Any non-Bond film.....Comments while you watch...



  • Posts: 16,373
    Teenage Clark played by Jeff East. He's pretty good. Smallville really seems to be in the middle of nowhere in this film. That's how it should be, IMO.
    Jeff East's wig here is better than Chris' SUPERMAN IV wig.

    The train sequence starring Noel Neill and Kirk Alyn. Great stuff. I met Noel at a comic con years ago. She was very nice. The theatrical cut should have included that whole bit, IMO.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Glenn Ford lectures Clark on being a show off. Very moving scene, IMO.

  • Posts: 16,373
    Poignant for me to be watching this now.........

    I have a very ill cat.

    His back legs are giving on him due to what is possibly a tumor. He's attempting to walk and climb the stairs as I type this. He's been laying in one place all week. Hes moving around and our other cats are looking after him.

    Chris Reeve must be inspiring him here.
  • Posts: 16,373
    I like Clark's red plaid country jacket. I want to find one like that. Old school hunting attire.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Kent leaves for the Fortress of Solitude. Moving scene as he says goodbye to his earth mom.

    The Fortress of Solitude is created by the green crystal. In the comics, Superman built it himself the hard way. I always liked that giant yellow key hole.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Brando is great. My main man, Brando.

    The one thing I prefer from the comics, is Superman's suit being made my Martha Kent from the baby blankets.

    I like the idea his mother made it for him.

    Here Jor-El must have taught him how to sew.
  • Posts: 16,373
    ............and we see him for the first time.

    Great shot of him flying. Better than CGI by a mile.

    I love the Daily News Building.

    Marc McClure made a good Jimmy. Lois can't spell.

    Chris based his Clark on Cary Grant in BRINGING UP BABY.
  • edited January 2019 Posts: 16,373
    Rex Reed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He dismisses Clark. No one respects him.

    The mugging scene is funny.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Ray Hassett!! To think I was just watching TSWLM the other day.

    "What's the matter, officer? Haven't you ever seen an idiot taking a walk before?"

    Otis is pretty goofy, but he does have a catchy theme tune.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Billy J Mitchell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The helicopter scene! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Posts: 16,373
    Lois is in peril.

    The effects are superb.

    Today there are pretty much NO phone booths in existence.

    SAY, JIM!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S A BAD OUTFIT!!!!!!!
  • Posts: 16,373
    I love this montage of Superman doing super stuff. Great section here.

    Air Force One bit is great.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Otis!!! Otis! Would you like to see a long arm?
  • Posts: 16,373
    Great viewing of SUPERMAN THE MOVIE.

    I was so riveted I barely posted.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    ToTheRight wrote: »
    I love Derek Meddings.

    He was the man.

    Off to the Phantom Zone in what looks like a 1970's album cover.

    Very cool. Zod and his buddies do look like a rock band of sorts.


    Good observation. I imagine they play some form of psychedelic discoglam. Band name-the Zodomites?
  • Posts: 16,373

    This 1944 wartime Bogie/Bacall film has always been a favorite of mine.

    Bogie is taking Walter Sande out fishing. Walter Brennan as Bogie's buddy who can't keep way from the bottle.

    I love black and white cinematography.
    The back projection work is quite good on the boat scenes. Bogie looks good here. He loved sailing his Santana yacht in real life. No wonder he looks so natural.

    Set in Martinique in the summer of 1940, Bogie reluctantly gets roped into helping the French Resistance by smuggling people off Martinique. Tends to get himself into some dicey situations.

    Great rapport with Walter Brennan. Walter Sande tries to rip Bogie off and flee.

    I love the hotel setting here. This is similar in tone to CASABLANCA in some respects. I saw both on a double bill when I was 13. One of the greatest evenings I ever had in the cinema with my Dad. Humphrey Bogart films were great to catch in the cinema with an audience.

    Ah, Lauren Bacall. Radiant beauty and future wife to Bogie.

    Hoagy Carmichael!!!!!! Playing piano in the hotel night club.
    He is rather dashing behind the piano keys. Bondian haircut as well. I can see what Fleming had in mind here.

    Actually, Bogie sitting at the table and watching, open neck shirt, navy blazer looks a bit Bondian himself here.
    Bogart has great clothes in this film.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Walter Brennan is classic.

    I remember I first got into the Bogart films around '88/'89. Dalton era. A friend of the family had giving me some cassette tapes of Bogart radio play broadcasts: THE MALTESE FALCON and this film. Lots of fun to listen to.

    We had an old movie theater in our town that would play a different double feature every night. Everything from contemporary films, to Bogart, Elvis, and art house films. We saw NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and DAY OF THE DEAD one night, and an Errol Flynn double bill another.

    In addition this old theater had a great atmosphere. Glass stained windows, pirate ship concession stand and excellent popcorn.
    Apparently they had played some Connery Bonds, but I never saw any there unfortunately. That would have been amazing.

    I distinctly remember the music played over the theater speakers in between Bogart films was from DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID. One of the deleted scenes that had been edited into the television version. Similar to the early TV broadcasts of the SUPERMAN films. To this day I haven't seen those scenes anywhere else, Not as an extra on the DVD or anything. Very odd as it gave Bogart some extra footage with Steve Martin.

    Bogie and Bacall are questioned by the police. They slap Bacall around as Bogie objects. Great moment here.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Bogie calls Bacall "Slim" and she calls him "Steve" LOL.
    At one point he calls her "Junior".

    I should get this on Blu-ray.

    The famous whistle line!

    "You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together.......and blow."

    I can attest the audience cheered loudly when Bacall kissed Bogie, then uttered the famous line.

  • Posts: 16,373
    Bogie is at his PEAK in this film.

    I can remember during a screening of THE BIG SLEEP the sound went out just as Bogie kissed Bacall after they had pulled over. One audience member yelled "OH, SH!T!!!!!" The sound then came back on. College kid crowd then as the theater was located in university neighborhood.

    Too bad college kids these days don't often get to experience golden age of Hollywood classic movies presented on the big screen much anymore. They're really missing out, IMO.

    Part of the fun is when the print quality changes or the sound goes out for a moment. 4K and digital projection tend to be too perfect, IMO.

    Also the black and white changed from time to time. THE BIG SLEEP print would go from a warmer tone to a cooler. I remember TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT looking consistently clean, though.
  • edited February 2019 Posts: 16,373
    Bogie is getting ready to smuggle some people on his boat. Brennan stowed away against Bogie's wishes.
    Nighttime scene in a foggy environment. Great stuff here.

    I love the 1940's. My favorite decade in film history. Bond has been holding down the fort for me since the '60's.

    Film noir can occasionally be tricky to define. I have one friend who considers CASABLANCA a film noir. I have another who flatly feels this one, THE MALTESE FALCON and THE BIG SLEEP are NOT noir because they were shot on the Warner Bros lot and sound-stages.

    I do feel both THE MALTESE FALCON and THE BIG SLEEP qualify. I also consider Mitchum's THE BIG STEAL a noir even though it is set mostly in the daytime.

    TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT falls in between. Whereas CASABLANCA I most certainly do not consider a film noir, even though it has just about every noir element imaginable.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Bogie is nursing a wounded resistance fighter as the man's wife is getting dizzy..................
    ....................and she faints.

    Delores Moran is great in that role here. Bacall mocks her later.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Bogie has been up all night, and wants to get some sleep. That's how I often feel after working graveyard shifts. Bacall is pestering him, offers him breakfast, a bath and to take his shoes off.

    LOL Great scene.

    She then gives him a little slap thanks to his SKYFALL stubble.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Dan Seymour was a great character actor. memorable in everything he did.

    He was n quite a few films with Bogart. Also memorable on that famous ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN episode in which he discovers the Man of Steel's true identity and is left stranded on the top of an icy mountaintop by Supers for his trouble. He then plummets to his death. And we all thought Superman was a nice guy.

    Here he gets pistol whipped by Bogart.
  • Posts: 16,373
    The scenes with Hoagy Carmichael are a gem. He's great. All the ladies are swooning over him.

    .......and in walks Bogie. I love the atmosphere and music in this film.

    Bacall sings as well. For years it was rumored that Andy Williams had dubbed her voice for these scenes, but that was proven false. She did her own singing.
  • Posts: 16,373
    Great viewing of this classic Bogie! Hits the spot every time.
  • edited March 2019 Posts: 19,339
    Watching RONIN x Bob DeNiro is immense in this film (as he always is to be fair) and Sean Bean being a mercenary who pretends to be from the SAS is brilliant .
    Add Michael Lonsdale and Jonathan Price and you have 3 Bond villains in one film - Drax,Trevelyn & Carver .
    Oh and a note to EON - watch this film again for inspiration re car chases !!!!
  • Posts: 19,339
    Skarsgaard would make a nasty Bond villain.
  • Posts: 16,373


    the SPECTRE (2015) of the Christopher Reeve Superman series.

    The Warner Bros. logo has the Superman theme play slowly over it followed by a rather cheap looking rendition of the iconic space credits opening. This reminds me immensely of the SPECTRE gunbarrel sequence.

    Perry White's office looks nothing like it did in the first two films. but a rather odd facsimile. This reminds me of Ralph Fiennes' office, which is a dimly lit facsimile of Robert Brown's M office.

    The Daily Planet is being taken over by an arrogant a-hole who wants to turn it into a tabloid paper.

    MI6 is being taken over by an a-hole who wants to rid the double O program. He's so arrogant he even refuses to address it by it's correct name, the Double O section.

    Christopher Reeve is a tad older looking here as Clark Kent/Superman as was Daniel Craig's Bond in SP. Contrary to popular opinion, I think Chris looked better and better in each film he did and wig aside looks amazing in IV. I feel the same about Craig in SP.

    Some obnoxious brat kid wants Superman to rid the world of all nuclear weapons. This causes much soul searching for Supes. Craig's Bond does much soul searching as well.

    Clark Kent is sitting in his dingy apartment as did Craig's Bond in SP.

    Whereas the TV Clark Kent, George Reeves had a nice clean beautiful one bedroom suite, Chris here has a rather small looking empty-ish flat.

    Roger Moore had a nice decked out flat, as did Connery. Craig's looks like he just moved in and never un-packed.

    Superman flies Lois around Metropolis and the world in a cheaply done scene that attempts to capture the romantic magic of the first film.

    Craig's Bond has a cheap equivalent romance in SP that fails to capture the romantic magic of CR.

    This film appeared nine years after the first entry. SP appeared nine years after CR.

    Superman lands in front of the UN building...........but it's actually a cheap industrial park intended to fool audiences that it's the UN building.

    Bond confronts Blofeld on Westminster Bridge, but it's actually a set intended to fool audiences they were on location.

    Okay now I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel for comparisons.

    I'll just enjoy this masterpiece which is SUPERMAN IV: THE QUEST FOR PEACE.
  • Posts: 7,653
    barryt007 wrote: »
    Watching RONIN x Bob DeNiro is immense in this film (as he always is to be fair) and Sean Bean being a mercenary who pretends to be from the SAS is brilliant .
    Add Michael Lonsdale and Jonathan Price and you have 3 Bond villains in one film - Drax,Trevelyn & Carver .
    Oh and a note to EON - watch this film again for inspiration re car chases !!!!

    I always felt that this movie with a minimal amount of tweaks could have been a brilliant 007 movie. starring Tim Dalton as the lead.
  • Posts: 19,339
    SaintMark wrote: »
    barryt007 wrote: »
    Watching RONIN x Bob DeNiro is immense in this film (as he always is to be fair) and Sean Bean being a mercenary who pretends to be from the SAS is brilliant .
    Add Michael Lonsdale and Jonathan Price and you have 3 Bond villains in one film - Drax,Trevelyn & Carver .
    Oh and a note to EON - watch this film again for inspiration re car chases !!!!

    I always felt that this movie with a minimal amount of tweaks could have been a brilliant 007 movie. starring Tim Dalton as the lead.

    As a Bond film you are spot on , it’s a brilliant production all the way through, but I think Craig would have beaten Dalton to this, he has the raw determination that the great De Niro has .
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