SirHenryLeeChaChing's For Original Fans - Favorite Moments In NTTD (spoilers)



  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,525
    I want to eat at Piz Gloria while the Sun slowly goes down.
    But I must insist on Japanese or Chinese food, since those are my favourites.
    A selection of Barry's more sensual compositions will be playing in the back.
    And Solitaire will be dining with me. It's in the cards that we shan't ever forget this night.
  • Posts: 2,341
    I would eat at Casino Royale in Monaco. I would have lobster and steak with baked potato. (I'm simple). I would dress like Craig in CR...
    I don't do alcohol so I would have strawberry lemonade or peach iced tea...
    I would have as my waiters, Gobinda and the knife throwing twins
    My dining companions would be: Vesper wearing that dark dress; Fiona in that blue dress; Pam and Lupe. Then lets see how lucky I get. :D
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    These are great! I really enjoy your dinner scenarios, guys. I can picture each dinner vividly. :-bd

    @OHMSS69 - sounds great! Deadly servers indeed (don't argue with their recommendations); peach iced tea is my favorite, by the way!

    @0013 - I'd love to chat with these great Bond allies, too! And eat some pistachios. And yes to kicking out those who order Cosmos (so ruthless).

    @DarthDimi - amazing location ... and somehow I knew Solitaire would be with you! (lucky girl) ;)

    I'm going to write another fantasy dinner for me later; just waking up now.
    Thanks for making me smile. Come along other fellow and sister agents: What (and who) is for dinner? :D

  • edited August 2014 Posts: 12,607
    1. For invitations, let's say Dr. No, Tracy, and Mathis - I'd like to get to know all of them better.
    2. Domino can be our waitress!
    3. We'll eat at Casino Royale, as OHMSS69 did.
    4. Fried chicken strips and french fries; hey, that's my thing!
    5. Pepsi! I'm a man of simple taste.

    I would want some excellent John Barry music in the background, like DarthDimi stated. I'd just enjoy a somewhat casual time getting to know these three Bond characters - what they enjoy, interesting things about their past, and their opinions on Bond himself.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Very nice, FoxRox.
    And who doesn't like fried chicken strips and french fries (if freshly made with TLC). I'm hungry now just thinking of that. That would be a tad unusual fare for the Casino Royale ... but who cares? It's your fantasy dinner. :) And a smashing location.

    And you picked some interesting characters to get to know better. I think the enigmatic Dr. No would be hard to get to open up. But Tracy and Mathis - I can see them chatting the night away, no problem.
    And yes, definitely John Barry music. How could we not?
  • 1. Invitation: Bond as played by Connery, Scaramanga, and Max Zorin. They could talk about anything from Taylor Swift to metamucil and I'd be entertained.
    2. Server: Either Mendel or Jill Masterson.
    3. Location: Piz Gloria. Failing that,the hall in MI6 where Bond meets with M and Smithers in Goldfinger. Failing that, the Casino Royale. Failing that...oh, so many good options.
    4. I'm actually a man of simple taste, so I don't really know about this one. Something fancy yet simple, like lobster or duck or lamb or somesuch. Bond did love scrambled eggs (as do I). If there were a Bond breakfast I'd pick that.
    5. Drinks: Come on.

    We should do other Bond meals, even if they do lack the elegance of grand Bondian dinners.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Ah, @soundofthesinners, I say you are very welcome to make this be a Bondian breakfast, lunch, or picnic - your choice. :) Go for it!

    By the way- "... metamucil..." haha! I'd be entertained by Connery's Bond. Yes, considerably.

    And you said : 5) Drinks: Come on.
    Does that mean "Just bring them already." or "Come on, do you really have to ask?" or what? ;)
  • Vodka martinis. Shaken, not stirred.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited August 2014 Posts: 24,525
    My favourite Bondian food is perhaps a little controversial:
    - Caviare (expensive)
    - Foie Gras (obviously immoral)

    and whatever Kamal served Bond - that sheep's head - doesn't strike me as particularly nasty. It looks terrible but I think it may be a delicacy. ;-)
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Vodka martinis. Shaken, not stirred.
    Thanks. :)
    So my second thought was right, "Come on, do you really have to ask?"
    Of course Bond's classic and most famous drink. Where is that martini emoticon when I need it?

    @DarthDimi, I don't enjoy caviar, but it nearly made my list, too as an expensive and somewhat decadent food for my flashy and decadent evil guests. I like some foie gras, not all (and I honestly thought not all ways of producing this were abusive, but I have not thoroughly researched it). The sheep's head, though, is ugh! How could you eat that with it staring at you? (I feel the same way about pig's head on a plate, etc.) :-&

    I'll try to write up a different dinner scenario later today.
    I'm enjoying reading your entries; keep 'em coming, folks.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Today is the last day for writing up the menu and scenario of your Fantasy Bond Dinner! (You may make it breakfast if you'd prefer.) :>

    Here is a brief rundown of another Bondian dinner I'd like to arrange. I'm calling this one the Four Cheap Baubles and One Gem Dinner:

    I'd invite: Jinx Johnson, Stacey Sutton, Christmas Jones, and Mary Goodnight (the cheap baubles).
    Yes, the four brainiest Bond girls in the series! (*cough! cough!*) Just to watch the inevitable whining, one-upmanship, self inflated opinions, pouting, cattiness, bonding, posing, cliches, swapping of "Oh, James!!" stories, and the flood of wholehearted stupidity that would issue forth. 8->

    Location: A twilight picnic on top of the Millenium Dome. (I just want to bet on which one falls off of it first, while trotting around in heels and spouting the usual nonsense that would accompany this group ...) ;)

    Menu: Bacon-wrapped scallops, grilled cheese sandwiches and pulled pork BBQ sandwiches, thick cut French fries dripping with gooey cheese, and a huge hot fudge sundae for dessert. Lots of napkins needed for sure.
    Drink: Any kind of fizzy soda pop that is bubbly to look at, tastes sweet at first but has no memorable flavor. (So, yes - the food is geared to have lots of "ham" and "cheesiness" which complements their characters roles and the acting ability displayed. The drink matches their appearance and non-lingering impression on the viewers. Besides, these lovely ladies don't need alcohol to act any more ditsy.)

    Served by the long suffering Q (Desmond; the one gem), who would keep talking into his cell phone, putting out an SOS call to Bond (any Bond!) during this ordeal.

    Finale: The evening would end with me winning the pot (I bet on Stacey falling off first - the girl didn't even notice a huge blimp sneaking up behind her, for Pete's sake) and Q making the girls all clean up their mess. I would have Q whisked away at the end of this dinner by a daring rescue maneuver by none other than the Cigar Girl herself, bringing her hot air balloon alongside for Q to jump in (bringing him back fond memories of his helping out OP's girls) - and off they would go to a far more enjoyable evening and night for Q. And the rest of the girls can just leg it down off the dome somehow. Don't really care; just leaving them to their own devices.

    Hahaha! I am so cruel, aren't I? >:) But that would make me laugh for sure.

    So, any other fantasy dinner come to mind? Do let us know! I'm off to the big city for Indian curry lunch and then Starbucks. Back much later to change our topic.

    Cheers! :-bd
  • I thought you were the gem in the dinner at first, @4EverBonded. I suppose it's not inaccurate, all things considered.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    You are too kind, @Soundofthesinners. ;;)

    All right, folks, it is Monday morning for me. Time to change our topic.

    But please remember: You can still write up your own Bond Fantasy Dinner anytime and post it; we would still enjoy reading these delightful or devious dinners you may think up.

    For today, those let us move on to a new topic. I'll just a few potential topics, with the first one being the most relevant I think due to our recent casting call Bond 24 news:

    a) Henchmen/henchwomen - Not the main villains, but their dastardly cohorts who do their bidding. With Bond 24 now casting for a huge, physically fit and imposing actor to play a henchman, we are already thinking of this supporting character. I'd like to chat a bit about the ones we felt were memorable or stinkers, as well as what we'd like for Bond 24's henchman.

    b) Cinematography in Bond films (the good, the bad, and the ugly). At some point I'd like to do this topic.

    c) Miscast Bond Girls - talk about the ones that just didn't work for you and suggest an alternative actress who should have played that role.


    My choice for the next topic on this thread is a) Henchmen/henchwomen in Bond films. But I will let folks give me their vote - and also suggest a different topic if you have one you'd really like - for about the next 6 hours.

    Thanks to all. Cheers! :)>-
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    edited August 2014 Posts: 2,629
    My dinner guests would include:

    Bond - Roger Moore
    Villain - Christopher Lee
    Bond Girl - Eva Green

    Location - Piz Gloria

    Meal - Bacon wrapped filet mignon, cooked medium, twice baked potatoes, a mixture of corn, green beans, peas and carrots, with cherries jubilee as desert and a 54 Bollinger.

    Honesty, I'd probably keep quiet, listen to Rog and Chris share stories and stare at Eva the entire time.
  • Henchmen sounds like a fun topic, especially given that it's suddenly timely, with all the rumors.
  • Posts: 2,341
    Out with the old topic on with the new:

    a) Henchmen/henchwomen Hits: OddJob, Irma Bunt, Jaws (TSWLM) Locque, May Day, Fiona, Grant, Tee Hee, Dario, Necros
    Misses : Nic Nac, Stamper, Jaws (MR)

    b) Cinematography: OHMSS, YOLT, CR

    c) Miscast Bond girls: Denise Richards, Lois Chiles, Halle Berry, Terrie Hatcher,
    These are my nominations. I will elaborate, later.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,525
    I'm for cinematography, @4EverBonded! :-)
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Well, I am definitely looking forward to a chat about cinematography, DarthDimi. :) At least soon, if not next. But let's get a few more votes in! I'll be heading home from work soon and will change the topic tomorrow.

    So come on, folks - which topic would you like next? Don't be shy. About 15 hours away from the change.

    And a very pleasant dinner evening that would be, @Kerim. :> Moore and Lee at Piz Gloria. Staring at Eva all evening? I can understand that, I think. But with your sense of humor and charm, it would be a shame if you didn't say anything. (Do take a drool bib for yourself, though - ha!) ;)
  • edited August 2014 Posts: 3,566
    I agree with @SoundoftheSinners on two counts: 1) Henchmen is the category I'd most like to discuss next, and 2) @4Ever would be the gem of any of these proposed meals!
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    You are too generous, dear @Beatles. :) (By the way, your check was mailed at the same time as @Soundofthesinners ...)

    Looks like henchmen are heading our way next - but I'd like to get at least a few more votes in. I'm changing the topic officially in 1 and 1/2 hours (6:00 a.m. my time).

    Cheers! :)>-
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,990
    I vote cinematography. But then, I have a movie making background... so, kinda prejudiced here. :))
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Ok, so the votes for the next topic are:

    Henchmen - 3

    Cinematography - 2

    And @OHMSS69, you mentioned all of them- so which would you prefer next? :D

    I leave in just about one hour and will switch topics then, even if no further votes.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited August 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Allrighty then! I must leave for work.
    We are now switching to:

    Henchmen/Henchwomen - A look at these diverse and dastardly (some ho-hum, some outstanding) henchmen and henchwomen throughout the entire series.

    @OHMSS69 was good enough to write a list:

    OddJob, Irma Bunt, Jaws Locque, May Day, Fiona, Grant, Tee Hee, Dario, Necros
    Nic Nac, Stamper, Jaws ...

    ... and I am adding Xenia Onnatop (however that is spelled) to that list.

    Who else should we should add?
    Are a few trickier to place in this category: Where do we put Elektra and Renard? And Rosa (she is a henchwoman, in my opinion).

    B-) Do join us here today discussing all about the henchmen and henchwomen in Bond.
    I'm off to work now and will join you later. Carry on, everybody.

    Cheers! :-bd
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,990
    Renard is a henchman with the most screen time of them all.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    I vote henchman.

    Cinematography would certainly be a good discussion.

    Can only think of two Bond woman who felt out of place.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    We shall move onwards with henchmen/henchwomen for now. Cinematography will definitely be the topic following this one. :)>-
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    chrisisall wrote: »
    Renard is a henchman with the most screen time of them all.
    But there is that debate still, was Elektra the main villain or was Renard?
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Recap for this page ...

    Henchmen/Henchwomen - A look at these diverse and dastardly (some ho-hum, some outstanding) henchmen and henchwomen throughout the entire series.

    @OHMSS69 was good enough to write a list:

    OddJob, Irma Bunt, Jaws Locque, May Day, Fiona, Grant, Tee Hee, Dario, Necros
    Nic Nac, Stamper, Jaws ...

    ... and I am adding Xenia Onnatop (however that is spelled) to that list.

    Who else should we should add?
    Are a few trickier to place in this category: Where do we put Elektra and Renard? And Rosa (she is a henchwoman, in my opinion).

    B-) Do join us here today discussing all about the henchmen and henchwomen in Bond.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    I consider Rosa and Elektra to be the main villains and Renard as a henchman.

    Shall we include Professor Dent?
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,990
    @Kerim, I agree that Elektra is the main villain of TWINE, but I think Rosa is just a big time henchwoman; Blofeld is the main man.
    And yeah, Dent is in there as well.
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