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I really think it would be a bad thing *to start with that*. I think we need another Casino Royale-type film to establish whoever the new guy is and re-foundation the on-screen character, and then we can get off to the races with doing the formula and whatnot, keep a rolling timeline as the actor in the tux changes etc.
Woke mean diversity that feel "very forced, unnatural, out of place" (at least it is my definition). (Generaly, its not done for the greater good for the compagny that practice it, but rather for getting DEI/ESG subventions).
Exemple: you have a game set in feodal Japan and you happen to play as samourai the only black carracter in the country...
For exemple you change the sex/color/sexuality of a well defined carracter to something else like if you change Bond to black or Shaft to white it would be perceived as woke since there is no reason for it. Changing M or Q sex/color would be no/less perceived "woke" by peoples since they are code-names (works as long they are not called Messervy or Boothroyd).
Is Tom Cruise playing the only white character in feudal Japan okay?
Is Tom Cruise playing the only white character in feudal Japan okay? Unless you do some kind of biopic with real Historic carracter, why would it be okay? Especially in samourai... And the last sentence is important too because if Iris Elda would be nice as a villain for exemple, he would be not as a neo-Nazi one, the same way Neal McDonough would be a bad choice for a African warlord villain. Geographic/history context is important otherwise it feel out of place.
Worst scenario. An american woke Bond.
This idea from @echo would be my best case scenario: a period Bond series that uses Pearson’s book as a framing device. Brosnan or Dalton star as an older Bond, who acts as the narrator for faithful adaptations of the Fleming novels, short stories - heck, even some of the period continuation novels. Action flips between Silver Fox Bond being interviewed in late 70s Jamaica, and a younger Bond in authentic 50s settings.
Worst case scenario is a deluge of average spin-offs, origin stories etc.
If I were watching a Leiter or M or Moneypenny story, I think I would just be waiting for Bond to show up. Let's face it; they're kind of one-note characters.
I can see them doing something with a younger Bond, or Bond in the military. At least then the focus would still be on Bond.
A straight, white Bond does not have an expiration date, despite your imagining some sort balance is due.
Be careful what you wish for!
Honestly, I think we are going to get something that is either a soulless CGI latter-day Marvel-like disaster, or a lesser disaster, which is a bigger-budget NSNA with the actual gunbarrel and Bond theme.
Who does Amazon have deals with? Waller-Bridge I know. Matt Weiner? He definitely knows the '60s.
Okay? And I don't want a one-dimensional guy in a tux foiling a megalomaniac of the week every film. James Bond is an incredibly rich and multifaceted character and if we're going to kick off another 60 years of movies with however many guys playing him over time, I'd like there to be some sort of foundation laid of who he is, what the overall vision is for his character, and I don't think you get that if we just come out of the gate with a Tomorrow Never Dies or what have you. I'm not saying let's do some overarching, multi-film story with some grand finale, I'm saying let's lay his roots in the first film and build on them so that you can give audiences something really compelling to latch on to and keep coming back for more of that character. I don't just want more Bond films, I want more GREAT Bond films. I want a Bond film where at the end of the year it comes out there's a serious discussion of it as a Best Picture contender.
New writers
Les time between movies
Short time in the cinema. 1-4 weaks. If that already be the case, there are movies who get American release but not Dutch release.
No longer on tv.
No DVD, Bluray or 4K.
Digital filming, no longer on film.
To much young actors/actres
More trend following then previous already.
More team play. Even more less Bond on his own.
None English directers or people who working with less English people.
There is more money avaible. This can be good thing in some cases, but overall i think there should return to lower budget.
Bond movie set in Vs again
It is mabey easier to making movies from John Gardner. Earlier but with producers/EOn and some part of hidden story in mind of Daniel Craig era i liked to see there to look some of his novels. With no Eon iam a bit afraid that there crossing the line even more.
Here here. I've had more than enough foundation laying for the last 15+ years. We all know who James Bond is, and I think it's about time we actually get a film that doesn't constantly belabour the effort.
'Becoming Bond' worked in Casino Royale as an exciting novelty, then they spent the rest of Craig's tenure constantly re-establishing him, only to never actually get on with it and let him be the fully formed character we all know.
Before 2006, we got to know exactly what kind of Bond we were dealing with within five seconds of each of the prior actors' reveals, and we were off to the races.
This modern obsession with constantly dissecting iconic characters instead of just letting them be who they are has become so tedious.
I for one sincerely hope we are graced with a return to the self-contained winning formula that sustained this franchise for the vast majority of its existence.
Leave the naval gazing at the door and give us a damn good adventure!
To create a Bond script basically from scratch is astoundingly difficult. Eon did it very rarely. I'd say YOLT--expanded upon/improved in TSWLM--and maybe TWINE or QoS.
Hell is here.
(sorry, went all Jack Burton there for a second ;) )
No problem. It's from an early chapter of the MR novel. And it also conveys my sentiments about Eon selling out.
Kind of a fun pulpy title, Hell Is Here, which fits with all the fire in the novel. They will need to come up with another title, I think.
“Looking at Amazon’s previous theatrical films does not fill me with any great enthusiasm,”
“If they mess with the Essence of Bond they risk alienating a huge audience. Choosing the actor to fill the role is a huge task and not one I would hand over to subscribers of X.”
“I have worked closely with Barbara and Michael for over 40 years and had the most amazing career, travelling all over the world in search of wonderful actors, and to be on hand on the various locations,” continued McWilliams.
“I have now hung up my casting hat and have moved on to other film-related projects. But I wish everyone the best of luck and hope the transition can be relatively painless. But it won’t be the same.”
Debbie McWilliams commenting on Amazon and her retirement from Bond casting