Any non-Bond film.....Comments while you watch...



  • edited October 2018 Posts: 16,373
    Elizabeth Allen's boyfriend here (Henry Wadsworth) is pretty wimpy. He makes most Jonathan Harker actors look like Bond.

    I really do like the sets here for Mora's castle. This film has a classic, classic Gothic horror look. Perfect for Halloween time. In fact this is a remake of Browning's earlier LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT (1927) with Lon Chaney. Damn what I wouldn't give if THAT lost film were finally discovered.

    An iconic bit where Luna flies down in bat-wings is quite effective.

    Luna is quite creepy leering through the windows at Elizabeth Allen and her wimpy ineffectual boyfriend.

    Bela looks the business here, Gunshot wound in his temple.

    Luna hisses like Christopher Lee when about to bite Allen, and Bela intervenes as the wimpy boyfriend attempts to rescue her.

    Bela shows Christopher Lee like physical strength here as he overpowers his opponent.
  • Posts: 16,373
    One of the criticisms that has plagued the 1931 DRACULA for decades is that the Gothic horror tone somewhat stops after the Transylvania castle scenes, and becomes a filmed stage play set in drawing rooms.

    This film retains the Gothic look and feel throughout it's running time.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Here we get to the climax............where.......spoiler alert........the plot is a fraud and the real killer is caught using scissors to puncture the victim's necks . Bela and Borland are in fact hired actors in on the scheme.
    One of the complaints this film gets. I love it, though and find it wonderfully atmospheric. Doesn't bother me it turns out to all be bulls**t.

    Great viewing of MARK OF THE VAMPIRE. A Bela Lugosi gem!

  • RemingtonRemington I'll do anything for a woman with a knife.
    edited November 2018 Posts: 1,535
    Watching Sudden Impact. Apart from the guy playing the lieutenant in San Paulo, poorly written as well as painfully stereotypical, I'm really enjoying it.

    As usual, Eastwood does a good job directing.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Remington wrote: »
    Watching Sudden Impact. Apart from the guy playing the lieutenant in San Paulo, poorly written as well as painfully stereotypical, I'm really enjoying it.

    As usual, Eastwood does a good job directing.

    I love all the Dirty Harry's...Clint is awesome in all of them,what a screen presence !!
  • Posts: 16,373
    Reviving this old thread as I watch

    THE BIG SLEEP (1946)

    Bogie as Philip Marlowe is hired by General Sternwood (Charles Waldron) to to get some blackmailers off his back.

    I love the dialogue here.

    I suppose if I had to pick one all time favorite movie (that's not a Bond) this might be it.
  • edited December 2018 Posts: 16,373
    Bogart is at his peak here looking the business. Tough, roughed, and sarcastic. Great clothes as well. He has a chain from his belt to his front pocket. Can't be a watch as he's wearing one. I should get a wallet with a chain.

    Bogie Sternwood's meets older daughter (Lauren Bacall) in another scene with great dialogue. She's about 20 years old here, he about 45. This is so classic. An excellent film noir.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Bogie flirts with Dorothy Malone (who sadly we lost in 2018). One of the great scenes in noir, IMO.

    Lots of rain here. Now he's sneaking around at night following the bookshop owner. He finds the General's other daughter (Martha Vickers) drugged up and behind the cameras.............and the bookshop owner is dead.

    This film had a convoluted plot. The original 1945 cut was more coherent, but I prefer the regular 1946 version.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Bogie tugs at his right earlobe a lot.

    Bogie in his drenched trench-coat. As iconic an image that is, he has another light weight Glen plaid wool overcoat he wears in this film that I like even more.

  • Posts: 16,373
    The famous horse racing metaphor dialogue. This scene shot a full year after the rest of the film. Bacall has matured slightly. Bogie looks more or less the same.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Bogie is woken up by the district attorney at 2 in the afternoon. I works nights so it reminds me of my new lifestyle.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Bogie is jumped and takes a beating in an alley.

    I've seen this in the cinema 3 times and one particular screening I was with a friend who obnoxiously laughed out loud during this sequence.
    They only hit Bogie's face one. The rest is blows to his kidney and stomach.
    The alley is immaculate.
  • edited January 2019 Posts: 16,373
    In honor of Phyllis Coates birthday today:


    This is the theatrical version as opposed to TV episode two parter.

    George Reeves first outing as the Man of Steel.
    He's 37 here- like Daniel Craig in CR.

    Makes no sense to compare Superman to Craig, but I thought it was funny.

    Welcome to Silby: home of the deepest oil well.

    Small Mayberry like town in an un-named state.
    It really is Mayberry actually shot on the 40 Acres Studio lot.

    There he is! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Phyllis Coates is my favorite Lois next to Noel Neill.
    Phyllis was tough. No nonsense reporter.

    George's Clark Kent was a tough reporter as well. He only wusses out whenever he needs some lame excuse to leave the situation so he can change to Supes.
  • Posts: 16,373
    This is nearly a film noir, but more a low budget sci fi Saturday after noon kiddie matinee. I think one would have had to have lived in the era to truly understand, but going to the movies on a Saturday afternoon as a kid in the '50's was an all day experience. A tradition.

    I believe a few of the WIZARD OF OZ munchkins play the Mole Men here. Good make up. The rise from underground to see what's going on and investigate.
    Their furry costumes are actually brown as seen in some rare color photos. Kent's double breasted suit is a bluish gray.

    I love the early '50's/ This is great.

    I love George Reeves. Lois freaks out and Kent is the voice of reason. He's almost like a detective in these.

    George Reeves is my favorite Clark Kent/Superman. Tough cool and intense. Christopher Reeve comes a close second and I believe was truest to the Curt Swan version.

    I'm of the firm opinion Superman's costume should look as though it were knitted by his earth mother from the baby blankets....and still look cool. George's look just like that.
    His costume in this is gray and milk chocolate brown. I believe by the color season the gray had become a bluish gray and the brown more of a brownish maroon.
    This early version of the costume isn't as streamlined looking as the belt is a bit floppy.

  • Posts: 16,373
    The villagers in this small town led by Jeff Corey are on edge. Corey is pretty much the villain of this film, but not exactly evil.
    Beverly Washburn is the little girl here who befriends the Mole Men- unafraid unlike Jeff Corey.
    Kind of reminds me of Maria in FRANKENSTEIN.
    Corey wants bloodshed and Kent is trying to stop an all out mob.

    He hasn't changed into Supes yet.

  • Posts: 16,373
    Clark Kent is a bad a$$. In charge of the situation. Throughout TV the series Lois was always trying to prove Kent and Supes were one in the same. So she clearly knew.

    Okay here we go......into the alley right by Andy Griffith's sheriff office and up up and awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

    POV of him flying. We don't actually get to see any good flying footage in this film.
    The wires broke during the first season so special effects head Thol Si Simonson created a metal breast plate for Reeves to be fastened to and flown in front of a screen.

    Corey tries to beat up Superman and fails miserably. LOL
    "It's men like you who make it difficult for people to understand one another!"...........a bit of social commentary here well delivered by Reeves.

  • Posts: 16,373
    Superman clearly isn't afraid to punch people here.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    Clark Kent is a bad a$$. In charge of the situation. Throughout TV the series Lois was always trying to prove Kent and Supes were one in the same. So she clearly knew.

    Why not just remove his glasses?
  • edited January 2019 Posts: 16,373
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    Clark Kent is a bad a$$. In charge of the situation. Throughout TV the series Lois was always trying to prove Kent and Supes were one in the same. So she clearly knew.

    Why not just remove his glasses?

    Yeah. I think it's the fedora that confuses people the most, LOL.
  • Posts: 16,373
    One of the Mole Men is trapped in a shack that's been set ablaze.
    Luckily one of the wooden floor panels was loose enough for him to remove it and escape. He's thinking "thanks for nothing, Superman!".

    Supes is busy in Kent mode trying to calm everyone down. By the 6th season he'd be able to split himself into two people.
  • Posts: 16,373
    " I brought.........uh, that is Superman brought him to the hospital." Almost gives himself away. YES!

    "Sometime you give the impression you're leading a double life!" Lois is great.
  • edited January 2019 Posts: 16,373
    Mayberry!!!!! All would be fine if Andy were here.

    Lois fights her way against this mob. She's pretty tough. Supes arrives and take away their guns.

    The Mole Men return with a ray gun...........vacuum cleaner actually.

    This is nearly over. Just under an hour.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    The Mole Men return with a ray gun...........vacuum cleaner actually.

    Those old props were something!
  • Posts: 16,373
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    The Mole Men return with a ray gun...........vacuum cleaner actually.

    Those old props were something!

    I love low budget ingenuity.

    Superman rescues Jeff Corey as he's being blasted by the vacuum cleaner. Corey apologizes for behaving like an A- hole and Superman just dismisses him. LOL.

    Christopher Reeve probably would have been more forgiving............then again he did go back after regaining his powers to take care of the diner bully.

    The Mole Men return to their world miles beneath the earth.

    That was a lot of fun. When compared to some of the later episodes, though it's middle of the road.

    It's not fair to compare this to any of the Reeve films or what came afterwards.

    I suppose Henry Cavill's interpretation of Superman is closer to George Reeves than anyone else.

  • Posts: 16,373
    Here we go............since I've been on a Supes kick..................the one and only................the classic.......


    ....................theatrical cut with original audio.

    Old Warner's logo I love it!!

    Black and white opening is great.
    I really love the old school Daily Planet model here.........
  • Posts: 16,373
    Titles.......S shield logo............I wonder if this particular copyright version of the emblem was designed around this time? The most used version on T shirts and so forth.

    In the second film the S shield that flies across the Outer Space screen is the more bubbly version that appeared on posters for this film. I'm glad the shield on his outfit looks different, though. Distinctive.
  • edited January 2019 Posts: 16,373
    I'll get to page 20 by the time the credits are over..but I love it. So many movies today end their films with the credits.

    I fear one day Bond might do that......thus resulting in the entire film being the PTS.

    Jor-El. Brando wanted to play the part as a bagel or green suitcase. LOL. He must have not been a fan.

    He's great here.

    Zod rules:



    YOU WILL BOW DOWN BEFORE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BOTH YOU.........................

    AND THEN ONE DAY............

    YOUR HEIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    When I was a kid I thought he said:

    YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Posts: 16,373
    YOUR ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is funnier.
  • Posts: 16,373
    I love Derek Meddings.

    He was the man.

    Off to the Phantom Zone in what looks like a 1970's album cover.

    Very cool. Zod and his buddies do look like a rock band of sorts.

    Everyone give Jor-El a hard time here. The think he's full of crap.

    I saw this in the cinema when I was 3 and was completely enthralled.

    My folks took me three times that winter.

    Then my Grandma make me a little Superman cape and my Dad made the rest of the outfit. It was pretty cute.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Krypton blows up and everyone dies.

    Now Baby Supes is hanging' out in his little crystal rocket ship cruising to Earth.

    The great Glenn Ford. One of my favorite actors.............who seems to be sporting a Daniel Craig style haircut here.
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