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This is great. Thanks for sharing @Creasy47
Thanks 👍
@Creasy47 Here's the source. UA launched a For Your Consideration-site (Academy Awards/Bafta) last week (17 jan) filled with videos, info, script etc.
I have saved every Q&A / interview video from the site in case someone in here wanna add them to the NTTD-collection.
@Contraband, thanks for that info, I didn’t know they did that.
Nice to know the SPECTRE logo is a 'Septipus'. I guess that makes sense!
So I'm guessing when they say 'final script' this is a version of the script released after the film was made? I can't spot any deleted scenes which we know were shot in there.
You're welcome
I liked the Septipus, too.
It is a bit of a weird one in that it seems like the scene order and pretty much all of the dialogue are as they are in the final film (by now it's been a bit since I've seen the film, but nothing seemed out of place), but some of the descriptions of scenes are slightly off (Bond opening the garage with the V8 Vantage in it f.e.), so it's not exactly written after the fact, but it isn't like a shooting script that then went through on-set changes...
That's what most studios do for this type of thing. It's rare that "For Your Consideration" scripts aren't edited in this way.
"Asian Journalist"? This is the legendary Director Bong! (Parasite, Okja, Snowpiercer)
And speaking of - there's also a Q&A with Guillermo Del Toro
Guillermo del Toro? You must mean that legendary Mexican journalist!
Bong Joon-ho only won the Oscar for Best Director, Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay two years ago!
In seriousness, it's great to see all these Zoom discussions of the film. I guess this a new pandemic-era trend - filmmakers interviewing each other during awards publicity season.
Ms. Melery mentions Q's address as Rupert St near the Tate Modern, but on I can't seem to find a matching street in that area on Google Maps.
This is Q's house:,-0.1102919,3a,75y,165.74h,92.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s84NmuhEH0ayX80axn822bg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192
If you've ever wandered around Waterloo you might know it as the street with all the Citroens.