The Award Winning : 'Bond...comments while you watch...'



  • Posts: 7,918
    Mathis1 wrote: »
    So far so great in this Bond film, but I know I am going to lose interest halway through!

    I always found YOLT a mixed bag half of the film looks great half of the film looks quite cheap at times, its bounces from cinematic to substandard.

    Yes, you are quite right. Not consistent at all. A pity as some of the scenes are dazzling, if it kept that up, and the second half didnt lack pace, it would feature higher in my rankings!
  • Posts: 7,918
    Really feel like jumping to the finale, its oh so dull this entire section.
  • Posts: 7,918
    Bond puts on his ninja hood, if only to hide that ghastly wig!
  • Posts: 7,918
    Come on, come on, get to the bloody climax!!!
  • Posts: 7,918
    Bond hides under a tarpaulin on the monorail, will he find Stacey and exposives under there?
  • Posts: 7,918
    "I am Ernst Stavro Blofeld!" So hard to look at him without thinking of Dr. Evil, though i think Myers resembles Telly Savalas more than Donald!
  • Posts: 7,918
    At last. Here come the ninjas!
  • Posts: 7,918
    One of those ninjas dropping down is Vic Armstrong!
  • Posts: 7,918
    Shane Rimmer is back!
  • Posts: 7,918
    "Goodbye, Meeester Bond!" So ends Donald Pleasences brief turn as Blofeld!
  • Posts: 7,918
    Bond is good at throwing ninja stars!
  • Posts: 7,918
    This fight with Hans is nowhere near as good as the early one!
  • Posts: 7,918
    "Codeword is Imminent!"
  • Posts: 7,918
    Eh, "Codeword is not, I repeat Not imminent!"
  • Posts: 7,918
  • Posts: 7,918
    So ends 'You Only Live Twice'
    Cracking start, fabulous production, particularly from Ken Adams, but badly let down by that second half!
  • Posts: 16,398
    Great comments, @Mathis1!
    I may pop in another Bond after work tonight.
    I may go with OHMSS as tomorrow is indeed Lazenby's birthday.
  • Posts: 16,398
    Keeping my word and celebrating the great man's birthday with


    Looking damned good on my new telelvision.

    I love th esegue from the titles into the film proper.

    Lazenby is the man.
  • Posts: 16,398
    I'm so envious of all the Bond fans in the UK getting to see these wonderful films on the big screen this year.

    I've seen this film in 35 mm a couple times and it's amazing. I can only imagine how great it looks in 4K.
  • Posts: 16,398
    I remember the first time I saw this film on the ABC Sunday Night Novie.
    September 1st, 1985. The airing was 8 pm- 11pm
    Truncated, but not the infamous re-edit.
    I had recently purchased Raymond Benson's THE JAMES BOND BEDSIDE COMPANION and was extremely excited to see this one.
    School was about to begin the following Wednesday, the summer vacation over and that kind of sucked. I had this Bond epic to enjoy beforehand. Then lo and behold my city had a teacher's strike and we ended up not returning to school for a whole 'nother month.
    Great memories.
  • Posts: 16,398
    Great M scene as Bond resigns.
    Lazenby did this type of scene best, IMO.
  • Posts: 16,398
    I may be one of the few fans that loves the montage scene.
  • Posts: 7,089
    Mathis1 wrote: »
    One of those ninjas dropping down is Vic Armstrong!
    I had no idea! He's had a long career.

    ToTheRight wrote: »
    School was about to begin the following Wednesday, the summer vacation over and that kind of sucked. I had this Bond epic to enjoy beforehand. Then lo and behold my city had a teacher's strike and we ended up not returning to school for a whole 'nother month.
    Great memories.
    What a cozy story. It was fun when those unexpected things happened.
  • Posts: 16,398
    Love the Gumbold office scene.
  • Posts: 16,398
    Ah, the Angels of Death. Julie Ege is still my favorite.
  • Posts: 16,398
    I should find a brown plaid jacket like Bond's here.
  • Posts: 16,398
    Never tire of this Bond and like many others, I enjoy it mutliple times per year.
  • Posts: 7,918
    I only watch OHMSS once a year, but its set in stone, always at Christmas and I look forward to it like a Premiere! Its funny, in my early Bond years (!) I didnt pay much attention to it! Its only later I appreciated it more and now its my number 1!
    I couldnt do a comments as you watch as I hate to miss a single frame!
  • edited September 2022 Posts: 16,398
    Here I am once again .....just found a Blu-ray copy of


    and I have to see how this transfer compares to my DVD copies.
    In addition, kind of nice to look at this one a bigger screen than I had before.

    The missile scenes remind me of SUEPRMAN THE MOVIE.

    I actualy think these effects are alright.

    Fatima kills Jack in a hilarious scene. The music makes it even funnier.
    Doubt I'll be commenting on the whole film this time, but I am thrilled to finally get this on Blu-ray.
  • Posts: 16,398
    If this film has one improvement on TB, it;s the missile stealing section. The pacing here is far superior, IMO.
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