The What if Brosnan has made his Bond debut in Bond-17?



  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited June 2023 Posts: 4,577
    Possible he not have been cast for Mission Impossible 2 and Pryce have mabey not for GI Joe 2. Fact be with DAD producers whant get inspyred by Mi2. Mabey Hopkins been cast later for a role in Johnny English (2003) who is creation by Neal Pervis and Robert Wade.

    But i like Pryce as carver and without him possible Greene have look difrent.
  • slide_99slide_99 USA
    Posts: 765

    "You know what you look like to me, with your Brioni suit and your expensive watch? You look like a cad. A well scrubbed, hustling cad. Eton education's given you some taste, but you're not more than one generation from poor Scottish peasant, aren't you, Agent 007? And that accent you've tried so desperately to shed: pure Norf. What is your father, James? Is he a sheep shagger? Does he stink of the moors? And how quickly you dispatched all those anonymous henchmen, all those tedious traps you escaped while you could only dream of getting out, getting anywhere, getting all the way back to M...I...6."
  • Posts: 7,089
    slide_99 wrote: »

    "You know what you look like to me, with your Brioni suit and your expensive watch? You look like a cad. A well scrubbed, hustling cad. Eton education's given you some taste, but you're not more than one generation from poor Scottish peasant, aren't you, Agent 007? And that accent you've tried so desperately to shed: pure Norf. What is your father, James? Is he a sheep shagger? Does he stink of the moors? And how quickly you dispatched all those anonymous henchmen, all those tedious traps you escaped while you could only dream of getting out, getting anywhere, getting all the way back to M...I...6."

    Love it.

    I'm also fascinated by the mental image of Anthony Hopkins screaming in panic before being obliterated by the Stealth drill.
  • Posts: 2,152
    As Le Chiffre, MM was very threatening by virtue of his calm. After Silence of the Lambs,
    I'm not sure what Hopkins could have brought to the role that wouldn't have invited comparison. He would have been a good candidate for M
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,321
    Had Hopkins been cast as Carver in TND, I think they may have fleshed out the character a little more, given him more screentime. But I think Pryce did an admirable job, with the material he was given. Not sure Hopkins would have really given the character much more depth.
    Had Hopkins played a villain in a Bond film (and he still could), I would rather see him in a better film than TND...and I quite like the film as a few hours of fun entertainment.
  • It’s weird to think Hopkins was considered for Bond himself at one point.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,347
    I think When Eight Bells Toll is still on YouTube, and you can certainly see a bit of Bond to him. It’s certainly a bit of a Bond competitor, with Robert Morley as his M!
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,644
    Yeah I just recently read that Hopkins was considered for the role of Bond. A talented actor for sure, I do wonder if he would be with the action required for the role.

    On to another topic, I believe suggested by @SIS_HQ but I shall do a slight twist.

    As we know, Spy was allowed to be made as a movie with title only. The novel was not allowed to be truly adapted for the screen. As such there is technically one book by Fleming that has yet to become a movie. Barbara and Michael decide it's time to use the contents of the book for the next Bond movie. They assign you the task of deciding what's being salvaged from the book and what's being tossed or set aside.

    What if EON did a faithful, or a more complete adaptation of TSWME and used elements of the book in a new film! Also please provide a title of said movie as Spy has been taken!

  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    edited June 2023 Posts: 17,347
    TSWLM has, in my estimation, the only chapter title which would make a good movie title:
    Perchance To Die.
  • SIS_HQSIS_HQ At the Vauxhall Headquarters
    Posts: 3,845
    Thank you @thedove :)
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,644
    Love that as a title! Great one @mtm I wonder if it will ever be used!
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,347
    It's great isn't it. The whole chapter title is 'To Sleep - Perchance To Die!' but I think everyone gets the reference without the sleep bit.
  • Posts: 9,916
    It was done and was called tomorrow never dies… i have had this argument for a while but going from memory

    1. Both Vivine and Paris point out bond sleeps with a gun under his pillow
    2. The reason Paris married Elliot is the same reason Vivine slept with kurt (he told me he loved me)
    3. Kurt is in the newspaper industry same as Elliot

    Again there are a more then a few winks i always felt Tomorrow is to the spy who loved me as goldeneye is to moonraker
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,347
    That's nicely spotted.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    edited June 2023 Posts: 6,563
    Bits were done in the TSWLM movie itself! Horror = Jaws

    And arguably the fiery climax was done in QoS.

    Given that they are fond of going back and picking up bits from Fleming, I could see this being adapted if they convince the lawyers. As well as the parts left from (most notably) LALD, MR, DAF, and TMWTGG.

    I think we're due for a train climax.
  • edited June 2023 Posts: 4,768
    I'm unsure of the legalities behind this, but I think it's at least an unwritten rule that EON won't faithfully adapt TSWLM due to Fleming's wishes. As has been noted though there are bits of the novel that have made their way into certain films.

    I suppose if TSWLM was used a sort of 'blueprint' for the next film there's still stuff they could adapt. I'd personally have the Bond girl get involved with the main villains of the film during the PTS (it doesn't have to occur in a motel or be a direct adaptation - the Bond girl just has to get caught up in the villain's schemes by accident) and have Bond show up, thwart their plans, and save her. Again, this doesn't have to mean Bond stumbling into the situation by accident as in the novel, and it can be part of an official mission. Flash forward years later and the same villains are hunting this Bond girl down (perhaps she acquires some piece of information or even an object during the PTS that the villains realise could compromise them). She tracks down Bond and gets him to protect her.

    I'd have Bond girl initially fall for Bond and even idolise him at first, similar to how Viv falls for Bond in TSWLM. Eventually he falls for her too. Throughout the film, however, she slowly comes to realise that Bond/his line of work is only one step away from the villains (again, much like the policeman's words of warning to Viv at the end of the novel). Perhaps by the end of the film she even gets Bond out of a situation. The film will end with the Bond girl deciding to leave Bond.
  • Posts: 2,951
    The Daily Express comic strip version of TSWLM did a pretty good job of turning the book into a more action-oriented adventure. That's the first place to look for anyone wondering what elements to pull from the book.
  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Posts: 4,577
    I take a elements for 007 in New York part one of two parter. For Daniel Craig 4th Bond movie. New York knows as city that never sleeps. Also previously known as New Amsterdam.

    I made even three shorts teaser trailers (2011-2012)


    Above example of two shot i take be from Ladder 49 and use short Spider-Man trailer. Focus already back then be on return of Dominic Greene and his line from QOS.

    Scene from Spectre look like a bit on it.

    Story element: Mr S and Miss V run hotel in middle of New York. When at the end Bond is save back in London, Miss V set hotel in fire with her in it and what follow is boat chase between Mr S and CIA and movie end with back of statue of liberty. To Be Contuned in The Hildebrand Rarity. Mr S working for a doctor named Hildebrand. Miss V, Vesper, Dench M and Mathis return.


    Statue Of Liberty, symbol of freedom. Possible why Dutch translation is: Vrijheidsbeeld. (English: Statue Of Freedom). One reasen why showing her from other side she is beshamed looking you in to your eyes.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,644
    Interesting views @M_Balje is your trailer posted anywhere for a look see? I like the thought of Bond stumbling on to the villains. If I am understanding your concept correctly.
  • DeathToSpies84DeathToSpies84 Newton-le-Willows, England
    Posts: 257
    It’s weird to think Hopkins was considered for Bond himself at one point.

    I’m still mad he’s never been a Bond villain. In another timeline, he’s Augustus Trevelyan in the Dalton version of GoldenEye
  • Posts: 2,152
    Which Fleming titles have been made into Bond films? All. On the other hand, which Fleming novels have been made into Bond films? Few. But of course that ship has sailed. While I remain a Bond fan, I miss the days when a title and novel were sort of one and the same.
  • Posts: 15,434
    I can see one particular context for Eon to make TSWLM as a faithful: if they had decided to go cheap(er) as for the previous two entries. Instead of making a big action movie heavy on sci-fi, they'd go for B movie feel with smaller scale plots for the remainder of the Roger Moore era, churning movies of uneven quality for a while. I can see it sort of working for a while, but to the detriment of the franchise in the long run.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,644
    Time to revisit the very first "what if" that was posted to see if there are new opinions or thoughts. Hard to believe this thread has been with us since 2019! Wow where does the time go.

    Here is the scenario and it offers some interesting discussion points.

    I was watching some YouTube videos today and in one it was mentioned that originally EON was looking to make TB the first film adventure of James Bond. However because the film was in the courts they had to shelve their plan and set about making DN the first film of the series.

    Our first scenario, what if Saltzman and Broccoli had been able to make TB the first film in their James Bond series? Would it work as a first film? Or was the ultimate right choice made having DN has the first Bond film adventure? Interestingly the director would obviously been the same. Could they had pulled off TB with the limited budget of DN? Or would the film fizzle and therefore no series of films to follow?

    Mi6 what say you? What if EON had produced TB as the first Bond picture?
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,906
    TB was made at the perfect time regarding scuba tech/underwater photography advancements and size of budget. If made in 1962, the underwater sequences wouldn't drag on, as many claim, but rather be kept to a bare minimum and less intricate. Scenes between Largo and Volpe discussing Bond would be very different, as SPECTRE were already aware of him from previous adventures. The jet pack may have still made it in if the crew were aware of it so soon after its first public demonstration earlier that year. The story may have been closer to the novel again due to the epic Bond film spectacle not being a thing just yet. Lots of other factors, like actor availability would see different faces throughout the film.
  • SIS_HQSIS_HQ At the Vauxhall Headquarters
    Posts: 3,845
    I think it would've been very interesting, guaranteed it would've been a lot more closer to the novel with less action perhaps (?)

    Then from what I've heard it would've likely to be directed by Alfred Hitchcock, and starred Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn, so that's also interesting too.

    Thunderball wouldn't likely to be the title of it, but rather than Longitude 78 West, as already planned out at the time.

    And probably if happened, when Fleming published the book, it would've likely to be just some sort of novelization instead of a real book because the film came first before the book, and it would not be named Thunderball, but who knows.

    I liked this scenario, as it could've avoid the Legal Battles that would persist at the time regarding McClory and Fleming, I think McClory wouldn't likely to sue Fleming, although it may also be a different situation, maybe instead of Fleming, he would sue the Producers (Cubby and Harry) instead.

    I don't know why they've chose Dr. No, as reading the book, it's full of fantastic elements that lowered down from a low budget like The Giant squid, the locations, the set pieces, and etc. It's not for me, the most affordable book to film at the time given the elements in the book.

    I think, Thunderball would've been a lot more affordable to film at the time since it's just underwater and didn't have much of bombastic elements in it, that or maybe Live And Let Die, as it didn't also contained some big time elements, just plain grounded.

    That's said, it would've been better in my opinion, with Thunderball already setting up SPECTRE, then From Russia With Love where we're already getting into deeply with SPECTRE, I think it would've been great to see the sequencing of events.

    And with Dr. No coming up later in the film series, it would've been given a big more budget that would've made it closer to the book (seeing the giant squid appear and the whole fantastical natures of the book).

    Sure, Goldfinger could've likely to still be filmed, then Dr. No with Bond facing another SPECTRE operative, and them coming face to face with either in YOLT or OHMSS (depends upon which one would've came first).

    It's interesting to see how would it fare.
  • echoecho 007 in New York
    Posts: 6,563
    It would depend on whether Fleming published TB in 1961. If he did, the McClory lawsuit was almost certainly coming. And the underwater scenes would have increased the budget considerably.

    My instinct tells me that, in DN, they picked the best of the novels to adapt--all more or less in one location on beaches, and more importantly, set outside and giving that travelogue feel. (I don't think they could have convincingly done the squid until at least the 1990s. I mean, *Spielberg* had a hard time doing a shark in 1975.)

    Setting aside all the legalities and rights issues, and given a choice of all of the novels to start the series, and considering expense, the obvious possibilities are CR, DAF, and DN.

    If they did CR in 1962, it probably would have had more of a soundstage feel, and I can't see a Niven or Grant committing to a series of films.

    Somehow, they picked the right story in DN.
  • edited July 2023 Posts: 2,951
    Considering that DN overran its budget, there's no way TB could have been successfully made for the same amount of money.
  • thedovethedove hiding in the Greek underworld
    Posts: 5,644
    I'm sure the draw was that it was the newest piece of writing from Mr. Fleming. However I think the budget of the film may have handicapped it. Although it was a good choice in that it was basically a one country movie and therefore didn't require many different locations. How they'd have done the hijacking of the bombs and various other set pieces would most likely occurred off camera.

    Sometimes the what if works out best with the way it happens. DN turned out to be a far superior first film and one that set the tone for what was to follow.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,186
    To try and write the most negative comment imaginable: The public would have been bored to death by the overlong submarine scenes and the crazily sped-up final fight on board the Disco Volante and may have decided to skip any subsequent Bond films for the future.
  • Posts: 15,434
    It would have made for a much cheaper and cheaper looking TB. With less exciting scenes as most of the underwater stuff would have needed to be reworked or entirely cut off. As an introduction movie the source material is not nearly as good too. In sum, I don't think it would have worked at all.
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