SirHenryLeeChaChing's For Original Fans - Favorite Moments In NTTD (spoilers)



  • edited October 2014 Posts: 2,341
    Cubby rejected the idea because the "Young Turks" comprised a group of badasses from the Baader Meinhof gang to the Black September to the Red Brigade and every terrorist organization of the day. Cubby thought it was too "political".
    Not a bad idea, perhaps they can reincorporate the ideas today. Say have Quantum taken over by a bunch of young badasses.

    As we all know there are scenes, characters that were planned for one film only to crop up in later films. For instance, the tiger hunt for OP was originally conceived for TMWTGG and the knife throwing twins in OP were intended for MR ...

    I must say I liked @CommanderRoss suggestion of Blofeld being left out of DAF altogether only to resurface in a few films later (like TSWLM) sounds like a good idea.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited October 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Very good background info re Blofeld and DAF, TSWLM, TMWTGG, etc.; thanks chaps. B-)

    Let's switch topics today. For just a few days, I'd like to look at:

    The Best Dressed Bonds

    Yes, it is a lightweight topic, but let's have some frivolous fun for just a couple of days, shall we? You can rank them, or just discuss them, whatever you'd like. And if you want to throw in moments of lesser sartorial splendor, please do that as well.

    My general thoughts are that Sean, Roger, and Pierce wore evening wear so effortlessly, with style and grace, like they were born to wear those outfits. Dalton and Craig are fine but not quite the same sense of complete and utter belonging in evening wear.
    This article has a lists of 10 stylish moments from many Bond films. For me, the standouts are- Sean in a midnight blue tux and Pierce in a cashmere sweater.

    Sean ran off the rails mainly with that one piece, terry cloth looking, pool side outfit in Goldfinger.

    Roger had perhaps one too many safari suits for my taste (though mostly he wore them well). The one in TMWTGG is a bit too 70's. (about halfway down this article).
    His others at least look more traditional. If you scroll down that same article, you can see the one in Octopussy, too

    Dalton is for me an elegant and handsome man, yet I did not feel that he looked completely comfortable in a tux. This is a nice article, the second part on tuxes was written by one of our members (who has his own book about growing up with Bond called Catching Bullets), Mark O'Connell. It also goes into the suits worn by all the Bonds, with photos, including Dalton.

    George wore a kilt just fine in OHMSS. Verrrrry nice. And here I found a fun one:

    Daniel still has not had a suit that I feel does him best justice. Sigh. The suits have truly looked too tight on him, for my tastes. But I like his suits in Casino Royale best.

    Off to walk my dog .. so please carry on! What do you think about best dressed Bonds? (and the few mishaps!)
  • Posts: 246
    My fashion picks...

    Prince of Wales check three-piece in Goldfinger is the acme for Connery's tenure I think.
    Moore looked best in blazer and Bengal striped shirt to my mind. Flared trousers notwithstanding. (TSWLM - Sardinia)
    Brosnan looked most confidently dressed in chinos and patterned short-sleeve shirt (DAD - Cuba)
    And Craig looks best in more casual attire - either the Sunspel polo and chinos from CR or the full Barbour and sweater combo from the Scotland scenes in Skyfall.

  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,596
    Well i know little about suits and dressing. had some suits tailor made in Singapore only to find my new girlfriend saying they're too flappy. Well imo tall people should not wear italian fits as they make them look skinny. But that's just me. I'm also a fan of the Nehu suit, especially Conner's one in DN. But again I find few support.

    Of the Bonds Sean could wear most, and Craig is better of in smart casual. Brosnan's too much the advertisement, Timothy seemed just unlucky, Moore was best in safari and Lazer's kilts it off nicely.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Thanks, @CommanderRoss. I know next to nothing about men's suits ... except what I think is attractive. Which reminds me, that Pierce can advertise anything he likes in my neck of the woods any time. ;) Really, you thought he was too much? I think Pierce was impeccably dressed as Bond, one of his strong suits (ha! yes, pun intended).

    Timothy just was not dressed as well as he should have been. He was unlucky in that regard. He is a tall, handsome man. Sean looked fab in most, not 100%, but close to it. Laz, for all his faults, wore it well (all of it) in OHMSS.

  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,596
    @4EverBonded Pierce indeed wears it well, too well. It's impeccible and thus not really his, if you know what i mean. Irl this would of course be ideal for a spy. Looking impeccible and forgettable at the same time. But I like Bond to be a bit more.. i do'n't know. outstanding. Still, he is one of the best dressed i suppose.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Well, I think Pierce looks comfortable in those outfits, and what I mean is that it never felt like an advertisement to me; it felt right for his portrayal, like it was genuinely him. But again, that is my opinion, and I always enjoyed Pierce's Bond.

    I do put Sean as #1, though.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,520
    Craig in anything he wears in CR. Tux, polo shirt, ... you name it. An example to all of us, gents.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    Sean & Pierce were the two best dressed Bonds, no doubt.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Connery in GF. Unbeatable.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2014 Posts: 12,501
    I have the privilege of making a very special announcement. B-)
    This thread is about to turn golden. Truly.

    Because as of today, we are beginning a week-long tribute to one of the most special members ever to be a part of Keeping The British End Up and our current MI6Community: This stellar thread’s founder, the one and only SirHenryLeeChaChing.

    This thread is named SirHenryLeeChaChing’s For Original Fans in honor of the man who started it approximately 3 1/2 years ago: Greg Ferrell. That was Greg’s username, but some of us call him SirHenry for short. It still saddens me to say that he is now our beloved and sorely missed belated member, having passed away suddenly in January of this year. The void he left is still here, and honestly will never be filled. But I also know that he would want us to carry on (rock on!), and in the most positive life affirming ways possible. So this tribute week for SirHenry is just one small way we can honor him. He has given us so much.

    New members may be wondering what to make of this, of course. But for those of us who knew him, Greg/SirHenry was simply … unforgettable. There is an entire thread dedicated to his passing. That thread contains such honest, sincere, spontaneous, and lovely comments from members far and wide. It is worth a look again.

    But I’d like to be clear that I’m not really trying to duplicate that thread exactly.

    I am hoping this can be just a fun remembrance of SirHenry - things we can share, smile about, laugh, and enjoy together. A little more lighthearted look, if we can. I think he would like that very much.

    Why now? Because Greg’s birthday is November 4th!
    Rather than do this on the anniversary of his passing, I wanted to celebrate him on his birthday – to turn this into as much of a positive as we can. Therefore, we are kicking off our salute today. Let’s do it! Please join me. Let’s celebrate Greg’s/Sir Henry’s life.

    You may bring anything to this table, as we talk about SirHenry. What he meant to you, quotes from him on various topics, anything you’d like to say or share. Feel free to comment any time. Bear in mind that Greg’s family and friends have access to his account and of course this forum (although I have no idea if they are currently reading this at all). So I predict we will all be talking about a variety of things. Like one big family sitting at the dinner table. This will be rather like a somewhat noisy smorgasbord party - a little of this, a little of that (appropriate because Greg really loved good food!).

    I plan to focus on one or two different aspects, shall we say, of SirHenry each day (“SirHenry’s take on music” for example). But we all have different things we remember: it’s all good. If I’m discussing his take on music and you suddenly remember something from an old thread that made you laugh, totally unrelated to music, that’s fine. Please mention it.

    Enough of the PTS (pre-tribute story) - let’s roll with the main event. Here’s to you, SirHenry! A life, though far too short, very well lived and loved. Cheers!

    Thanks so very much, @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, for the above great tribute artwork!

    SirHenryLeeChaChing was many things: Bond fan extraordinare, musician, former wrestler, passionate cook, hard worker, steadfast friend – and, more than anything else, a deep-rooted family man, in every sense of those words. 
    He also loved to laugh, he loved to rock, and he was not too shy about giving his opinion.

    So let’s have a fond, and more lighthearted, look back at our wonderful friend and Bond brother, SirHenry. After all, SirHenry’s the man who said this: 
    I try to live my life with a sense of humility and I just tell my stories about Bond and life with honesty and hopefully people get a chuckle or two along the way. At the end of the day, I'm just a guy trying to raise my kids as best as I can and do right by them ...

    … as well as this:

    F**k PC. That's all I have to say on the subject .

    (I rather think both of those statements display the essence of SirHenry.)

    ~ ~ ~
    So here we go! Comment as we go along, with anything you'd like to say, anything you'd like to share, your memories of SirHenry. I'll be posting lots of quotes from him.

    Therefore, I'm kicking off this tribute with:

    SIRHENRY'S PERSONAL STORY (Bond and more from his life)

    His avatar picture.
    Sean Connery was his favorite Bond. Goldfinger was his favorite Bond film. More on both Sean and SirHenry's favorite films later.

    SirHenryLeeChaChing. How did he come up with his unique and memorable username?
    It was taken from the early draft script of the third Dalton Bond film, which we never got.
    SirHenry said: " … the lead villain was listed as Sir Henry Lee Ching. I added 'Cha' to that for a little humor. My little tribute to my fond and forever unfulfilled wish that Tim would have done a 3rd (more would have been even better). Here is the link for what was known as 'Bond 17' in the Dalton tenure - Under 'features', you can read lots of script details:"
    SirHenry said:
    I was extremely lucky that my Dad and Pop-Pop were big Bond fans and encouraged me to watch them. I just took to them like a duck to water. By accident of birth, I was old enough to have seen the Connery classics on the true big screen before they went to free TV here in the States, and remember the experience. I would definitely suggest though that some of the classics are making their way around again on the big screen and hopefully you'll get to see YOLT or any you may have missed.
    SirHenry said:
    I've told this story before, and it's one I love telling. A seminal moment in my childhood. The year was 1968, and I was about 6 years old. My parents had gotten into Bond movies around the time Goldfinger was released and were big fans of Sean Connery. As a result, my father was completely hooked on the genre in general, watching spy type TV shows and movies. So of course it was natural for my younger brother and I to spend time with him watching these things, and of course we heard so much from him about this James Bond being the biggest and most awesome of them all, so it was logical for us to ask to see a movie.

    And off one night we went to see a double feature of Thunderball and You Only Live Twice on the big screen. I remember being totally into TB, seeing the most exotic locations, hearing the most amazing music, and watching the coolest dude I had ever seen taking down the bad guys in style. My brother fell asleep towards the end of the movie but I begged to stay and see even more. I think I made it through the YOLT PTS before nodding off due to the lateness of the hour, and home we went.

    By the next day, my brother and I were begging again to see the other films and as they came around to different local theaters Dad took us to see them. By the time OHMSS came out we had seen them all and I can honestly say I have never seen any Bond movie on anything less than the big screen since. I could even tell you what theater I saw each one in but that's probably TMI. :)

    I well remember the movies coming on TV (Channel 6 WPVI was and still is Philly's ABC outlet) in 1972, and was happy to see them although I could tell they were edited. Many of my friends at school were first exposed to them at that time because their parents hadn't taken them to see them, and I also remember how "cool" I was with them because I had been telling them about Bond for years and now they really liked Bond too. I've been spreading the Bond legacy pretty much my whole life. I'm never bored with them and still try to watch one every week if time allows it. It's even more awesome now because my 10 year old son has become a fan and watches them with me. Now THAT is ^:)^ .

    I'll have more to say about my friend SirHenry tomorrow. I live on the other side of the world from most of you and am going to sleep soon. Please do just jump right in and comment; I'll rejoin you in a while.

  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    One of the first private conversations I had after joining this community was with @SirHenry, on his birthday, two years ago. He summed up himself very well, finishing the conversation with this:

    "Thank you for the birthday wishes, Craig. Very much appreciated. I just try to be fair as possible with my input and try to accentuate the positives as much as I can."

    A truly great person to have known on these boards.
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    Beautiful tribute @4EverBonded! @SirHenry was such a unique man. He touch everyone who had the chance to deal with him in this forum and continues to touch us all. He was a great fan, a loving father, a true friend... Those of us who had the priviledge to "meet" him will never, ever forget him. When the curtain opens for Bond24 I will be thinking "SirHenry, I wish you could see this" >:D<
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,520
    @4EverBonded, this may very well be the most emotional post I've read in a long time. Congratulations!

    Greg was a good friend. We chatted almost every day. I loved his style, his sense of humour, ... I loved that man like a father or the proverbial "brother from another mother" as he often called me.
    His passing left me broken, it hurt, I cried.

    Reading those quotes, this time put a smile on my face. Yeah, that was Greg all right. Always in the mood for a cool and most unforgettable line.

    May I first and foremost, on behalf of everyone, express my deepest gratitude for all the work, the time, the energy you invested in this, @4EverBonded, and will continue to invest in this tribute for the remainder of the week! This is beauty, that comes from the heart.

    And @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7, that picture is so AWESOME! Thanks, friend. It means a lot to me.

    Last January, I promised I'd be looking for Greg among the stars. I have been. And I've seen beautiful things. I miss that old geezer.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    @CraigMooreOHMSS, thanks very much for starting us off with exactly the kind of comments I'm hoping we have this week. Thank you for sharing SirHenry's communication with you; it sounds just like him! :-bd

    And thanks @Sandy and @DarthDimi for your heartfelt thoughts. I'm sure we will post more later in the week about Greg. It is so nice to have you join me now as we get this tribute week rolling. :) It has been a bit of work finding quotes, getting them organized, etc - but believe me, it's been a labor of love for my friend, SirHenry.

    Indeed, when I go see Bond 24 (which I hope soon to be calling by its actual title! News is heating up!) ... it will be all I can do to not to say something out loud, as the film actually starts ("Okay! Here we go, Greg!! ...). I know I'll be thinking of him, too, like many of us will be.

    I shall post a bit more about SirHenry's Personal Story shortly. Thanks for joining us, everyone!
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    I, like many here I guess, had a bunch of PM back & forth stuff with Sir Henry, most of it personal or just boring junk, but one of his sign offs was just so nice:

    "Personally, I can't thank you enough for helping out. I trust your honest manner and know you will be fair all the way around. Plus you being an avid "Daltonite" like me sure doesn't hurt lol.


    I miss him so much from here. My last PM with him was on January 8th, and he was so happy, so full of optimism concerning a new lady he'd met...

    Here's to you, my brother! \m/
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Thanks for sharing that, @chrisisall. (perfect emoticon, too!)

    SirHenry was a prolific and thoughtful poster, and he was an even better friend. Some of us were privileged to get to know him through PMs. Nice to read that bit. :)

    You are a rock solid member of our Originals group. I know SirHenry was happy you were able to join us for the actual rankings of that core group. And you have continued to be a valued member of this particular tribe of what I like to call "seasoned" agents. B-)

    More to come ... :)>-
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    @4EverBonded you are doing such an incredible job with this! Really, I can't thank you and admire you enough for this >:D<
  • edited November 2014 Posts: 11,216
    I hope Greg (Sir Henry) is at peace. I must confess it does seem a while ago now to me since I read the news of his passing but I certainly haven't forgotten his lengthy, passionate posts - particularly his response to me about showing confidence in public places and "owning the joint"
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Continuing now with ...
    SIRHENRY'S PERSONAL STORY (Bond and more from his life)

    SirHenry said:
    I like the "aging agents". Well said Bentley. Your phrase "It opened my eyes and made me dream of far away places, glamour, style and, of course sex" perfectly described what I saw and felt myself while witnessing Thunderball in 1968 at the age of about 7. I have to laugh when I remember those feelings because even then I knew I was a "bad boy" who someday wanted a major babe on my arm and some luxuries. John Barry's music though, made me aware of how much music meant to me and led to much of my adult career being involved in live performance with my band, or working in the business end of music entertainment. Barry with the imagery and the whole experience of seeing a place like the Bahamas was a huge influence. I was hooked then and there.

    Me, I almost got to be a rock star. Bad business decisions on my part, I have no one but myself to blame. Life goes on. But I got to play up and down the East Coast at the best rock clubs, and lived the life as much as possible with great lust and zeal, and got to be the "bad boy" I always knew I was at least for quite a bohemian time before starting my family and settling down into a routine. I've traveled around the USA and I love visiting the Caribbean. I have read all the Fleming books and have always been an avid reader of any topic I enjoy.  I still love Bond as much as ever and I am mostly enjoying the Craig era to this point.
    Oh back in the band touring days/ the metal era ...

    SirHenry said: I wonder what the feminista would say about my days as a touring musician and the hundreds of "womyn" who objectified me? Was I a chauvinist for indulging myself with every one of them I liked, who were grinnin' while dropping their linen? Nope, just your normal horny guy, strangely enough just like Bond whose exploits like that I noticed at the age of 7 and determined even then to do my very best to be just like that. My Dad was very proud of me .
    And SirHenry said:
    Nope, never had the "Aerosmith experience" nor joined the Mile High club. Can't have everything I guess. Driving, yes. The best one that I still laugh at was in 1992. Made the girl a delicious dinner, the phone rings, and it's my 81 year old Nana. Trying not to be rude and explain that I have company, just when I'm getting the point across down come my shorts from behind and you guessed it. My response? Right out of Goldfinger.

    “Nana I have to go. Something big's just come up.”
    A fun guy to hang out with -

    @thelivingroyale said: Have you met Alice Cooper or Ozzy Osbourne? That would be badass.
    SirHenry said: Yes, I have. Alice after a free outdoor summer show in Philly during the "Hey Stoopid" tour. Very nice fellow. We both love music and golf so he was quite pleasant and chatty. His daughter was engaged to a local musician (Still Standing) whose parents my wife and I knew from the metal days and we met her a few years back. My wife didn't introduce me to her, all I knew was she was some girl I gave a light for her cigarette and later on my wife told me who she was.
    Ozzy I met backstage at the Tower Theater during Zakk Wylde's first tour with him, pretty sure it was the "No Rest For The Wicked". BonJovi's best friend Obie O'Brien knew Ozzy's tour manager and arranged for 5 tickets and all access passes for us. It was me, my wife, my mother, my best friend and best man Ed, and his girlfriend at the time. Ozzy really took a liking to my mother for some reason that Ed and I still laugh about to this day. He shook everyone's hand but gave my Mom a kiss on the cheek (saying "Ello Mum") in greeting and then again when we left (saying G'bye Mum). Other than Blackie Lawless, Ozzy was Ed's hero and he was so starstruck that you could see the wheels turning but he was barely able to stammer a few words. We still laugh about that one too. Sharon was with him and seemed rather busy with other matters but still took a minute or two to chat and was both funny and nice to us. Later on we went drinking across the street and Zakk was completely blasted drunk and entertained everyone in the bar with his antics.
    I should also mention I know a ton of pro wrestlers as well. Some like various musicians I've mentioned are still friends and stay in touch. My personal phone book features quite a few famous people. I'd like to think it speaks favorably for me as a fun guy to hang out with.
    I think Greg was bang on the money with that last statement. Many of us would have loved to have hung out with him, I feel sure.

    And get ready, folks, because I have a new photo to share with you today.

    As a special treat, here is a photo that Greg had shared with me, of him back in his younger, wilder days. Oh yeah; he definitely had a good time.


    I'll leave us on that note for now. ;)
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2014 Posts: 12,501
    BAIN123 wrote: »
    I hope Greg (Sir Henry) is at peace. I must confess it does seem a while ago now to me since I read the news of his passing but I certainly haven't forgotten his lengthy, passionate posts - particularly his response to me about showing confidence in public places and "owning the joint"

    Thanks, @BAIN123 - and I am posting that part this afternoon! next. :) So you will get to read it here again. It was great.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2014 Posts: 12,501
    On having confidence in life and with women -

    SirHenry said: I have to laugh at the thought of me using a Bond line to pick up a woman. It's pathetic to be honest if someone seriously thinks that these lines will work with a complete stranger. This isn't real life and we're not Bond, but hey, even a blind squirrel sometimes finds a nut and I suppose someone would fall for one of them. Most of these are scripted lines and some are funny, yes, but many are also cheesy and weak and guaranteed to get you shot down in flames as an initial gambit. I never used any of them, I always had my own rap, style, and a natural gift for gab so I never needed Bond to help me. So gents, I say to thine own self be true, and if you can't do it right away, keep practicing until you know what works for you. An experienced woman will see right through you if you're being less than yourself and think you are Bond. Most men, even those good with the opposite sex, will get 3 no's for every yes. Persistence. I learned a lot being a wingman while a teen for some of my buddies. Watch. And learn. Someone will be your muse.
    In response to BAIN123 in 2012, SirHenry wrote this really great piece:
    (the bolding at the end is mine, but the in the first paragraph, it is SirHenry's bolding)

    To this, I say there is a definite line between confidence and arrogance. Confidence gets you bed hopping, not arrogance. And in my experience, women can tell the difference. When I was younger and for example would walk into a bar because I wanted to party and prowl for women, I walked in like I owned the joint. Think of it this way- in nature, there are courtship rituals. The male bird for example struts, shows off his colors, vocalizes. Why? He wants to mate. Well, he's not going to mate if he doesn't interest the female by getting her attention. So he's gotta do something to get her looking. Humans really aren't that different. You have to have an air of confidence that will make a woman notice and become intrigued enough to talk to you, because if she won't talk to you, you're not going to get anywhere fast. Bond walks into a joint like he owns it, and that's one reason why women take notice. He has an air of confidence and a swagger about him. They are intrigued and want to know more.

    Now, the next step is to understand the person you are talking to, so being a good listener is a big help. Women appreciate a man who listens to what they have to say, so many men don't get that nor do that. If she gives you her time, she expects to be the center of your attention and you better make her feel that way. You drone on too much about yourself initially, she may decide you're arrogant. You're toast if that happens. Fugeddaboutit. Move it along.
    Being a good conversationalist and having a sense of humor is also a must. Having the "gift for gab" is ideal, but not the end of the world if you don't. You can work on that. The biggest stumbling block is often your attitude. If you get it in your head right from the start with women that you are going to fail, you will. And sometimes you will anyway but that's life. For every "yes" you'll get 2 or 3 who will say "no" and that also is life, so I always tried to interact with as many women as possible because that increases your chances. If she's not attracted to you right away or at all, then be fun and friendly and get her to talk to you. Nothing more may come of it right away with her, but it could later on because your personality may attract her. Other women will hear that you are a cool guy and they will want to talk to you. Now you've created other opportunities. She might introduce you to her friends. And one of her friends may like you and may be even more attractive, and better yet, the first woman is going to be on your side and speak well for you.

    I can't tell you how many times I have seen beautiful, drop dead gorgeous women sitting alone all night at a bar because guys were afraid to talk to them. It could be fear of rejection. It could be lack of confidence or maybe they think that they must be taken. How did I find that out? By having the confidence to approach and talk to them. The other women there will notice that too, because you better believe that they notice each other. I can't tell you how many times I felt like Bond waking up on Goldfinger's plane thinking he was dreaming because I had the confidence to do what other guys were afraid to do. Beautiful women are often more lonely than guys think they are because of the conclusions guys draw about them.

    Finally, I took the time to write this because these things I mention worked for me, and I want to help my fellow Bond brothers here if I can. I'm not a great looking guy like the Bond actors. But I wanted to have hot women of the kind that I saw Bond with since I was a kid. I was a high school loser until I was a senior. Not surprising. I had glasses and braces and was socially inept. I worked hard at improving how I looked with contacts and getting my braces off. On how I dressed, how I smelled, and how I interacted with people. My male friends who were successful gave me a lot of good advice, and my female friends as well.

    I built confidence and didn't let anyone, let alone myself, define what I could and couldn't accomplish. And I wound up accomplishing far more than I could have ever hoped for in terms of quality and volume. And the best thing of all I accomplished through all my experiences was winning the love of my late wife, who I miss beyond words. I wish you all happiness and much love in your life.

    More to come later today. There are just a lot of SirHenry quotes I want to share ... because he had some great things to say - thoughtful things, funny things, and because we miss him - yet really want to celebrate him this week.

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    SirHenry's take on a variety of things - B-)

    What’s important

    To me, whatever your race, religious creed, etc, etc, it comes down to either you are a good person or an asshole.

    To put it bluntly … :!!

    I can put it another way – is there a difference between day old and 2 day old shit? Both stink pretty bad.
    You obviously think your opinion is better than us poor wretched folk, so please don't let the door hit you in the ass while you carry your big ball of superiority out.

    On CGI

    CGI can be very useful and even necessary in certain mediums. It's the form called "virtual cinematography" (used to create scenes that would have been impossible, or exceedingly time consuming to do within traditional cinematography) that's become the issue. Once the proverbial "Pandora's Box" was opened with the Matrix films, too many have used it as a shortcut for stuntwork and models. Lazy film making.

    Matt Helm films ;;)

    The Helm films are all babe-a-paloozas and great entertainment, but they are also so bad (bad in a good way) that they make Flint look like Shakespeare by comparison. Dino basically lampoons himself as much as the spyfy genre. Love the drinking and driving scene, where he actually makes himself a drink as he's driving.

    Sharon Tate's undie dance while lighting a smoke for Helm and fixing him up with a drink in TWC. Didn't get much better than that Sometimes I think they just don't make women like her and Talitha Pol Getty anymore.

    Nancy Kwan, Elke Sommer, Tina Louise, what a smorgasbord. This was probably my favorite Helm film. I still laugh at Ann-Margret's epileptic 60's dancing in Murderer's Row, my fave Helm theme song. Still can't believe Ann didn't dislocate something


    On my way to the chocolate capital of the world, Hershey, Pennsylvania, for my annual pilgrimage to the 3 day state high school wrestling tournament. I was a wrestler myself and have been involved with my local community in many different functions, including the occasional paid article for the local newspaper, for over 10 years now so this is fun time as the season will end Saturday night.
    I was a fan when Bruno was champ as a little kid, and once had a part time wrestling video business and made some nice extra cash on the side before my kids were born. Got to know a lot of people in the biz back then.


    And more to come ... thanks for joining us for our salute to SirHenryLeeChaChing!

  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    edited November 2014 Posts: 15,304
    That is one of the most moving tributes, and certainly one of the best posts that this forum has ever seen @4EverBonded.
    Thank you so much for the time and effort you've put into this salute. and of course to @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7 for the wonderful artwork.
    Greg was certainly a character. I was just looking back at some of our messages to one another, and they made me smile today as they did when I first read. I miss him. The forum misses him. He was one of a kind, and had a way of putting things as only he could. Sadly he can no longer be with us. But he wont ever be forgotten with the members who remember and loved his posts.
    Happy birthday Greg.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Thanks very much, Benny. I know Greg went way back with you. Thanks for joining us here. :) I hope other folks who have PMs from Greg take some time this week to go back and read them again. The ones I have with Greg certainly bring a smile to my face, too.

    So now, even though I am many hours ahead, I think it is time to raise a toast again, as it is November 4th now in the U.S. - Happy Birthday, Greg! To our wonderful friend whom we will keep in our hearts: SirHenry! And here again is the special birthday salute, by our one and only 0BradyM0Bondfanatic7:


    I'm nodding off soon, but I'll be sharing plenty of more quotes from SirHenry in about 9 hours. Do continue posting as you perhaps think of something you'd like to share about SirHenry or just chat about him.
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,596
    I looked back to the discussion I had with him through PM, and one thing stands out the most: he was very adamant things here should run smoothly. That's what we talked most about. The last pm I send him was for his birthday. His reply: Thank you Mr. Spock may you also live long and prosper :)

    Well, since he can't anymore, I think the task is upon us.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    edited November 2014 Posts: 24,520
    A happy B-day to Greg. Wherever you are, rock on, man, rock on!


    And may I say, that story about Greg's life, his experiences and stories, expertly compiled and presented by @4EverBonded, are a joy to read. Like a character from a great book. Thank you, 4Ever! :-)

    I only knew Greg on the Internet. We talked via keyboard. And I'm still looking for that backspace button...
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    If you read this, Happy Birthday indeed!
  • SandySandy Somewhere in Europe
    Posts: 4,012
    Wherever you are, happy birthday @SirHenry!
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Thank you, @CommanderRoss. Indeed this forum (and especially this thread) meant a good deal to SirHenry. He set a great example, didn't he? We shall soldier on the best we can; I appreciate your sharing that.

    Thanks to you also, dear @Thunderfinger and @DarthDimi and Sandy. :) I think Greg would especially appreciate that particular head banging cartoon, Dimi.

    So now I am continuing, celebrating SirHenry's birthday and life with ...

    SirHenry's take on short hair for women -

    Hair in LTK - I guess it's me, but in my experience younger women with these type of haircuts are usually the butch type and I just feel after the wig removal there was a real lack of femininity coupled with Pam being naturally tough to begin with, just too tomboyish for a leading Bond girl. Aside from that I love her character and, well, I've got Talisa for my eye candy often enough that it provides a nice contrast.

    Hair in AVTAK
    Next up (I am shuddering over here) is Jamaican actress/model Grace Jones as May Day. Here I have to strictly react to her as a woman and say WHY, WHY, WHY in the name of all that is holy was a love scene with her and Bond or Zorin something we needed to see? Even my son shuts his eyes during these parts. Whoever hired her as a model and thought men would like this vision of Halloween horror must be legally blind. Matter of fact, if I put a likeness of her ugly, snarling, teeth gnashing mug out on my front doorstep this or any Halloween, every kid on the block would be too scared to come and get their candy. And I didn't even get to that hairstyle, but knowing Jones she came in with her own and the hairstyle artist here was saved the job of having her physically restrained, or a getting a black eye at the least.

    Next up is English actress Fiona Fullerton as KGB agent Pola Ivanova. Love the look on her face when her and Gogol realize Bond's had her in more than one way. Not much else and an awful haircut revisited all too often in the 1980's ruins her for me as far as personal taste.

    Even worse is the haircut perpetrated on Irish actress/model Alison Doody as Zorin henchwoman Jenny Flex. Nooooooo! Alison was the hottest woman here and I thought she would really class up the cast, but what is normally chicken cordon bleu for me had officially become chicken s**t in this instance thanks to "happy scissors" giving her a mullet!

    QOS - Corinne (Stana) (Re the return of her character is another Bond film)
    As long as she doesn't have the "bowl" haircut this time, I wouldn't care. It's how she measures up lying next to Craig that I'm more interested in.

    Jinx’s hair in DAD
    I agree with him that Halle is a stunning woman on a physical level, her features are about perfect, don't care for her haircut then or now but I'd make an exception in her case.

    SirHenry thought Jane had quite lovely hair ...


    SirHenry gnashed his teeth over Carey's (Pam) hair ...


    We are segueing soon to our next major SirHenry topic (SirHenry's Favorite Bond Girls!), but let's also take a quick peek at his thoughts about Moneypenny.

    SirHenry's take on Moneypenny -
    (And yes, SirHenry hated Samantha's hair after it was cut short)

    SirHenry said:
    I feel conjecture about Bond and Moneypenny ever sleeping with the other to be just that. Fleming never wrote about it, and his answer to the question when asked was that he "supposed" it could have happened. When even the author and creator can't answer confidently, we should never presume to know the answer either. Interestingly though, with SF telling the story about how Bond and Moneypenny met, here was a chance to answer that. And we saw what the answer was, which was flirtation was one thing but more than that was not going to happen. It was the perfect time to do it, alone in Macao, no one to ever know, but it doesn't happen because it never did. I really enjoyed Harris and the interaction with Bond, it showed the same type of class that Lois brought us. The jury over here is still out on our new Q, but Harris' take met all my expectations and hopefully they won't slip back into the Brosnan era in this respect.

    Moneypenny and the virtual reality scene in DAD:
    Another puzzling statement Nic makes here is "the jury is still out on the well received to some but ill conceived to others end joke when Moneypenny's dreams come true". I never realized anyone with a sense of Bond history would receive this well on any level. All that was missing was "Dirk Diggler" entering the scene naked with his oversized schlong. It makes Moneypenny look as tarty as Jinx and to me is the ultimate example of why I mostly loathed this version, for someone raised on Lois I cannot seriously rationalize that this and all the smutty lines were a positive change in the character. Even Caroline Bliss' version, which I didn't much care for either and am not defending as necessarily better, was at least on point in the spirit of her flirtations.

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