Any non-Bond film.....Comments while you watch...



  • Posts: 16,372
    Leader of the mob Luke Benson (JEFF COREY) is the a-hole character.
    Now they're off................time for Kent to change.

    Into an alley..................and out comes SUPERMAN!!!!!!!!!
  • Posts: 16,372
    The flying scenes are shot from Superman's point of view.

    In other words, cheaply.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Benson attempts to hit Supes with his rifle and gets his as$ kicked. LOL

    "It's men like you that make it difficult for people to understand one another!"

    Great line. Social commentary in a Superman film.
  • Posts: 16,372
    George's costume kind of looks like a prototype for later in the series. A little rough compared to the second season.
    It's gray and brown.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Two of the Mole Men are trapped on top of a dam about to be shot down............and Supes arrives!
  • edited May 2018 Posts: 16,372
    Now Benson shoots at The Man of Steel........and again gets his a$$ kicked.

    Supes rescues a falling Mole Man!!!

    An animated shot actually. Similar to the Kirk Alyn serials.
  • Posts: 16,372
    This mob search sequence is very reminiscent of FRANKENSTEIN (1931).
  • Posts: 16,372
    I love scenes set in mountain terrain- especially in black and white.
  • Posts: 16,372
    JEFF COREY was in a lot of television and films over the decades. He acted thru the 1990's. He was great at playing a**holes.
  • Posts: 16,372
    The Mole Men are trapped in a little shack about to be set ablaze.
  • Posts: 16,372
    BILLY CURTIS as one of the Mole Men did indeed appear in WIZARD OF OZ and later in the infamous MR ZERO episode of ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN (the DIE ANOTHER DAY of Superman episodes).

    He was always great.
  • Posts: 16,372
    He luckily escapes unseen.
  • Posts: 16,372
    This film was later edited into a two part episode of ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN called " The Unknown People" I really should watch both version back to back and compare the differences.

    The theatrical version has a generic score, the TV edit has library music cues used on the series.
  • Posts: 16,372
    I love the early 1950's.
  • Posts: 16,372
    George looks great here. His hair dark, full and thick.
  • Posts: 16,372
    He's always nearly giving his secret identity away. Reeves knew it was ridiculous they wouldn't recognize him because of the glasses, and played it up to the hilt. Little subtle gestures, glances to the camera. great stuff!
  • Posts: 16,372
    Lois is fighting the mob. Coates was probably the toughest Lois Lane.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Superman individually takes away the towns peoples' guns.

    He tosses them around a bit as well.
  • Posts: 16,372
    The Mole Men must defend themselves so they pull out a laser beam/ ray gun style weapon. It's actually a vacuum cleaner. I love low budget B movies!!!!!
  • Posts: 16,372
    I love the Mayberry set. Note to self: get the early seasons of THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW.

    Supes is communicating with them, and brings their injured buddy out.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Jeff Corey gets zapped with the vacuum cleaner weapon--- Superman even rescues him....and sends the Mole Men on their merry way.

    "You saved my life!"

    "That's more than you deserve!"
  • Posts: 16,372
    They retreat back thru the oil well and to their own underground world..............the well explodes.
  • Posts: 16,372
    The first feature length film featuring Superman is probably an acquired taste. No Jimmy, no Perry or Daily Planet. No actually decent shots of Superman flying. Those effects would be developed throughout the series.
    Still I love every frame of this little gem. Great performances, great overall look to the film, and extremely cool to see George in his first outing as Superman.
    Around 1954 several episodes from the 2nd season were edited together and released as a series of feature films. What I wouldn't give to see those!
  • edited May 2018 Posts: 16,372

    Oscar nominated performance by Bogie.
    I'm a few minutes in, Ensign Willie Keith (ROBERT FRANCIS) has been given a tour of the Caine and agrees to stay on board in spite of it's slacker crew.
    LEE MARVIN, HERBERT (Dennis the Menace's dad) ANDERSON, VAN JOHNSON, and FRED MACMURRAY are among the crew.

    They all think he's an idiot for staying.
  • Posts: 16,372
    ROBERT FRANCIS's performance and character here reminds me of a buddy I had in high school. The quintessential, strong willed, determined "nice guy" .
  • edited May 2018 Posts: 16,372
    FRANCIS was killed in a plane crash the year after THE CAINE MUTINY was released.

    My buddy from high school is still alive and went into law enforcement.
  • Posts: 16,372

    Bogie plays the by the book Captain Queen. Taking over from the retiring Captain played by TOM TULLY.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Lee Marvin looks like a slob.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Bogie is going to have to straighten this crew out.
  • edited May 2018 Posts: 16,372
    Bogie calls the crew in for a meeting.
    This reminds me of the type of situation when in a job you get a new supervisor who tries too hard to impress the employees by acting "by the book".

    Or in school when you get a new principal and he pushes his weight around.
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