Marvel Cinematic Universe (2008 - present)



  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited March 2014 Posts: 28,694
    In case some haven't seen it, this video lets you hear how Rocket the Raccoon will sound in the film:
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,559
    doubleoego wrote:
    Fox, however, are completely going out if their way to annoy fans by butchering the fantastic 4. The first 2 movies were dreadful and this upcoming one reeks of something equally awful.
    I wouldn't be shocked if Fox are only making this film to keep the rights just like with what happened with The Amazing Spiderman.

    Poor Fantastic Four, it wouldn't be the first time a film had to be made...

    I don't know anything about the Fantastic Four comics, but I didn't mind the 2005 and 2007 films. Okay, they were a bit lightweight, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    I actually have seen that Corman FF film from '94. I reckon it's not necessarily all that much worse than the 'official' film with Alba.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,140
    doubleoego wrote:
    Fox, however, are completely going out if their way to annoy fans by butchering the fantastic 4. The first 2 movies were dreadful and this upcoming one reeks of something equally awful.
    I wouldn't be shocked if Fox are only making this film to keep the rights just like with what happened with The Amazing Spiderman.

    Speaking of old Webhead, we'll only get to see him in an Avengers film in our dreams, unfortunately, something I have a hard time dealing with...

    I'm not too fussed about spidey appearing in the Avengers, I don't care what Bendis' 616 writing for Spidey as an Avenger; Spidey will always be part of the Avengers' original reserve team for me and also, the rotation of the core team always seem to change every so often anyway. Spidey works best alone, except when he and Johnny Storm team up from time to time and tbh, I think what Sony are doing at least with this new spidey movie looks really good. The humour and characterisation of Peter/Spidey looks spot on and appears to be the most accurate character portrayal of any Marvel character to date, which is interesting because Garfield's portrayal on the first ASM made the character sympathetic and yet somewhat unlikable. He came off as being too much of a douchy a-hole as opposed to a wise-cracking and loveably juvenile.
    Anyway, for now I'm happy where spidey is but Fox really need to stop pissing people off and just relinquish the rights for F4 back to Marvel.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I look at it this way: Spider-Man wasn't a full-on member of the Avengers for almost 40 years, there's still some time to go. Eventually, with the likely exception of X-Men, all the rights will probably return to Marvel, and we could see the Avengers teaming up with the Fantastic Four to fight Galactus and Ego the Living Planet.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,140
    Spidey won't be leaving Sony for a long time yet. The property makes way too much money and the original Raimi film is a massive contributor to Marvel being able to create and develop their own movie studio in the first place. Back in 2002, a movie grossing $115million in under 3 days was unheard of. Spider-man was the first to do it. That being said, with what Sony are doing with the property now is clearly a sign that they're treating the property a lot better than other studios with comic book properties. This new spidey film looks (emphasis on looks) like it could truly be the best yet but I'll wait till I see the film in it's entirety first but yes, it would be nice for all of Marvel's properties to return home. One of my biggest gripes is not seeing spidey interact with Fury. The MCU and the ASM are drawing largely from the ultimate line of Marvel's comics and if anyone's read the first volumes of USM before Morales became webhead, the relationship dynamic between spidey and Fury/Shield is very interesting especially as Peter does the one thing Fury had coming and would be brilliant to see on screen.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    doubleoego wrote:
    Spidey won't be leaving Sony for a long time yet. The property makes way too much money and the original Raimi film is a massive contributor to Marvel being able to create and develop their own movie studio in the first place. Back in 2002, a movie grossing $115million in under 3 days was unheard of. Spider-man was the first to do it. That being said, with what Sony are doing with the property now is clearly a sign that they're treating the property a lot better than other studios with comic book properties. This new spidey film looks (emphasis on looks) like it could truly be the best yet but I'll wait till I see the film in it's entirety first but yes, it would be nice for all of Marvel's properties to return home. One of my biggest gripes is not seeing spidey interact with Fury. The MCU and the ASM are drawing largely from the ultimate line of Marvel's comics and if anyone's read the first volumes of USM before Morales became webhead, the relationship dynamic between spidey and Fury/Shield is very interesting especially as Peter does the one thing Fury had coming and would be brilliant to see on screen.

    One of the best scenes in Ultimate Spider-Man is issue... whichever one is the last of the early Venom arc, because it basically amounts to Fury asking Peter "There are satellites watching my every move, and you were actually able to sneak up on me?" and then Peter just says "Yeah."

    Then, when Miles came around, in the "Spider-Men" series that had 616 Peter meet Miles in the Ultimate universe (with an ending shock that'll probably never be explained), 616 Peter meets Ultimate Fury, and explains that 616 Fury is white, and Ultimate Fury basically says "Lucky I'm not that guy."

    Ultimate Spider-Man (ongoing, from issue 1 to the Death of Spider-Man arc) and the original The Ultimates are probably the two best Ultimate comics around, and I'm glad that Amazing Spider-Man is taking bits and influences from USM, and The Avengers took influence from The Ultimates. The Fantastic Four reboot is supposedly taking influence from Ultimate Fantastic Four, and so long as I don't see Mole Man, I'm fine.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,140
    I'll be honest with you, I stopped reading USM religiously around the time of the ultimatum storyline and this is from someone who was dead set against the idea of the ultimate universe to begin with but what Bendis and Bagley did was some of the best work of their lives. Don't get me started on the numerous incredible splash pages Bagley did and some of the dialogue Bendis wrote for Peter were pure gold; spidey's encounter with the kingpin is a classic example where he whips out a bunch of cue cards and starts reading out a bunch of fat jokes. Marvel really do have their moments but other times they really annoy the crap out if me where I'll stop reading their comics for about a year but anyway, the ultimate influences have been a huge benefit to realising some if these amazing characters onto the big screen.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    doubleoego wrote:
    I'll be honest with you, I stopped reading USM religiously around the time of the ultimatum storyline

    I can't blame you, but then again, the whole of the Ultimate universe kind of died there anyway. Any issue of Ultimate Marvel, prior to New Ultimates after Ultimatum ended, that Jeph Loeb wrote just was not good, and Ultimatum is a testament to that. It was confusing, convoluted, and none of the characters sounded like their Ultimate counterparts. They all sounded like the 616 characters, with a little more swearing. What Bendis contributed to Ultimatum with the five issue run on USM was good, but ultimately not up to par. When USM came back when they relaunched the line, it was okay, but not as good as those first hundred or so issues. I will say, you should read the Death of Spider-Man run, because that was a great set of issues, and seeing Bagley back was great, too.
  • Posts: 5,767
    DarthDimi wrote:
    I actually have seen that Corman FF film from '94. I reckon it's not necessarily all that much worse than the 'official' film with Alba.
    How did you get hold of it? I only saw a trailer for a documentary that said it was Corman´s only film never to be released. The theory was put that the film was made only in order that the producer wouldn´t lose the rights and could make more of it, wich he did some ten years later.

  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    boldfinger wrote:
    DarthDimi wrote:
    I actually have seen that Corman FF film from '94. I reckon it's not necessarily all that much worse than the 'official' film with Alba.
    How did you get hold of it? I only saw a trailer for a documentary that said it was Corman´s only film never to be released. The theory was put that the film was made only in order that the producer wouldn´t lose the rights and could make more of it, wich he did some ten years later.

    How did he get a hold of it? Are you serious? He's Darth "Friggin'" Dimi, that's why. ;)
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited March 2014 Posts: 24,559
    You better believe that, @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7. ;-)

    The quality is abysmal but I'm kind of used to that, considering the kind of trash I enjoy digging up to watch. :-)

    I have by now watched every single Marvel based live action film ever made and released in at least one theatre or on television plus this Corman film.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,140
    doubleoego wrote:
    I'll be honest with you, I stopped reading USM religiously around the time of the ultimatum storyline

    I can't blame you, but then again, the whole of the Ultimate universe kind of died there anyway. Any issue of Ultimate Marvel, prior to New Ultimates after Ultimatum ended, that Jeph Loeb wrote just was not good, and Ultimatum is a testament to that. It was confusing, convoluted, and none of the characters sounded like their Ultimate counterparts. They all sounded like the 616 characters, with a little more swearing. What Bendis contributed to Ultimatum with the five issue run on USM was good, but ultimately not up to par. When USM came back when they relaunched the line, it was okay, but not as good as those first hundred or so issues. I will say, you should read the Death of Spider-Man run, because that was a great set of issues, and seeing Bagley back was great, too.

    I'll definitely check it out; thanks. Marvel have provided me with some of the happiest moments of my life but when they mess things up, they really know how to go the whole 9 yards with it and infuriate me. I haven't even read superior spider-man yet and that's because I'm tired of Marvel hyping up their "events" only for it to be some silly, sorry excuse for shock value and a waste of time. Doc Ock, taking over Peter's soul only for Perer to rerun in May or so, then there was that nonsense with Mephisto turning back and altering time, which was a subsequent disaster from the whole heroes registration act across the board and let's not get started with the clone saga; Joe Quesada was a very hated man.

  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    doubleoego wrote:
    doubleoego wrote:
    I'll be honest with you, I stopped reading USM religiously around the time of the ultimatum storyline

    I can't blame you, but then again, the whole of the Ultimate universe kind of died there anyway. Any issue of Ultimate Marvel, prior to New Ultimates after Ultimatum ended, that Jeph Loeb wrote just was not good, and Ultimatum is a testament to that. It was confusing, convoluted, and none of the characters sounded like their Ultimate counterparts. They all sounded like the 616 characters, with a little more swearing. What Bendis contributed to Ultimatum with the five issue run on USM was good, but ultimately not up to par. When USM came back when they relaunched the line, it was okay, but not as good as those first hundred or so issues. I will say, you should read the Death of Spider-Man run, because that was a great set of issues, and seeing Bagley back was great, too.

    I'll definitely check it out; thanks. Marvel have provided me with some of the happiest moments of my life but when they mess things up, they really know how to go the whole 9 yards with it and infuriate me. I haven't even read superior spider-man yet and that's because I'm tired of Marvel hyping up their "events" only for it to be some silly, sorry excuse for shock value and a waste of time. Doc Ock, taking over Peter's soul only for Perer to rerun in May or so, then there was that nonsense with Mephisto turning back and altering time, which was a subsequent disaster from the whole heroes registration act across the board and let's not get started with the clone saga; Joe Quesada was a very hated man.

    Yeah... the Superior Spider-Man thing is outrageously stupid. I had no idea about Mephisto altering time, however. That just sounds... Wait a minute, didn't they have a crossover a few years ago where everybody in Manhattan had Spider-Man's powers? Okay, that was probably the stupidest one. There's soon to be one that "shakes the Marvel universe to its core", involving the Watcher being murdered and his eyes stolen. (On an unrelated note, I kind of want a Watcher cameo in Guardians of the Galaxy's post-credit sequence, but somehow I know it'll involve Thanos.)

    Thankfully, The Ultimate Death of Spider-Man was a great story arc, and the Spider-Men miniseries was pretty damn good, too. I wish the Ultimate universe would return to those happy days when it was invented, and for a short time it did so when it was relaunched the second time (and I hear there's a third relaunch coming up...).
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @Agent007391, with the whole Mephisto thing, as far as I remember from reading the arc a few years ago, Peter basically "made a deal with the devil" and sacrificed his marriage to save Aunt May's life. We all love Aunt May, but Peter literally erased the love he shared with Mary Jane just to save May from death even though she probably wouldn't have lived many years afterwards anyway judging by her very old age. That was just an idiotic storyline that spawned the Brand New Day arc that I completely stopped following as soon as it started.

    I stick to reading old comics and one shot graphic novels and don't bother following current comics. Not only because a lot of the stories are just disappointing, where characters never stay dead and it all feels artificial and devoid of risk, but I also don't have a comics shop anywhere even close to where I live so I'd never be able to keep up to date with any stories until the trades came out. The only recent comics storyline I want to read is Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo's Court of Owls run, which I'll likely get both volumes of in the near future now that the trades are out.
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I stick to reading old comics and one shot graphic novels and don't bother following current comics.

    I, myself, don't really read many current comics either, from Marvel, anyway. I read their Marvel Cinematic Universe comics, because there's significantly less continuity to not really care about (because they'll erase it every other month). I read The Walking Dead from Image religiously, but it's my favorite comic of all time, so, there.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited March 2014 Posts: 28,694
    I stick to reading old comics and one shot graphic novels and don't bother following current comics.

    I, myself, don't really read many current comics either, from Marvel, anyway. I read their Marvel Cinematic Universe comics, because there's significantly less continuity to not really care about (because they'll erase it every other month). I read The Walking Dead from Image religiously, but it's my favorite comic of all time, so, there.

    I hate the relaunches/retcons, which again is a great reason not to bother with some comics. I like the oldies but goodies, like the classic Stan Lee/Ditko Spiderman, or the great Batman comics from Miller in the 80s and Jeph Loeb's more recent team-ups with visual masters like Tim Sale and Jim Lee. Most of the comics I read are Batman focused, as he's my favorite character. Then there's comics like Watchmen that go without saying.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,140
    There was a point and I'm not even sure if it's still happening where Marvel were releasing 3 consecutive issues per MONTH!
    As for the one more day/brand new day fiasco that was where my dislike for Quesada really bubbled over. He'd been trying to dismantle Peter and MJ's marriage for years. One of the only good arcs to come out of that storyline was Peter completely destroying an incarcerated kingpin.
    @Agent007391, I'm looking forward to the who killed the watcher and I'd LOVE to see him appear in a Marvel movie; it really pains me the fantastic 4 are stuck with Fic, the possibilities if what Marvel could do...
  • Posts: 5,767
    boldfinger wrote:
    DarthDimi wrote:
    I actually have seen that Corman FF film from '94. I reckon it's not necessarily all that much worse than the 'official' film with Alba.
    How did you get hold of it? I only saw a trailer for a documentary that said it was Corman´s only film never to be released. The theory was put that the film was made only in order that the producer wouldn´t lose the rights and could make more of it, wich he did some ten years later.

    How did he get a hold of it? Are you serious? He's Darth "Friggin'" Dimi, that's why. ;)
    I beg your Darthness will graciously accept my humble apologies ^:)^
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    boldfinger wrote:
    boldfinger wrote:
    DarthDimi wrote:
    I actually have seen that Corman FF film from '94. I reckon it's not necessarily all that much worse than the 'official' film with Alba.
    How did you get hold of it? I only saw a trailer for a documentary that said it was Corman´s only film never to be released. The theory was put that the film was made only in order that the producer wouldn´t lose the rights and could make more of it, wich he did some ten years later.

    How did he get a hold of it? Are you serious? He's Darth "Friggin'" Dimi, that's why. ;)
    I beg your Darthness will graciously accept my humble apologies ^:)^

    You needn't worry. @Dimi is a benevolent and forgiving god.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    Well this is interesting: Josh Brolin has been cast as Thanos in the film:
  • Posts: 5,767
    As if the film wasn´t interesting enough already. Well, it´s always good to see Josh Brolin on screen :-).
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,113
    boldfinger wrote:
    As if the film wasn´t interesting enough already. Well, it´s always good to see Josh Brolin on screen :-).

    Unless he's in 'Jonah Hex.' ;-)
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    I'm a little disappointed that it's not the guy who played him in The Avengers. He just plain looked the part.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,382
    I thought Thanos was CGI in the Avengers?
  • Agent007391Agent007391 Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
    Posts: 7,854
    No. Damion Poitier played Thanos in Avengers, and he had that look, he just looked like Thanos.
  • Posts: 5,767
    Creasy47 wrote:
    boldfinger wrote:
    As if the film wasn´t interesting enough already. Well, it´s always good to see Josh Brolin on screen :-).

    Unless he's in 'Jonah Hex.' ;-)
    I haven´t seen that one, but I´m sure without him it would have been even worse ;-).

  • Posts: 1,405
    Not interested. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy comik books were uninteresting and boring, I've read about 20, I don't see why I should waiste my time over the big screen version.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I'm excited about this news as it means Marvel is going to explore the Civil War comics storyline. What could be better than superheroes vs. superheroes?
  • Posts: 1,107
    I'm excited about this news as it means Marvel is going to explore the Civil War comics storyline. What could be better than superheroes vs. superheroes?

    My dream came true :)
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