Any non-Bond film.....Comments while you watch...



  • Posts: 16,372
    Beauty emerges from the sea and Ian gets a bright idea for a future Bond novel sequence.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Lots of scenes here of Ian lounging around doing nothing.

    I love it actually!
  • Posts: 16,372
    I do see why many may not care for this film, really. It is leisurely paced and kind of an acquired taste.

    Ian is being told to back off and leave his fiance. He's also told she's pregnant and he is the father.
  • edited June 2018 Posts: 16,372
    Now he's getting a physical while a cute nurse flirts with him.

    She should have been a Bond girl in the unmade 1991 Bond film.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Do you have a girlfriend?


    A particular favorite?

    I'm afraid she's married.

    Great line. I should use that next time I get asked those questions.
  • Posts: 16,372
    He was just told his blood pressure is dangerously high.

    I get told that too whenever I go to a doctor, even though I believe myself to be in perfect health.

  • edited June 2018 Posts: 16,372
    Extremely strange scene here:

    Ian and his fiance are doing a bit of Bondage role playing with him tied up.

    For some reason he has a mustache in this scene. I don't know if Fleming ever wore a mustache.
  • edited June 2018 Posts: 16,372
    ...........and Ian has just tied the knot.

    He's already missing his bachelor days and will re-live them thru Bond.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Now he meets the real James Bond (played by the recently deceased Reg Gadney) and signs his copy of Birds of the West Indies......."from the thief who stole your identity".............

    goes to see DR NO in the cinema........................

    and the credits roll.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Popping in another film............

  • Posts: 16,372
    Titles.............Dracula applied make up to restore his youth.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Dracula and his buddy Anton (Arno Jurging) take the Count's sister to the castle's vaults and are off to Italy to find a virgin bride.
  • edited June 2018 Posts: 16,372
    Dracula (UDO KIER) is wearing a black overcoat trimmed in fur. I've seen a few Halloween Dracula costumes that apply that trim to the cape.

    The coffin is tied to the top of their vintage car.

    This is set in the 1920's.............or '30's.
    Never been sure which.
  • Posts: 16,372
    The daughters of a formerly wealthy family are attending the garden. Now they take their tops off.

    The eldest daughter is missing out on the fun.

    Now comes handyman JOE DALLESANDRO to tell them to behave.

    He has the same hairstyle as Leo in TITANIC.
  • Posts: 16,372
    I first saw this film when I was 11. We rented it.

    The USA Cable Network used to air this regularly with ANDY WARHOL'S FRANKENSTEIN in truncated versions.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Dracula and Anton stop at a local Inn for the night. The Count in this film is a vegetarian and starving from blood loss.

    UDO KIER is great at looking ill ad on the verge of collapse.

  • Posts: 16,372
    This Criterion Edition of ANDY WARHOL'S DRACULA is non-anamorphic and looks like crap on my wide-screen 21st century television.
  • Posts: 16,372
    I should have kept my VHS copy. That version actually looked better.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Anton is going to meet the formally wealthy Italian family to arrange a marriage for Dracula.
    Several liberties taken here with vampire lore. He can walk about in daylight and crosses only annoy him.

    He doesn't morph into a bat, wolf or mist. Neither did Christopher Lee.
  • Posts: 16,372
    I find this film one of the most interesting versions of the Dracula character.

    I prefer it to the Coppola film.

    Udo looks great, IMO and has character appropriate costuming. He only dons a satin cape in the climax.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Here he lies on the bed having a kind of blood loss spasm.

    Very disturbing image really.
  • Posts: 16,372
    The crew for ANDY WARHOL'S FRANKENSTEIN wrapped that film at lunchtime, gave actors Kier, Jurging and Dallesandro haircuts and commenced this film that day.
  • Posts: 16,372
    In the audio commentary for this film UDO KIER states that JURGING had committed suicide. According to IMDb he's still alive.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Roman Polanski cameo. This scene was cut from at least one VHS edition of the film.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Dracula drinks blood from a loaf of bread. I always liked this bit.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Dracula meets the family and clashes with Joe Dallesandro.

    The first daughter he is to court (Dominique Darel) finds him hideous and disgusting.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Dominique Darel died tragically in a car crash a few years after this film.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Dallesandro forces himself on Darel in an abusive fashion. She then proclaims her love for him. This film was a cult classic when I was a kid, but I doubt many of today's audiences would enjoy this too much.
  • Posts: 16,372
    Darel provides Dracula with some food.

    Dracula questions her virginity. He doesn't buy for a moment she's a virgin.
  • Posts: 16,372
    She lies and he gets aroused..............he then bites her................

    and turns green.
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