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I know he's an old hand, but I'm going to roll the dice on Roger Spottiswoode and see if he can bring back some humour and a light-hearted atmosphere with the traditional structure back in place.
I trusted both enough to that can bring Seafire and Role of Honour elements to life. But there need good producer and writer who see that. Mabey Bruce Feirstein and Paul Haggis should write. Paul Haggis van also can be considered as producer/directer. Next Three Days was good.
He is young and modern enough.
I don't think he would. He is tied up with four beatles films to make, and having made two films with Babs and Mickey, he probably has loyalties to them.
Heyman was also a producer on Cuaron's "Gravity", which IMO was an excellent film (and checked the current Bond sweet-spot of critical acclaim and high box office).
Yeah I agree, it's a strong partnership. Gonna be really exciting to see what comes out of this.
I loved “ Extraction “ and liked “Extraction 2” even more.
With a strong script, he could deliver an exhilarating introduction of a new Bond.
I thought i was the only one who thought so I am planning on seeing this on Sunday i believe. I am so excited
I'd be all for him taking the reigns of Director! He's got a great modern sensibility to his films and would definitely take the franchise in an exciting fresh direction under Amazon.
One thing Guadagnino definitely has going for him is that he's worked with Amazon/MGM several times already, so I wouldn't be too shocked if his name has already come up internally. Another thing going for him, in my opinion, is that it'd guarantee a Reznor & Ross score.
He's prepping to direct Sgt. Rock next, which'll be his first proper action film. If that turns out well, that could certainly help his odds.
Can you explain how Luca G is Marc Forster 2.0? I have seen some of these two filmmakers works, and I’m just not seeing what you’re seeing.
Luca shoots beautiful looking films with well rounded characters. If he has a smart vision for a Bond adventure, I can see him making a potentially sensual and sexy and fun film and the second unit would design the action sequences.
It all comes down to vision, and Luca G has plenty of that….
My only fear is that Amazon has no vision for the character, except on the most superficial level: try and make a box office smash for their debut 007 film (as some have noted, in the same safe space as TFA), and then hit the exploitation of the IP with spin-offs….
Cary Fukunaga also shoots beautiful looking films, but NTTD I am not fond of. How do you know he has a smart vision for a Bond film? thats a big if. Based of his filmography, I wouldn't saying shooting a Bond is a goal of his.
My concern is his sensibilities. How much of a say is he going to have over story, character and how a new Bond is molded. I'm not sure I want this guy deciding the next iteration of James Bond.
Yes, but he was also making popcorn movies like Jaws, close encounters and 1941, which showcased his skill and what he's interested in.
I disliked a lot of the stylistic and character decisions on NTTD, not just the ending which I know was not Cary's decision.
I mean, for what it's worth I'm not a fan of Guadagnino's films (even his Suspiria adaptation wasn't my cup of tea) and would question whether he'd be interested in Bond as well. That said it's impossible to tell exactly what kind of film we'll get from a specific director. I doubt anyone would have expected, say, Lewis Gilbert to have made YOLT, TSWLM and MR based on his previous work.
Oh yeah, that’s called Doodlebug which I think is his only widely available early short (although I’ve definitely seen an earlier, weirder one floating around somewhere. I think he’s actually tried to keep them off the internet though!) It’s actually not bad for an early work - very student filmy but on the better end of that. It’s a good little dry run for Following with the DIY filmmaking.
To be fair to Nolan I think when he has to commit more faithfully to an existing story (something like Insomnia) or just keep a story momentum going (TDK) he can do a linear film. I don’t think Bond ‘needs’ him though and it’s questionable if he’d ever do it or be able to - under EON or Amazon.
Yeah. That's it! Yes, Insomnia & The Dark Knight are the only linear films he's done.