Talking about being Politically Correct !



  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    That's a crazy one, @barryt007.

    The theme of this particular outrage fits a pattern I see each time a complaint about something like this is issued. The offended party looks at an isolated moment and not the context of the story that moment is encased inside. Take Sleeping Beauty, for instance. On the outside looking in the moment could seem the equivalent of a man kissing a woman who is not aware of him in a coma or deep sleep, which is most certainly creepy. When you actually lean on the context of the story, however, things change. The prince isn't some sexual creep sneaking a kiss, he's a man who is helping to lift a sinister and debilitating curse from a woman and literally saving her life from an existence of oppression that she'd have suffered under forever without him. If anything the Sleeping Beauty story is about liberation and not a man's desire to objectify or disadvantage a woman and I wouldn't mind having kids pay attention to that message.

    But those who are too dim or lazy to look at the context of the story and the kiss itself are doomed to look at the gender politics of it that they are blurring in their delusion in order to convey that they have an actual argument where there is none. I just hope this woman was able to find a safe space before she had a mental breakdown.
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    I genuinely weep for humanity, what with PC numpty like the above story, the ever present religious fundamentalism and the idiots over on the Darwin awards, the human race will slowly die out. Unless we take them out and rule the world? Just a suggestion.
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    barryt007 wrote: »
    Another stupid cow,going PC mad :

    Mother claims Sleeping Beauty should be banned in primary schools over 'non-consensual kissing' .


    A mother-of-two has claimed Sleeping Beauty should be banned in primary schools because the story contains problematic themes of "sexual behaviour and consent".

    Sarah Hall, from Newcastle, said she was disturbed by the non-consensual kissing in the classic fairytale when the prince wakes up the sleeping princess with a kiss on the lips.
    I think it's a specific issue in the Sleeping Beauty story about sexual behaviour and consent," she told the Sun.

    "While we are still seeing narratives like this in school, we are never going to change ingrained attitudes to sexual behaviour. All these things build up, and they make a difference."
    Ms Hall said the story should be limited to older children who are able to understand the concept of consent.

    "In today's society, it isn't appropriate," she added.

    "My son is only six-years-old and he absorbs everything he sees and it isn't as if I can turn it into a constructive conversation.

    "I actually think it would be a great resource for older children, you could have a conversation around it, you could talk about consent, and how the Princess might feel.

    "But I'm really concerned about it for younger children, and I would really welcome a conversation about whether this is suitable material."

    That's the biggest load of ballcocks I've seen in a long time.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    What is wrong with sleep rape? It worked out fine, and the prince was nowhere near her Tchaikovsky.
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    I bet it still tickles though.
  • No joke: one of my biggest concerns with one day having kids is the inevitable school age when I'd be going to meetings and being involved with these idiot parents.

    My best friend is an Elementary School teacher and you wouldn't believe the bullshit he has to put up with-- all from these kids parents!
  • Posts: 19,339
    This is not a good age to bring children into the world,it's almost cruel.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Better to have her stay in a coma. You can t ask her, can you?
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,142
    You have to make good kids to overcome bad adults.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    barryt007 wrote: »
    This is not a good age to bring children into the world,it's almost cruel.

    Quite, @barryt007, and I'm personally near sworn against the idea entirely. Brings the phrase "the sin of parenthood" to mind.
  • Posts: 7,089
    What is wrong with sleep rape? It worked out fine, and the prince was nowhere near her Tchaikovsky.

    What abour her Schuberts?
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    edited November 2017 Posts: 45,489
    Did he touch her Schuberts? I am starting to hate this guy. He also slew an innocent dragon, couldn t he just call the dragon catcher and have it tranquilized and relocated to its natural habitat?
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Okay...I took a health class in high school and we covered sexual education and everything therein, but I don't remember any talk of Schuberts and Tchaikovskies. Instead of the birds and the bees I guess we should've been taught about the violins and the pianos.
  • Posts: 7,089
    :)) We're bunch a clowns.

    US-Air-Force-Base-in-West-Germany clowns.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited November 2017 Posts: 14,884

    EDIT: Whoops, meant to say, anti-clownist! :)) Just throwing labels out there, not to make myself feel self-righteous or anything!
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    QBranch wrote: »

    EDIT: Whoops, meant to say, anti-clownist! :)) Just throwing labels out there, not to make myself feel self-righteous or anything!

    I'm an in transition clown. I wear the silly wig and nose but I just don't have the time like Rog when a nuclear bomb is ticking down to do the full makeup. But hopefully soon I'll get the full operation to cut my nose off and have a red one grafted on and have my face permanently tattooed white.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    QBranch wrote: »

    EDIT: Whoops, meant to say, anti-clownist! :)) Just throwing labels out there, not to make myself feel self-righteous or anything!

    I'm an in transition clown. I wear the silly wig and nose but I just don't have the time like Rog when a nuclear bomb is ticking down to do the full makeup. But hopefully soon I'll get the full operation to cut my nose off and have a red one grafted on and have my face permanently tattooed white.

    Are you sure you want to do that, @TheWizardOfIce? A large portion of those who undergo clown reassignment surgery regret it in the end and wish they'd stayed with the temporary regalia of the non-committal party clown. Besides, which bathroom would you use if you got the surgery? No party clown wants to take a leak and find a clown in full transition at the urinal next to them, and those who were born as clowns certainly would look down on a party clown who surgically modified themselves to be one of them. It would be tantamount to trespassing, beyond being odd and offensive.

    If you don't think this decision through I'm afraid you'll end up with more than pie on your face.
  • ForYourEyesOnlyForYourEyesOnly In the untained cradle of the heavens
    Posts: 1,984
    Thought this would be fitting to put here:

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Bond must be the next #metoo target.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    How long before a decrepit Dink reports him to the police for slapping her arse and saying 'man talk' 53 years ago?

    Not to mention Pat Fearing...

    Once it starts they'll all be coming out of the woodwork:

    Tania - slap round the chops.
    Dink - see above.
    Pussy - forces himself on her with no consent.
    Pat - forces himself on her with no consent.
    Marie - Attempted strangulation.
    Tiffany - slap round the chops.
    Rosie - threatened with a gun.
    Solitaire - conned into sex as much as if he'd given her rohypnol.
    Andrea - smacked about and arm nearly broken.

    To be fair he has largely reformed himself in the last few decades but that makes no difference really. Bond is an absolute monster.
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    The "well you shouldn't look like that" line from SPECTRE is rapey aswell.
  • Posts: 7,089
    How long before a decrepit Dink reports him to the police for slapping her arse and saying 'man talk' 53 years ago?

    Not to mention Pat Fearing...

    Once it starts they'll all be coming out of the woodwork:

    Tania - slap round the chops.
    Dink - see above.
    Pussy - forces himself on her with no consent.
    Pat - forces himself on her with no consent.
    Marie - Attempted strangulation.
    Tiffany - slap round the chops.
    Rosie - threatened with a gun.
    Solitaire - conned into sex as much as if he'd given her rohypnol.
    Andrea - smacked about and arm nearly broken.

    To be fair he has largely reformed himself in the last few decades but that makes no difference really. Bond is an absolute monster.

    Bond issues statement: "I am deeply regretful"

    Bond fired from MI6, pending jobs reassigned to 008

    The Soviet Union rescinds 007's Order of Lenin
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I've sadly seen many instances of people thinking very dulcet compliments were "rapey" in nature when a man was simply commenting on a woman's beauty in an innocuous fashion. Makes me a bit concerned that so many perceive these as such, and concerned for what the future holds.

    I fear a nightmarish time when, on dates between aspiring lovers, men will only be afforded a five foot pool with which they can gently scrape the top of a woman's hand as they sit the mandatory 6 feet away at the table (you know, to avoid any actual contact), during which the man is only allowed to say, "You look...interesting" lest he use any actual adjectives that were overly positive or even generally affirmative in nature that are considered too sexist or harassing to employ in any kind of romantic setting without coming off as a serial rapist.

    I think we're now so suffocated by these petty gender wars and double-standard issues of sexism and PC focused language that we've actually begun to think like the dingbats who chose to be outraged at the start simply because we're drowning in it day in and day out with little relief. While people are busy protesting a kiss in ""The Sleeping Beauty" and labeling the kind comments of men towards women as objectifying we've got actual Harvey Weinsteins out there doing actual harm to women physically and psychologically. I dare say the fight for female empowerment and against abuse and harassment in all its forms should be more focused than it has been. Less on the trivialities or innocuous parts of life, and more on the earnest and harmful.

    I consider the human species very lucky that those of much tougher generations didn't have the liquid intellect and weak stomachs or tolerances (and a deficit of a sense of humor) as we've seen in those of the current age. I fear our species wouldn't have gotten very far at all otherwise. The colonial Americans would've been too tearfully upset about what King Georgie was doing to them to revolt, and the leaders in actual feminine empowerment like Susan B. Anthony would've foregone earning women important human rights and instead satisfied themselves with man hating and playing the victim like it was their occupation. Greater people have faced much sterner and riskier conflicts to give us the kinds of freedoms and world we live in today, and we're really squandering it.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,105
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, it's why it's all but impossible to genuinely watch what you say, because any statement can easily be picked apart and perceived by others as something it's not. There's really no winning anymore, and even walking on eggshells is a dangerous act. I've even found myself tweaking the slightest things I do to avoid the headache.
  • It's getting to the point where I don't even want to speak to anyone in public!!
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, it's why it's all but impossible to genuinely watch what you say, because any statement can easily be picked apart and perceived by others as something it's not. There's really no winning anymore, and even walking on eggshells is a dangerous act. I've even found myself tweaking the slightest things I do to avoid the headache.
    It's getting to the point where I don't even want to speak to anyone in public!!

    I have felt this too in discussions with people. Basically that a lot of people I know avoid even saying anything about certain topics because they know what they'll get in reactions or looks, etc. Not to say that their views are controversial, it's just that we're now in a time where you run the risk of being called sexist for so much as telling a feminist-minded girl that she has beautiful eyes. Where college campuses are attempting to outlaw words like "crazy" or "lame" for their devastatingly offensive (?) nature. Where the words of so many people are micro-analyzed for hints or subtext of sexism, racism or bigotry where none ever existed in the first place by all likelihood.

    If these people took their heads out of their asses long enough their brains could get the vital oxygen they need to function properly and employ rational and critical thinking. Maybe that's why so many of their outrage-filled complaints come off as brain-dead ramblings of madmen and women for those of us who have held on to sanity and common sense by whatever miracle through it all.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    How long before a decrepit Dink reports him to the police for slapping her arse and saying 'man talk' 53 years ago?

    Not to mention Pat Fearing...

    Once it starts they'll all be coming out of the woodwork:

    Tania - slap round the chops.
    Dink - see above.
    Pussy - forces himself on her with no consent.
    Pat - forces himself on her with no consent.
    Marie - Attempted strangulation.
    Tiffany - slap round the chops.
    Rosie - threatened with a gun.
    Solitaire - conned into sex as much as if he'd given her rohypnol.
    Andrea - smacked about and arm nearly broken.

    To be fair he has largely reformed himself in the last few decades but that makes no difference really. Bond is an absolute monster.

    If that is the list of offences leveled at Bond, and we are in 2017, then just the allegation from Tania alone, would be enough to destroy Bonds career.

    *in the voice of Richard O'Brien* "Would you start the witch hunt, please."
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    If we're being realistic, if Bond were real in this day and age all Blofeld and SPECTRE would have to do to stop him from meddling in their affairs ever again would be to pay a bunch of women to say Bond touched them inappropriately. He'd be sacked and in no position to thwart their schemes ever again, and would be a social pariah on top of it, whether the allegations were true or not.
  • whether the allegations were true or not.
    Oh they would be true! ;)
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