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For Europeans a government institution (department) that organises at least a certain level of education is so self-evident, that what's happening in the USA is astounding, tbh. So no, it wasn't a dig at you personally, as I appreciate and value your posts (and topics) extremely high. You contribute far more to these forums than I do.
Sorry about the chatGPT remark, but it's part of my professional field, and it bothers me that so many use this technology to get 'answers', where it basically just cobbles together answers from everywhere, not knowing if they're right or wrong. ChatGPT doesn't know the intrinsic vaalue of words, but as it comes over as 'human', our brain is tricked in thinking it makes sense.
That doesn't mean the technology isn't helping, it is. But you need to know where it is trustworthy, and where it isn't.
Sorry, I can lecture about this all day, I'll stop here.
It could however be the start of an amazingly interesting plot for a Bond villain. Alas, the villains have taken over Bond these days.
Right, now, back to the question: what's the reason for Holly to behave like that? I don't know, it's for me one of the major drawbacks of the film. No chemistry between them and Bond starts out utterly stupid. As if a British government official would ever behave like that.
Really ? Not even about the guy who visited the proctologist ? Doc says "Turn around, bend over and try to relax, and please note it is not unusual to get an erection during this exam." Guy says, "What do you mean ? I don't have an erection !" The doctor says "I didn't mean you."