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But think about it- the whole scene is completely redundant after Greedo. It was only ever a deleted scene.
SW came out here seven months after the world premiere, apparently the scene was for some reason included here during its first theatrical run.I can t remember any lens problems, as I have read was the reason for first cutting it out, either. Most odd.
Wow! Unbelievable they made three films of it when it can be told so effectively like this!
That's exactly what i thought.
The film has been a monstrous hit in N.America and the UK, probably as we have all grown up with this film franchise, and it has become part of our culture. I think that after the somewhat disappointing 2nd trilogy, and hearing that the new film would have the characters from the original films, this stirred up the public, to wanting to see the film in the hope of another original SW classic.
In other countries where they do not have the history of the franchise, such as China, the expected massive BO haul there, has not turned out to be so, as the film doesn't really connect with the people in that culture, and to them its just another sci-fi/action flick.
I enjoyed SWTFA, but it was no classic, and the film was basically saved by BB8's acting.
Thanks for that, coz that is the only Die Hard film i havn't seen, and i thought about seeing it online, until i saw the film is woefully rated.
This is our go-to version now.
I wonder how they'll handle Han's death? They have a knack for making everything funny. Even in the older games, when the characters didn't talk, they managed to make the dark scenes a riot- for example, in the 'I am your father' scene, Lego Vader whips out a family photo of Anakin & Padme and gestures towards Luke. It was pretty cute despite Luke just got his hand cut off, lol
Killing Han Solo was plain stupid and so typically JJ Abrams style. And I wouldn't be surprised if Solo came back with some stupid "Alias"ish explanation.
No, really. The moment I realised that Solo will get killed, the movie died for me as well.
The only really good thing about this movie was Harrison Ford, he stole every scene he was in. I won't even go to the length explaining how bad the two new lead characters are.
Compared to this new "thing" even Episode I with infant Anakin feels like a masterpiece. At least that one has a superb Liam Neeson in it.
I don't get why this stupidest plot twist ever hasn't created more uproar than it did. But then the main target audience probably has even never seen the original three movies and couldn't care less.
And the new "super villain" is a total wuss that any Minion could get rid off within a second. Scarlet Overkill would eat him alive.
Be it as it may, I'll watch the next one, who knows, maybe they get a grip and produce something that earns the name Star Wars.
So, now I feel better :))
Not only for Rey, for pretty much the whole narrative. You have a droid holding vital information, a doomsday device, a father figure (in this case a literal father) who dies... Abrams is good at recycling. But on the plus side, he does create more compelling characters than Lucas ended up doing with his prequels and his dialogues are better.
Moreover, all the principal characters (Rey in particular, Finn, Poe & BB8) had some pluck/spirit to them (well maybe not Finn initially, but Rey brought something courageous out of him, and at least he is honourable). I liked that. It was old school.
Poe on the other hand could have been so much more. I sure hope he will take the lead in the next installment. At least Oscar Isaac can act unlike the rest of them.
BB-8 stole the show. He is by far the best thing in this new Star Wars. His character depth is miles deeper than the rest of the "new" characters.
Needless to say, killing Han Solo like they did, is unforgivably stupid.
The bold is all I can get on board with here; Oscar Isaac is amazing. Unfortunately the rest of your opinions on The Force Awakens are just too far from reason to even comment on ;)
WANTED his character to be killed off. Apparently Ford, even going back to the original trilogy wanted his character killed off by Lucas. From Ford himself, it appears the role of Han Solo was not one of his favourite roles, but he stuck with it, to please the world wide fan base of Star Wars.
btw: Why is Han Solo's name pronounced differently in the new film?
It always was originally pronounced as HAN, but for some reason its now pronounced as HARN. Anyone else noticed this?
I agree. The new characters were the strongest point of TFA, a hark back to the original trilogy, while the prequels were rigged with lifeless characters while destroying the classic ones (Obi Wan Kenobi especially) into dry movie props.
It was Ford who demanded Solo got wasted. It was his condition to rejoin the cast.