Realistic & Serious Story Ideas for Bond 25 ( be used by EON Productions Ltd.??)



  • Posts: 676
    Rather weirdly, it might be timely to see Bond face off against neo-Nazis in the next film. WWII-era Nazis have a long history of getting their asses kicked on the silver screen, and I don't see why neo-Nazis shouldn't be afforded the same treatment.
  • Milovy wrote: »
    Rather weirdly, it might be timely to see Bond face off against neo-Nazis in the next film. WWII-era Nazis have a long history of getting their asses kicked on the silver screen, and I don't see why neo-Nazis shouldn't be afforded the same treatment.

    Good point. Moreover, nazism is very slowly yet effectively being normalized again. Just look at guys like Steve Bannon. Or one of the prime politicians of AfD (Alternative fur Deutschland, sister party of Geert Wilders' PVV, Le Pen's Front National and UKIP). He wants that during WW II Rememberance Day the Holocaust won't bee mentioned anymore.
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,164
    I think that's too political for a Bond movie. Bond lives in world of danger and terrorism. He faces megolamanic villains. But none of them have been politically based.
  • Posts: 4,617
    I read a great fan fiction a couple of years ago where the PTS was set in the 50s and was a young 00 agent being chased by some heavies.
    Following the titles , we move forward to modern day and Bond is summonded to a death bed confession of the agent concerning his discovery of a NAZI gold hoard.
    Would be interesting to add an ellement that Spectre had also discovered some details so the main plot was Bond racing to get to the gold before Spectre (so there was a Nazi background but the modern day plot was free of Nazis)
  • Wonderful ideas in here. Neal Purvis & Robert Wade should create accounts on MI6community and READ all our inspirational ideas and suggestions!
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,164
    I'm not so good at conceiving good stories, that aren't borrowing too much from what's gone before. But then I thought, that's never bothered the film industry in the past. Nothing wrong with updating older stories. Maybe mixing two stories together somehow. And then after reading so many of the comments and thoughts on where the Bond films should go. Elements that people want, or don't want (including of course my own), I came up with a basic story that mixes elements of Goldfinger and Thunderball together.
    A pre titles sequence set at Belmarsh prison in the UK, focusing on Blofelds incarceration, and subsequent escape. Devoid of Bond entirely.
    After the main titles, we open in Perth Australia, where Bond is on protection duties for a senior member of government visiting Perth and the gold fields. To incorporate the Kalgoorlie super pit gold mine.
    Needing a villain, and setting the majority of the story in Colorado, USA, I was thinking that the Russians always made good bad guys in the 60's and then in the 80's. Why not have an American General, who is a member of Spectre. Someone with access to nuclear devices with a little artistic licence. Spectres plan to decimate the worlds gold supply, by setting off nuclear devices at some of the worlds largest gold mines. Whilst in prison, Blofeld has been orchestrating the plan, that will send the worlds economy into chaos. Whilst also threatening nuclear catastrophe to several well populated cities.
    No reference to Madeline Swan, as with previous Bond girls, they just aren't in the next picture. Other than Blofeld being the mastermind behind the scheme, Bond is not on a mission of revenge. Also as the story is predominantly set in the USA, Felix Leiter would be on hand to assist OO7. I'd also like to see a return to Bond and the villain play some sort of game. Whilst I would love to see Bond return to playing golf. I think the parallels, to this story focusing on gold, and that of Goldfinger and the golf match, would be too much. I'd also like to incorporate a car chase in the style of Bullit or Ronin, that leaves the audience breathless. Beautifully shot, exciting, gadget free and long. At least ten minutes in length. Something devoid of gags and humour. A chase that would be talked about as one of the classics.
    This is just an outline, but I don't want a revenge based film, that centres on Bond and Blofeld. I certainly want no mention of the 'foster brother' story arc. I'd like to see Bond return to the USA, and have Felix Leiter as his ally. (And not kill him off.)
    Obviously this may not be to many peoples taste. And going over things that have been done before maybe boring. But an updating isn't necessarily out of the question methinks.
  • NSGWNSGW London
    edited February 2017 Posts: 299
    Benny wrote: »
    I'm not so good at conceiving good stories, that aren't borrowing too much from what's gone before. But then I thought, that's never bothered the film industry in the past. Nothing wrong with updating older stories. Maybe mixing two stories together somehow. And then after reading so many of the comments and thoughts on where the Bond films should go. Elements that people want, or don't want (including of course my own), I came up with a basic story that mixes elements of Goldfinger and Thunderball together.
    A pre titles sequence set at Belmarsh prison in the UK, focusing on Blofelds incarceration, and subsequent escape. Devoid of Bond entirely.
    After the main titles, we open in Perth Australia, where Bond is on protection duties for a senior member of government visiting Perth and the gold fields. To incorporate the Kalgoorlie super pit gold mine.
    Needing a villain, and setting the majority of the story in Colorado, USA, I was thinking that the Russians always made good bad guys in the 60's and then in the 80's. Why not have an American General, who is a member of Spectre. Someone with access to nuclear devices with a little artistic licence. Spectres plan to decimate the worlds gold supply, by setting off nuclear devices at some of the worlds largest gold mines. Whilst in prison, Blofeld has been orchestrating the plan, that will send the worlds economy into chaos. Whilst also threatening nuclear catastrophe to several well populated cities.
    No reference to Madeline Swan, as with previous Bond girls, they just aren't in the next picture. Other than Blofeld being the mastermind behind the scheme, Bond is not on a mission of revenge. Also as the story is predominantly set in the USA, Felix Leiter would be on hand to assist OO7. I'd also like to see a return to Bond and the villain play some sort of game. Whilst I would love to see Bond return to playing golf. I think the parallels, to this story focusing on gold, and that of Goldfinger and the golf match, would be too much. I'd also like to incorporate a car chase in the style of Bullit or Ronin, that leaves the audience breathless. Beautifully shot, exciting, gadget free and long. At least ten minutes in length. Something devoid of gags and humour. A chase that would be talked about as one of the classics.
    This is just an outline, but I don't want a revenge based film, that centres on Bond and Blofeld. I certainly want no mention of the 'foster brother' story arc. I'd like to see Bond return to the USA, and have Felix Leiter as his ally. (And not kill him off.)
    Obviously this may not be to many peoples taste. And going over things that have been done before maybe boring. But an updating isn't necessarily out of the question methinks.

    Nice ideas, suits my tastes well. Bond teaming with Leiter in USA and a Bullitt style car chase I'd especially love to see.
  • Posts: 1,976
    The Blofeld is everywhere idea reminds me so much about how Negan from the walking dead is everywhere
  • fjdinardo wrote: »
    The Blofeld is everywhere idea reminds me so much about how Negan from the walking dead is everywhere

    Hence we need to have a Blofeld like in FRWL and TB.
  • I wrote this article for Den of Geek about ideas from the novels they could use for the next film, be interested to know what you guys thought:
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    edited February 2017 Posts: 6,359
    Interesting article. I agree about YOLT and MR. TMWTGG's plot always seemed very thin/unmemorable to me--not a whole lot there, plus they already kind of did Goodnight-in-the-field with Moneypenny in SF.

    A modern YOLT might actually work better if it was *not* set in Japan; that way Eon could get around the terrible Bond-disguised-as-Japanese plot point.

    I still think that THR's plot could be worked into a Bond film. It would be an interesting departure. Start with Bond on holiday?
  • SkyfallCraigSkyfallCraig Rome, Italy
    edited February 2017 Posts: 630
    Bond is driving away in the sun with Madeleine.
    Flashback to Blofeld trial and conviction.
    Bond and Swann are living their lives in a quite, fantastic seaside in Italy, when Bonds received an invitation: his good friend Felix Leiter is getting married.
    After Bond called him to get Lucia Sciarra extracted, they started to connect, fell in love, and now they're getting married. Bond travels with Madeleine to California, and in the meantime, they start to talk to get married too.
    Once they arrive, the marriage is beautiful, the location is stunning, Bond meets old friend (Q, M, Tanner, even Moneypenny).
    But right after the marriage, during the party, something awful happens: in a big old german helicopter, here comes Hinx.
    He starts, along with masked men, to shoot the people. They start to fall dead, Felix is highly injured, and Hinx takes Lucia and escape with her.
    Trying to recovery from shock, bond takes a car and start chasing them, trying not to lose the helicopter, Madeleine at his side. But Hinx starts firing against them with a machine gun. miraculously Bond escape from fire, but lose them. But when he stops, turns the head right to talk with Madeleine, and sees that she is unconscious. She has been hit by a bullet, she is dead.
    Bond returns Felix's home, where he finds that Felix is fighting for his life, and Moneypenny suffered minor injuries. But he also finds that, at the same moment in which the attack was happening, all the other 00s were attacked, and Blofeld was freed from prison.
    After a time of grieving, he decides to return to active duty, to help MI6 solve a series of crime against british representatives abroad: some MI6 undercover agents inside british embassies are falling down in the streets of the city where they work. Bond starts follow the situation, Blofeld is no longer in his mind, he is only a machine now, no feelings, only work. He is focused to do this last one job and go away. He speaks to Felix now and then, he lost a leg and an arm during the shooting, and Lucia disappeared, believed dead, but he is ok.
    After going to Japan and Switzerland with no results, an intel from MI6 says that the next target will be an undercover agent in Russia. When Bond arrives there, he can't help the agent, but while escaping, one of the attacker lose the mask, and he can see she is Lucia Sciarra.
    He returns to London, and start to track all the life of Lucia. He sees that her travel are compatible with what they believe are Blofeld voyages. They understand it was not Mr Sciarra the big one inside SPECTRE, but Lucia. Blofeld was her lover, and she tought he was him to have killed the husband. When confronted after the funeral, Lucia had threatened to reveal to the world the SPECTRE existence, and Blofeld decided to kill her. But once Bond was there, she understood there was a better option and cut a deal with Blofeld: infiltrate the CIA to reveal intel to him, by marrying Leiter. MI6 also starts to understand that, before dying, Raoul Silva passed the information about the undercover agents to Blofeld, that is finishing what Silva couldn't. Q traces back the information to an old castle in Dubrovnik, and when Bonds arrived there, the people of Dubrovnik says that an old strange couple, MR and Misses Shatterhand, is living inside the castle, and there is a strange Garden with monstrous plants in there. Two boys that tried to enter the castle to rob the owner, were never seen again. Bond starts to investigate, and start to thinks that that could really be Blofeld. He enters the castle, finds that Blofeld and Sciarra, whose real surname is Bunt, live there as a couple. After a long battle with the weapons that are in the old castle, Bond manages to kill Bunt with a sword and Blofeld by strangling him. He escapes the castle with a hot air balloon moments before the castle explodes.
    He resigned, this time for good, from MI6, and after a year, we can see him in California, greeting Leiter with a woman at his side. We see only the back of her head, but when she turns, she is Madeleine! In a flashback we see Madeleine was brought to an hospital and saved, but she was said to be dead, and protected by CIA in a secure location, waiting for Bond to close the case.

  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,511
    I've been inspired by the Bond marathon on this site to do my own; just watching FYEO, and the incredible St.Cyril climb (makes my palms sweat and my heart thump);

    Bond 25, should take inspiration from a creative scene like this and have Danny Craig, alone, and without Swann (they've long since broken up, we will find), with no job since leaving the service.

    He returns to the site of his parents death for a cathartic climb. Halfway up the mountain side, that's when he's attacked: a helicopter swoops in. An army dives out of the helicopter, paragliding onto the mountain. Of course these will be Blofeld's men (after his escape from prison).

    Give whatever valium DC will need to get up on the mountainside, cutting back and forth between he and his stuntman, but do the dame set piece for real. Could be a stunning action sequence, and the attack could be the inciting incident to have 007 reporting for duty once again...
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,009
    @peter, funny, there are several times throughout the movies where I find my palms getting very clammy and sweaty, particularly during some wild stunt taking place hundreds/thousands of feet in the air (like the OP finale, with Bond on the plane).
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,511
    @Creasy, OP definitely is another one of the heart-pounders! And, of course, the being dragged-by-the-boat drowning, also in FYEO. Makes one very uncomfortable.

    It's amazing that we have all watched these scenes over and over, yet there's still a visceral reaction to them.

    That's what a great stunt team does (and gets so little accolades IMHO).

    Bond 25 should look back on the successes of their past, scenes like these that tap into archetypal fears, and build great sequences from there (I am a defender of SP (still realizing it is a hot mess, though), but the car chase in Rome is an example of not really digging deep to give us something memorable; contrast that to Vesper tied up in the middle of the road in CR...))
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,009
    @peter, I completely agree. That's why I'm tired of the utilization of CGI in what could otherwise be some skilled, well-shot practical stunts. Hell, after the countless viewings of GE I've had over the last two decades, I'm still in awe every time I watch that bungee jump kick off the film.
  • JamesBondKenyaJamesBondKenya Danny Boyle laughs to himself
    Posts: 2,730
    PTS: Blofeld escapes
    Bond and Madeline in Italy
    Car chase with the db5
    Irma bunt shoots Madeline
    Straight into the titles sequence l
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,511
    @Creasy, exactly, GE, CR parkour chase... they've done wonderful pieces like this; they should return to their roots in this regard. Get a great Second Unit to plan and build these sequences using practical stunts.

    I think an attack on Bond on a mountainside, in the middle of a particularly harsh climb, could be epic and breathtaking, but not if its green screens and CGI!
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    But the problem is, people think everything spectacular is cgi these days, even when they re not.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,009
    peter wrote: »
    @Creasy, exactly, GE, CR parkour chase... they've done wonderful pieces like this; they should return to their roots in this regard. Get a great Second Unit to plan and build these sequences using practical stunts.

    I think an attack on Bond on a mountainside, in the middle of a particularly harsh climb, could be epic and breathtaking, but not if its green screens and CGI!

    Indeed. As I've always said, I'd rather see an obvious stunt double during a practical stunt, than a CGI stunt that uses the actor's face. It's why I get taken out of parts of the SF PTS, with the awkward green-screen they used just so we can see Craig on the bike.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,511
    i understand that sometimes it's the nature of the beast, that something can be done faster and cheaper via CG, but, especially in Bond films, less is more and keep it to such a minimum that the audience can't detect it right off the bat, upon first viewing.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    CGI replacing animal abuse is real progress.
  • CigaretteLeiterCigaretteLeiter United States
    Posts: 109
    I'd like to throw my hat into the ring for the potential Bond 25 story

    The most pressing geopolitical issue of the week is probably the recent rise of nationalism in the West. Now, we're likely going to be flooded with ham-fisted takes on this issue (I predict quite a few poorly-spray-tanned movie villains over the next four years), so I wouldn't set it in a western nation. Instead, I'd move it to an area that many of us have been clamoring to see in a Bond movie for quite some time: Japan.

    I'm calling it Nothing New Under the Rising Sun. It's a bit of a mouthful, so I'm open to suggestions.

    So we start the film with James (I'd keep Daniel, but this is a fine jumping-on point for the next guy) relaxing in Jamaica, obviously bored with his sedentary lifestyle. After the PTS (by Lady Gaga, I feel like she could do a theme that captures the neon-colored bizarre-ness of Japan's nightlife) has him "investigating" some diplomat (as a hired gun), we return from the credits and see that James and Madeleine are splitting up, Bond's most recent foray into action being the last straw. Thrown out of his house and realizing that he misses the spy game, he makes his way back to London.

    M is initially reluctant to let Bond get back into the field, but a case comes up that's right up the former 007's alley. He's sent to investigate a Japanese cyber-security tycoon (think along the lines of a less crazy John McAfee). MI6 is suspicious of him because some of the intricacies of his products bear a striking resemblance to whatever was being pushed for the Nine Eyes organization, and that's enough to tie him to SPECTRE, which, by the way, has been getting along just fine without Blofeld, under the leadership of Moreau.

    James arrives in Japan and is met by his opposite number, Tiger Tanaka (played by Ken Watanabe, naturally). Tanaka explains that this businessman has some vague ties to the Yakuza and a passion for restoring old vehicles of war from before/during WWII (such as one antique German helicopter), as he regards that as a better time when his people were "stronger".

    After some debauchery and a few action scenes, Bond, Tiger, and the obligatory Bond girl get kidnapped and taken to his lair, located near Jigokudani Monkey park (aka "Hell Valley"). He explains that his plan is to use a deadly virus to cripple the technological infrastructure of the entire pacific rim and the U.S., unless the government of Japan honors his family's very distant claim to the Shogunate. Backed by SPECTRE, he wants to return Japan to imperial rule, where he will save his people from westernization and weakness.

    Our heroes get thrown into his private hunting grounds, where they are pursued for SPECTRE goons, until Tanaka manages to contact his own forces, consisting of the ninja legion from YOLT and a joint task force. An epic battle goes down, and the villain is killed in a flaming antique helicopter crash, or in one of the scalding hot springs.

    The final scene of the movie shows Blofeld escaping from what remote hellhole he's in.

  • JamesBondKenyaJamesBondKenya Danny Boyle laughs to himself
    Posts: 2,730
    as for a title it could be the name of blofelds castle by the sea if they decide to go down the yolt route
  • Bentley007Bentley007 Manitoba, Canada
    Posts: 579
    Since the news of Purvis and Wade being back I have been rereading their interview discussing the future of Bond. This coupled with Daniel and Christoph's dislike, to put it mildly of Donald Trump. I can not help but think that if they could spin it making Blofeld a political leader based largely on Trump would be interesting. I think this idea would more than lure Christoph back as I believe he would see this as an incredible opportunity to test his acting skills and make a statement about Trump. I also think Daniel would like the chance to be in a film where he is up against such a person. He would see this as Bond making a statement he agreed with.
  • Posts: 352
    TOO LONG, DIDN'T READ? Look at the snippets in BOLD to get the main, basic plot points.
    Bond 25: Blofeld escapes from custody, by the aid of SPECTRE operatives and commandoes working within the British government; left over from C's days. SPECTRE's chief plot in the film would be to conduct a mass shooting/bombing at a prominent international university, whose science/medical department is about to release a breakthrough cancer development.

    -Meanwhile, Bond and Madeleine are falling in love with each other. They continue to be watched by SPECTRE. Bond proposes to Madeleine; 007 gets sent on assignment to track Blofeld and find clues on the planned attack. Later on, Bond and MI6 think the assignment is finished, having been strung along by red herrings. Bond returns home; him and Madeleine get married. After the wedding ceremony, driving to their honeymoon, Bond's car is tailed by a vehicle with armed gunmen. Blofeld in the front passenger seat of the car. This leads to a wild chase through the streets of London, civilians and businesses caught in the carnage. Bond's car loses control after being knocked off the road by a hand grenade. Bond finds himself on near Parliament, where the cancer development is going to be released. He radios in assistance/backup, tells Madeleine to stay in the car, draws his PPK, and goes in.

    -A series of explosions rocks Parliament, killing many innocent people, including the scientist responsible for the cure - SPECTRE's plot has succeeded. The building is engulfed with flames. "Cuukoo," Bond hears down the hall. A shadowy figure emerges in the distance, next to another figure, draped in white. Blofeld has Madeleine at gunpoint. "Hate Wins," Blofeld mutters, firing three shots into Madeleine's back. Furious, Bond chases Blofeld through the complex. Bond opens fire on a gas tank, blowing Blofeld away, snapping his neck, throwing him against a stone wall, leaving him conscious, but unable to move.

    -Cackling maniacally, Blofeld tries to catch his breath, and says with a wicked grin "Hate. Wins." continuing to laugh. Bond raises his PPK, in the same situation he was in the past film. "Not today," Bond says, firing a single round into Blofeld's forehead, slaying the beast. Bond runs over to Madeleine, still warm to the touch. MI6 commandoes swarm the building and find Bond. M, coming from the wedding, in disbelief, "Bond, are you alright?", a look of worry on his face. Bond cradles Madeleine's lifeless body - "it's quite alright... don't you see? We have all the time in the world." he replies, crying softly, holding her left hand in his.
    Bond 26: (Wrapping it up)
    -Bond's new assignment begins; about a quarter way through the movie, Bond is captured and sedated. Upon waking up, Bond is seated in a sofa. His vision begins to clear up. A man is sitting in front of him, in a large arm chair, smoking a cigarette. Bond finally comes to. It's... Blofeld? "Good morning, 007," he says with a smirk. "I... killed you," Bond says.

    -"I'm afraid you killed my less better half, James. You killed a double. What did you expect? I'd be roaming around the streets of London waiting for you to catch up to me?"

    Movie goes about itself - Bond taking care of Blofeld

  • JamesBondKenyaJamesBondKenya Danny Boyle laughs to himself
    edited March 2017 Posts: 2,730
    Good ideas, but it seems to revolve a lot around a married bond saving his wife which could be condensed to be pts , and no marriage
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    edited March 2017 Posts: 3,000
    Bentley007 wrote: »
    Since the news of Purvis and Wade being back I have been rereading their interview discussing the future of Bond. This coupled with Daniel and Christoph's dislike, to put it mildly of Donald Trump. I can not help but think that if they could spin it making Blofeld a political leader based largely on Trump would be interesting. I think this idea would more than lure Christoph back as I believe he would see this as an incredible opportunity to test his acting skills and make a statement about Trump. I also think Daniel would like the chance to be in a film where he is up against such a person. He would see this as Bond making a statement he agreed with.

    No. Making a Bond movie political would seriously date the film. It would also risk alienating a large portion of the audience. Bond should remain apolitical. That's not to say that P&W won't end up doing something like this though. I could see it happening.
  • JamesBondKenyaJamesBondKenya Danny Boyle laughs to himself
    Posts: 2,730
    Bentley007 wrote: »
    Since the news of Purvis and Wade being back I have been rereading their interview discussing the future of Bond. This coupled with Daniel and Christoph's dislike, to put it mildly of Donald Trump. I can not help but think that if they could spin it making Blofeld a political leader based largely on Trump would be interesting. I think this idea would more than lure Christoph back as I believe he would see this as an incredible opportunity to test his acting skills and make a statement about Trump. I also think Daniel would like the chance to be in a film where he is up against such a person. He would see this as Bond making a statement he agreed with.

    No. Making a Bond movie political would seriously date the film. It would also risk alienating a large portion of the audience. Bond should remain apolitical.

    What the hell! How can you even compare blofeld with trump are you high??
  • Posts: 676
    I wonder how they could make a memorable villain in the next film. I loved the idea floated in Spectre's development of Blofeld cannibalizing some people to stay alive in the desert - perhaps the next Bond villain could be a cannibal. I also like the idea of a Bond villain who produces snuff films or sex tapes (think FRWL). These are both really dark ideas, but I want a villain I can hate.

    If they are bringing back Waltz to do a YOLT adaptation, it might be worth getting permission from the Trigger Mortis publisher (or Horowitz, or whoever) to use the Hanafuda card game that Jason Sin plays. That would be a great way to add some menace to Blofeld. After EON openly adapted some of Colonel Sun, maybe this is in the realm of possibility?
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