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Oh forgot that one as well: the USSR was not falling apart quite yet.
And I thought my point 7 was the best one!
To bridge the Cold War and post-Cold War worlds, give Trevelyan enough time to establish clout in the Russian underworld, and give Bond a mini-mission in between AVTAK and TLD to unify three different eras, maybe.
Simple. Q either rigged up a bulletproof shield under the bed or faked it with special effects and blanks and they threw in a bloody sheet.
Tiger needed to justify the cost to his superiors and not just what was reported in the Japanese press.
To satisfy the Dalton not Bond cult upset that Brosnan was taken out of the role in '86 and made him the scapegoat. Besides, the whole it was all a dream and never happened thing was all the rage in the mid '80s.
Lets move back in time to 1987. A new Bond is introduced, dangerous and dark. This is the first film to feature Timothy Dalton. The PTS is a banger with some nice action in an iconic setting.
But something happens before the action that has me scratching my head. I wonder if we have some theories that might rest my brain.
Why does M have a full desk and pseudo office in the back of this plane?
We have seen M out in the field before. I think of YOLT where in the submarine he apparently has enough space to have a full office and an office for Moneypenny. But this is a training exercise out in the field. I can't figure out why M needed a desk, filing cabinets and trickets and even pictures on the wall. To what purpose is all this needed? Would love to hear from theories on why this is needed in this plane?
So interesting. That's why the rebreather is the last item of that sequence.
Bernard Lee office in Schip in TMWTGG.
M on vacation.
Argument with Mrs. Messervy.
MI6 office renovation.
Fumigation for termites.
Vauxhall lease ended.
Royal Navy Mileage Program Gold Member.
Government cost savings to work from scheduled military flights.
M subject to the "She'll have our guts for garters" discipline.
It completely takes me off the film. M and the whole MI6 comes off as amateurish.
M is clearly just a yuppie, and has kitted out a Hercules as a flying office. Probably what caused Gogol to go over to the foreign service. Couldn’t keep up with M and his aerial office.
Is Bernard Lee's M the same character as Robert Brown's M?
What is your theory?
Bernard Lee played the role of M from 1962 till 1979. After his passing the film-makers recast the role and Robert Brown played M from 1983 to 1989. Hard to believe he played M in 4 films in 7 years! But I digress.
There was no mention of a "new" M. The office didn't change from the previous films. M still appeared to be very much in charge, though he did get antagonistic with Bond in LTK. Seen with a pipe which keeps line with Lee's M. EON listed Brown as M in all his films. Both men seem to hold double-o-7 in high regard.
Complicating matters is Brown is seen in TSWLM playing an Admiral leading some to believe he's playing the same character as he was in Spy. Therefore Admiral Hargreaves assumes the role of M in OP.
What is your theory? Does Sir Miles finish his time as M at the end of MR? Or does Sir Miles make his last screen appearance in LTK?
This is my head cannon. Hargreaves was promoted.
Or some nonsense like that 😉
Pretty much this. And I'd add that in GE I think it's implied that Bond didn't work for multiple Ms before DenchM took over.
And demoted :)
Good point, I'd forgotten about the paintings. We know it's not the same universe though, as you say.