy is announced this year, it will be 2 years before his movie comes out, and that is ridiculous
How is that important?
I agree seems odd.
They're going to have to answer it either way soon otherwise the Bond question will take over publicity for Logan Lucky so if he's staying why not come out with it today?
Also if he does come back I'm not sure I'm not ruling out a two picture deal. A film in 2019 means a 3 year gap to 2022 for the 60th which they will be sure not to miss out on so it seems they must have some sort of long term plan finally. Could B25 be the film SP should've been before leading to the finale of the Craig era in the Garden of Death for B26 in 2022? Then let Nolan take off with a soft reboot letting him do what he wants as long as the PTS of B27 is the assassination attempt on M from TMWTGG.
Also looks pretty certain that Nolan won't be directing this as pretty sure he wouldn't agree to being lumbered with P&W as a fait accompli.
Mcuigan seems the only name in town for director which I can live with - he's a solid journeyman in the grand tradition of Hunt, Glen and Campbell.
If so, we are in for an interesting film, which could mark a transition to a new vision. Or it could in fact be phase 1 of that new vision - with MGM planning to distribute B26 on its own.
Wouldn't be against him. Quite liked Lucky Number Slevin, and the Sherlock-episodes he directed are solid. Could that make way for Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat writing the screenplay?
Also, there's something cool about announcing a new Bond for the next decade. Let this one be Craig's.
Not with P&W already attached. Perhaps someday, though. They really need new writers.
This is what I thought when I posted the above back at the end of March over 300 pages ago
I thought it then and I still think it now.[/quote]
Far be it for me to say I told you so But !!......
It's good too have some news at last.
Ah, didn't see that at first. Never mind.
My thoughts exactly.
It doesn't really make sense not to announce Craig's return if they know it's happening. And they must know whether Craig's back or not to set a release date. Therefore I suspect Craig's not coming back.
If that's true and Craig's not coming back, EON must have at least started the search for the new Bond. And that thought is really exciting!
No idea whether Craig is coming back or not. I feel it could go either way at this point. Apart from his negative comments to the press, he really has no reason not to do one more Bond. But waiting to announce his return doesn't make much sense either. We will see. Exciting times for sure.
Nolan is definitely not happening for B25 unless they scrap P&W's script. But then, stranger things have most certainly happened...
Also think it's likely this is a continuation, I'm sure they must know how the whole ESB revelation went down like a bucket of sick and if they do pick up after SP to tread carefully.
I'm sure if Waltz is returning he'll want something far more dramatic and memorable to get his teeth into, he wasn't happy with his performance in SP.
Again P&W I'm afraid at least for the Craig we are stuck with them, no doubt to get polished or another writer collaborate with them.
I'll take a journeyman like him over another jaunt with Mendes after the travesty that was SPECTRE.
Exciting? No, it's an awful thought. It would mean no Nolan for at least another decade.
Or it could simply be a continuation of the Craig universe as established in 2006. But this time around a much better film than SP. Sounds too.....traditional to me? Why not. Being cinematically a staunch conservative as opposed to all these reboot addicts in Hollywood ☺.
Craig coming back? I would bet on it. We all know Craig had acting plans for this year and next year. Especially with concern to Todd Field's "Purity". The fact that Craig isn't included in the news, could simply be some final contractual negotiations. But in the meantime EON saw the necessity of announcing the next film anyway....Especially with so many competing spy/action films coming up in cinema's much sooner.