Translations Royale

PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
edited May 2023 in Trivia & Games Posts: 3,675
This thread was brought to be by a short conversation in "I've never noticed this before". The goal of this is to translate non-English parts of the Bond films that aren't subtitled into English. This can be any language. French, German, Albanian, Dutch, Korean, Swedish, Elvish, or Klingon, it doesn't matter. If you can translate any lines, please do.




During our introduction to Bond at the match of Bond vs. Trench at chemin de fer (French):



"Sept à la banque."
"Seven to the bank."

"Banco suivi."
"Bank follows."

"Huit à la banque."
Eight to the bank."

"Ç'est suivi."
"It's followed."

"Oui, madame. Changeur, s'il vous plait."
"Yes, madam. Changer, please."

"Neuf la banque."
"Nine to the bank."

"Pas possible, madame. Ce n'est pas légal."
"Not possible, madam. It's not legal."

"Ç'est suivi, monsieur."
"It follows, Mister."

FRWL: PTS (Spanish):
"¡Las luces! ¡Cada uno donde está!"
"Lights! Everyone stays where he is!"


"Guten Abend."
"Good evening."

(This same phrase also is in Casino Royale)



Bond's room number (Portuguese):

"Quinhentos e cinquenta e seis."
"Five hundred and fifty six."

After Bond asks about Tracy's Mercury Cougar:

"Que bela!"
"How beautiful!"

At the casino where Bond meets Tracy (French):

"Dix mille á la banque."
"Ten thousand to the bank."

"Les jeux sont faits, monsieur."
"The chips are down, mister."

"Quatre mille á la banque."
"Four thousand to the bank."

Vingt mille
Twenty thousand

"La banque vingt mille."
"Bank twenty thousand."

"Vingt mille á la banque."
"Twenty thousand to the bank."

"Banco debout."
"Bank standing."

"Je regrette, mais c´est impossible."
"I'm sorry, but that's impossible."

"Thank you."

Guard when calling Blofeld (German):

"Der Engländer ist verschwunden."
"The Englishman has vanished.

"Der Engländer ist gekommen"
"The Englishman has arrived."

"Schnell! Der Engländer ist abgehauen"
"Quick! The Englishman has scrammed (or bunked off)!"
"Der Engländer ist ins Dorf geflüchtet!"
"The Englishman has fled to the village!

"Er ist ausgerückt?"/
"He made off?"

"Der Engländer! Quick [sic]! Wir müssen ihn umzingeln!"
"We must surround him."

"Bremsen Sie doch!"
"Hit the brakes!" (the "doch" making the request more urgent)

"Direktor, bitte"/
"Director, please"

"So was von Idiot!"
"What an idiot!"


LALD: Miss Caruso (Italian):

"Ma non è possibile, amore."
"But that's impossible, love."

Moneypenny (Italian):

"Bye James. Or should I say: ciao bello."
"Bye James. Or should I say: bye, handsome.”

Bond: “Siamo soli.”
Miss Caruso: ”Finalmente.”
”We are alone.”
“At last.”

Hai Fat's death scene, as Scaramanga walks in - the other end of the phone can't be heard
Hai Fat: "Chula and six other people?!"
Hai Fat: Cantonese slang, it sort of translates as "How dare you, you useless git."


Old man who sits by the house after Jaws's car crashes through it (Italian):

"Mamma mia, che è successo? O, Dio, tutto distrutto!"

"Oh my gosh, what's happened? Oh, God, everything's destroyed!"


FYEO: The ski hill (Italian):


"E tu dove hai il casco?"
"Where's your helmet?"


"Guardie, c'è un pazzo qua!"
"Guards, there's a crazy man in here!"

During the chase in Melina's Citroen (Spanish):

"Por favor, empujen!"
"Please, push!"


Bond to Columbo (Greek):
"γεια σου."
"To your health."

At the market

"You're welcome."

During the chase with Lopez (Spanish):

"Vamos, rápido. Vamos, rápido, que no se puede escapar. Lo tenemos ahora, cógelo."

"Come on, quickly" "Come on, quickly, he can't escape" "We got him now, take him"
During the chase on foot: "¡Por aquí!" "¡Por allí!"; finding Melina's victim: "¡No importa, sigue, sigue!"

"This way!" "That way!" "It doesn't matter, go on!"

When they are "opening" the Lotus we hear: "Detenedlo, está allí, a la izquierda."
"Stop him. He's there, on the left."

When the "Madrid" bus is stopped: "¿Qué pasa?" "What's happening?"


The loudspeaker voice at the "Karl-Marx-Stadt" railway station (German): "Der Sonderzug nach Feldstadt fährt in wenigen Minuten ab."
"The special train to Feldstadt will depart in a few minutes."

Through the speakers just after the gunbarrel and again with strong Cuban accent: "Su caballo ha sido el favorito en las más importantes competiciones. Don Piquillo tiene cinco años, tal y como dije, tiene muchas medallas ganadas en competiciones. Alvarado sufrió una caída el año pasado en las competiciones de Río de Janeiro, lo que no le permitió saltar para algunos meses. Pero, con todo esto, él sigue siendo el mejor..."

"His horse has been the favorite in the most important competitions. Don Piquillo is five years old, as I said, it has many medals won in competitions. Alvarado suffered a fall last year in competitions in Rio de Janeiro, which did not allow him to jump for a few months. But, with all this, he is still the best..."

When Bond enters the base: "Escuadrón, atención, al trote." "Apunten al objetivo."
"Squad, attention, trot." "Aim the target."

Greeting a soldier: "Coronel" "Continúa" "Colonel" "Continue..."

Captured: "Interrogación" "Sí, coronel. Métanlo al camión."
"Interrogation" "Yes, colonel. Put him on the truck."

On the truck: "Gracias, querida." "Thank you, darling."

A soldier through a mic: "¡El inglés se escapó!" "The English escaped!"
Then: "Apunten, fuego. " "Aim, fire" "¡Cierren la puerta!" "Close the door!"


The chase in Paris (French):

"Sens unique, hé connard!"
"One way street, you dumbass!"

Et voici maintenant the fabulous Dominique and the enchanted papillons.

And now here is the fabulous Dominique and the enchanted butterflies.




Bond at the casino (French):

"- Bonsoir, Monsieur Bond. Très heureux de vous revoir.
- Bonsoir, Pierre. Ça va bien?
- Très bien. Et vous?"

"- Good evening, Mr. Bond. Very happy to see you again.
- Good evening, Pierre. Are you doing well?
-Very well, and you?"

"Sept à la banque."
"Seven to the bank."

"Bet, mademoiselle? Non?"
"Bet, madam? No?"


"Huit, pour la banque."
"Eight, for the bank."

Xenia whenever she's enjoying sex (Russian):

"Блядь." (Bljad)


Bond arrives at the airport to pick up the BMW (German):

"Guten Tag. Kann ich Ihnen helfen?"
"Good day. Can I help you?"

"Ja, mein Büro hat ein Auto reserviert."
"Yes, my office has reserved a car."

Later outside Carver's party:

"Lass dich nicht verarschen!"
"Don't let her fuck with you" or "...take the piss out of you".

As Wai Lin and Bond surface after looking at the Devonshire:

Wai Lin waves the boat over, subtitled "Bring the Boat". She actually says, "Over here".
Where it's subtitled "What are you waiting for?" she says "Hey, come here"


After the shooting in the Bilbao pts (Spanish): in the stairs: "Señor Lachaise, ¿está usted bien?" "Mr. Lachaise, are you all right?"

Knocking at the door: "¿Qué está pasando? Creo que son dos hombres. Se han oído disparos y una explosión. ¡Abran la puerta! ¡En el piso de arriba! ¡Policía! ¡Abran la puerta!" Entering: "¡Quieto ahí! ¡Levante las manos!"

"What's happening? I think there are two men. We've heard shots and an explosion. Open the door! It's upstairs! Police! Open the door!" "Stop you there! Raise your hands!"

The hotel scenes with Mr Chang:

At the hotel reception:
Mr Chang: "Open the presidential suite" [subtitled]
Mr Chang: "Do it quickly" [subtitled] (more literally "quickly get it done")

After breaking the mirror:
Mr Chang: "Go wait outside!" (to the cameramen)

Mr Chang leaving Bond's hotel room
[inaudible]...get out of here

Mr Chang at reception
"Yes, I understand. I understand. I will get it sorted."

Guard at Graves's diamond mine (German):

"Was machst du denn hier? Nimm mal die Hände hoch. Dreh dich um. Los, langsam umdrehen."

"What are you doing here? Take your hands up. Turn around. Go, turn slowly.

CR: Outside the Nambutu Embassy.
"Laissez tomber!
"Let it drop!" (Bond's gun)

During the foot chase with Mollaka (French):

"Qu'est ce-que vous faites?!"
"What are you doing?!"

On the train to Montenegro (Spanish):

"¿Quiere un pliego, señor?"
"Do you want the menu, sir?"


Woman getting her basket of goods up the stairs (Italian):

“O mamma mia, che ho fatto?”
“Oh my goodness (literally: “Oh my mother”), what have I done?"

Checking in to the hotel (Spanish):

"Hola. Somos maestros en año sabático... y nos ganamos la lotería" (American Spanish again. In Spain we'd say "nos tocó la lotería").

"Hello. We are teachers in sabbatical year ... and we won the lottery!"


Moneypenny to Patrice (Turkish):

Silva's guard to his underlings (Serbian):

"Vodite ga u glavnu sobu."
"Take him to the main room."


Madeleine verbally takes notes on a previous patient (French):

"Suite aux analyses lundi, un diagnostique de stress post-traumatique a été établi. Un traitement médicamenteux est prescrit, accompagné de TCC. Et de séances de thérapie craniosacrale."

"Following Monday's analysis, a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress has been established. A medication treatment is prescribed, accompanied by CBT, and craniosacral therapy sessions."

Bond to Lucia (Italian):

"Buona fortuna, donna Lucia."
"Good fortune, Lady Lucia."

Just before throwing the explosive watch (Latin):

"Tempus fugit."
"Time flies."

Priest's eulogy (Italian):

"[...] segno di speranza nella resurrezione. O Dio, nella tua misericordia trovano riposo le anime dei fedeli. Benedici questa tomba e affidala alla custodia del tuo angelo santo. Concedi che mentre il corpo di Marco Sciarra viene qui sepolto, l'anima, libera da vincoli di peccato, intessi a lieti di gioia perenne insieme ai tuoi santi e trovi la quiete del riposo. Nel momento del tuo giudizio, possa risorgere con i beati. Per Cristo nostro Signore, amen."

"[...] sign of hope in the resurrection. O God, in your mercy let the souls of the faithful find rest. Bless this tomb and entrust it to the custody of your holy angel. Concede that while the body of Marco Sciarra is buried here, the soul, free from the bonds of sin, weaves with perennial joy together with your saints and finds the quiet of the rest. To resurrect with the blessed, at the moment of your judgement. For Christ our Lord, amen."



  • Posts: 872
    Any french lines you want to be translated?
  • RemingtonRemington I'll do anything for a woman with a knife.
    Posts: 1,535
    What does Bond say at the airport in TND?
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    edited October 2018 Posts: 5,186
    Remington wrote: »
    What does Bond say at the airport in TND?
    Car rental employee:
    "Good day, can i help you?"

    "Ja, mein Büro hat ein Auto reserviert."
    "Yes, my office has reserved a car."
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,519
    I can't say I've ever heard any Dutch in a Bond film, not even in Amsterdam (DAF).
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,173
    Two more German things that come to my mind immediately:

    In TND, when Bond hands the BMW over to the valet at Carver's headquarter and the computer voice starts bossing around, he tells the valet "Lass dich nicht verarschen!" That's rather colloquial, or even vulgar (the verb contains "Arsch" meaning arse), and means most closely "Don't let [her/it] f..k with you" or "...take the piss out of you".

    In OP, the loudspeaker voice at the "Karl-Marx-Stadt" railway station repeatedly announces, in a locally fitting Saxonian accent, "Der Sonderzug nach Feldstadt fährt in wenigen Minuten ab." This means, "The special train to Feldstadt will depart in a few minutes."
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,173
    Another thing that also belongs here, although discussed before, is the scene at the Nambutu (or what the name was) embassy in CR, after the shootout. Many people think that the embassy official, after his security guards had cornered Bond, tells 007 "Listen to me" (for whatever reason). What he really says is the French "Laissez tomber!" ("Drop it!", or literally "let it fall", referring to Bond's gun).
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    Thank you. This'll make good information.
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    edited October 2018 Posts: 5,186
    j_w_pepper wrote: »
    Another thing that also belongs here, although discussed before, is the scene at the Nambutu (or what the name was) embassy in CR, after the shootout. Many people think that the embassy official, after his security guards had cornered Bond, tells 007 "Listen to me" (for whatever reason). What he really says is the French "Laissez tomber!" ("Drop it!", or literally "let it fall", referring to Bond's gun).

    *mind blown*
    That scene always felt so weird to me, the way he says "listen to me" and then doesn't follow up with anything...
    I don't speak any french so i never made that connection.
    Thanks for clarifying that @j_w_pepper
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,173
    Da nich' für, @00Agent...

    @PropertyOfALady, you may also want to re-check this thread:
  • Tokoloshe2Tokoloshe2 Northern Ireland
    Posts: 1,183
    Film by film is probably the only way to do this thoroughly. Kudos for taking the project on!
  • RemingtonRemington I'll do anything for a woman with a knife.
    Posts: 1,535
    00Agent wrote: »
    Remington wrote: »
    What does Bond say at the airport in TND?
    Car rental employee:
    "Good day, can i help you?"

    "Ja, mein Büro hat ein Auto reserviert."
    "Yes, my office has reserved a car."

    Thank you.
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    Any french lines you want to be translated?

    All of them! :D
  • Posts: 7,089
    Great idea for a thread.


    Quoting from another thread:
    mattjoes wrote: »
    - What does the man supervising the ski jump say in Italian in FYEO?
    Walecs wrote: »
    mattjoes wrote: »
    - What does the man supervising the ski jump say in Italian in FYEO?

    He says "Libero", which literally means "Free", as in the slide is free and the next skier may proceed.

    Then he asks Bond "E tu dove hai il casco?", which means "Where's your helmet?" and Bond answers "Guarda!" which means "Look!"

    He finally calls to his radio: "Guardie, c'è un pazzo qua!", which means "Guards, there's a fool in here!"


    A couple of translations of my own:

    - In FYEO, Bond says "por favor, empujen!" ("please, push!") when the villagers help him get the Citroën moving.

    - In Spectre, when Moreau asks Sr. Guerra if he'll make the journey to Altaussee, Guerra replies: "Of course. My loyalty to this organization is absolute. I'll protect it until my last breath. There will be no more amateurs. We won't see any more displays of weakness."


    I'd be interested to know what Renard says in the bunker shootout in TWINE.

    j_w_pepper wrote: »
    Another thing that also belongs here, although discussed before, is the scene at the Nambutu (or what the name was) embassy in CR, after the shootout. Many people think that the embassy official, after his security guards had cornered Bond, tells 007 "Listen to me" (for whatever reason). What he really says is the French "Laissez tomber!" ("Drop it!", or literally "let it fall", referring to Bond's gun).

    That's nice to know. I've always heard that line as "listen to me" but I knew he wasn't saying that.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,173
    mattjoes wrote: »
    That's nice to know. I've always heard that line as "listen to me" but I knew he wasn't saying that.
    Glad to help with enlightenment :-)
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    I think even the subtitles say "Listen to me." Very, very strange.
  • edited October 2018 Posts: 872
    Any french lines you want to be translated?

    All of them! :D

    I don't know where they are, ah yes in CR (67) the french child song : "Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques, dormez-vous ? Dormez-vous ? Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines, ding ding dong" -> "Brother Jacques, Brother Jacques, do you sleeping? Do you sleeping? Ring the matins, ring the matins, ding ding dong"
  • Posts: 19,339
    Any french lines you want to be translated?

    All of them! :D

    I don't know where they are, ah yes in CR (67) the french child song : "Frère Jacques, Frère Jacques, dormez-vous ? Dormez-vous ? Sonnez les matines, sonnez les matines, ding ding dong" -> "Brother Jacques, Brother Jacques, do you sleeping? Do you sleeping? Ring the matins, ring the matins, ding ding dong"

  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    What was that Turkish phrase Moneypenny says to Patrice? Someone on here figured it out but I can't find it.
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    I found the Turkish bit and put it in the list.

    Another new one here:

    Bond at the casino in GE (French):
    - Bonsoir, Monsieur Bond. Très heureux de vous revoir.
    - Bonsoir, Pierre. Ça va bien?
    - Très bien. Et vous?

    - Good evening, Mr. Bond. Very happy to see you again.
    - Good evening, Pierre. Are you doing well?
    -Very well, and you?
  • Posts: 6,080
    From AVTAK (the chase scene in Paris) :

    "Sens unique, hé connard !!!" "One way street, you dumbass !"
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,173
    I think even the subtitles say "Listen to me." Very, very strange.
    I tried to verify that, but my German-issue Blu-ray (with German, English and Turkish subtitles) doesn't show anything in that regard for the occasion, no matter which subtitle version. But trying to figure this out, I heard the guy speaking so often that I am absolutely, positively and definitely sure he really says "Laissez tomber" and nothing else.
  • Posts: 19,339
    Gerard wrote: »
    From AVTAK (the chase scene in Paris) :

    "Sens unique, hé connard !!!" "One way street, you dumbass !"

    Nice one @Gerard , I never knew that ,makes sense with the chaos that follows !
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    Gerard wrote: »
    From AVTAK (the chase scene in Paris) :

    "Sens unique, hé connard !!!" "One way street, you dumbass !"

    Haha! Love it!
  • edited October 2018 Posts: 872
    From Madeleine, with Love :

    Suite aux analyses lundi, un diagnostique de stress post-traumatique a été établi. Un traitement médicamenteux est prescrit, accompagné de TCC. Et de séances de thérapie craniosacrale.

    Following the monday's analyzes, a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress have been established. A medication treatment is prescribed, accompanied by CBT. And craniosacral therapy sessions.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,173
    In FYEO, Bond raises his glass and says what sounds like "yassou". The original Greek would be γεια σου, a phrase meaning "to your health" and being sort of universally applicable as a greeting or goodbye (much like the Italian ciao), when someone sneezes (cf. German "Gesundheit"), or as in this case the equivalent of "cheers".
  • Tokoloshe2Tokoloshe2 Northern Ireland
    Posts: 1,183
    Is this project going to be done film by film?
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,173
    I think we're more on a brainstorming spree...but PropertyOfALady is sorting the contributions by movie by updating the OP.
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    Posts: 3,675
    If someone wants to do it film by film, go ahead. But I am updating the OP, yes.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,595
    Very cool threat!

    I think Xenia screams Блядь (Bljad) when she's enjoying her 'good squeeze'. It's an expletive starting with F in the English language.
  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    edited October 2018 Posts: 3,675
    I'd like to know what the Italian woman says on the stairs in QoS.

    Edit: I should like to ask if swearing is allowed on here. Like the full word?
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