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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
Mr. Solo has decided to not join in on Operation Grand Slam. OddJob is tasked with driving him to the airport. But as all the other gangsters have been eliminated the same fate must happen to Solo too. OddJob uses a gun and kills Mr. Solo in the back seat of the car. Understanding that Goldfinger doesn't wish for dead bodies on his stud farm OddJob must dispose of the body. He promptly drives to a car wrecker and proceeds to smash the car and the gold bullion in the trunk.
Why? Why not remove the gold from the trunk and then smush the car? Why a car wrecker at all? Does Goldfinger own the wreckers and they are following orders?
So many questions here, would love to hear some theories on why OddJob smashes the car at the wreckers?
Nice one @RichardTheBruce. Love me a bit of Tom Waits. A bit of 'What's He Building Down There?'; a bit of 'Downtown Train.' Don't think I'd heard Crossroads though.
Maybe they were all in on it. Even the shooters. Even the duck. More homing bullets, but these ones avoid Bond and hit the wall behind him.
Oddjob just liked to crush things, be it cars or balls. But especially balls.
Also known for crushing cats, between the chompers.
The car (and the gold) are smashed into a cube and loaded in the back of an El Camino. That would be especially heavy...the El Camino's shocks and tires would not be able to deal with that load. In any case...I assumed Odd Job didn't want to be seen taking the gold out, not on the side of the road and not at the wreckers site. Given that gold melts at a lower temperature than steel and glass, all they had to do was heat the cube to the temperature that gold will melt and it will simply pour out and be easily collected...and well after Solo has turned to ash and withered away.
Plus to be fair Oddjob was distracted by something he saw back at the stud farm. Just couldn't get it out of his mind.
Translation: "Just popping down to the scrapyard for a quick snack."