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I know he's an old hand, but I'm going to roll the dice on Roger Spottiswoode and see if he can bring back some humour and a light-hearted atmosphere with the traditional structure back in place.
I trusted both enough to that can bring Seafire and Role of Honour elements to life. But there need good producer and writer who see that. Mabey Bruce Feirstein and Paul Haggis should write. Paul Haggis van also can be considered as producer/directer. Next Three Days was good.
He is young and modern enough.
I don't think he would. He is tied up with four beatles films to make, and having made two films with Babs and Mickey, he probably has loyalties to them.
Heyman was also a producer on Cuaron's "Gravity", which IMO was an excellent film (and checked the current Bond sweet-spot of critical acclaim and high box office).
Yeah I agree, it's a strong partnership. Gonna be really exciting to see what comes out of this.