Things We've Learned from…..Spectre



  • Posts: 1,778
    jobo wrote: »
    124) When a good friend of yours dies in front of you during a tragic shooting, the best place to lay them to rest is inside a Bolivian rubbish bin in the seediest part of town. Prove you're a real friend by treating yourself to what money is left in their wallet. They won't be using it, right? Right?

    Seriously guys! Do we read each others posts at all? I think this point has been mentioned three or four times by now...

    Ill continue on 130...

    130. This thread is apparently pointless, as nobody reads what you write here anyway... ;)

    Thankyou @jobo. And yes that point has been mentioned multiple times already. It's not a matter of policing the board I just don't see the point of this thread if we don't read eachother's posts.

    Maybe I'm just "blowing things out of proportion" too because this wasn't a problem until recently. No one was repeating anything on the Connery, Moore, Dalton, Brosnan films. We were doing so well.

    Either we'll be moving onto Skyfall soon enough.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    To make everyone happy, I'll take a time out in the corner. Good thing I only just participated in this thing. Wouldn't want to be responsible for blowing everything out of proportion on the regular.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,164
    131) QoS makes people blow proportions all over the place!
  • Posts: 5,943
    132) Craig's Bond is a monk compared to Sean or Rog.
  • SirHilaryBraySirHilaryBray Scotland
    Posts: 2,138
    133) "Shoot em up bang bang" is a lyric that should never feature in a Bond title song again. *Shakes head*
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    133) "Shoot em up bang bang" is a lyric that should never feature in a Bond title song again. *Shakes head*

    Ha ha ha. True. Very chav!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    suavejmf wrote: »
    133) "Shoot em up bang bang" is a lyric that should never feature in a Bond title song again. *Shakes head*

    Ha ha ha. True. Very chav!

    A zillion times better than "Freud....analyze this."
  • Posts: 5,943
    134) This marks the third and (for now) last time Bond went below the Equator.
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    suavejmf wrote: »
    133) "Shoot em up bang bang" is a lyric that should never feature in a Bond title song again. *Shakes head*

    Ha ha ha. True. Very chav!

    A zillion times better than "Freud....analyze this."

    True. Madonna shouldn't have been paid for that theme tune. The worst in series with lyrics that could have put together in 10 minutes by a child.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    suavejmf wrote: »
    suavejmf wrote: »
    133) "Shoot em up bang bang" is a lyric that should never feature in a Bond title song again. *Shakes head*

    Ha ha ha. True. Very chav!

    A zillion times better than "Freud....analyze this."

    True. Madonna shouldn't have been paid for that theme tune. The worst in series with lyrics that could have put together in 10 minutes by a child.

    I've always been of the mind that that's exactly how the theme got written. EON plucked a kid off the streets in London-likely near Pinewood-placed him/her inside a white padded room (with permission from their guardians) and said, "show us what you got." Then, what we got is what we got. I'm wrong to think so? I mean, are you telling me that a grown adult wrote the lyrics to that freaking song and other adults actually said to themselves, "this is great, let's get recording." I'll believe that Blofeld carved a lair inside a volcano without attracting the attention of the Japanese government. I'll believe that geriatric Bond scored a lady like Tanya Roberts and took her to the showers. Hell, I'll even believe that Bond surfed off glaciers. But that? Never.
  • edited May 2015 Posts: 11,189
    I don't think so. When I was a child I'm pretty sure I didn't know who Sigmund Freud was :p

    It had to have been a teenager studying psychology at the very least
  • Posts: 7,507
    I guess they told the kid to include the word Freud to make the text seem slightly more intelligent, and confuse the audience... ;)
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    suavejmf wrote: »
    suavejmf wrote: »
    133) "Shoot em up bang bang" is a lyric that should never feature in a Bond title song again. *Shakes head*

    Ha ha ha. True. Very chav!

    A zillion times better than "Freud....analyze this."

    True. Madonna shouldn't have been paid for that theme tune. The worst in series with lyrics that could have put together in 10 minutes by a child.

    I've always been of the mind that that's exactly how the theme got written. EON plucked a kid off the streets in London-likely near Pinewood-placed him/her inside a white padded room (with permission from their guardians) and said, "show us what you got." Then, what we got is what we got. I'm wrong to think so? I mean, are you telling me that a grown adult wrote the lyrics to that freaking song and other adults actually said to themselves, "this is great, let's get recording." I'll believe that Blofeld carved a lair inside a volcano without attracting the attention of the Japanese government. I'll believe that geriatric Bond scored a lady like Tanya Roberts and took her to the showers. Hell, I'll even believe that Bond surfed off glaciers. But that? Never.

    I agree with you. I think it is that some Execs are that far up Madonna's ass that if she writes something it has to be good. In truth she hasn't been good since the 80's. DAD was a disgrace a Bond theme tune and is totally out of sync with the rest of the series.
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    edited May 2015 Posts: 5,131
    suavejmf wrote: »
    suavejmf wrote: »
    133) "Shoot em up bang bang" is a lyric that should never feature in a Bond title song again. *Shakes head*

    Ha ha ha. True. Very chav!

    A zillion times better than "Freud....analyze this."

    True. Madonna shouldn't have been paid for that theme tune. The worst in series with lyrics that could have put together in 10 minutes by a child.

    I've always been of the mind that that's exactly how the theme got written. EON plucked a kid off the streets in London-likely near Pinewood-placed him/her inside a white padded room (with permission from their guardians) and said, "show us what you got." Then, what we got is what we got. I'm wrong to think so? I mean, are you telling me that a grown adult wrote the lyrics to that freaking song and other adults actually said to themselves, "this is great, let's get recording." I'll believe that Blofeld carved a lair inside a volcano without attracting the attention of the Japanese government. I'll believe that geriatric Bond scored a lady like Tanya Roberts and took her to the showers. Hell, I'll even believe that Bond surfed off glaciers. But that? Never.

    I agree with you. I think it is that some Execs are that far up Madonna's ass that if she writes something it has to be good. In truth she hasn't been good since the 80's. DAD was a disgrace as a Bond theme tune and is totally out of sync with the rest of the series.
  • Posts: 1,394
    I still think Another Way To Die is the worst song of the series.DADs song isnt exactly good but AWTD is just a mess sounding like random noises thrown together including a cat walking on piano keys.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    AstonLotus wrote: »
    I still think Another Way To Die is the worst song of the series.DADs song isnt exactly good but AWTD is just a mess sounding like random noises thrown together including a cat walking on piano keys.

    I don't mind it. I like that its lyrics actually match and reflect elements of the plot (not many theme tunes do), especially the elements of paranoia and distrust that Quantum brings out in those they're up against. I think the instrumental sections are brilliant too.
  • Posts: 5,943
    Gerard wrote: »

    120) More surprising : Canada has a Secret Service.

    135. A little research showed me that I was wrong : Canada does have a Secret Service :

    I will now hang my head in shame. You know, as it was (still is ?) part of the Commonwealth, I thought somehow that it was protected by MI 6 (and those "New Avengers" episodes set there certainly didn't help). Turns out that's not (and never was) the case. The things we learn, right ?
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,053
    I have grown to feel at ease with AWTD but yeah, there was a time when I secretly hoped a fire alarm would go off just to mask the sound. It's just one big disappointment as a Bond song.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,164
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I have grown to feel at ease with AWTD but yeah, there was a time when I secretly hoped a fire alarm would go off just to mask the sound. It's just one big disappointment as a Bond song.

    The good thing about DVD's is that you can skip scenes you don't like. And somehow the forces behind this 'cutting' were so kind as to put the title scene as one 'cut', so for me the film has no titles, but goes straight from the arrival to the interrogation. which is fine by me.

  • Posts: 1,778
    This is it gents. The end of the line. I'd just like to say that of all the threads I've created this one is far and away my favorite. I never realized how witty some of you are. So let's end it with a bang shall we?
    Happy 50th Anniversary 007 in,
    Things We've Learned from…..Skyfall

    1) Behind the scenes turmoil and the advent of newer cinematic "universes" in vogue would be enough to end most film franchises. Bond isn't most film franchises. Proving for a third time that in life only three things are certain, death, taxes, and Bond.

    2) This movie will disappoint us by yet again not starting off with a gun barrel only to leave us amped up and excited a half a second later by having Bond emerge into frame to a John Barry-esque note.

    3) Side mirrors on cars are a superfluous annoyance.

    4) Bond can crash his motorcycle onto the side of a bridge and simultaneously send the bike flying backwards but himself flying forwards because…to hell with physics.

    5) A direct hit from Patrice's gun would've torn Bond in half but one directed to his shoulder can be brushed off as easily as a paper cut.

    6) Daniel Craig will channel the awesomeness of Roger Moore by leaping from certain death only to land and immediately adjust his cuff.

    7) Eve will recklessly fire several rounds into an area crowded with civilians and than lose Bond on a train only to catch up with him and accidentally shoot him off of said moving train into a river. Those MI6 field exams just aren't what they used to be.

    8) Bars in developing countries have interesting games to pass the time.

    9) Tanner's briefing was apparently long enough to last thru most of Bond's physical examination.

    10) You can accidentally "kill" your country's top secret agent yet miraculously still keep your job with a temporary demotion being the only consequence.

    11) Bond doesn't believe in petty grudges over little things like "broken ribs, damaged organs" and stuff like that.

    12) EON wisely knew Desmond Llewelyn could never be replaced.

    13) MI6 sees no value in tech like hidden explosives disguised as every day items because…actually we've yet to receive a good explanation for that.

    14) Bond can pull a Batman and vanish into the shadows.

    15) Having sex is Bond's way of burying the hatchet.

    16) Entering somewhere thru a dragon's mouth is considered bad luck in China. Which means absolutely nothing to Bond.

    17) The filmmaker's couldn't have given Daniel Craig a worse looking haircut even if they tried.

    18) Bond finds nothing morally wrong with sexually forcing himself on a tragic former sex slave.

    19) Given how Bond attended Eton, a dude accidentally slipping into Bond's sexual exploits was inevitable.

    20) Bond doesn't believe in wasting good scotch.

    21) Silva must've went to the Heath Ledger's Joker School of Clairvoyance given how physic powers were the only explanation for his plan coming together the way it did.

    22) Evidently Silva also knew that Bond would corner him in a spot where he had an explosive set up at the exact time a train was arriving.

    23) Q will will for some reason wait several seconds before telling Bond to get on the train despite the fact that the doors have already closed and time is of the essence.

    24) The best way to protect your boss is by taking her to a remote country house in the middle of nowhere that hopefully still has guns and might or might not have an elderly gamekeeper who's still alive to help even the odds.

    25) Sean Connery playing Kincaid would've been too much awesomeness for one film to contain.

    26) When cornered by a vengeful ex-agent and his twenty or so thugs, follow Home Alone-ian tactics by turning your old house into a giant death trap.

    27) When approaching Skyfall not one of Silva's trained mercenaries will think to so much as take a peep into the DB5 suspiciously parked directly in front of where they would be vulnerably standing stationary when entering the house.

    28) Bond can handle someone trying to murder his boss and mother figure with a calm and cool demeanor but once you destroy his car that's when s--t gets personal.

    29) Freezing cold water can be brushed off as easily as bullets.

    30) Being reintroduced to Moneypenny, seeing the classic M office again, and the series coming full circle after 50 years would send me into a child-like state of giddiness.

    31) The Bond series truly is a one of a kind piece of cinema.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    32 Cyanide is worse than sugar.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,345
    33) The DB5's appearance in this movie makes a few people very angry. =))
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    34 Scots are hospitable and polite.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    35. Kincaid isn't sure whether or not Idaho is real.
  • Posts: 5,943
    36. MI 6 physicals don't include X-Rays or (thankfully for 007) MRI.

    37. Bond is a fan of Elton John.

    38. Komodo Dragons make a good step ladder.

    39. Q may have changed, but Bond still shows the same disregard for the material he's given as ever.

    40. This time, the DB5's machine guns were efficient (unlike in GF).
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    41. M does not care if she's ejected.
    42. MI6 knows nothing about Bond's car (if they did, Silva would have), but M does.
    43. Shaving Bond is a most erotic experience for Eve.
  • Posts: 1,778
    44) The tradition of an actor's third Bond film being a classic is back.

    45) The palm print coded PPK is one hell of a smart gadget...unless ofcourse Bond would have to wear gloves to conceal his fingerprints. Something I'm pretty sure a spy would have to do frequently.

    46) Sam Mendes will answer our prayers by finally putting to rest that stupid code-name theory at the end of the film.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,164
    47. oddly enough, M sticks to her seat confronted by Mallory, but as stated in 41., doesn't mind beeing ejected by Bond.

    48. Q may be a tech wizard, he's stupid enough to connect a stand-alone laptop to his own network without any precautions!
    49. Bulldog statues are more rugged then you'd imagine.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    50. The whole office goes up in smoke but that bloody thing survived.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited May 2015 Posts: 4,491
    51. That you can survife a shower, but not a shot in the rose.
    52. You don't need a rock to jump out of a Arena.
    53. If you mis the elivator you can stil hang on it.
    54. A rat not inspecialy need breath crumble to follow his meal.
    55. That you can drink next to somebody in silence and not make a difrence or it be statue or human. (Also used for CR.)
    56. You can buld a movie around delete idea's from Twine.
    57. You may have my number, You have bit of my heart but you don't my know my name.

    58. Where was the hobo with his shot gun, when you need him..
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