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Failed attempt since loo in the Carribean and Mexico and Central and South America and elsewhere is better known as a toilet or bathroom. Rather than associated with winning.
@RichardTheBruce ever play the game Balderdash? Methinks you would rule at it. LOL!
In the film, the card brand is not 007, but O.O.7. - 'Oracle Of Seven'.
The number 7 is considered divine or mystical, and symbolizes completeness, inner wisdom, and spiritual awakening.
Okay, I'm out now.
Are Mr Big and his team not based in San Monique and kind of more visiting NYC?
Okay lets jump back 10 years to SP. A film that has it's fans and detractors.
This comes to us from @SIS_HQ as one they would like to see some theories for:
Why Bond didn't lose his memory after the brain torture surgery Blofeld done on him in SP?
Blofeld is being surgical with his needles and drills. He tells Swann that with the right spot and depth he can eliminate the memories that Bond has. He proceeds to drill in that spot and asks Swann if "those blue eyes still remember you". Which seems to indicate he did in fact wipe out some of Bond's memories and yet...Bond recognizes Swann. Watch for a refresher!
What are the theories of why Bond didn't get this memory erased? Was Blofeld bluffing? Did he not drill in the right place? What are your theories as to why Bond was unaffected by the drilling?
I guess because he's James Bond and slightly indestructible? Or maybe it actually worked and from here on in a really confused Bond is just bluffing his way his through his life without letting on that he has no idea who anyone is.
Or I guess more seriously: there are people who do have face blindness or 'prosopagnosia' which means they have trouble recognising faces. I think it varies in strength and people who have it can live normal lives I think: perhaps Bond has that from then on but it doesn't affect him too much.
It's a bit lazy and vague, and comes purely down to luck which isn't ideal, but oh well.
Scene could've done with Bond stumbling a bit next to the chair, followed by Madeleine supporting him, but it is what it is, and I still like this scene, minus the CGI watch dial effects.
That's my take on it too. He doesn't really knows what he's doing but at the very least he knows he won't be doing Bond any good.
That's one of the funniest things I've read on here in a while, @mtm! Very good! :))
Interestingly enough, Raymond Benson wrote a non-Bond thriller novel called Face Blind (2003) dealing with this very condition.
All right another one from @SIS_HQ. This one might be a case of a director taking artistic license but maybe there is a way for us to theorize how this is possible.
How does Bunt hit Tracy did centre with a head shot when she is on an angle in the car Blofeld is driving?
Tracy is last seen looking out the passenger window with the flowers and then she is seen shot right in the middle of her forehead. How is this possible? How was Bunt able to hit her in this way when Bunt was shooting from an angle?
If one needs a refresher, here is the scene below:
Off topic, but that's one thing I'd love to return to the series: villain's gadgets. SPECTRE should have a Q-Branch with their own Q.
would have taken. Of course that'd mean Bunt would've missed incredibly poorly from close range and then made an almost impossible shot round the bend.
Songwriters: Tom Waits / William S. Burroughs
Now, George was a good straight boy to begin with,
but there was bad blood In him; someway
he got into the magic bullets and that leads
straight to Devil's work, just like marijuana leads to heroin;
you think you can take Them bullets or leave 'em, do you?
Just save a few for your bad days
Well, now, we all have those bad days when you can't shoot for shit.
The more of them magics you use,
the more bad days you have without them
So it comes down finally to all your days
being bad without the bullets
It's magics or nothing
Time to stop chippying around and kidding yourself,
Kid, you're hooked, heavy as lead
And that's where old George found himself
Out there at the crossroads
Molding the Devil's bullets
Now a man figures it's his bullets, so it will
Hit what he wants to hit
But it don't always work that way
You see, some bullets is special for a single aim
A certain stag, or a certain person
And no matter where you are, that's where the bullet will end up
And in the moment of aiming, the gun turns into a dowser's wand
And point where the bullet wants to go
I guess old George didn't rightly know what he's getting himself into
The fit was on him and it carried him
right to the crossroads
But even in that, it's still impossible due to the range, if we're going down to that theory of yours, there's already a big distance between Blofeld & Irma Bunt's car and the Aston, the bullets fired after that wouldn't likely to reach Tracy, let alone getting a perfect bullseye shot on the middle of her forehead.
And Blofeld and Irma's car, based on that video was driving too fast, almost a rush thing, how did she managed to get a perfect range shot? Aside from shooting at the side angle (which is the big problem here)?
If Irma fired at the side angle, would the bullets should hit Tracy at the same side angle, not at the front?
Firstly, I don't think the range is too big. Bunt starts shooting at Bond at 1:17, and they're just behind the AM. Assuming 100 kph (60 mph), a fast assumption based on the driving early in the clip, at 1:21 when the last shot rings out, they'd be about 111 metres (121 yards) away from Tracy. Too much for a pistol, but Bunt's got a big gun and its possible.
In terms of the point of contact, I think the later shots are hitting the front of the car and are going near/through the windscreen which explains the entry position. Consider that the hole in the car doesn't line up with the bullet's entry in Tracy, which would line up with the angle the later bullets may have been shot from. (The main problem with this theory is that Bunt doesn't seem to be trying in the last few shots and one of the bullets clearly ricochets off the bonnet.)
As for the rest, I think Bunt missed. She would have been trying to hit Bond, and him being able to duck behind the car I think scuppered her plans. Thus causing her to loose off extra shots near the end, and hitting Tracy. Bad luck for Bond, good luck for Bunt.
The range of the gun and speed of the car are both acceptable. The gun would have a much longer range than is seen in the film. As @Reflsin2bourbons said the cars speed is slower as it approaches, it appears sped up when we see Blofeld and Bunt in the car, but the car isn’t travelling at a high speed at all.
How did Mi6 arrange the "killing" of Bond in YOLT?
As a child watching this movie I remember thinking how is Bond dead? I was hooked by this intriguing start. Soon as I re-watched the film I started to have questions and came up with my own theories but I am curious about yours.
Do the local police know that this is a fake killing? Whose blood on the sheets? Was the girl and the hitmen in on it? Did Bond even know this was happening?
More questions did the girl think she was hiring men to kill a British Secret Agent? Moneypenny says something about "how was the girl we set you up with?"
Lets hear your theories on the "death" of James Bond?