Spectre Gunbarrel ***Spoilers***



  • edited October 2012 Posts: 655
    Daniel has never had his fame at an opening gun barrel, thats why i wanted it back for skyfall, its just so iritating that the film wont open with it.
  • Posts: 506
    Definitely not, unless they just stuck Craig into Brosnan's GE gunbarrel (which that is), which I highly doubt they'd have done.
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    @Gareth, you've posted pretty much the same opinion/post 50 times in this thread now. If you don't come up with anything new to say, don't repeat yourself (called SPAM).
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    edited October 2012 Posts: 3,497
    Thank you for posting that, Disco. Good to see you again, btw.

    Daniel had his fame because he is a great Bond. Since when does the Bondactor gets fame because of just 5 seconds? The GB is of course a nice thing, but I've seen much more irritating stuff from 1997-2002. Or sometimes I didn't, like that Vanquish.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 132
    Either way, I feel it's a bit wrong to advertise with the gun barrel in posters and other places when it isn't placed where it belongs. At the very start...

    They're teasing us.
    It's like:
    "Do the baby want some candy?"
    Fans (Us): "Yes, yes, OH GOD YES!!!"
    "Well, you can't. Sorry"
  • @Gareth, you've posted pretty much the same opinion/post 50 times in this thread now. If you don't come up with anything new to say, don't repeat yourself (called SPAM).

    Ive not repeated that exact same post. I am still talking about the gb, this is a gb thread. what else do you expect me to tal about on a gb thread . lol. Sno now after learning not to double post, i am not been told not to keep talking about the same thing. So many rules on this forum, its rediculas.

  • edited October 2012 Posts: 655
    JamesCraig wrote:
    Thank you for posting that, Disco. Good to see you again, btw.

    Daniel had his fame because he is a great Bond. Since when does the Bondactor gets fame because of just 5 seconds? The GB is of course a nice thing, but I've seen much more irritating stuff from 1997-2002. Or sometimes I didn't, like that Vanquish.

    Thanks JamesCraig for that. ! So I have to try come up with something new in the Gun Barrel Thread. Hmmmm, this will be a bit tough. And by the way @Disco, talking about daniel craig not having an opening gun barrel is not realy the same as my other posts. Its about the gb yes, but its a GB thread isnt it. Some of these rules are realy daft. Come on!!!

  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    edited October 2012 Posts: 1,347
    Sample posts from the last three pages of this thread. If I go back further, I'm sure I can find a lot more repetitive stuff.
    sam mendes is a bond fan so how could he let this happen really
    i dont think there is any great exuse to not have it. watching a gun barrel a the begining seperates bond films from other action films. It makes it feel more thrilling as it opens. Oh well, no point going on, whats done is done.
    Like you say here already, no point going on.
    Im not sure why the decided this but its wrong no matter what excuse. I have to just learn to live with it.

    But still you don't seem to learn to live with it..
    They realy should have done it for skyfall though. It felt right, so i didnt think they would be stupid enough too. Oh well, they must be some sort of reason, they has to be.. ???????????
    Daniel has never had his fame at an opening gun barrel, thats why i wanted it back for skyfall, its just so iritating that the film wont open with it.

    Do I need to continue? Take the discussion further, if not, we've heard your opinion a hundred times already.
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    edited October 2012 Posts: 3,497
    Sorry, but it's all overreacting. It's still there but at the end. The next Bondmovie will be called "Gunbarrel at the start or? How I learned to drink my Martini Shaken Not Stirred and stopped worrying about the bombing of the film"
  • MartinBondMartinBond Trying not to muck it up again
    Posts: 869
    Just watched the video, and though it's a copy-past job, it doesn't look bad at all!
  • realy oyur just sick of my constant opinions. its not exactly spam. jesus. Spoil the fun .
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 12,837
    maxcraig wrote:
    @ "samshwey"
    Pierce Brosnan Bond didn't do spy work, he was Rambo.

    Spoken like somebody who hasn't seen Rambo.
    HASEROT wrote:
    Bond in film has always been less spy, more detective / action hero

    Exactly. It's the same for every Bond, even Bonds that are closer to the books like Craig or Dalton (look at the TLD airbase battle or the parkour chase/embassy scene in CR).
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    edited October 2012 Posts: 3,497
    realy oyur just sick of my constant opinions. its not exactly spam. jesus. Spoil the fun .

    I'm not a mod nor I'm pretending to be, but you have been "warned" two times. We know what you think about it, fine. But there are people with different opinions: read: who actually don't care all that much.
  • JamesCraig wrote:
    realy oyur just sick of my constant opinions. its not exactly spam. jesus. Spoil the fun .

    I'm not a mod nor I'm pretending to be, but you have been "warned" two times. We know what you think about it, fine. But there are people with different opinions: read: who actually don't care all that much.

    Kind of hypocritical when you've posted how you don't care tons of times too.
  • Posts: 5,745
    I honestly think the gun barrel won't be at the start during Craig's tenure.. because he's so uncomfortable doing it.

    The Casino Royale one was part of the pre titles, but I'm sure they had it done multiple times.

    The Quantum one we know he was over-concious about due to his fast pace, and I'd say the positioning in the film.

    I'm sure it's the same with Skyfall. It's what he's most worried about, because it's such a big deal. It has to be similar to a standard, but unique in his own way. The fact that they've done three different ones for his three films points to him being the reason it's shoved in at the back.

    He doesn't like it.
  • Posts: 3,334
    That's a fair and valid point, @JWESTBROOK. Craig's over-concious GB walk is so terrible that they've relegated it to the end of the film where people won't notice it so much. Maybe they (EON or whoever made this awful decision) should let his stuntman do it just like Bob Simmons did for the first few Connery GBs? Then they can put it back where it belongs.
  • Posts: 80
    Bob Simmons doing Connery's was because of ?
  • JWESTBROOK wrote:
    I honestly think the gun barrel won't be at the start during Craig's tenure.. because he's so uncomfortable doing it.

    The Casino Royale one was part of the pre titles, but I'm sure they had it done multiple times.

    The Quantum one we know he was over-concious about due to his fast pace, and I'd say the positioning in the film.

    I'm sure it's the same with Skyfall. It's what he's most worried about, because it's such a big deal. It has to be similar to a standard, but unique in his own way. The fact that they've done three different ones for his three films points to him being the reason it's shoved in at the back.

    He doesn't like it.

    Disagree with this inference.

    Daniel Craig leaped into the role and embraced it all. His mantra has always been do his best, do the job, and let the critics be damned.

    I don't know why this would be any different with the gunbarrel.
  • Posts: 5,745
    To be fair.. the GB doesn't add anything to the character. Craig has been quoted in many interviews saying, yes he does want to do his best, but he's very critical of himself.

    Your right, he doesn't give a damn what other people think, but if he doesn't like his performance, he does it again.. and again until he feels he did it right.

    Maybe the GB is just something he feels like he can't get right. And in that respect, I don't mind it being at the end.

    But again, I'm just thinking outside of the box, trying to provide a reason for it not opening the films.
  • You could be right. His QOS gunbarrel walk, and the one in the Adele ad (although to be honest I think that might have been CGI), weren't great.
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    edited October 2012 Posts: 3,497
    Qos GB was about 5 seconds long, if I remember correctly, and I think it's sped up.

  • MartinBondMartinBond Trying not to muck it up again
    Posts: 869
    JamesCraig wrote:
    Qos GB was about 15 seconds long, if I remember correctly, and I think it's sped up.

    I think it was sped up to match the music.

    If you look at that, it's much more "natural" at that speed. Needless to say it looks great to see craig in a "classic" gunbarrel ;)
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    edited October 2012 Posts: 3,497
    Well, QOS was sped up in a lot of places lol... ;)

    Nothing wrong with the above gb, imho...
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 3,334
    hisqos wrote:
    Bob Simmons doing Connery's was because of ?
    Because Binder had designed the gun barrel sequence to feature Bond only in silhouette, with a non-widescreen aspect ratio, he used stunt man Bob Simmons, rather than Sean Connery, to film the scene. For Thunderball, the aspect ratio of the films was changed to a Panavision anamorphic format and so the gun barrel sequence had to be reshot, this time with Sean Connery in the role.

    Also, just to add a little more to the mix and expand on the subject rather than repeating the same posts time and time again, we know Daniel Craig was worried about the GB in QoS, so I think Daniel (maybe more than Mendes) has had an influence on where this is inserted and has opted for a repeat of tagging it on the end where most people will be getting up out of their seats to leave the cinema and will miss it, or at least obscure it with their backs. This is what he said about his GB on QoS...

    Daniel Craig described filming the sequence as "probably the scariest bit [of working on Quantum of Solace]. We did it twice. We did it once and it didn't work, so we did it again. I just thought, it has to be right and it has to be aggressive and it has to work."
  • DiscoVolanteDiscoVolante Stockholm, Sweden
    Posts: 1,347
    MartinBond wrote:

    If you look at that, it's much more "natural" at that speed. Needless to say it looks great to see craig in a "classic" gunbarrel ;)
    Yeah, that looks fantastic!
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 655
    My dream barrel. Fan made right?
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    Im leaving the forum. You cannot do anything right. I have made sure not to double post, then when i sort that out, I get torld to basicly stop talking about the gun barrel. when actually i said different things about the gun barrel, For example, daniel has not done an opening gun barrel. Then my theary to why its at the end. Entierly different question on the gb. Sorry to have gone on. I was just so shocked by its placement in the film. K... bye.

    Aren't you being a little bit childish? Relax!
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    Posts: 3,497
    Im leaving the forum. You cannot do anything right. I have made sure not to double post, then when i sort that out, I get torld to basicly stop talking about the gun barrel. when actually i said different things about the gun barrel, For example, daniel has not done an opening gun barrel. Then my theary to why its at the end. Entierly different question on the gb. Sorry to have gone on. I was just so shocked by its placement in the film. K... bye.

    Hypocritical JamesCraig says: it's only a movie.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 655
    Sorry, just a bit annoyed when im not doing anything realy bad. If someone was to join this forum and spam it with hundereds or stuff then it would be much worse. I know its only a film, but it does mean alot to me. Ok, i will stopp babbling on about it.

    Ah, did i mention that i am not happy with the GB... HAAAAA, lol. sorry.
  • edited October 2012 Posts: 5,745
    Sorry, just a bit annoyed when I'm not doing anything really bad. If someone was to join this forum and spam it with hundreds or stuff then it would be much worse. I know its only a film, but it does mean a lot to me. Ok, i will stop babbling on about it.

    I think the biggest issue was spoiling something for many people. You may think everyone knows about a part of a film, but many don't. It's understandable, and I know it can feel like your being 'attacked' at times, but you have to keep in mind there are people on these forums that don't want to know a single thing about Skyfall before they go in.

    I know they shouldn't check this thread if they don't want to risk it, but the Mods have tried very hard to use Spoiler tags for things, so that others can still discuss what they think will happen while we can discuss what we know with Spoiler tags.

    Now the thread is labeled 'Spoilers' so there's no issue, but before it was just to discuss what people thought the Skyfall gun barrel would be like, etc.

    Just be mindful in discussions that many people might not know as much as you. If you think it may be a spoiler, tag it just in case. It takes two clicks.

    Nobody wants to kick anybody away that is actively and intellectually involved in the discussion, but people get upset when things are spoiled for them.

    It's easy to play it safe.
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