Sex scenes



  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    edited August 2022 Posts: 9,179
    I think that in my more-or-less youth in the seventies, people were also more tolerant or maybe progressive in that regard. Naked breasts on the beach were always ok (as they are today, really). Going to (mixed) saunas naked has always been as well. The difference to the US is that "we" (Europeans) make a difference between nudity and sexuality and can cope with that. Recently some political parties or even elected officials have been promoting the idea of treating men and women (and those third, in-between parties) equally by allowing everybody to swin topless, which is now the rule in some public pools. I don't know if this is what women want to be equal, but if they do, it's fine with me.
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    edited August 2022 Posts: 3,240
    Yes, there was certainly a lot more casual nudity on British tv in the 70s and 80s than there has been for a long time now. A lot of it was gratuitous in that it actually wouldn't've made much difference if it hadn't been there - it was as if writers, directors and producers threw it into everything just because they now could. In the mid-80s, Channel 4 started to put a red triangle warning on films that contained nudity, sex scenes, etc - ostensibly, so that people knew what the content was like and could avoid watching them if they were likely to be offended. Funnily enough, it had the opposite effect and drew people in who wouldn't've watched otherwise! It sent Mary Whitehouse even more daft than she already was.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,529
    Venutius wrote: »
    Yes, there was certainly a lot more casual nudity on British tv in the 70s and 80s than there has been for a long time now. A lot of it was gratuitous in that it actually wouldn't've made much difference if it hadn't been there - it was as if writers, directors and producers threw it into everything just because they now could. In the mid-80s, Channel 4 started to put a red triangle warning on films that contained nudity, sex scenes, etc - ostensibly, so that people knew what the content was like and could avoid watching them if they were likely to be offended. Funnily enough, it had the opposite effect and drew people in who wouldn't've watched otherwise! It sent Mary Whitehouse even more daft than she already was.

    I remember TV commercials for shower gels and deodorants in the '90s showing naked breasts for absolutely no reason, but it happened. Tons of (even the cheapest) horror flicks in the '70s and '80s contained gratuitous nudity, just for the heck of it.

    And yes, Mary Whitehouse, my favorite enemy. I'd laugh at her if she hadn't caused so much damaged. She and her insane followers caused a true moral panic in the UK which led to raids of video stores that would have made the Gestapo blush. Unbelievable that such a thing was possible in the UK in the 1980s and 1990s! (I thought the British had shipped all their religious whack-jobs to the other side of the Atlantic.)
  • VenutiusVenutius Yorkshire
    Posts: 3,240
    Thatcher was a nutjob, though -she openly hated 'the permissive society' and called for a return to what she described as 'Victorian values'. That set a lot of repressive forces in motion. The 80s were an awful time here, it felt like everything that'd been won in recent decades was constantly under attack. Which it was...
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited August 2022 Posts: 24,529
    Venutius wrote: »
    Thatcher was a nutjob, though -she openly hated 'the permissive society' and called for a return to what she described as 'Victorian values'. That set a lot of repressive forces in motion. The 80s were an awful time here, it felt like everything that'd been won in recent decades was constantly under attack. Which it was...

    Indeed, it was. And in some circles, it still is. There's a peculiar discrepancy between society's thirst for sex and blood and its hysterical public crusade against them. It is well-known that ardent apostles of decency can be vulgar animals in their own bedrooms. Hypocrisy always lurks in the shadows when wannabe nuns like Whitehouse and her crazy lot demand that the rest of us be shielded from whatever might lead to violent or sexually promiscuous behavior.

    When will those old fossils, "buybull" humpers and dysfunctional byproducts of a Victorian upbringing get it in their thick skulls that their failure to cope with naked human bodies and scenes of brutality in films gives them no right whatsoever to tell the rest of us what we can or cannot digest?

    In the end, it always narrows down to censorship, one of the worst intellectual crimes the powers that be can impose on people. By assuming to know what we can and cannot handle, they not only insult us, they deprive us of a chance to embrace the future, while they themselves remain stuck in Medieval thinking.

    It took Kubrick's Spartacus over three decades to find its censored scenes restored. And what were they about? Faint homosexual undercurrents in the bathing scene with Olivier and Curtis, that sort of thing. Anyone incapable of handling that can skip those scenes. Just don't ever presume to know what the rest of us can or cannot deal with. Think also of the moral panic caused by Frederic Wertham, who almost single-handedly set the quality of comic books several decades back. And most of his "evidence" has turned out fabricated!

    It's funny how those who express such revolt towards sex are also most obsessed with it. Trying to keep others from enjoying some of the more earthly pleasures life has to offer merely comes from own unfulfilled desires.

    I'll just flat-out say it: these people border on terrorist behavior. They are so utterly lost in their own disturbed "truths" that all of society must somehow pay for it. They measure success by the damage they have done to the rest of us. While they may not blow up buildings (yet) or kill people (too often), they come close enough to trying to establish a caliphate of their own, one in which films like Child's Play 3 are falsely linked to isolated instances of teen violence and subsequently banned. I'm not making this up! When Moaning Whitehouse was still alive, she and her deranged admirers made sure that Child's Play 3, arguably the softest and most boring film in the series, was added to the black list.
  • edited August 2022 Posts: 7,089
    That garbageman scene in Child's Play 3 is pretty disturbing though. I also found the scene where Peter Haskell bites the dust unnerving.

    Edit: Not that any of that merited censorship!
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,529
    mattjoes wrote: »
    That garbageman scene in Child's Play 3 is pretty disturbing though. I also found the scene where Peter Haskell bites the dust unnerving.

    Edit: Not that any of that merited censorship!

    Voila. Like I said before, we all draw our individual lines somewhere; yours differ from mine. You'll be more permissive in case A, B, and C; and I'll be more permissive in case X, Y, and Z. And that's fine. It would be troublesome if our reactions to something led to swift actions of censorship.
  • edited August 2022 Posts: 12,837
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    Censors will always complain. Otherwise they would have nothing to do. I watched the pre-Code film BIRD OF PARADISE (1932) yesterday. Not sure that film would be so easy to get an all-ages release today. For the record, I think censors are a leftover from past times. I wish they would just go away.

    I often do wonder what the age-group of those who are censors is. I mean, do kids grow up thinking "man, I'd love to be a censor?"

    At the risk of sounding ageist, I presume the older some people get, the more "censory" they become. While some of us grow more relaxed, others tense up. They become scared, forget who they once were, fail to understand the "new world", see a few kids play loud music and think society is in full decay. Moral panic ensues... That said, youth can be easily startled and shocked too.

    Huh. Now I'm not sure anymore. My ageism may be a knife cutting two ways. Okay, I'll just say, my generation is the more tolerant. :-D

    I think having kids can change people’s perspective on what’s age appropriate too, even if it’s something they did/watched themselves as a kid. Maybe those of us who grew up getting served in pubs or watching adult rated films when we shouldn’t have been have kind of pulled the ladder up for the generations below us? Entertainment in the 90s and even the 2000s definitely felt much more “adult” to me as a whole, even if that was often in a quite immature way, and I know plenty of people who grew up and enjoyed that with me who now have parental controls on the family Netflix. Suppose it’s the natural thing of not wanting your kids to make the same “mistakes” you did. Plus on top of that and people tending to get more conservative as they age, you’ve got social media and the internet to worry about now as well as all the stuff our parents worried about, so maybe that’s made some parents more protective. Plus the internet makes the moral panic worse. It’s not just Mary Whitehouse and the tabloids anymore, it’s Facebook, Twitter, Mumsnet, countless fearmongering articles, warnings from blue tick “experts”, permanently outraged/terrified types getting other people all worked up by spreading whatever misinformation they’ve fallen for lately.

    But anyway, I don’t need excessive sex in the Bond films (only so much you can do with a 12A anyway) or books, but I’m glad Bond isn’t shying away from sex. I don’t think we see enough of it in blockbusters anymore, to be honest. It’s part of life, and a lot of teens have it before they’re even old enough to legally watch an R rated film, so I don’t see the point in pretending it doesn’t exist in stuff aimed at families. Not saying that kids should be exposed to graphic sex or anything that gives them an unrealistic idea of what it’s like, but the stuff they watch should acknowledge that people shag and it’s normal, imo. I can’t even remember a kiss from the Marvel films I’ve seen, and Doctor Who in the last few years seems to have shied away from the occasional dirty jokes and the flirting/snogging that it had from Eccleston through to Capaldi. Maybe I’ve overlooked some examples and this is just a sign of how out of touch I am with the yoof, but Bond is the only current 12A/PG-13 rated thing I can think of that doesn’t feel completely sexless.
  • Agent_99Agent_99 enjoys a spirited ride as much as the next girl
    edited August 2022 Posts: 3,209
    This seems like a good place to quote my favourite bit from David Bowker's From Stockport With Love, a charming little novel about fatherhood and being a Bond fan, on Thunderball:
    The book also contained my first ever sex scene, although I didn't recognise it as such at the time. At the end of Chapter 18, Bond unfastens Domino's brassière, and kicks off his bathing trunks. Then, at the beginning of Chapter 19, Bond stares into Domino's face and says: 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

    For years, I thought that Bond was apologising for being rude enough to take his trunks off in front of a girl.

    I laughed so hard the first time I read that.

    Because I'd thought the same thing.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited August 2022 Posts: 4,577
    CR, SF, SP should get 16 (R-rating) when released. NTTD minimal 14 but all include QOS get 12 (PG13). I think there can consider to do re-rank to 14.

    TDK get 16 who i agree with, whyle TDKR should get 16 too but get 12. I think TDKR should get re-rank to 16 if not 18, but minimal 14. Mission Impossible 2 get 16 at cinema and with first dvd releases, later correct later to 12, whyle 14 can be consider now.

    In earlier days from whap happend with Madeline her mother and madecation on table be enough for 16 ranking and Drugs symbol. 12, Violence Fair and scream symbol is what movie get.

    The new 14 and 18 ranks are introduced on 1 January 2021. On this moment only two movies (none Bond) get 14 rank and i wish NTTD have been first. Dr Strange 2 get 14 as second movie.

    There are also some 16 movies who get that rank who should updated to 18.

    Also one thing easly be overlooked is audio, music and soundmix on Bluray and 4K disc.

    When i watched 24 season 4 there showing it after 23.00 with rank of 12 and 2 episodes, so channel knowns it was to violence to show it before 22.00. At time 16 films/series are not aloud to show before 22.00. I watched it semi live.

    Tv series those days moost of the time i record whole season or watch it minimal one day later earlier on the day.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,529
    M_Balje wrote: »
    CR, SF, SP should get 16 (R-rating) when released. NTTD minimal 14 but all include QOS get 12 (PG13). I think there can consider to do re-rank to 14.

    TDK get 16 who i agree with, whyle TDKR should get 16 too but get 12. I think TDKR should get re-rank to 16 if not 18, but minimal 14. Mission Impossible 2 get 16 at cinema and with first dvd releases, later correct later to 12, whyle 14 can be consider now.

    In earlier days from whap happend with Madeline her mother and madecation on table be enough for 16 ranking and Drugs symbol. 12, Violence Fair and scream symbol is what movie get.

    The new 14 and 18 ranks are introduced on 1 January 2021. On this moment only two movies (none Bond) get 14 rank and i wish NTTD have been first. Dr Strange 2 get 14 as second movie.

    There are also some 16 movies who get that rank who should updated to 18.

    Also one thing easly be overlooked is audio, music and soundmix on Bluray and 4K disc.

    When i watched 24 season 4 there showing it after 23.00 with rank of 12 and 2 episodes, so channel knowns it was to violence to show it before 22.00. At time 16 films/series are not aloud to show before 22.00. I watched it semi live.

    Tv series those days moost of the time i record whole season or watch it minimal one day later earlier on the day.

    😳😳😳 I don't know what I just read.
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